Author Topic: off Copenhagen 4 years this April!  (Read 274 times)

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Offline 3yearsoff

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off Copenhagen 4 years this April!
« on: December 18, 2014, 03:28:00 PM »
On April 1st, 2011 after chewing Copenhagen for 33 years I finally found the proper way to quit this terribly addictive habit. I grew up ski racing and it seemed that most of the racers and coaches I grew up chewed. Of course I thought it was cool. Over the years I was so addicted like everyone probably reading this post, that it was one of the highest priorities in my life.
I had to have a chew first thing when waking up. After every meal- mmmm, the best! When drinking a beer. When skiing , when scuba diving. (how freaking stupid) Even fall asleep at night.
You know the drill! Remember the occasion when you misplaced, lost or ran out of Copenhagen? Panic mode! Now you would go through in your mind every possible way to get your hands on some chew. Maybe I have an old can with some dried up grains left! Bingo! yes now just add a little tap water and instant relief. Again, if you have come to this site, then you probably have gone to the same lengths as me. 1 can a day sometimes more every day, even when I was sick and had the stomach flu! I tried quiting countless times and would always get that urge to come back- ahhh that first dip after being off of it for 2 months. The lip buzzes and my head gets that tingling little buzz. My body and mind craves it, what a feeling!
Finally I came to the conslusion that if I don't quit -chances are this crappy habit could contribute to heart disease, or cancer. I felt it wasn't fair to my loved ones or to myself. This time I was prepared to quit for good and go cold turkey. All the other failed attemps, I tried weaning myself off chew. Looking back I figure if you have to wean yourself off, then you are not ready to quit. I made my mind up, "NO MORE CHEW EVER!!!" The first 10 days are hell, I'm not going to lie. I embraced the wierd feeling of withdrawls and I would drink coffee eat wintergreen lifesavers, atomic fireballs are the ultimate hot ciinnamon jawbreakers, they help too. Smoky Mountain herbal chew has come in handy too. If you can get over the first 10 days and get that nicotine out of your system then that is half the battle. Moving forward, you get moments where you have the urge, but the urge only lasts about a minute or so, and the urge becomes less frequent over time. I went to a poker party last year and all my buddies were dipping Copenhagen. One guy even teased me with his can. I honestly had no urge to chew, because I made up my mind that I'm never going to give in again. I pulled out a can of tobacco free chew and told the guy that he needs to quit! Yes I put on a little weight, but exercise helps, and I feel so much better since I quit. The longer you go without, the better. I might get an urge for a moment a couples times a year now, but the moment only lasts a second or two and then goes away! If you are going to quit then plan for it, and mentally prepare yourself that your are done and you will never, ever go back! that is the key! Good luck!