Author Topic: 10Ninety6? My Intro....  (Read 1109 times)

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Re: 10Ninety6? My Intro....
« Reply #15 on: July 05, 2010, 11:41:00 PM »
10-96 "mental person"...we shall see...we shall see...

Offline 10ninety6

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Re: 10Ninety6? My Intro....
« Reply #14 on: July 05, 2010, 11:23:00 PM »
Quote from: aabye1
What sidearms do you think are good/most effective in a law enforcement situation...
That is a pretty broad question. It boils down to shooter confidence (training) and proper ammo selection in a reliable and proven platform.

The jack of all trades defensive handgun is a Glock 19. It conceals well, yet it is very shootable and suitable for uniformed carry with a rail mounted light. The Glock 9mm is the most reliable and proven platform currently available.

The caliber debate goes on and on. With modern expanding bullet technology, any 9mm, 40 SW or 45 A.C.P. are all viable options.

9mm: Low recoil, high magazine capacity. Cheap to shoot and train with. It lacks in intermediate barrier penetration (think car windsheilds and auto bodies). Use a bonded bullet in 124 to 147 grain. Perfered platfrom: Glock or Smith  Wesson MP or HK P30.

40 SW: Snappy recoil, harder to shoot. Ammo is expensive. Good intermediate barrier penetration. Use 180 grain loads. Perfered platfrom: SW MP. Possibly the Generation 4 Glock if proven reliable. So far, so good.

45 ACP: Everyone who thinks bigger is better needs to realize it is still a handgun. There is no such thing as "knock down power", just the laws of physics. There is terminal performance. .45 is bigger than .40 or .357 (9mm), thus making a bigger hole. Bigger hole means more tissue crush. 45's perform well against auto body and windshield barriers, as well as interior doors and walls. The 45 has managable recoil, more of a push than a snap like the 40. It is expensive to shoot and your magazine capacity suffers with this large round. Prefered platform: SW MP, HK 45 or a well tuned 1911 from a reputable gunsmith.

I am perfectly fine carrying any of the guns/calibers listed. My duty weapon is a MP 45. I love it. If for some reason it does not work out, I am going back to Glock 9's.

Offline Skoal Monster

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Re: 10Ninety6? My Intro....
« Reply #13 on: July 05, 2010, 12:13:00 PM »
Hey 10-90 Here is some required reading,

Read this

now go here, and read the guest book notice the posts by Tom's Daughter, that could just as easily be my daughter or yours.

Now print this up and put it in your wallet, tape your kids pictures to it. Read it every time your craving. Sign it and hand it to your family if you decide that quitting is too hard.

oh yeah, welcome to the fight, lets see what your made out of

Skoal Monster
"CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit. After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco."

Offline aabye1

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Re: 10Ninety6? My Intro....
« Reply #12 on: July 05, 2010, 10:54:00 AM »
Welcome to October. Today is the first day of the rest of your life.

Offline redyota

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Re: 10Ninety6? My Intro....
« Reply #11 on: July 05, 2010, 08:43:00 AM »
Oh, and by the way, where is this town with all the police officers quitting on the same day? I really want to know so I can drive 30 mph or so below the speed limit (or, better yet, avoid it like the plague) for the next 100 days or so. All that upcoming withdrawal rage combined with authority and handguns. Poor bad guys......
"We shall not fail or falter; we shall not weaken or tire...Give us the tools and we will finish the job." - Sir Winston Churchill

"Not using gets much easier as time goes by, but the consequences of "just one" never lessen." - Me

Offline redyota

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Re: 10Ninety6? My Intro....
« Reply #10 on: July 05, 2010, 08:09:00 AM »
Quote from: 10ninety6
Wow!  You guys are hardcore!  I have been ran through the grinder the past two days at work and have not had a chance to check back.  Tonight, after the fireworks, I tossed my wife the can and had her dump it out.  While at work today I also disposed of some unopened cans of Snus in my Po-car that could have been consumed by a desperate junky. 

