Author Topic: day 3  (Read 197053 times)

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Offline traumagnet

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Re: day 3
« Reply #298 on: October 18, 2018, 06:55:46 PM »
6:25 AM - Sep 15, 2014 #304

Today I feel like a Quitoris! haahha I hope someone laughed
Complacency sucks, one moment of it is the difference between being a user and a quitter....OIB

"Lean into the fall my friends, life can be amazing without nicotine. It's just a matter of choice." sM

"Endeavor to persevere."Chief Dan George "The Outlaw Josey Wales".

MY HOF speech

Offline traumagnet

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Re: day 3
« Reply #297 on: October 18, 2018, 06:55:22 PM »
1:21 PM - Sep 10, 2014 #303

Hello a couple of things one military veterans be careful out there if you are wanting to go back to school. Apparently nothing is sacred when it comes to phishing there are new phishing schemes out there that are targeting GI bill money so be careful if it sounds too good it probably is.

Two I know that there are many people from many walks of life here in many professions so I am hoping that this cast net will produce some leads.

I want pursue my MBA in Energy Management anyone know of scholarships or grants out there that are for people who are not destitute in other words have a job and cover their own expenses? If so PM me answer here or text me if you have my digits. thanks
Complacency sucks, one moment of it is the difference between being a user and a quitter....OIB

"Lean into the fall my friends, life can be amazing without nicotine. It's just a matter of choice." sM

"Endeavor to persevere."Chief Dan George "The Outlaw Josey Wales".

MY HOF speech

Offline traumagnet

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Re: day 3
« Reply #296 on: October 18, 2018, 06:54:27 PM »
8:12 PM - Aug 28, 2014 #296

Wow, just wow I would like to thank everyone who has taken part in my quit I could not have done it without each and every one of you. I would like to thank everyone who has allowed me to take part in your quits.

Newbies, please fight for it its worth it and you are worth it don't give up. I know the view from the basement sucks ass no doubt but I can tell you well worth it. Only 5 floors high but the freedom is worth every brick it took to build it.

The first quit (nicotine) provides you with the testicular fortitude to take on any destructive behavior you want to rid yourself of.

Thank you for a memorable day.

The Big Hump

3:57 AM - Aug 29, 2014 #297

From: Dagranger

Sorry for being a day late but congrats! You're one of the true Rock Stars!

4:38 AM - Aug 29, 2014 #298


Hell yeah! Half Comma yesterday and 501 today! Congrats on the hard work!

4:49 AM - Aug 29, 2014 #299

From: KC_Guy

Well done Trauma, Well done. Keep leading the way brother.

6:10 AM - Aug 29, 2014 #300

From: golfpro9696

BAD ASS!! Congrats on the half comma my friend

7:04 AM - Aug 29, 2014 #301

From: slug.go

500? Great start!

7:29 AM - Sep 01, 2014 #302

From: Erussell

Not sure how you got here, having to put up with the added stress of driving that dodge, but...... All jokes aside, you've cone along way Todd, congrats.
Complacency sucks, one moment of it is the difference between being a user and a quitter....OIB

"Lean into the fall my friends, life can be amazing without nicotine. It's just a matter of choice." sM

"Endeavor to persevere."Chief Dan George "The Outlaw Josey Wales".

MY HOF speech

Offline traumagnet

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Re: day 3
« Reply #295 on: October 18, 2018, 06:53:44 PM »
8:12 PM - Aug 28, 2014 #296

Wow, just wow I would like to thank everyone who has taken part in my quit I could not have done it without each and every one of you. I would like to thank everyone who has allowed me to take part in your quits.

Newbies, please fight for it its worth it and you are worth it don't give up. I know the view from the basement sucks ass no doubt but I can tell you well worth it. Only 5 floors high but the freedom is worth every brick it took to build it.

The first quit (nicotine) provides you with the testicular fortitude to take on any destructive behavior you want to rid yourself of.

Thank you for a memorable day.

The Big Hump

3:57 AM - Aug 29, 2014 #297

From: Dagranger

Sorry for being a day late but congrats! You're one of the true Rock Stars!

