To the new quitter lurking around wondering what you are getting yourself into, take a few moments and keep reading.
Today marks my 500th day of freedom from a dead, poisonous plant. When I stop and think about it, I never imagined in my wildest dreams that I could live a life free from nicotine. Go read my HOF speech; I was to a point where I almost gave up, resolved to die a premature, tobacco related death. But then by the grace of God I found KTC and started to create a new life free from nicotine and dip.
I am an addict. I will be for life. Once I accepted this fact, I was able to realize I could never again have "just one". I developed a hatred for nicotine/tobacco and all the lies associated with dipping. It stole my freedom, my money, my health and injured my relationships. Never again would I embrace something that was literally killing me.
The last 500 days have not been a walk in the park. There are been family deaths, the birth of our first child, two softball seasons, a job change and countless other events. But it was all faced with a clear mind and without a cat turd in my lip. My brothers and sisters of quit here on KTC have been there for support and encouragement along the way. Some of the folks on here have become solid friends and I have yet to meet them face to face. But we have walked side by side, noses to the grindstone and come out victorious one day at a time. We share the struggles and rejoice in the victories. I am so proud of how far I have come but a majority of the credit must go to the brotherhood of KTC and the power of accountability.
500 days quit = 500 daily promises not to use nicotine. Post every damn day and let tomorrow take care of itself. Share digits and help encourage others! Trust me, your quit will be strengthened by helping and supporting fellow quitters.
Thank you to everyone who has supported me in this journey especially my fellow August 2016 Trauma-tizers and those that post support in our group daily! I am proud to be fighting this battle alongside of you and even more proud to be quit with you all today!! QLAMF ODAAT!!