Author Topic: * BROTHERHOOD!  (Read 4346 times)

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Offline Franpro

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« on: May 20, 2009, 11:49:00 AM »

Today is my 1,000 day without nicotine. I took my last dip on a Friday night and started my fight with the Nic Biotch on a Saturday morning. By noon I had locked myself in my bonus room with a TV and computer and a 12 pack of beer. I gave my wife my keys and told her I would see her and the kids in a couple of days. So there I was, a crazed man, my toys and beer. Oh, I had my wife get me gum, seeds and jerky to keep my mouth busy while my skin crawled off my body. Through the fog and the beer, I was able to stumble upon a web site that showed some promise of helping me quit. I fell into chat and was welcomed to the SUCK by Loot, Whodey and Cliff. They showed me the ropes and fixed my multiple roll call screw ups, before I figured out how it all worked. I made the first couple of days on my own and it was a relief to find a site with other addicts that were fighting the same demon as me.

As the days started to add up, I had the opportunity to meet other fine quitters, many of whom became the founders of this site. Those guys were my mentors and my heroes. It was at that point that I decided that my quit was for real and I was not just going to take from the site for my own benefit and move on. I decided to take an active role with the site and pass on the wisdom and experience that was bestowed upon me by several outstanding quitters. My motto became the title of my Hall of Fame speech "Pass it Forward". Even though I do not spend as much time in the new groups as I used to, I still try to live by that motto in chat when time allows.

The site did live up to the promise that I saw on day 4 when I joined. I am quit and as I sit writing this today, I have no urge or interest in ever taking another dip in my life. The thought of taking a dip right now almost makes me sick. It makes me ill to think about the money I spent on a poison that was going to kill me sooner than later. has turned out to be so much more than just a crutch to lean on in order to beat my addiction. Who would have ever thought that a group of guys and gals that were brought together via a computer would turn out to be a band of brothers? Yes, I have met and have become friends with so many quit brothers and sisters it still blows my mind. I have had the opportunity to meet 21 QSX brothers and sisters, some on more than one occasion. By utilizing the site I have beaten my nicotine addiction and that is a good thing, but the best thing that has resulted from stumbling upon this place has been the BROTHERHOOD. I have never laughed and cried so much as I have over the past 1,000 days. I love you guys and it does my heart proud to see all the great mile stones that are hit on a daily basis, just as it rips my heart out when a member fails himself and screws the rest of us by giving up. It's a tough road to follow, but many fine quitters are here to help you find your way.

So trust your Brothers and Sisters. Always remember the SUCK and "PASS IT FORWARD"
« Last Edit: March 05, 2019, 02:11:03 PM by SRains918 »
Quit Date 8/17/06