4:38 AM - Aug 29, 2014 #298


Hell yeah! Half Comma yesterday and 501 today! Congrats on the hard work!

4:49 AM - Aug 29, 2014 #299

From: KC_Guy

Well done Trauma, Well done. Keep leading the way brother.

6:10 AM - Aug 29, 2014 #300

From: golfpro9696

BAD ASS!! Congrats on the half comma my friend

7:04 AM - Aug 29, 2014 #301

From: slug.go

500? Great start!
Complacency sucks, one moment of it is the difference between being a user and a quitter....OIB

"Lean into the fall my friends, life can be amazing without nicotine. It's just a matter of choice." sM

"Endeavor to persevere."Chief Dan George "The Outlaw Josey Wales".

MY HOF speech

Offline traumagnet

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Re: day 3
« Reply #294 on: October 18, 2018, 06:52:58 PM »
8:12 PM - Aug 28, 2014 #296

Wow, just wow I would like to thank everyone who has taken part in my quit I could not have done it without each and every one of you. I would like to thank everyone who has allowed me to take part in your quits.

Newbies, please fight for it its worth it and you are worth it don't give up. I know the view from the basement sucks ass no doubt but I can tell you well worth it. Only 5 floors high but the freedom is worth every brick it took to build it.

The first quit (nicotine) provides you with the testicular fortitude to take on any destructive behavior you want to rid yourself of.

Thank you for a memorable day.

The Big Hump

3:57 AM - Aug 29, 2014 #297

From: Dagranger

Sorry for being a day late but congrats! You're one of the true Rock Stars!

4:38 AM - Aug 29, 2014 #298


Hell yeah! Half Comma yesterday and 501 today! Congrats on the hard work!

4:49 AM - Aug 29, 2014 #299

From: KC_Guy

Well done Trauma, Well done. Keep leading the way brother.

6:10 AM - Aug 29, 2014 #300

From: golfpro9696

BAD ASS!! Congrats on the half comma my friend
Complacency sucks, one moment of it is the difference between being a user and a quitter....OIB

"Lean into the fall my friends, life can be amazing without nicotine. It's just a matter of choice." sM

"Endeavor to persevere."Chief Dan George "The Outlaw Josey Wales".

MY HOF speech

Offline traumagnet

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Re: day 3
« Reply #293 on: October 18, 2018, 06:52:17 PM »
8:12 PM - Aug 28, 2014 #296

Wow, just wow I would like to thank everyone who has taken part in my quit I could not have done it without each and every one of you. I would like to thank everyone who has allowed me to take part in your quits.

Newbies, please fight for it its worth it and you are worth it don't give up. I know the view from the basement sucks ass no doubt but I can tell you well worth it. Only 5 floors high but the freedom is worth every brick it took to build it.

The first quit (nicotine) provides you with the testicular fortitude to take on any destructive behavior you want to rid yourself of.

Thank you for a memorable day.

The Big Hump

3:57 AM - Aug 29, 2014 #297

From: Dagranger

Sorry for being a day late but congrats! You're one of the true Rock Stars!

4:38 AM - Aug 29, 2014 #298


Hell yeah! Half Comma yesterday and 501 today! Congrats on the hard work!

4:49 AM - Aug 29, 2014 #299

From: KC_Guy

Well done Trauma, Well done. Keep leading the way brother.
Complacency sucks, one moment of it is the difference between being a user and a quitter....OIB

"Lean into the fall my friends, life can be amazing without nicotine. It's just a matter of choice." sM

"Endeavor to persevere."Chief Dan George "The Outlaw Josey Wales".

MY HOF speech

Offline traumagnet

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Re: day 3
« Reply #292 on: October 18, 2018, 06:51:42 PM »
8:12 PM - Aug 28, 2014 #296

Wow, just wow I would like to thank everyone who has taken part in my quit I could not have done it without each and every one of you. I would like to thank everyone who has allowed me to take part in your quits.

Newbies, please fight for it its worth it and you are worth it don't give up. I know the view from the basement sucks ass no doubt but I can tell you well worth it. Only 5 floors high but the freedom is worth every brick it took to build it.

