Author Topic: * Are You Ready To Quit  (Read 5271 times)

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Offline chris2alaska

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  • I Love the Smell of Quit in the Morning
  • Quit Date: January 18, 2018 - Proud Member of the April 2018 Kings and Queen of Quit
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* Are You Ready To Quit
« on: April 27, 2018, 10:49:00 AM »
Hi Everyone,

My name is Chris, I chewed smokeless tobacco since I was 19 years old, so for 31 years.  I started because a really hot chick wanted to try it so I said I would try it with her.  I have not seen that girl in 31 years, but I had a daily reminder of her as I crammed some more of that crap into my lip.

I was up to three cans a day and putting in half the can at a time when I decided to quit.

I did have one stoppage in the year 2000 for about nine months, but I caved and went back to it like I had never stopped.  It took me a really long time to decide that I was ready to quit.  Sure, my wife and son wanted me to quit long before I ever did, but I was not ready.  If you are not quitting for yourself first, you will fail.  You have to want that quit more than anything.  It finally hit me in January of this year that I was finally ready.  That is when I found the KTC website.  I have no idea what caused me to click on the link, I just know when I did and started reading the information contained inside it clicked and made complete sense for me.

The last 100 days has been different for me than most of my brothers and sister in April ’18.  I have yet to experience “The Fog”.  I never experienced the hazy, mindset they all spoke about.  I did have some cravings that hit pretty hard but for the most part, I have thoroughly enjoyed the last 100 days of freedom from nicotine.
Now the hard part is going to start.  There are some bad days ahead for all of us based on the information contained in the “what to expect” section.  We will be fighting more cravings and we will need to lean on all of our quit brothers to get through it. 

Unfortunately, there are several of our brothers who do not realize that 100 days is not the end, it is only the beginning.  As I said before, I chewed for 31 years, which is over 11,300 days.  I’m at 100 days.  When I get to 11,300 days of quit, only then will I say that I “might” be cured.

There are so many people in this forum that have helped me, several that I consider close friends and would be at their doorstep if they called and said they needed me there.  I would like to specifically thank a few of those individuals:

MNxEngineer – the first person to support me when I came to this forum.

Skolvikings – What can I say, you sir are the epitome of quit.  In the dictionary under the word “Quit” is a picture of you. 

Athan – Quite possibly my best friend.

69Franx – Has supported me on roll almost every day since I got here.

Samrs – What would I do without your daily jokes?

JGromo, Morgan, Mack213, CritRocket, BrianG, Doofus, Batdad, and more.

All of you guys have had some part in supporting my quit, I only hope I have also supported you when you needed it.

It is my honor and privilege to know all of you and to especially quit with all of on a daily basis.

Now then, all of those guys up there have one thing in common, they are all addicts just like me.  If you are reading this and wondering if you should quit dipping, the answer is most definitely, YES.  But only you can decide that for yourself.  No one else can make the decision for you.  Do not let anyone make the decision for you either.  All that will happen, is you will end up pissed off at them and posting a day one again because you caved.  You caved because YOU were not ready to quit and YOU did not make the decision to quit. 

Now some of the benefits of quitting are as follows:

•   Less of a chance that you will get cancer.
•   Clean teeth and gums.
•   A mouth worth kissing.
•   A happier life with your family.
•   A longer life with your family.
•   More money in your bank account (I am saving over $500 every month. I booked a two week cruise for my family and me for next February)
•   Way less stress going to the dentist.
•   No more spitters to hide.
•   No more accidentally spilling said spitter all over your car floor.

The list is endless, but these are some of highlights.

This is what I know, I joined this forum because I was ready to quit.  Making my promise to abstain from nicotine every MORNING (not half way through the day or 10 minutes until midnight) along with the Accountability and Brotherhood is irreplaceable as a means of quitting.  As long as you are true to your word, you can quit nicotine too.

I will be here long after my 100 days has come and gone because if I am not, I will end up like most that leave and have to come back to post day 1 again.  I REFUSE!!! 

I will be here posting roll every day because that is how my quit is going to continue.
You see, nicotine is a conniving little bitch.  She will wait and wait and wait until you think you have mastery over her.  She will lull you into thinking that you have won, you are the man or woman and you cannot be harmed by her ever again.  BAM!!!! She has you.  Next thing you know, you are packing your lip with a big ole shit turd.  Nicotine has all the time in the world.  It is not going anywhere anytime soon.  We, on the other hand only have a short time on this earth.  Do you want spend it feeding your addiction or enjoying your life with family and friends??

The choice is yours.  I sincerely hope you make the correct one.

Please feel free to PM me if you want my digits.  It would be my honor to help support you in your quit.  What better way for me to thank all those that have come before me than to help someone else control their addiction One Day at a Time.


Chris aka chris2alaska
« Last Edit: March 06, 2019, 02:41:57 PM by walterwhite »
If you want my digits, just ask and they will be yours, but I expect yours in return.

Accountability is a statement of personal promise, both to yourself and to the people around you, to deliver specific defined results.
Brian Dive

Do not be complacent about your achievements and not to strive for continual improvement when you get to the top. As soon as you let success go to your head, you sink into following familiar patterns and play it safe. In other words, you risk losing your edge.
Roy T. Bennett

You need anything, ask.  You feel strong, help.  This quit is for you but we got your back.

Do not let the actions of others determine the direction of YOUR quit.

There are no dumb questions, just dumb people who ask questions.

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