Tomorrow I will find my roll call and post up.

Wish me luck.  FUCK COPE.  I'll cope.  Yes, embrace the suck.

Edit to add: On Saturday I recruited another co-work to quit with me too.
Three things:

1.) I will not wish you luck. No one else here will either. It's not needed. Quitting is a decision you make, not just right now but in every situation where you may be tempted. Every time its YOUR decision, not that of some magical quit fairy you hope shows up to save you. Read here.

2.) Now that you are quit, it is the number one priority in your life. No more of this, "I didn't have time to check in" bullshit. Make time. If your serious about quitting, make it happen. Do the things that are necessary, including reading al the information on this site, getting to know your quit brothers by taking an active role here, and most importantly, post roll EVERY DAY. Read here.

3.)It's great that you've recruited others, and will have additional support along the way. However, I can almost promise you at least one of them will fail. Do NOT let their failure be an excuse for you to fail as well. You are your own man, make your own good decisions.

Additionally, one more link, unrelated to your post, but helped me tremendously in the early days. You must read, sign, and give this to your wife before you can have another dip. Just reading it chased off my craves rather quickly. Carry it with you at all times. Contract to Give Up.
"We shall not fail or falter; we shall not weaken or tire...Give us the tools and we will finish the job." - Sir Winston Churchill

"Not using gets much easier as time goes by, but the consequences of "just one" never lessen." - Me

Offline aabye1

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Re: 10Ninety6? My Intro....
« Reply #9 on: July 05, 2010, 02:18:00 AM »

Welcome to the suck. I'm a new here as well. Day 5 for me. Welcome to October. I am a big fan of both Faith No More and Zepp. We have similar demographics... I love guns. Born with them, and will die with them. No law enforcement experience, but I hope to be there someday ( currently in Phase II with the FBI application process). Not a lot of handgun experience...

If you are really quit now...

What sidearms do you think are good/most effective in a law enforcement situation...

Offline 10ninety6

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Re: 10Ninety6? My Intro....
« Reply #8 on: July 05, 2010, 01:37:00 AM »
Wow! You guys are hardcore! I have been ran through the grinder the past two days at work and have not had a chance to check back. Tonight, after the fireworks, I tossed my wife the can and had her dump it out. While at work today I also disposed of some unopened cans of Snus in my Po-car that could have been consumed by a desperate junky.

Tomorrow I will find my roll call and post up.

Wish me luck. FUCK COPE. I'll cope. Yes, embrace the suck.

Edit to add: On Saturday I recruited another co-work to quit with me too.

Offline Kdip

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Re: 10Ninety6? My Intro....
« Reply #7 on: July 03, 2010, 04:42:00 PM »
Quote from: Greg5280
Quote from: redyota
Quote from: 10ninety6
Quote from: Ready
Quote from: 10ninety6
10-96 (10ninety6) is Public Safety "10 Code" for Mental Subject, which is what I am about to become.

My Quit is this Monday, July 05.  The intent is that on July 4, 2011 I will have more than the Birthday of this great Country to celebrate!  My anxiety is already through the roof. 

About me;  I am 35 years old.  I have been chewing since High School.  My weapon of choice is the Copenhagen Pouch which has given me a virtual nicotine IV for the past 6 or 7 years.  I have quit once, and started again after a traumatic incident at work about 10 years ago.  I don't have to explain to you guys how I have to have a chew in order to shit, drive, think, drink, wake up, go to sleep...blah.

I am married.  My wife is smoking hot!  :wub:  I have 2 kids, a 13 year old son and a 11 year old daughter who I am so proud of.  They are great.  They deserve better.

I am a Police Officer.  Be nice.  I have been a Law Enforcement Officer since I was 21.  No, I'm not a dick.  Yes, nicotine is huge way of dealing with job related stress.

I like guns.  I love guns.  If you have a (defensive) firearm related, gear or tactics question, shoot.  I bet I have an answer.  If not, I know people who do.  I love to shoot.  I love to train.  I loves me guns.

