Author Topic: * North of the Comma  (Read 8382 times)

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Offline BG

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* North of the Comma
« on: October 08, 2013, 10:15:00 AM »
I can't begin to describe how thankful I am for this place. 1035 days ago I put the can down. Not really knowing if this attempt was the one that would work or not but knowing that I needed something more than the same old, ineffective quit techniques, I trudged on. I needed accountability to someone other than myself.

Like most of the folks here, I'm surrounded by nicotine slaves. It's a part of life. It's not looked down on. It's not a big deal to thump a can and pop in a lipper in a crowd. It's Arkansas. Heck, grandma might even have a pinch.

I found KTC, if my memory serves me correctly, around day 2-3. I had a war of words with Klarkie :wub: in the chats and got some sound advice from NOLAQ, who I think ultimately was who walked me through posting roll for the first time. Thanks fellas.

When we first found this place, I don't think that most of us really expected to come in here and post roll every day for the next however many years. We thought that we would use this until we were "cured". I didn't really know how long I would use this place, but as most of you know, the site grows on you and becomes a part of who you are. Therein lies your accountability. You don't really know it's happening until it's already done. As I type this, I get a simple, supporting text from a fellow quitter, Rocketman. Evidence of that infusion of quit into my day to day life.

And that's what it takes, friends. Daily vigilance. That former self. That slave still exists inside of each of us. She is waiting for you to slip, but this place can be your defense.

Case in point: BG never really like cigarettes. Smoked 'em in college when drinking or when I was trying to quit dipping. Intelligent, huh? About a week ago, after hunting one afternoon, I noticed a pack of Marlboros where myself and my in-law hunting partners keep our hunting gear. And just like that, she saw the opportunity to slip back into my life. No one was around. No one would know. Wrong. I would know. I would know that I had gone back on my word and could not show my face in here, probably ever again. This place saved my quit, yet again. I'm not giving up my punctuation that easy.

So now, north of the comma, her grip has been loosened a bit and those temptations that once seemed to be nearly impossible to overcome are merely brief encounters before my will and the collective strength of KTC drops the hammer on her. New guys and gals, it gets better.

BG +1