The first quit (nicotine) provides you with the testicular fortitude to take on any destructive behavior you want to rid yourself of.

Thank you for a memorable day.

The Big Hump

3:57 AM - Aug 29, 2014 #297

From: Dagranger

Sorry for being a day late but congrats! You're one of the true Rock Stars!

4:38 AM - Aug 29, 2014 #298


Hell yeah! Half Comma yesterday and 501 today! Congrats on the hard work!
Complacency sucks, one moment of it is the difference between being a user and a quitter....OIB

"Lean into the fall my friends, life can be amazing without nicotine. It's just a matter of choice." sM

"Endeavor to persevere."Chief Dan George "The Outlaw Josey Wales".

MY HOF speech

Offline traumagnet

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Re: day 3
« Reply #291 on: October 18, 2018, 06:50:33 PM »
8:12 PM - Aug 28, 2014 #296

Wow, just wow I would like to thank everyone who has taken part in my quit I could not have done it without each and every one of you. I would like to thank everyone who has allowed me to take part in your quits.

Newbies, please fight for it its worth it and you are worth it don't give up. I know the view from the basement sucks ass no doubt but I can tell you well worth it. Only 5 floors high but the freedom is worth every brick it took to build it.

The first quit (nicotine) provides you with the testicular fortitude to take on any destructive behavior you want to rid yourself of.

Thank you for a memorable day.

The Big Hump

3:57 AM - Aug 29, 2014 #297

From: Dagranger

Sorry for being a day late but congrats! You're one of the true Rock Stars!
Complacency sucks, one moment of it is the difference between being a user and a quitter....OIB

"Lean into the fall my friends, life can be amazing without nicotine. It's just a matter of choice." sM

"Endeavor to persevere."Chief Dan George "The Outlaw Josey Wales".

MY HOF speech

Offline traumagnet

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Re: day 3
« Reply #290 on: October 18, 2018, 06:49:57 PM »
8:12 PM - Aug 28, 2014 #296

Wow, just wow I would like to thank everyone who has taken part in my quit I could not have done it without each and every one of you. I would like to thank everyone who has allowed me to take part in your quits.

Newbies, please fight for it its worth it and you are worth it don't give up. I know the view from the basement sucks ass no doubt but I can tell you well worth it. Only 5 floors high but the freedom is worth every brick it took to build it.

The first quit (nicotine) provides you with the testicular fortitude to take on any destructive behavior you want to rid yourself of.

Thank you for a memorable day.

The Big Hump
Complacency sucks, one moment of it is the difference between being a user and a quitter....OIB

"Lean into the fall my friends, life can be amazing without nicotine. It's just a matter of choice." sM

"Endeavor to persevere."Chief Dan George "The Outlaw Josey Wales".

MY HOF speech

Offline traumagnet

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Re: day 3
« Reply #289 on: October 18, 2018, 06:49:12 PM »
9:19 PM - Aug 27, 2014 #275

From: AppleJack

500 days of pure n righteous quit!

Half comma sits well with you bro. Integrity and fortitude and stamina every step of the way. Proud to be in one badass month with you and the rest of the 4 horsemen. Rock on m'man!

9:26 PM - Aug 27, 2014 #276

From: brettlees

It'll be an honor to pile on right about here. You have been a pillar of my quit, as I've told you before and you've minimized. You have a major impact on those you reach out to. Keep soingg what you do- it's working for you and helping others in a big way too. 500 days of earning freedom from one of the worst forms of slavery around, and bringing others with you. I think you should take a moment or two to enjoy where you are, and acknowledge the gratitude other will be giving! It's due to you.

9:31 PM - Aug 27, 2014 #277

From: Bruce

Jesus Christ man, get it over with and blow the dude already...

Awesome 500 bro, huge milestone and one of many more I'm sure

9:44 PM - Aug 27, 2014 #278

From: brettlees

Well I don't have the same impulses as him ^^^ but I still appreciate what you do!

12:59 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #279


Niiiiice! Wouldn' miss this for the world. Great job my friend.

 3:28 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #280

From: Pinched

Well brother i am also not,gonna blow ya but you are a great dude to quit with, congrats on 500 brother!

