Author Topic: "Dad you eat Dirt" (4 year old daughter)  (Read 4776 times)

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Re: "Dad you eat Dirt" (4 year old daughter)
« Reply #49 on: October 25, 2013, 09:41:00 PM »
Quote from: wmcatty
Quote from: Romandog
Quote from: sportsfan231
Quote from: Evil_Won
Quote from: wmcatty
Posted in December '13 today for Moka.

Moka, it appears the writing is on the wall. With a 43% roll posting 1/2 way to the Hall, you are almost destined for failure. Some of the leaders of "your" quit group want you gone completely. What have you got to say for yourself as to why you less than half ass posted roll? You owe these men an explanation other than your post today "First i would like to apologize my roll has sucked and there are no excuses. I would like to continue my quit with my group that I started with. I know I am going to get a bashed pretty hard but I know I need this group and support to continue my quit".

1) Why did you only post roll 21 times out of 51 days quit?
2) Do you have a pc or a telephone?
3) Do you travel daily to foreign third world countries that do not have internet and/or telephone service?
4) What will you do differently now that you have been called out for unacceptable inactions and failure to account to your group?
5) What happened to you that made you aware of your need for the groups continued support?
At the very least you owe your brothers a sincere explanation to the questions proffered above. The ball is in your court now.

PS: Moka, remember your post on Sept. 5, where you said: I apologize for disparaging my former group. It was not intended to0 insult that group and the effort they have put in. It was poorly worded and again I apologize. This is about me wanting to quit tobacco. I am an addict and I am fully aware of that now. If protocol is I go back to my original group and ask for forgiveness i will surely do that. If I move forward with a new group I am ready to embrace them and let them know of my struggles. In the end what I am going to do different which has been asked my others in this thread and inbox is committment. While actions speak louder then words and it really comes down to being accountable for my actions, to my group, to my family and to myself. Not looking for instant forgiveness but I am committed to doing this and I need KTC's help...

I am not 100% sure, but I think this is a job for the Romandog...if he will agree to have and mentor you. Just food for thought Moka.
Maybe his next group will be knitted tight enough for his liking.
Hey wmcatty, folks,

Thanks for the consideration, but unfortunately I have too many things going on professionally and in my personal life right now that prevent me from investing the kind of time into this guy that it may require to get him on track.. Basically, if he wants to get off of nicotine badly enough then he will find it within himself somewhere to make the changes he needs to make. The guy that I dealt with earlier decided that he was going to outlast me, and not give me the satisfaction of running him off the site..

Looks to me like you all have it well in hand anyway.. I'm not some special enforcer on this site.. Not even a mod, let alone an admin.. Just another quitter like you.. Keep doing what you are doing..

Moka, on this site in general we:
- Don't put up with nic-brain excuses
- Don't buy into any sort of victim mentality
- Expect the same dedication out of quitters as we have in our own quit

If you want to play at being quit, want us to coddle you, tell you "Ahh.. too bad, sorry that little plant was stronger than you this time, you can always try again." then there are sites that will do that.

This ain't one of them.

Obviously it's time to put up or go away.


Romandog - Day 922
Thank you Mark. As I told you and the leaders in Dec. '13, I sent Moka a pm yesterday and asked him to contact me as it appeared he needed someone in his corner. As you can probably guess, he has not contacted me either by phone or pm. Accountability is a simple word but its demands on those that need it most seem to far outweigh its grasp. Anyway, thank you for consideration of this matter and for the kind words and encouragement. Wayne
I think it's time we move on from this one. He's obviously a lost cause.
Quit Date: 09/06/13
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Re: "Dad you eat Dirt" (4 year old daughter)
« Reply #48 on: October 25, 2013, 05:02:00 PM »
Quote from: Romandog
Quote from: sportsfan231
Quote from: Evil_Won
Quote from: wmcatty
Posted in December '13 today for Moka.

Moka, it appears the writing is on the wall. With a 43% roll posting 1/2 way to the Hall, you are almost destined for failure. Some of the leaders of "your" quit group want you gone completely. What have you got to say for yourself as to why you less than half ass posted roll? You owe these men an explanation other than your post today "First i would like to apologize my roll has sucked and there are no excuses. I would like to continue my quit with my group that I started with. I know I am going to get a bashed pretty hard but I know I need this group and support to continue my quit".