Other interests include the outdoors, self defense, off roading (Toyota Tacoma), military, pugs (bad ass little dogs!), boobs  'boob' , and good rock music.  My favorite bands are 311, Faith No More, Blind Melon, Sublime and Led Zeppelin.

I know my Quit is going to suck ass.  I am glad I found this site and I am certain it will be helpful to me.  Reading up prior to joining convinced me that the time is now.  The reason for the 5th is because in coincides with my days off, which minimizes the risk of me beating someone to death in the first 72 hours.   :o  I look forward to "meeting" you guys and getting this SHIT out of my mouth.

Enough about my sorry chewing ass.  Where do I go from here?  I have not got the lingo down, so pardon if it's off.  Once I quit, I find my group?  Also, is there a way to make the threads show the original post at the top, with the new posts at the bottom?  I find it hard to follow (not what I'm used to).

Thanks guys, Paul.
Hey Paul,

I understand. You have no idea how much I understand.

If your word of honor means something, you can do this. It's really quite simple. Each morning, you sign roll call giving your word of honor that you will not use nicotine for today in any way shape or form. Keep your word.

You have to want this more than anything else in your life right now. because that is the kind of commitment this is going to take. If you are ready, check your (Inbox 1) in the upper right corner of your screen.

Oh, and that waiting until your off duty bullshit is not gonna fly. That is an excuse. Gut check. Time to take that shit out of your mouth and post roll.

This can be done, I am proof.
Ready, I agree. No more excuses, gut checked.

It's not really an excuse as much as it is an agreement I made with with myself and 4 others. I convinced 3 others to quit chewing and 1 smoking. The date was a selling point.

Many things concerning my lifestyle and health will change on Monday. I am ready to quit now, however, I need to stick to the plan.
Still no reason to wait until then. You'll still be quit Monday when they join you.

You may have a hard time understanding it now, but we get alot of people here saying they are gonna quit next month, next week, in two days, tomorrow, this afternoon, etc....

A very large majority of these folks are never seen again.

And then you're gonna say, "that's not me, I'm REAAAALLLY serious this time." They all do. You have a strong intro message. I've seen stronger.

The ones who just quit when their mind is right (as yours is right now) are the ones who actually make it, who actually do this long term.

Man up, dump your can. It won't be easier on Monday. It won't be easier with your buds. As a matter of fact you'll be almost through the worst of it when they start their quits.

Lead the way. Planned quits don't work.

(By the way, I had a plan to quit with a friend of mine a week from a specific day. I found this place and was convinced to quit instantly. I now have 356 days of quit under my belt. My buddy is still using over a can a day.)
Listen to what these two have to say. They know what they are talking about.

You listed more than enough reasons to quit, so lets get to it. There really is no easy way to do it, you just have to dump your can and get it done. Do not wait, lets get it going now. You will have more support here than you can imagine if you really mean what you say.

Dump your can, post your promise and lets get NIC out of your life forever.....
FLUSH that Damn can NOW!!!!!! No better time than the present to get that shit out of your life!!!! Waiting until Monday will only give your mind more time to convince yourself you really don't need to quit!!! Embrace the SUCK and get it done NOW!!!! I promise you will be glad you did later on!!!

Offline Greg5280

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Re: 10Ninety6? My Intro....
« Reply #6 on: July 03, 2010, 07:51:00 AM »
Quote from: redyota
Quote from: 10ninety6
Quote from: Ready
Quote from: 10ninety6
10-96 (10ninety6) is Public Safety "10 Code" for Mental Subject, which is what I am about to become.

My Quit is this Monday, July 05.  The intent is that on July 4, 2011 I will have more than the Birthday of this great Country to celebrate!  My anxiety is already through the roof. 

About me;  I am 35 years old.  I have been chewing since High School.  My weapon of choice is the Copenhagen Pouch which has given me a virtual nicotine IV for the past 6 or 7 years.  I have quit once, and started again after a traumatic incident at work about 10 years ago.  I don't have to explain to you guys how I have to have a chew in order to shit, drive, think, drink, wake up, go to sleep...blah.

