Author Topic: * Excuses are like Assholes, everyone has one  (Read 2896 times)

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Offline Millerman

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* Excuses are like Assholes, everyone has one
« on: January 25, 2021, 12:34:40 AM »
So finally at day 269 I figured it’s time to make this post. I started dipping the summer going into 8th grade ironically in August at the saint Roccos fair in my town, and it didn’t stop until the beginning of May 2020. This past August I hit a hundred days quit with the rest of my Ajays crew and we are all still going strong.

Let’s get to the excuses part now...

Every single time someone told me to quit over the years, I always had an excuse of why not to even when I got to see the extreme circumstances of tobacco use first hand. I’m a welder, I went to a vocational school so we had shop every other week and our senior year we could go out to work on co-op. I worked under a guy named Donnie all year, he was an incredible welder and fabricator. He also smoked 3 packs of Paul mall menthols a day. I would get to work early to sit down and have coffee with him in the morning and he would smoke the whole time. I’ll never forget the Monday morning I walked into the shop and he was drinking coffee and not smoking, before I could even comment on him not smoking he said to me “I went to the hospital last week, I have stage 4 lung cancer and I’m going to die”  He was only 58, and I was an 18 year old at a complete loss for words. Low and behold I was still fucking stupid enough to throw a dip in my Mouth and get to work like it was at all better then his habit that was going to kill him. He passed away 2 months later, shortly after I graduated highschool. Cancer is real, maybe it will get you. maybe it won’t. But why play Russian roulette if you could just simply
Put down the gun?

If your reading this as a guest get the bullshit excuses of why you can’t quit out of your head and join the current months quit group, do it for you. If your here reading this as a current quitter that’s fighting those random early on cravings, remind yourself your not a weak minded fucking pussy and you’ve made it this far without it and you can make it another day without it and another day after that. I’m big on one day at a time, @Bug Guy taught me that and it has pulled me through to where I am now and it continues to help me every day.

If it was easy everyone would do it, but the rewarding feeling of not being a slave to the can anymore is like no other , and I couldn’t have done it without all of you here at KTC. 
« Last Edit: January 28, 2021, 10:41:22 AM by chewie »