1) Why did you only post roll 21 times out of 51 days quit?
2) Do you have a pc or a telephone?
3) Do you travel daily to foreign third world countries that do not have internet and/or telephone service?
4) What will you do differently now that you have been called out for unacceptable inactions and failure to account to your group?
5) What happened to you that made you aware of your need for the groups continued support?
At the very least you owe your brothers a sincere explanation to the questions proffered above. The ball is in your court now.

PS: Moka, remember your post on Sept. 5, where you said: I apologize for disparaging my former group. It was not intended to0 insult that group and the effort they have put in. It was poorly worded and again I apologize. This is about me wanting to quit tobacco. I am an addict and I am fully aware of that now. If protocol is I go back to my original group and ask for forgiveness i will surely do that. If I move forward with a new group I am ready to embrace them and let them know of my struggles. In the end what I am going to do different which has been asked my others in this thread and inbox is committment. While actions speak louder then words and it really comes down to being accountable for my actions, to my group, to my family and to myself. Not looking for instant forgiveness but I am committed to doing this and I need KTC's help...

I am not 100% sure, but I think this is a job for the Romandog...if he will agree to have and mentor you. Just food for thought Moka.
Maybe his next group will be knitted tight enough for his liking.
Hey wmcatty, folks,

Thanks for the consideration, but unfortunately I have too many things going on professionally and in my personal life right now that prevent me from investing the kind of time into this guy that it may require to get him on track.. Basically, if he wants to get off of nicotine badly enough then he will find it within himself somewhere to make the changes he needs to make. The guy that I dealt with earlier decided that he was going to outlast me, and not give me the satisfaction of running him off the site..

Looks to me like you all have it well in hand anyway.. I'm not some special enforcer on this site.. Not even a mod, let alone an admin.. Just another quitter like you.. Keep doing what you are doing..

Moka, on this site in general we:
- Don't put up with nic-brain excuses
- Don't buy into any sort of victim mentality
- Expect the same dedication out of quitters as we have in our own quit

If you want to play at being quit, want us to coddle you, tell you "Ahh.. too bad, sorry that little plant was stronger than you this time, you can always try again." then there are sites that will do that.

This ain't one of them.

Obviously it's time to put up or go away.


Romandog - Day 922
Thank you Mark. As I told you and the leaders in Dec. '13, I sent Moka a pm yesterday and asked him to contact me as it appeared he needed someone in his corner. As you can probably guess, he has not contacted me either by phone or pm. Accountability is a simple word but its demands on those that need it most seem to far outweigh its grasp. Anyway, thank you for consideration of this matter and for the kind words and encouragement. Wayne
"Life's tough......It's even tougher if you're stupid."
-John Wayne

Offline Romandog

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Re: "Dad you eat Dirt" (4 year old daughter)
« Reply #47 on: October 25, 2013, 11:02:00 AM »
Quote from: sportsfan231
Quote from: Evil_Won
Quote from: wmcatty
Posted in December '13 today for Moka.

Moka, it appears the writing is on the wall. With a 43% roll posting 1/2 way to the Hall, you are almost destined for failure. Some of the leaders of "your" quit group want you gone completely. What have you got to say for yourself as to why you less than half ass posted roll? You owe these men an explanation other than your post today "First i would like to apologize my roll has sucked and there are no excuses. I would like to continue my quit with my group that I started with. I know I am going to get a bashed pretty hard but I know I need this group and support to continue my quit".

1) Why did you only post roll 21 times out of 51 days quit?
2) Do you have a pc or a telephone?
3) Do you travel daily to foreign third world countries that do not have internet and/or telephone service?
4) What will you do differently now that you have been called out for unacceptable inactions and failure to account to your group?
5) What happened to you that made you aware of your need for the groups continued support?
At the very least you owe your brothers a sincere explanation to the questions proffered above. The ball is in your court now.