I am married.  My wife is smoking hot!  :wub:  I have 2 kids, a 13 year old son and a 11 year old daughter who I am so proud of.  They are great.  They deserve better.

I am a Police Officer.  Be nice.  I have been a Law Enforcement Officer since I was 21.  No, I'm not a dick.  Yes, nicotine is huge way of dealing with job related stress.

I like guns.  I love guns.  If you have a (defensive) firearm related, gear or tactics question, shoot.  I bet I have an answer.  If not, I know people who do.  I love to shoot.  I love to train.  I loves me guns.

Other interests include the outdoors, self defense, off roading (Toyota Tacoma), military, pugs (bad ass little dogs!), boobs  'boob' , and good rock music.  My favorite bands are 311, Faith No More, Blind Melon, Sublime and Led Zeppelin.

I know my Quit is going to suck ass.  I am glad I found this site and I am certain it will be helpful to me.  Reading up prior to joining convinced me that the time is now.  The reason for the 5th is because in coincides with my days off, which minimizes the risk of me beating someone to death in the first 72 hours.   :o  I look forward to "meeting" you guys and getting this SHIT out of my mouth.

Enough about my sorry chewing ass.  Where do I go from here?  I have not got the lingo down, so pardon if it's off.  Once I quit, I find my group?  Also, is there a way to make the threads show the original post at the top, with the new posts at the bottom?  I find it hard to follow (not what I'm used to).

Thanks guys, Paul.
Hey Paul,

I understand. You have no idea how much I understand.

If your word of honor means something, you can do this. It's really quite simple. Each morning, you sign roll call giving your word of honor that you will not use nicotine for today in any way shape or form. Keep your word.

You have to want this more than anything else in your life right now. because that is the kind of commitment this is going to take. If you are ready, check your (Inbox 1) in the upper right corner of your screen.

Oh, and that waiting until your off duty bullshit is not gonna fly. That is an excuse. Gut check. Time to take that shit out of your mouth and post roll.

This can be done, I am proof.
Ready, I agree. No more excuses, gut checked.

It's not really an excuse as much as it is an agreement I made with with myself and 4 others. I convinced 3 others to quit chewing and 1 smoking. The date was a selling point.

Many things concerning my lifestyle and health will change on Monday. I am ready to quit now, however, I need to stick to the plan.
Still no reason to wait until then. You'll still be quit Monday when they join you.

You may have a hard time understanding it now, but we get alot of people here saying they are gonna quit next month, next week, in two days, tomorrow, this afternoon, etc....

A very large majority of these folks are never seen again.

And then you're gonna say, "that's not me, I'm REAAAALLLY serious this time." They all do. You have a strong intro message. I've seen stronger.

The ones who just quit when their mind is right (as yours is right now) are the ones who actually make it, who actually do this long term.

Man up, dump your can. It won't be easier on Monday. It won't be easier with your buds. As a matter of fact you'll be almost through the worst of it when they start their quits.

Lead the way. Planned quits don't work.

(By the way, I had a plan to quit with a friend of mine a week from a specific day. I found this place and was convinced to quit instantly. I now have 356 days of quit under my belt. My buddy is still using over a can a day.)
Listen to what these two have to say. They know what they are talking about.

You listed more than enough reasons to quit, so lets get to it. There really is no easy way to do it, you just have to dump your can and get it done. Do not wait, lets get it going now. You will have more support here than you can imagine if you really mean what you say.

Dump your can, post your promise and lets get NIC out of your life forever.....

Offline redyota

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Re: 10Ninety6? My Intro....
« Reply #5 on: July 03, 2010, 07:20:00 AM »
Quote from: 10ninety6
Quote from: Ready
Quote from: 10ninety6
10-96 (10ninety6) is Public Safety "10 Code" for Mental Subject, which is what I am about to become.