4:18 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #281

From: Sand_Fleas_Gotta_Eat

Also in agreement with Pinched and damn proud to be quit with you EDD. Still gotta laugh at all the fogginess that you went through 500 days ago. I think you were the foggiest that I've seen. As funny as it was, I still will take the new Trauma that has kicked that nic bitch to the curb for good. This is an awesome milestone and an awesome day, enjoy it brother!

4:52 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #282

From: worktowin

This is one big mutha fuckin hump day!

Congrats Todd! Thanks for your always level headed and dead on approach here. You are one of the upper crust quitters and it's an honor to quit with you today!

Closer to a comma than a day 1 brother. I wish all of the newbies could be in your shoes today for just 2 minutes.... They wouldn't believe it.....

5:17 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #283

From: Derk40

Well done sir! Way to lead from the front! Proud to be quit with you all day.

6:17 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #284

From: Steakbomb18

Great to see you hit this major milestone. You're one of the finest of the finest found in these halls.

6:26 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #285

From: Thumblewort

You have straight guys lining up to blow you, that's bad ass! Enjoy your 5 hundo, and see you at 501

8:22 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #286

From: rdad

Way to be Trauma. I don't know about the blowing thing but you are one of the pillars I lean on to stay quit. Your words are always positive and encouraging. This is a really big milestone! Huge congrats!
ODAAT....Learn It.....Know It.....Live It

8:46 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #287

From: Mogul

WOW!!! Love it. Keep adding plus ones Trauma

8:48 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #288

From: grizzlyhasclaws

Awesome, half-way to commatown. Keep up the badassedness.

9:11 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #289

From: razd611

Well Done!!!

9:27 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #290

From: Scowick65

Fist pump!

9:58 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #291

From: Mike from AB

Congrats in hitting the big half comma!

10:14 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #292

From: B-loMatt

You were just far enough ahead of me when I first got here to be able to really lead the way for me Trauma. Great example to follow brother! Keep bringing the quit.

10:44 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #293

From: Grizzly25

Nice work brother!


12:20 PM - Aug 28, 2014 #294

From: Minny

Congrats, T.

6:31 PM - Aug 28, 2014 #295

From: Ginet

Damn proud of you!!!! 500 looks awesome on you. Really brings out your eyes!
Complacency sucks, one moment of it is the difference between being a user and a quitter....OIB

"Lean into the fall my friends, life can be amazing without nicotine. It's just a matter of choice." sM

"Endeavor to persevere."Chief Dan George "The Outlaw Josey Wales".

MY HOF speech

Offline traumagnet

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Re: day 3
« Reply #288 on: October 18, 2018, 06:48:29 PM »
9:19 PM - Aug 27, 2014 #275

From: AppleJack

500 days of pure n righteous quit!

Half comma sits well with you bro. Integrity and fortitude and stamina every step of the way. Proud to be in one badass month with you and the rest of the 4 horsemen. Rock on m'man!

9:26 PM - Aug 27, 2014 #276

From: brettlees

It'll be an honor to pile on right about here. You have been a pillar of my quit, as I've told you before and you've minimized. You have a major impact on those you reach out to. Keep soingg what you do- it's working for you and helping others in a big way too. 500 days of earning freedom from one of the worst forms of slavery around, and bringing others with you. I think you should take a moment or two to enjoy where you are, and acknowledge the gratitude other will be giving! It's due to you.

9:31 PM - Aug 27, 2014 #277

From: Bruce

Jesus Christ man, get it over with and blow the dude already...

Awesome 500 bro, huge milestone and one of many more I'm sure

9:44 PM - Aug 27, 2014 #278

From: brettlees

Well I don't have the same impulses as him ^^^ but I still appreciate what you do!

12:59 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #279


Niiiiice! Wouldn' miss this for the world. Great job my friend.

 3:28 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #280

From: Pinched

Well brother i am also not,gonna blow ya but you are a great dude to quit with, congrats on 500 brother!