PS: Moka, remember your post on Sept. 5, where you said: I apologize for disparaging my former group. It was not intended to0 insult that group and the effort they have put in. It was poorly worded and again I apologize. This is about me wanting to quit tobacco. I am an addict and I am fully aware of that now. If protocol is I go back to my original group and ask for forgiveness i will surely do that. If I move forward with a new group I am ready to embrace them and let them know of my struggles. In the end what I am going to do different which has been asked my others in this thread and inbox is committment. While actions speak louder then words and it really comes down to being accountable for my actions, to my group, to my family and to myself. Not looking for instant forgiveness but I am committed to doing this and I need KTC's help...

I am not 100% sure, but I think this is a job for the Romandog...if he will agree to have and mentor you. Just food for thought Moka.
Maybe his next group will be knitted tight enough for his liking.
Hey wmcatty, folks,

Thanks for the consideration, but unfortunately I have too many things going on professionally and in my personal life right now that prevent me from investing the kind of time into this guy that it may require to get him on track.. Basically, if he wants to get off of nicotine badly enough then he will find it within himself somewhere to make the changes he needs to make. The guy that I dealt with earlier decided that he was going to outlast me, and not give me the satisfaction of running him off the site..

Looks to me like you all have it well in hand anyway.. I'm not some special enforcer on this site.. Not even a mod, let alone an admin.. Just another quitter like you.. Keep doing what you are doing..

Moka, on this site in general we:
- Don't put up with nic-brain excuses
- Don't buy into any sort of victim mentality
- Expect the same dedication out of quitters as we have in our own quit

If you want to play at being quit, want us to coddle you, tell you "Ahh.. too bad, sorry that little plant was stronger than you this time, you can always try again." then there are sites that will do that.

This ain't one of them.

Obviously it's time to put up or go away.


Romandog - Day 922
July 2011 Tornadoes of Quit
Since April 18, 2011, 08:42:00 AM

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Re: "Dad you eat Dirt" (4 year old daughter)
« Reply #46 on: October 25, 2013, 07:54:00 AM »
Quote from: Evil_Won
Quote from: wmcatty
Posted in December '13 today for Moka.

Moka, it appears the writing is on the wall. With a 43% roll posting 1/2 way to the Hall, you are almost destined for failure. Some of the leaders of "your" quit group want you gone completely. What have you got to say for yourself as to why you less than half ass posted roll? You owe these men an explanation other than your post today "First i would like to apologize my roll has sucked and there are no excuses. I would like to continue my quit with my group that I started with. I know I am going to get a bashed pretty hard but I know I need this group and support to continue my quit".

1) Why did you only post roll 21 times out of 51 days quit?
2) Do you have a pc or a telephone?
3) Do you travel daily to foreign third world countries that do not have internet and/or telephone service?
4) What will you do differently now that you have been called out for unacceptable inactions and failure to account to your group?
5) What happened to you that made you aware of your need for the groups continued support?
At the very least you owe your brothers a sincere explanation to the questions proffered above. The ball is in your court now.

PS: Moka, remember your post on Sept. 5, where you said: I apologize for disparaging my former group. It was not intended to0 insult that group and the effort they have put in. It was poorly worded and again I apologize. This is about me wanting to quit tobacco. I am an addict and I am fully aware of that now. If protocol is I go back to my original group and ask for forgiveness i will surely do that. If I move forward with a new group I am ready to embrace them and let them know of my struggles. In the end what I am going to do different which has been asked my others in this thread and inbox is committment. While actions speak louder then words and it really comes down to being accountable for my actions, to my group, to my family and to myself. Not looking for instant forgiveness but I am committed to doing this and I need KTC's help...

I am not 100% sure, but I think this is a job for the Romandog...if he will agree to have and mentor you. Just food for thought Moka.
Maybe his next group will be knitted tight enough for his liking.

Offline Evil_Won

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Re: "Dad you eat Dirt" (4 year old daughter)
« Reply #45 on: October 24, 2013, 11:04:00 PM »
Quote from: wmcatty
Posted in December '13 today for Moka.