My Quit is this Monday, July 05.  The intent is that on July 4, 2011 I will have more than the Birthday of this great Country to celebrate!  My anxiety is already through the roof. 

About me;  I am 35 years old.  I have been chewing since High School.  My weapon of choice is the Copenhagen Pouch which has given me a virtual nicotine IV for the past 6 or 7 years.  I have quit once, and started again after a traumatic incident at work about 10 years ago.  I don't have to explain to you guys how I have to have a chew in order to shit, drive, think, drink, wake up, go to sleep...blah.

I am married.  My wife is smoking hot!  :wub:  I have 2 kids, a 13 year old son and a 11 year old daughter who I am so proud of.  They are great.  They deserve better.

I am a Police Officer.  Be nice.  I have been a Law Enforcement Officer since I was 21.  No, I'm not a dick.  Yes, nicotine is huge way of dealing with job related stress.

I like guns.  I love guns.  If you have a (defensive) firearm related, gear or tactics question, shoot.  I bet I have an answer.  If not, I know people who do.  I love to shoot.  I love to train.  I loves me guns.

Other interests include the outdoors, self defense, off roading (Toyota Tacoma), military, pugs (bad ass little dogs!), boobs  'boob' , and good rock music.  My favorite bands are 311, Faith No More, Blind Melon, Sublime and Led Zeppelin.

I know my Quit is going to suck ass.  I am glad I found this site and I am certain it will be helpful to me.  Reading up prior to joining convinced me that the time is now.  The reason for the 5th is because in coincides with my days off, which minimizes the risk of me beating someone to death in the first 72 hours.   :o  I look forward to "meeting" you guys and getting this SHIT out of my mouth.

Enough about my sorry chewing ass.  Where do I go from here?  I have not got the lingo down, so pardon if it's off.  Once I quit, I find my group?  Also, is there a way to make the threads show the original post at the top, with the new posts at the bottom?  I find it hard to follow (not what I'm used to).

Thanks guys, Paul.
Hey Paul,

I understand. You have no idea how much I understand.

If your word of honor means something, you can do this. It's really quite simple. Each morning, you sign roll call giving your word of honor that you will not use nicotine for today in any way shape or form. Keep your word.

You have to want this more than anything else in your life right now. because that is the kind of commitment this is going to take. If you are ready, check your (Inbox 1) in the upper right corner of your screen.

Oh, and that waiting until your off duty bullshit is not gonna fly. That is an excuse. Gut check. Time to take that shit out of your mouth and post roll.

This can be done, I am proof.
Ready, I agree. No more excuses, gut checked.

It's not really an excuse as much as it is an agreement I made with with myself and 4 others. I convinced 3 others to quit chewing and 1 smoking. The date was a selling point.

Many things concerning my lifestyle and health will change on Monday. I am ready to quit now, however, I need to stick to the plan.
Still no reason to wait until then. You'll still be quit Monday when they join you.

You may have a hard time understanding it now, but we get alot of people here saying they are gonna quit next month, next week, in two days, tomorrow, this afternoon, etc....

A very large majority of these folks are never seen again.

And then you're gonna say, "that's not me, I'm REAAAALLLY serious this time." They all do. You have a strong intro message. I've seen stronger.

The ones who just quit when their mind is right (as yours is right now) are the ones who actually make it, who actually do this long term.

Man up, dump your can. It won't be easier on Monday. It won't be easier with your buds. As a matter of fact you'll be almost through the worst of it when they start their quits.

Lead the way. Planned quits don't work.

(By the way, I had a plan to quit with a friend of mine a week from a specific day. I found this place and was convinced to quit instantly. I now have 356 days of quit under my belt. My buddy is still using over a can a day.)
"We shall not fail or falter; we shall not weaken or tire...Give us the tools and we will finish the job." - Sir Winston Churchill

"Not using gets much easier as time goes by, but the consequences of "just one" never lessen." - Me

Offline 10ninety6

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Re: 10Ninety6? My Intro....
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2010, 06:54:00 AM »
Quote from: Ready
Quote from: 10ninety6
10-96 (10ninety6) is Public Safety "10 Code" for Mental Subject, which is what I am about to become.

