Eternal Quitters > JoeC Eternal quit date: 03-Aug-2018
Eternal Write Up
Richard K:
Quit date: 13-Mar-2016
Eternal quit date: 03-Aug-2018
Tribute to JoeC from the June Platoon 16 quitters!!
Joseph Patrick Carr died suddenly and unexpectedly on Aug. 3, 2018, from heart failure. He was 30 years old.
Joe was kind of like a son to me, being the same age as my middle daughter. He would call me from time to time, usually to get my take on how he should handle some problem he was having with his mother. He had just turned 30 when he died. He loved to talk sports and politics, and could keep up with anyone on either topic. - wildirish317
Joe was such a unique individual. Very rarely in life do you cross paths with people who can find common ground with anyone. Sports, literature, business, politics, movies, music, travel, on and on. Joe was so firmly in that select group of people. It is not by accident that he found himself lobbying in rooms with very important people from all different walks of life. He was brilliantly suited to do just that, and it showed in the success he had. In his interactions with our entire group of quitters, as well as one-on-one, Joe so effortlessly wove together fierce truth, perfect wit, and genuine empathy. He impacted my life in a few very tangible ways and countless intangible ways. I miss Joe. Always will. Rest easy, brother. - Sacksyboy
Joe was a great guy with a passion for sports and politics. He was an intelligent person that could find a way to have a conversation with a wall. He always found a reason to laugh and his laughter was infectious. He was fiercely loyal to his friends and genuinely wanted to know about their lives. I didn't get a chance to personally meet Joe or take him up on his offer to fly out and catch a Rockies game with his companies season tickets but I'll always remember him as being the kind of guy that could give me shit for being a Red Sox fan and in the same breath ask how my wife is doing and let me know he had jewelry for her when we met. I'm proud to have quit with Joe. RIP brother. - RSNftw
JoeC aka Joe Carr. He was the first guy on KTC that I friended on FB. I had a running feud with a turd wagon liberal and Joe loved that I could mash him up from time to time. Joe was a Republican upstart and a lobbyist. He loved to stir the shit and invite me to his class reunion FB page to stir up his Colorado Liberal friends….. well one girl in particular…, she didn't take the bait. Joe was a great asset to the June platoon and a friend to all.
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