Moka, it appears the writing is on the wall. With a 43% roll posting 1/2 way to the Hall, you are almost destined for failure. Some of the leaders of "your" quit group want you gone completely. What have you got to say for yourself as to why you less than half ass posted roll? You owe these men an explanation other than your post today "First i would like to apologize my roll has sucked and there are no excuses. I would like to continue my quit with my group that I started with. I know I am going to get a bashed pretty hard but I know I need this group and support to continue my quit".

1) Why did you only post roll 21 times out of 51 days quit?
2) Do you have a pc or a telephone?
3) Do you travel daily to foreign third world countries that do not have internet and/or telephone service?
4) What will you do differently now that you have been called out for unacceptable inactions and failure to account to your group?
5) What happened to you that made you aware of your need for the groups continued support?
At the very least you owe your brothers a sincere explanation to the questions proffered above. The ball is in your court now.

PS: Moka, remember your post on Sept. 5, where you said: I apologize for disparaging my former group. It was not intended to0 insult that group and the effort they have put in. It was poorly worded and again I apologize. This is about me wanting to quit tobacco. I am an addict and I am fully aware of that now. If protocol is I go back to my original group and ask for forgiveness i will surely do that. If I move forward with a new group I am ready to embrace them and let them know of my struggles. In the end what I am going to do different which has been asked my others in this thread and inbox is committment. While actions speak louder then words and it really comes down to being accountable for my actions, to my group, to my family and to myself. Not looking for instant forgiveness but I am committed to doing this and I need KTC's help...

I am not 100% sure, but I think this is a job for the Romandog...if he will agree to have and mentor you. Just food for thought Moka.
Maybe his next group will be knitted tight enough for his liking.
"Dunno about you HP, but LOOT doesn't like getting assfucked, by anyone....and certainly won't chalk it up to 'shit happens'."

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Re: "Dad you eat Dirt" (4 year old daughter)
« Reply #44 on: October 24, 2013, 07:44:00 PM »
Posted in December '13 today for Moka.

Moka, it appears the writing is on the wall. With a 43% roll posting 1/2 way to the Hall, you are almost destined for failure. Some of the leaders of "your" quit group want you gone completely. What have you got to say for yourself as to why you less than half ass posted roll? You owe these men an explanation other than your post today "First i would like to apologize my roll has sucked and there are no excuses. I would like to continue my quit with my group that I started with. I know I am going to get a bashed pretty hard but I know I need this group and support to continue my quit".

1) Why did you only post roll 21 times out of 51 days quit?
2) Do you have a pc or a telephone?
3) Do you travel daily to foreign third world countries that do not have internet and/or telephone service?
4) What will you do differently now that you have been called out for unacceptable inactions and failure to account to your group?
5) What happened to you that made you aware of your need for the groups continued support?
At the very least you owe your brothers a sincere explanation to the questions proffered above. The ball is in your court now.

PS: Moka, remember your post on Sept. 5, where you said: I apologize for disparaging my former group. It was not intended to0 insult that group and the effort they have put in. It was poorly worded and again I apologize. This is about me wanting to quit tobacco. I am an addict and I am fully aware of that now. If protocol is I go back to my original group and ask for forgiveness i will surely do that. If I move forward with a new group I am ready to embrace them and let them know of my struggles. In the end what I am going to do different which has been asked my others in this thread and inbox is committment. While actions speak louder then words and it really comes down to being accountable for my actions, to my group, to my family and to myself. Not looking for instant forgiveness but I am committed to doing this and I need KTC's help...

I am not 100% sure, but I think this is a job for the Romandog...if he will agree to have and mentor you. Just food for thought Moka.
"Life's tough......It's even tougher if you're stupid."
-John Wayne

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Re: "Dad you eat Dirt" (4 year old daughter)
« Reply #43 on: October 24, 2013, 07:02:00 PM »
Bump for Dec to read. I noticed some drama going on with you fellas. Moka has been down this road. You cant waste time on a guy who doesn't get it and Moka obviously doesn't get it yet.