My Quit is this Monday, July 05.  The intent is that on July 4, 2011 I will have more than the Birthday of this great Country to celebrate!  My anxiety is already through the roof. 

About me;  I am 35 years old.  I have been chewing since High School.  My weapon of choice is the Copenhagen Pouch which has given me a virtual nicotine IV for the past 6 or 7 years.  I have quit once, and started again after a traumatic incident at work about 10 years ago.  I don't have to explain to you guys how I have to have a chew in order to shit, drive, think, drink, wake up, go to sleep...blah.

I am married.  My wife is smoking hot!  :wub:  I have 2 kids, a 13 year old son and a 11 year old daughter who I am so proud of.  They are great.  They deserve better.

I am a Police Officer.  Be nice.  I have been a Law Enforcement Officer since I was 21.  No, I'm not a dick.  Yes, nicotine is huge way of dealing with job related stress.

I like guns.  I love guns.  If you have a (defensive) firearm related, gear or tactics question, shoot.  I bet I have an answer.  If not, I know people who do.  I love to shoot.  I love to train.  I loves me guns.

Other interests include the outdoors, self defense, off roading (Toyota Tacoma), military, pugs (bad ass little dogs!), boobs  'boob' , and good rock music.  My favorite bands are 311, Faith No More, Blind Melon, Sublime and Led Zeppelin.

I know my Quit is going to suck ass.  I am glad I found this site and I am certain it will be helpful to me.  Reading up prior to joining convinced me that the time is now.  The reason for the 5th is because in coincides with my days off, which minimizes the risk of me beating someone to death in the first 72 hours.  :o  I look forward to "meeting" you guys and getting this SHIT out of my mouth.

Enough about my sorry chewing ass.  Where do I go from here?  I have not got the lingo down, so pardon if it's off.  Once I quit, I find my group?  Also, is there a way to make the threads show the original post at the top, with the new posts at the bottom?  I find it hard to follow (not what I'm used to).

Thanks guys, Paul.
Hey Paul,

I understand. You have no idea how much I understand.

If your word of honor means something, you can do this. It's really quite simple. Each morning, you sign roll call giving your word of honor that you will not use nicotine for today in any way shape or form. Keep your word.

You have to want this more than anything else in your life right now. because that is the kind of commitment this is going to take. If you are ready, check your (Inbox 1) in the upper right corner of your screen.

Oh, and that waiting until your off duty bullshit is not gonna fly. That is an excuse. Gut check. Time to take that shit out of your mouth and post roll.

This can be done, I am proof.
Ready, I agree. No more excuses, gut checked.

It's not really an excuse as much as it is an agreement I made with with myself and 4 others. I convinced 3 others to quit chewing and 1 smoking. The date was a selling point.

Many things concerning my lifestyle and health will change on Monday. I am ready to quit now, however, I need to stick to the plan.

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Re: 10Ninety6? My Intro....
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2010, 12:29:00 AM »
You can do it.

Offline Ready

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Re: 10Ninety6? My Intro....
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2010, 12:27:00 AM »
Quote from: 10ninety6
10-96 (10ninety6) is Public Safety "10 Code" for Mental Subject, which is what I am about to become.

My Quit is this Monday, July 05. The intent is that on July 4, 2011 I will have more than the Birthday of this great Country to celebrate! My anxiety is already through the roof.

About me; I am 35 years old. I have been chewing since High School. My weapon of choice is the Copenhagen Pouch which has given me a virtual nicotine IV for the past 6 or 7 years. I have quit once, and started again after a traumatic incident at work about 10 years ago. I don't have to explain to you guys how I have to have a chew in order to shit, drive, think, drink, wake up, go to sleep...blah.

I am married. My wife is smoking hot! :wub: I have 2 kids, a 13 year old son and a 11 year old daughter who I am so proud of. They are great. They deserve better.