4:18 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #281

From: Sand_Fleas_Gotta_Eat

Also in agreement with Pinched and damn proud to be quit with you EDD. Still gotta laugh at all the fogginess that you went through 500 days ago. I think you were the foggiest that I've seen. As funny as it was, I still will take the new Trauma that has kicked that nic bitch to the curb for good. This is an awesome milestone and an awesome day, enjoy it brother!

4:52 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #282

From: worktowin

This is one big mutha fuckin hump day!

Congrats Todd! Thanks for your always level headed and dead on approach here. You are one of the upper crust quitters and it's an honor to quit with you today!

Closer to a comma than a day 1 brother. I wish all of the newbies could be in your shoes today for just 2 minutes.... They wouldn't believe it.....

5:17 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #283

From: Derk40

Well done sir! Way to lead from the front! Proud to be quit with you all day.

6:17 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #284

From: Steakbomb18

Great to see you hit this major milestone. You're one of the finest of the finest found in these halls.

6:26 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #285

From: Thumblewort

You have straight guys lining up to blow you, that's bad ass! Enjoy your 5 hundo, and see you at 501

8:22 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #286

From: rdad

Way to be Trauma. I don't know about the blowing thing but you are one of the pillars I lean on to stay quit. Your words are always positive and encouraging. This is a really big milestone! Huge congrats!
ODAAT....Learn It.....Know It.....Live It

8:46 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #287

From: Mogul

WOW!!! Love it. Keep adding plus ones Trauma

8:48 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #288

From: grizzlyhasclaws

Awesome, half-way to commatown. Keep up the badassedness.

9:11 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #289

From: razd611

Well Done!!!

9:27 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #290

From: Scowick65

Fist pump!

9:58 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #291

From: Mike from AB

Congrats in hitting the big half comma!

10:14 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #292

From: B-loMatt

You were just far enough ahead of me when I first got here to be able to really lead the way for me Trauma. Great example to follow brother! Keep bringing the quit.

10:44 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #293

From: Grizzly25

Nice work brother!


12:20 PM - Aug 28, 2014 #294

From: Minny

Congrats, T.
Complacency sucks, one moment of it is the difference between being a user and a quitter....OIB

"Lean into the fall my friends, life can be amazing without nicotine. It's just a matter of choice." sM

"Endeavor to persevere."Chief Dan George "The Outlaw Josey Wales".

MY HOF speech

Offline traumagnet

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Re: day 3
« Reply #287 on: October 18, 2018, 06:47:07 PM »
9:19 PM - Aug 27, 2014 #275

From: AppleJack

500 days of pure n righteous quit!

Half comma sits well with you bro. Integrity and fortitude and stamina every step of the way. Proud to be in one badass month with you and the rest of the 4 horsemen. Rock on m'man!

9:26 PM - Aug 27, 2014 #276

From: brettlees

It'll be an honor to pile on right about here. You have been a pillar of my quit, as I've told you before and you've minimized. You have a major impact on those you reach out to. Keep soingg what you do- it's working for you and helping others in a big way too. 500 days of earning freedom from one of the worst forms of slavery around, and bringing others with you. I think you should take a moment or two to enjoy where you are, and acknowledge the gratitude other will be giving! It's due to you.

9:31 PM - Aug 27, 2014 #277

From: Bruce

Jesus Christ man, get it over with and blow the dude already...

Awesome 500 bro, huge milestone and one of many more I'm sure

9:44 PM - Aug 27, 2014 #278

From: brettlees

Well I don't have the same impulses as him ^^^ but I still appreciate what you do!

12:59 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #279


Niiiiice! Wouldn' miss this for the world. Great job my friend.

 3:28 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #280

From: Pinched

Well brother i am also not,gonna blow ya but you are a great dude to quit with, congrats on 500 brother!

4:18 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #281

From: Sand_Fleas_Gotta_Eat

Also in agreement with Pinched and damn proud to be quit with you EDD. Still gotta laugh at all the fogginess that you went through 500 days ago. I think you were the foggiest that I've seen. As funny as it was, I still will take the new Trauma that has kicked that nic bitch to the curb for good. This is an awesome milestone and an awesome day, enjoy it brother!

4:52 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #282

From: worktowin

This is one big mutha fuckin hump day!