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Re: "Dad you eat Dirt" (4 year old daughter)
« Reply #42 on: September 11, 2013, 08:56:00 AM »
Quote from: Sharsky
Post as early as you can w/Dec. 13. 
Post every dam day w/Dec 13.
Actions DO speak louder than words, so I also encourage you to:
Post as early as you can w/Jan. 13 JackWagins.
Post every dam day w/Jan. 13 JackWagins.
Make sure you check for bumps...if you've visited our roll page, you will understand that bumps happen.  Traffic can be thick at times.
Your words to the Wagins spoke pretty loud.
Those actions every dam day will get louder than those words at some point.
Your actions are speaking pretty loud post yesterday? 50% roll post record???

Some tight knit stuff you have going on there......
January '13 Jackwagins
Quit Date:  October 12, 2012

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Re: "Dad you eat Dirt" (4 year old daughter)
« Reply #41 on: September 06, 2013, 09:08:00 PM »
Quote from: Evil_Won
Typical day in the life (specifically today) of a Jackwagin (me):

1. Wake up and Post Roll - non debatable
2. Scan the Roll to see who is quit so far today.
3. Pretend to do work at work but really just read stuff on KTC, call out Dbags where needed, help others where i can, spread my name across KTC like a social disease at the truck stop, and laugh at the banter in various posts in our thread that have nothing to do with Quit.
4. Revisit Roll and compare it to the spreadsheet. If someone is missing shoot them a text asking why they are not on roll if they are indeed quit.
5. When text is received stating said Jackwagin is indeed quit today, post roll for brother-in-quit.
6. Bask in Jackwagin awesomeness.
7. Repeat tomorrow.


That's the way we roll in Jan. 13'.

I wanna be a Jackwagin when I grow up!!

Good stuff from Evil. Pay attention. Proud to quit with MY group and the Wagins every day.
Well, it’s one louder, isn’t it? It’s not ten.

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Re: "Dad you eat Dirt" (4 year old daughter)
« Reply #40 on: September 06, 2013, 07:18:00 PM »
Typical day in the life (specifically today) of a Jackwagin (me):

1. Wake up and Post Roll - non debatable
2. Scan the Roll to see who is quit so far today.
3. Pretend to do work at work but really just read stuff on KTC, call out Dbags where needed, help others where i can, spread my name across KTC like a social disease at the truck stop, and laugh at the banter in various posts in our thread that have nothing to do with Quit.
4. Revisit Roll and compare it to the spreadsheet. If someone is missing shoot them a text asking why they are not on roll if they are indeed quit.
5. When text is received stating said Jackwagin is indeed quit today, post roll for brother-in-quit.
6. Bask in Jackwagin awesomeness.
7. Repeat tomorrow.


That's the way we roll in Jan. 13'.
"Dunno about you HP, but LOOT doesn't like getting assfucked, by anyone....and certainly won't chalk it up to 'shit happens'."

Offline Sportsfan231

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Re: "Dad you eat Dirt" (4 year old daughter)
« Reply #39 on: September 06, 2013, 05:57:00 AM »
Quote from: Nolaq
Quote from: OneImpressiveBall
Quote from: Sharsky
Quote from: sportsfan231
Quote from: Evil_Won
Quote from: moka2620
I apologize for disparaging my former group.  It was not intended to0 insult that group and the effort they have put in.  It was poorly worded and again I apologize.  This is about me wanting to quit tobacco.  I am an addict and I am fully aware of that now.  If protocol is I go back to my original group and ask for forgiveness i will surely do that.  If I move forward with a new group I am ready to embrace them and let them know of my struggles.  In the end what I am going to do different which has been asked my others in this thread and inbox is committment.  While actions speak louder then words and it really comes down to being accountable for my actions, to my group, to my family and to myself.  Not looking for instant forgiveness but I am committed to doing this and I need KTC's help...
1) Post roll everyday in Dec 13.
2) Take a leadership role there. ENGAGE with all of them and in KTC.
3) Post roll in Jan 13 again, every day.

Show us you want this by actions, not hollow words.
i agree come post with us daily after you post with December dont worry we will be there. post today i think we have some room. pm if you want a contact
Post as early as you can w/Dec. 13.
Post every dam day w/Dec 13.
Actions DO speak louder than words, so I also encourage you to:
Post as early as you can w/Jan. 13 JackWagins.
Post every dam day w/Jan. 13 JackWagins.
Make sure you check for bumps...if you've visited our roll page, you will understand that bumps happen. Traffic can be thick at times.
Your words to the Wagins spoke pretty loud.
Those actions every dam day will get louder than those words at some point.
I'm laughing here. It's a good thing I didn't check in for the past few hours.

