Eternal Quitters > JoeC Eternal quit date: 03-Aug-2018
First time, long time "Intro"
7:03 PM - Mar 13, 2016 #1
Greetings from beautiful Colorado, my name is Joe and I feel like a first time caller, long time listener to KTC after discovering the site/community about two years ago (in fact discovering Smokey Mountain Snuff via KTC). At 27, going on 28, I've been dipping pretty consistently for about 11 years, usually around a can of Copenhagen a day until December 2015 when I ratcheted it back to a 1/2 can or so a day of Skoal Mint/XTRA.
Like a lot of folks, I used it as a crutch to get through the daily stress of college, grad school, work--or while golfing, skiing, you name it--not realizing how much a "quick dip here or a quick dip there" really added up and created such an addict out of me. On Friday, I decided to completely quit, having gotten fed up with myself for some many failed attempts at quit dates before and continually telling everyone I know that I'm successfully quitting. As I roll past the 48 hour mark--and it's taken me only an hour to write these few measly sentences--"The Fog" everyone refers to certainly seems very real at this point. The support of friends, family and colleagues has been fantastic, but I finally decided to bite the bullet, man up and join KTC.
7:09 PM - Mar 13, 2016 #2
Nomore1959 wrote
--- Quote from: JoeC ---Greetings from beautiful Colorado, my name is Joe and I feel like a first time caller, long time listener to KTC after discovering the site/community about two years ago (in fact discovering Smokey Mountain Snuff via KTC). At 27, going on 28, I've been dipping pretty consistently for about 11 years, usually around a can of Copenhagen a day until December 2015 when I ratcheted it back to a 1/2 can or so a day of Skoal Mint/XTRA.
Like a lot of folks, I used it as a crutch to get through the daily stress of college, grad school, work--or while golfing, skiing, you name it--not realizing how much a "quick dip here or a quick dip there" really added up and created such an addict out of me. On Friday, I decided to completely quit, having gotten fed up with myself for some many failed attempts at quit dates before and continually telling everyone I know that I'm successfully quitting. As I roll past the 48 hour mark--and it's taken me only an hour to write these few measly sentences--"The Fog" everyone refers to certainly seems very real at this point. The support of friends, family and colleagues has been fantastic, but I finally decided to bite the bullet, man up and join KTC.
--- End quote ---
Congratulations on a great decision. Welcome to KTC!
Join the June 2016 quit group, post roll every day with those quitters. Accountability from fellow addicts can be more on topic than family and friends. (The more the merrier, but family and friends may not understand the addiction we live with).
On the fog, the suck, and general early quit misery: drink lots of water, exercise til you drop, and spend time reading here on the site, in the live quit chat, wherever. You have another day or so to wash the nicotine out of your system, then quit will change a bit. Eventually it gets better than you can imagine.
nodipinthislip Wrote
7:24 PM - Mar 13, 2016 #3
don't focus on "the suck" will do you no good....when it is happening get to your quit group about it to get it out of your system...and then move on...sometimes the suck isn't as bad as it is for others.....focus on the fact that it will and does get better...I am only on my third week of my quit and i have had feelings of euphoria about not being a slave to that shit...its a good can do can choose how hard or easy you want it to be....dip has never given me a feeling as good as being quit has, not even close
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