Congrats Todd! Thanks for your always level headed and dead on approach here. You are one of the upper crust quitters and it's an honor to quit with you today!

Closer to a comma than a day 1 brother. I wish all of the newbies could be in your shoes today for just 2 minutes.... They wouldn't believe it.....

5:17 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #283

From: Derk40

Well done sir! Way to lead from the front! Proud to be quit with you all day.

6:17 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #284

From: Steakbomb18

Great to see you hit this major milestone. You're one of the finest of the finest found in these halls.

6:26 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #285

From: Thumblewort

You have straight guys lining up to blow you, that's bad ass! Enjoy your 5 hundo, and see you at 501

8:22 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #286

From: rdad

Way to be Trauma. I don't know about the blowing thing but you are one of the pillars I lean on to stay quit. Your words are always positive and encouraging. This is a really big milestone! Huge congrats!
ODAAT....Learn It.....Know It.....Live It

8:46 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #287

From: Mogul

WOW!!! Love it. Keep adding plus ones Trauma

8:48 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #288

From: grizzlyhasclaws

Awesome, half-way to commatown. Keep up the badassedness.

9:11 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #289

From: razd611

Well Done!!!

9:27 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #290

From: Scowick65

Fist pump!

9:58 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #291

From: Mike from AB

Congrats in hitting the big half comma!

10:14 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #292

From: B-loMatt

You were just far enough ahead of me when I first got here to be able to really lead the way for me Trauma. Great example to follow brother! Keep bringing the quit.

10:44 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #293

From: Grizzly25

Nice work brother!

Complacency sucks, one moment of it is the difference between being a user and a quitter....OIB

"Lean into the fall my friends, life can be amazing without nicotine. It's just a matter of choice." sM

"Endeavor to persevere."Chief Dan George "The Outlaw Josey Wales".

MY HOF speech

Offline traumagnet

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Re: day 3
« Reply #286 on: October 18, 2018, 06:45:47 PM »
9:19 PM - Aug 27, 2014 #275

From: AppleJack

500 days of pure n righteous quit!

Half comma sits well with you bro. Integrity and fortitude and stamina every step of the way. Proud to be in one badass month with you and the rest of the 4 horsemen. Rock on m'man!

9:26 PM - Aug 27, 2014 #276

From: brettlees

It'll be an honor to pile on right about here. You have been a pillar of my quit, as I've told you before and you've minimized. You have a major impact on those you reach out to. Keep soingg what you do- it's working for you and helping others in a big way too. 500 days of earning freedom from one of the worst forms of slavery around, and bringing others with you. I think you should take a moment or two to enjoy where you are, and acknowledge the gratitude other will be giving! It's due to you.

9:31 PM - Aug 27, 2014 #277

From: Bruce

Jesus Christ man, get it over with and blow the dude already...

Awesome 500 bro, huge milestone and one of many more I'm sure

9:44 PM - Aug 27, 2014 #278

From: brettlees

Well I don't have the same impulses as him ^^^ but I still appreciate what you do!

12:59 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #279


Niiiiice! Wouldn' miss this for the world. Great job my friend.

 3:28 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #280

From: Pinched

Well brother i am also not,gonna blow ya but you are a great dude to quit with, congrats on 500 brother!

4:18 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #281

From: Sand_Fleas_Gotta_Eat

Also in agreement with Pinched and damn proud to be quit with you EDD. Still gotta laugh at all the fogginess that you went through 500 days ago. I think you were the foggiest that I've seen. As funny as it was, I still will take the new Trauma that has kicked that nic bitch to the curb for good. This is an awesome milestone and an awesome day, enjoy it brother!

4:52 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #282

From: worktowin

This is one big mutha fuckin hump day!

Congrats Todd! Thanks for your always level headed and dead on approach here. You are one of the upper crust quitters and it's an honor to quit with you today!

Closer to a comma than a day 1 brother. I wish all of the newbies could be in your shoes today for just 2 minutes.... They wouldn't believe it.....

5:17 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #283

From: Derk40

Well done sir! Way to lead from the front! Proud to be quit with you all day.