Let's ignore the silly "Jack Wagins aren't a tight group" comment. What the fuck does that have to do with YOUR quit, moka? If your quit group isn't tight enough to give you support, you fucking make it tight. Why do you think it is that so many of the Jack Wagins still post roll every day? We just got lucky? Fell in a giant vat of quit? NO.

Guys like Sportsfan, Evil, epayne, 22skidoo, sharsky, pilotandy, dixie23, KLS, DipThis, our own lovable retread coachmorris, MikeinAz, zeno, jbradley, dipthis, OG White, ADMann, RLewis, JHaenel, Georgia32, 1bignordic, JMAC, mickey 24, ajamesion, and yes even Mr. "I post in Hawaii time" sferguson stepped forward and LED our group to being tight nit. LED us forward to staying quit. LED us together. Why? To make friends or score internet points? Fuck no. TO HOLD THEMSELVES AND EACH OTHER ACCOUNTABLE. Behavior I do not see coming from you, moka.

Did you even see that I called you out in December 13 this morning? Have you answered the 3 questions IN YOUR GROUP? Have you answered them in January 13?

You're making nice noises about quitting. That's great, and you've managed to get good and sincere advice from Sportsfan, Evil, and Sharsky - three VERY well regarded Jack Wagins who have been quit for the entire time over the last 300+ days that you were stuffing you piehole with cancer weed. I recommend that you post your answers in the appropriate places, accept all the help that's been offered, post roll every day, and take all the advice that's down below.

January Jack Wagins aren't tight . . . classic. I donated all my free time to your ass today solely because you managed to show up 22 times to post roll with me almost a year ago. Ponder that.
^^^this is why this place works.

Quit wood.
you will have to want this that means getting up in the morning and posting your promise not to use today its not a status.

then come post with us the Jan 13 Jackwagins and learn then take it back to your group be a leader.

get contacts lots of them make your self so big that people know that you are missing.

Give a shit(epayne)be here more then just roll..stick around become a friend.

ask me for my contact and i will have your back but you have to use it in good times and bad.

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Re: "Dad you eat Dirt" (4 year old daughter)
« Reply #38 on: September 05, 2013, 11:12:00 PM »
Quote from: OneImpressiveBall
Quote from: Sharsky
Quote from: sportsfan231
Quote from: Evil_Won
Quote from: moka2620
I apologize for disparaging my former group.  It was not intended to0 insult that group and the effort they have put in.  It was poorly worded and again I apologize.  This is about me wanting to quit tobacco.  I am an addict and I am fully aware of that now.  If protocol is I go back to my original group and ask for forgiveness i will surely do that.  If I move forward with a new group I am ready to embrace them and let them know of my struggles.  In the end what I am going to do different which has been asked my others in this thread and inbox is committment.  While actions speak louder then words and it really comes down to being accountable for my actions, to my group, to my family and to myself.  Not looking for instant forgiveness but I am committed to doing this and I need KTC's help...
1) Post roll everyday in Dec 13.
2) Take a leadership role there. ENGAGE with all of them and in KTC.
3) Post roll in Jan 13 again, every day.

Show us you want this by actions, not hollow words.
i agree come post with us daily after you post with December dont worry we will be there. post today i think we have some room. pm if you want a contact
Post as early as you can w/Dec. 13.
Post every dam day w/Dec 13.
Actions DO speak louder than words, so I also encourage you to:
Post as early as you can w/Jan. 13 JackWagins.
Post every dam day w/Jan. 13 JackWagins.
Make sure you check for bumps...if you've visited our roll page, you will understand that bumps happen. Traffic can be thick at times.
Your words to the Wagins spoke pretty loud.
Those actions every dam day will get louder than those words at some point.
I'm laughing here. It's a good thing I didn't check in for the past few hours.