I am a Police Officer. Be nice. I have been a Law Enforcement Officer since I was 21. No, I'm not a dick. Yes, nicotine is huge way of dealing with job related stress.

I like guns. I love guns. If you have a (defensive) firearm related, gear or tactics question, shoot. I bet I have an answer. If not, I know people who do. I love to shoot. I love to train. I loves me guns.

Other interests include the outdoors, self defense, off roading (Toyota Tacoma), military, pugs (bad ass little dogs!), boobs 'boob' , and good rock music. My favorite bands are 311, Faith No More, Blind Melon, Sublime and Led Zeppelin.

I know my Quit is going to suck ass. I am glad I found this site and I am certain it will be helpful to me. Reading up prior to joining convinced me that the time is now. The reason for the 5th is because in coincides with my days off, which minimizes the risk of me beating someone to death in the first 72 hours. :o I look forward to "meeting" you guys and getting this SHIT out of my mouth.

Enough about my sorry chewing ass. Where do I go from here? I have not got the lingo down, so pardon if it's off. Once I quit, I find my group? Also, is there a way to make the threads show the original post at the top, with the new posts at the bottom? I find it hard to follow (not what I'm used to).

Thanks guys, Paul.
Hey Paul,

I understand. You have no idea how much I understand.

If your word of honor means something, you can do this. It's really quite simple. Each morning, you sign roll call giving your word of honor that you will not use nicotine for today in any way shape or form. Keep your word.

You have to want this more than anything else in your life right now. because that is the kind of commitment this is going to take. If you are ready, check your (Inbox 1) in the upper right corner of your screen.

Oh, and that waiting until your off duty bullshit is not gonna fly. That is an excuse. Gut check. Time to take that shit out of your mouth and post roll.

This can be done, I am proof.

Offline 10ninety6

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  • Posts: 97
  • Interests: Guns and my gorgeous wife.
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10Ninety6? My Intro....
« on: July 03, 2010, 12:02:00 AM »
10-96 (10ninety6) is Public Safety "10 Code" for Mental Subject, which is what I am about to become.

My Quit is this Monday, July 05. The intent is that on July 4, 2011 I will have more than the Birthday of this great Country to celebrate! My anxiety is already through the roof.

About me; I am 35 years old. I have been chewing since High School. My weapon of choice is the Copenhagen Pouch which has given me a virtual nicotine IV for the past 6 or 7 years. I have quit once, and started again after a traumatic incident at work about 10 years ago. I don't have to explain to you guys how I have to have a chew in order to shit, drive, think, drink, wake up, go to sleep...blah.

I am married. My wife is smoking hot! :wub: I have 2 kids, a 13 year old son and a 11 year old daughter who I am so proud of. They are great. They deserve better.

I am a Police Officer. Be nice. I have been a Law Enforcement Officer since I was 21. No, I'm not a dick. Yes, nicotine is huge way of dealing with job related stress.

I like guns. I love guns. If you have a (defensive) firearm related, gear or tactics question, shoot. I bet I have an answer. If not, I know people who do. I love to shoot. I love to train. I loves me guns.

Other interests include the outdoors, self defense, off roading (Toyota Tacoma), military, pugs (bad ass little dogs!), boobs 'boob' , and good rock music. My favorite bands are 311, Faith No More, Blind Melon, Sublime and Led Zeppelin.

I know my Quit is going to suck ass. I am glad I found this site and I am certain it will be helpful to me. Reading up prior to joining convinced me that the time is now. The reason for the 5th is because in coincides with my days off, which minimizes the risk of me beating someone to death in the first 72 hours. :o I look forward to "meeting" you guys and getting this SHIT out of my mouth.

Enough about my sorry chewing ass. Where do I go from here? I have not got the lingo down, so pardon if it's off. Once I quit, I find my group? Also, is there a way to make the threads show the original post at the top, with the new posts at the bottom? I find it hard to follow (not what I'm used to).

Thanks guys, Paul.