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Garbage feeling

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Thanks EXBEARHAG, I was just talking to my wife when I got home that physically I feel about maybe 80%. My throat is a constant issue which went from superbad at about 50 day mark to a constant soreness now but affects my voice. I definitely know that when I get a trigger like today that I posted about it just makes my throat even worse. Then all heck breaks loose but I know the trigger and I can just ride it out but it also wears me out. Today it happened twice and one lasted an hour an half and would have loved a nap afterwards, lol. I told my wife that I can’t recall having any pains when I chewed other then the days I would over do it. The only thing I remember is when jonesing real bad my tongue would feel weird then my mouth and throat would get really dry and no drink would fix it. But if I popped a chew it all would go away and those symptoms did happen for about two weeks when my throat started to really fire up. I guess I am just worried as for tomorrows ent visit just because of 30 years of abuse. I am praying that they find no issues and its all withdrawal related, then I for will be fighting the nic bitch with a new amount of strength. Thanks for your digits and I will store them in my phone so you might hear from me. I tend to type long stories to but if I can help at least one other person then I am getting something done for the good of the world. Thanks again for everybody supporting each other as this fight should not be done alone. Stay strong, stay safe and God bless. 

Hey @Thefranks5

I never really had major mouth or throat pain so I'm afraid I can't give you much advise on that front.  I believe Smokey Mt responded earlier.  I remember that he had some of those issues.

Anxiety, on the other hand, I can relate to.  Like you I never had anxiety or depression but I watched my wife suffer from time to time.  N ow I know what it means to be anxious.  At 345 days I'm still getting attacks on the mornings I have to work; these attacks, however, are less debilitating than they used to be and seem to be wavering a bit...just a bit but it's something.

I can also relate to feeling like shit for hours...days at a time.  My whole world revolved around nicotine (like many here) and I did not hide my addiction so I did it ALL the time.  For the first ~300 days, I felt a major void in my life and was reminded about my addiction by everything I did.  This made my life practically unbearable for the first 100 days but has gotten incrementally better since. 

Bottom line: the more space and time you put between you and nicotine, the easier this is going to get for you.  It may be almost unnoticeable day to day but as you stack those days things will get easier.  A couple vets have said it below: ODAAT.  This concept was the most important factor in getting me through all those tough days.  Do not allow yourself to think about tomorrow, next week, next year, etc.  If you are scheduled to go to the dentist today, go and make the best of it.  Come what may.  Try not to obsess about things until you have to.  Exercise, sleep, do anything that will keep your mind off of it until you can close your eyes for the night.  WUPP and repeat.  Not easy but simple. 

Lastly, make connections.  As tough as things are, life will probably get tougher (if even for a short period of time) at some point.  You WILL have that Fuck It Crave...eventually.  I've had several of these...even found myself sitting in the C-store lot a couple times in a mental world war with myself.  However, I make my promise early every day and have ~15 KTC contacts in my phone just waiting for when I falter.  I simple SOS text to anyone of them and I know I'll get the advise that I need.  Prior to this quit I did not have this safety net and I failed every time...usually within 3 weeks.  This is what makes KTC different.

Sorry for the diatribe.   I had many thoughts reading through your intro and I think I only made it through a couple of them.  Keep blogging this out here in intros and in your group.  Writing about these things and getting feedback is more valuable to me and my quit than I could describe. 

My digits are in your box.

Holding that line with you my brother, shoulder to shoulder.


Just venting so be nice, lol. I can take it yell at me. This anxiety sucks which makes every little pain 1000 times worse. My wife suffers from anxiety issues so I have somebody at home who can relate and now I can relate to her. I am an alarm tech so when I closed a call before I always thru a fatty in for the ride to the next one. Man now some of these attacks seem to go on for hours which has been since I stopped using 112 days ago. This one is going on hour and half now to which my wife can’t relate as hers only last minutes. Now that I recognize the symptoms I can try different ways to get thru them. They don't always work but the best is a fake fatty of baccoff or smokey mountain. Which will also meed to go away as per my wife. So here is a little more info on anxiety for everybody that still suffers from it. Counting the days for anxiety goes away as that makes the throat worse but we are in for the long haul. ODAAT, WUPP and IQWYT. Thank you everybody for the help this far and now I feel compelled to help the newbies. Be strong, be safe and God bless everybody.


--- Quote from: Thefranks5 on June 23, 2020, 06:27:07 PM ---Ok, I going to fuss again as I feel like a big wuss. 111 days in and still fighting a throat that goes from feeling like something is caught to it feeling like its on fire. Today is 6/23 and I go to the ent doc on 6/25 so at least I am going. The throat issue comes and goes but it seems never goes away. It went from full on assault (pain like burning, adams apple sore, pain to talk to feeling like muscles are super tense) to almost nothing. Then to go a half on assault with new sinus pains in rear of nostrils that feels like a cold coming on.  I started using flonase to help with allergies which it has, watch my diet and limit caffeine. I know I sound like a wuss but this old man is getting worn out with this stuff. I would be lying if I told you I am not scared to go to the doctor but why was I not scared when I chewed. Why was I not scared to go to the dentist but I am now? Why was I not scared when we I saw the cancer pics? Why was I not scared when my wifes coworkers husband was diagnosed with cancer and had a good amount of his jaw removed. Why was I not scared then but am now? The biggest thing that I would like is to be free of nicotine forever and only going odaat is the way. In the mean time I look to vets for help as they have all been thru this. I pray that all the newbies will find this post and have it help them also. This nasty addiction will not hold me back from reaching more and more days. I quit with you today and I will continue to post roll as long as my fingers and God lets me. God bless all of you and whatever info I receive I will be forever grateful for, thank you.

--- End quote ---

I faced and a number of other quitters I know faced issues with acid reflux for a while. The doc will take care of you. Try to relax, focus on what you can control, and stay busy. Self diagnosing rarely goes well. Reach out if I can help or you need someone to talk to.

Ok, I going to fuss again as I feel like a big wuss. 111 days in and still fighting a throat that goes from feeling like something is caught to it feeling like its on fire. Today is 6/23 and I go to the ent doc on 6/25 so at least I am going. The throat issue comes and goes but it seems never goes away. It went from full on assault (pain like burning, adams apple sore, pain to talk to feeling like muscles are super tense) to almost nothing. Then to go a half on assault with new sinus pains in rear of nostrils that feels like a cold coming on.  I started using flonase to help with allergies which it has, watch my diet and limit caffeine. I know I sound like a wuss but this old man is getting worn out with this stuff. I would be lying if I told you I am not scared to go to the doctor but why was I not scared when I chewed. Why was I not scared to go to the dentist but I am now? Why was I not scared when we I saw the cancer pics? Why was I not scared when my wifes coworkers husband was diagnosed with cancer and had a good amount of his jaw removed. Why was I not scared then but am now? The biggest thing that I would like is to be free of nicotine forever and only going odaat is the way. In the mean time I look to vets for help as they have all been thru this. I pray that all the newbies will find this post and have it help them also. This nasty addiction will not hold me back from reaching more and more days. I quit with you today and I will continue to post roll as long as my fingers and God lets me. God bless all of you and whatever info I receive I will be forever grateful for, thank you.


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