Let's ignore the silly "Jack Wagins aren't a tight group" comment. What the fuck does that have to do with YOUR quit, moka? If your quit group isn't tight enough to give you support, you fucking make it tight. Why do you think it is that so many of the Jack Wagins still post roll every day? We just got lucky? Fell in a giant vat of quit? NO.

Guys like Sportsfan, Evil, epayne, 22skidoo, sharsky, pilotandy, dixie23, KLS, DipThis, our own lovable retread coachmorris, MikeinAz, zeno, jbradley, dipthis, OG White, ADMann, RLewis, JHaenel, Georgia32, 1bignordic, JMAC, mickey 24, ajamesion, and yes even Mr. "I post in Hawaii time" sferguson stepped forward and LED our group to being tight nit. LED us forward to staying quit. LED us together. Why? To make friends or score internet points? Fuck no. TO HOLD THEMSELVES AND EACH OTHER ACCOUNTABLE. Behavior I do not see coming from you, moka.

Did you even see that I called you out in December 13 this morning? Have you answered the 3 questions IN YOUR GROUP? Have you answered them in January 13?

You're making nice noises about quitting. That's great, and you've managed to get good and sincere advice from Sportsfan, Evil, and Sharsky - three VERY well regarded Jack Wagins who have been quit for the entire time over the last 300+ days that you were stuffing you piehole with cancer weed. I recommend that you post your answers in the appropriate places, accept all the help that's been offered, post roll every day, and take all the advice that's down below.

January Jack Wagins aren't tight . . . classic. I donated all my free time to your ass today solely because you managed to show up 22 times to post roll with me almost a year ago. Ponder that.
^^^this is why this place works.

Quit wood.
What is your major malfunction?!?!?!?!

Offline OneImpressiveBall

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Re: "Dad you eat Dirt" (4 year old daughter)
« Reply #37 on: September 05, 2013, 09:07:00 PM »
Quote from: Sharsky
Quote from: sportsfan231
Quote from: Evil_Won
Quote from: moka2620
I apologize for disparaging my former group.  It was not intended to0 insult that group and the effort they have put in.  It was poorly worded and again I apologize.  This is about me wanting to quit tobacco.  I am an addict and I am fully aware of that now.  If protocol is I go back to my original group and ask for forgiveness i will surely do that.  If I move forward with a new group I am ready to embrace them and let them know of my struggles.  In the end what I am going to do different which has been asked my others in this thread and inbox is committment.  While actions speak louder then words and it really comes down to being accountable for my actions, to my group, to my family and to myself.  Not looking for instant forgiveness but I am committed to doing this and I need KTC's help...
1) Post roll everyday in Dec 13.
2) Take a leadership role there. ENGAGE with all of them and in KTC.
3) Post roll in Jan 13 again, every day.

Show us you want this by actions, not hollow words.
i agree come post with us daily after you post with December dont worry we will be there. post today i think we have some room. pm if you want a contact
Post as early as you can w/Dec. 13.
Post every dam day w/Dec 13.
Actions DO speak louder than words, so I also encourage you to:
Post as early as you can w/Jan. 13 JackWagins.
Post every dam day w/Jan. 13 JackWagins.
Make sure you check for bumps...if you've visited our roll page, you will understand that bumps happen. Traffic can be thick at times.
Your words to the Wagins spoke pretty loud.
Those actions every dam day will get louder than those words at some point.
I'm laughing here. It's a good thing I didn't check in for the past few hours.

Let's ignore the silly "Jack Wagins aren't a tight group" comment. What the fuck does that have to do with YOUR quit, moka? If your quit group isn't tight enough to give you support, you fucking make it tight. Why do you think it is that so many of the Jack Wagins still post roll every day? We just got lucky? Fell in a giant vat of quit? NO.

Guys like Sportsfan, Evil, epayne, 22skidoo, sharsky, pilotandy, dixie23, KLS, DipThis, our own lovable retread coachmorris, MikeinAz, zeno, jbradley, dipthis, OG White, ADMann, RLewis, JHaenel, Georgia32, 1bignordic, JMAC, mickey 24, ajamesion, and yes even Mr. "I post in Hawaii time" sferguson stepped forward and LED our group to being tight nit. LED us forward to staying quit. LED us together. Why? To make friends or score internet points? Fuck no. TO HOLD THEMSELVES AND EACH OTHER ACCOUNTABLE. Behavior I do not see coming from you, moka.