6:17 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #284

From: Steakbomb18

Great to see you hit this major milestone. You're one of the finest of the finest found in these halls.

6:26 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #285

From: Thumblewort

You have straight guys lining up to blow you, that's bad ass! Enjoy your 5 hundo, and see you at 501

8:22 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #286

From: rdad

Way to be Trauma. I don't know about the blowing thing but you are one of the pillars I lean on to stay quit. Your words are always positive and encouraging. This is a really big milestone! Huge congrats!
ODAAT....Learn It.....Know It.....Live It

8:46 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #287

From: Mogul

WOW!!! Love it. Keep adding plus ones Trauma

8:48 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #288

From: grizzlyhasclaws

Awesome, half-way to commatown. Keep up the badassedness.

9:11 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #289

From: razd611

Well Done!!!

9:27 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #290

From: Scowick65

Fist pump!

9:58 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #291

From: Mike from AB

Congrats in hitting the big half comma!

10:14 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #292

From: B-loMatt

You were just far enough ahead of me when I first got here to be able to really lead the way for me Trauma. Great example to follow brother! Keep bringing the quit.
Complacency sucks, one moment of it is the difference between being a user and a quitter....OIB

"Lean into the fall my friends, life can be amazing without nicotine. It's just a matter of choice." sM

"Endeavor to persevere."Chief Dan George "The Outlaw Josey Wales".

MY HOF speech

Offline traumagnet

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Re: day 3
« Reply #285 on: October 18, 2018, 06:45:02 PM »
9:19 PM - Aug 27, 2014 #275

From: AppleJack

500 days of pure n righteous quit!

Half comma sits well with you bro. Integrity and fortitude and stamina every step of the way. Proud to be in one badass month with you and the rest of the 4 horsemen. Rock on m'man!

9:26 PM - Aug 27, 2014 #276

From: brettlees

It'll be an honor to pile on right about here. You have been a pillar of my quit, as I've told you before and you've minimized. You have a major impact on those you reach out to. Keep soingg what you do- it's working for you and helping others in a big way too. 500 days of earning freedom from one of the worst forms of slavery around, and bringing others with you. I think you should take a moment or two to enjoy where you are, and acknowledge the gratitude other will be giving! It's due to you.

9:31 PM - Aug 27, 2014 #277

From: Bruce

Jesus Christ man, get it over with and blow the dude already...

Awesome 500 bro, huge milestone and one of many more I'm sure

9:44 PM - Aug 27, 2014 #278

From: brettlees

Well I don't have the same impulses as him ^^^ but I still appreciate what you do!

12:59 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #279


Niiiiice! Wouldn' miss this for the world. Great job my friend.

 3:28 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #280

From: Pinched

Well brother i am also not,gonna blow ya but you are a great dude to quit with, congrats on 500 brother!

4:18 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #281

From: Sand_Fleas_Gotta_Eat

Also in agreement with Pinched and damn proud to be quit with you EDD. Still gotta laugh at all the fogginess that you went through 500 days ago. I think you were the foggiest that I've seen. As funny as it was, I still will take the new Trauma that has kicked that nic bitch to the curb for good. This is an awesome milestone and an awesome day, enjoy it brother!

4:52 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #282

From: worktowin

This is one big mutha fuckin hump day!

Congrats Todd! Thanks for your always level headed and dead on approach here. You are one of the upper crust quitters and it's an honor to quit with you today!

Closer to a comma than a day 1 brother. I wish all of the newbies could be in your shoes today for just 2 minutes.... They wouldn't believe it.....

5:17 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #283

From: Derk40

Well done sir! Way to lead from the front! Proud to be quit with you all day.

6:17 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #284

From: Steakbomb18

Great to see you hit this major milestone. You're one of the finest of the finest found in these halls.

6:26 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #285

From: Thumblewort

You have straight guys lining up to blow you, that's bad ass! Enjoy your 5 hundo, and see you at 501

8:22 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #286

From: rdad

Way to be Trauma. I don't know about the blowing thing but you are one of the pillars I lean on to stay quit. Your words are always positive and encouraging. This is a really big milestone! Huge congrats!
ODAAT....Learn It.....Know It.....Live It

8:46 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #287

From: Mogul

WOW!!! Love it. Keep adding plus ones Trauma

8:48 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #288

From: grizzlyhasclaws

Awesome, half-way to commatown. Keep up the badassedness.

