Author Topic: Walt Garrison  (Read 362 times)

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Walt Garrison
« on: January 14, 2011, 01:34:00 PM »
I wonder how pro athletes and such who are paid mega bucks can associate their association with a product that catered to a young man like me to a life of addiction.

I wonder how someone can sleep at night without considering the unfortunate ones who developed mouth, lip, throat and tongue cancer along with other related disease from this product not step up and support a campaign to stop it.

I see where Walt Garrison supports muscular dystrophy but I don't see anywhere that shows any coorelation to his direct involvement into how young guys like me followed in his "cool" footsteps. Wanting to be the athlete and cowboy so bad that I puked the first few times I tried SKOAL. But I kept trying til I overcame the pukes. Just to be like Walt Garrison. He should man up and be heavily involved in the fight to stop smokeless tobacco from causing further damage to millions of young and old men across this country.

Well Walt, here I am 35 years later and only now have addressed the demon can that has dominated my life for so long. I hope that one day you will see the damage done to me and many more like me. I hope the money was worth it. Because it sure hasn't been worth it to me.