Did you even see that I called you out in December 13 this morning? Have you answered the 3 questions IN YOUR GROUP? Have you answered them in January 13?

You're making nice noises about quitting. That's great, and you've managed to get good and sincere advice from Sportsfan, Evil, and Sharsky - three VERY well regarded Jack Wagins who have been quit for the entire time over the last 300+ days that you were stuffing you piehole with cancer weed. I recommend that you post your answers in the appropriate places, accept all the help that's been offered, post roll every day, and take all the advice that's down below.

January Jack Wagins aren't tight . . . classic. I donated all my free time to your ass today solely because you managed to show up 22 times to post roll with me almost a year ago. Ponder that.
Proud January 2013 Jackwagin: [color=330066]kicking nicotine's ass since October 3, 2012.[/color]
My 265-Day Late HOF Speech

Offline Sharsky

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Re: "Dad you eat Dirt" (4 year old daughter)
« Reply #36 on: September 05, 2013, 08:16:00 PM »
Quote from: sportsfan231
Quote from: Evil_Won
Quote from: moka2620
I apologize for disparaging my former group.  It was not intended to0 insult that group and the effort they have put in.  It was poorly worded and again I apologize.  This is about me wanting to quit tobacco.  I am an addict and I am fully aware of that now.  If protocol is I go back to my original group and ask for forgiveness i will surely do that.  If I move forward with a new group I am ready to embrace them and let them know of my struggles.  In the end what I am going to do different which has been asked my others in this thread and inbox is committment.  While actions speak louder then words and it really comes down to being accountable for my actions, to my group, to my family and to myself.  Not looking for instant forgiveness but I am committed to doing this and I need KTC's help...
1) Post roll everyday in Dec 13.
2) Take a leadership role there. ENGAGE with all of them and in KTC.
3) Post roll in Jan 13 again, every day.

Show us you want this by actions, not hollow words.
i agree come post with us daily after you post with December dont worry we will be there. post today i think we have some room. pm if you want a contact
Post as early as you can w/Dec. 13.
Post every dam day w/Dec 13.
Actions DO speak louder than words, so I also encourage you to:
Post as early as you can w/Jan. 13 JackWagins.
Post every dam day w/Jan. 13 JackWagins.
Make sure you check for bumps...if you've visited our roll page, you will understand that bumps happen. Traffic can be thick at times.
Your words to the Wagins spoke pretty loud.
Those actions every dam day will get louder than those words at some point.
January '13 Jackwagins
Quit Date:  October 12, 2012

Offline Sportsfan231

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Re: "Dad you eat Dirt" (4 year old daughter)
« Reply #35 on: September 05, 2013, 06:17:00 PM »
Quote from: Evil_Won
Quote from: moka2620
I apologize for disparaging my former group.  It was not intended to0 insult that group and the effort they have put in.  It was poorly worded and again I apologize.  This is about me wanting to quit tobacco.  I am an addict and I am fully aware of that now.  If protocol is I go back to my original group and ask for forgiveness i will surely do that.  If I move forward with a new group I am ready to embrace them and let them know of my struggles.  In the end what I am going to do different which has been asked my others in this thread and inbox is committment.  While actions speak louder then words and it really comes down to being accountable for my actions, to my group, to my family and to myself.  Not looking for instant forgiveness but I am committed to doing this and I need KTC's help...
1) Post roll everyday in Dec 13.
2) Take a leadership role there. ENGAGE with all of them and in KTC.
3) Post roll in Jan 13 again, every day.

Show us you want this by actions, not hollow words.
you will have to want this that means getting up in the morning and posting your promise not to use today its not a status.

then come post with us the Jan 13 Jackwagins and learn then take it back to your group be a leader.

get contacts lots of them make your self so big that people know that you are missing.

Give a shit(epayne)be here more then just roll..stick around become a friend.

ask me for my contact and i will have your back but you have to use it in good times and bad.