9:11 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #289

From: razd611

Well Done!!!

9:27 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #290

From: Scowick65

Fist pump!

9:58 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #291

From: Mike from AB

Congrats in hitting the big half comma!
Complacency sucks, one moment of it is the difference between being a user and a quitter....OIB

"Lean into the fall my friends, life can be amazing without nicotine. It's just a matter of choice." sM

"Endeavor to persevere."Chief Dan George "The Outlaw Josey Wales".

MY HOF speech

Offline traumagnet

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Re: day 3
« Reply #284 on: October 18, 2018, 06:44:19 PM »
9:19 PM - Aug 27, 2014 #275

From: AppleJack

500 days of pure n righteous quit!

Half comma sits well with you bro. Integrity and fortitude and stamina every step of the way. Proud to be in one badass month with you and the rest of the 4 horsemen. Rock on m'man!

9:26 PM - Aug 27, 2014 #276

From: brettlees

It'll be an honor to pile on right about here. You have been a pillar of my quit, as I've told you before and you've minimized. You have a major impact on those you reach out to. Keep soingg what you do- it's working for you and helping others in a big way too. 500 days of earning freedom from one of the worst forms of slavery around, and bringing others with you. I think you should take a moment or two to enjoy where you are, and acknowledge the gratitude other will be giving! It's due to you.

9:31 PM - Aug 27, 2014 #277

From: Bruce

Jesus Christ man, get it over with and blow the dude already...

Awesome 500 bro, huge milestone and one of many more I'm sure

9:44 PM - Aug 27, 2014 #278

From: brettlees

Well I don't have the same impulses as him ^^^ but I still appreciate what you do!

12:59 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #279


Niiiiice! Wouldn' miss this for the world. Great job my friend.

 3:28 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #280

From: Pinched

Well brother i am also not,gonna blow ya but you are a great dude to quit with, congrats on 500 brother!

4:18 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #281

From: Sand_Fleas_Gotta_Eat

Also in agreement with Pinched and damn proud to be quit with you EDD. Still gotta laugh at all the fogginess that you went through 500 days ago. I think you were the foggiest that I've seen. As funny as it was, I still will take the new Trauma that has kicked that nic bitch to the curb for good. This is an awesome milestone and an awesome day, enjoy it brother!

4:52 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #282

From: worktowin

This is one big mutha fuckin hump day!

Congrats Todd! Thanks for your always level headed and dead on approach here. You are one of the upper crust quitters and it's an honor to quit with you today!

Closer to a comma than a day 1 brother. I wish all of the newbies could be in your shoes today for just 2 minutes.... They wouldn't believe it.....

5:17 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #283

From: Derk40

Well done sir! Way to lead from the front! Proud to be quit with you all day.

6:17 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #284

From: Steakbomb18

Great to see you hit this major milestone. You're one of the finest of the finest found in these halls.

6:26 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #285

From: Thumblewort

You have straight guys lining up to blow you, that's bad ass! Enjoy your 5 hundo, and see you at 501

8:22 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #286

From: rdad

Way to be Trauma. I don't know about the blowing thing but you are one of the pillars I lean on to stay quit. Your words are always positive and encouraging. This is a really big milestone! Huge congrats!
ODAAT....Learn It.....Know It.....Live It

8:46 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #287

From: Mogul

WOW!!! Love it. Keep adding plus ones Trauma

8:48 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #288

From: grizzlyhasclaws

Awesome, half-way to commatown. Keep up the badassedness.

9:11 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #289

From: razd611

Well Done!!!

9:27 AM - Aug 28, 2014 #290

From: Scowick65

Fist pump!
Complacency sucks, one moment of it is the difference between being a user and a quitter....OIB

"Lean into the fall my friends, life can be amazing without nicotine. It's just a matter of choice." sM

"Endeavor to persevere."Chief Dan George "The Outlaw Josey Wales".

MY HOF speech