Author Topic: Dentist day!  (Read 8001 times)

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Re: Dentist day!
« Reply #8 on: August 12, 2019, 04:03:33 PM »
Is seeing the dentist after quitting important? I just went like a month ago so I won't be seeing him again for another year unless I make an appointment specifically cause of this. How long into quitting should the appointment be?


I swear I'm not the only one on this site. It's always a little slower on the weekends. I just don't like questions to go unaddressed.

Since you saw your dentist last month, it might be alright to wait until your next scheduled appointment. Many dippers don't go to the dentist at all for decades, even after every cancer scare. So it is usually imperative that quitters sit in the dentist's chair and get a thorough examination ASAP. Now, I'm not saying you shouldn't do that if your dentist didn't know you dipped. A cancer screen could give you peace of mind going forward. Or, maybe you could call up the office and ask them what they thought. Let them know your situation and they'll do you right.
Zeus definitely isn't the only one here...

And I'd agree with everything he says. You're probably good to go till your next appointment. One thing I always stress for new quitters is to get there and tell them EVERYTHING. If you're like me you hid your TRUE usage even from your dentist. Let them take a GOOD look at your mouth, give you a good cleaning and be on your merry way.
"Every man dies... not every man really lives." - William Wallace

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Offline Zeus

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Re: Dentist day!
« Reply #7 on: August 04, 2019, 06:44:32 PM »
Is seeing the dentist after quitting important? I just went like a month ago so I won't be seeing him again for another year unless I make an appointment specifically cause of this. How long into quitting should the appointment be?


I swear I'm not the only one on this site. It's always a little slower on the weekends. I just don't like questions to go unaddressed.

Since you saw your dentist last month, it might be alright to wait until your next scheduled appointment. Many dippers don't go to the dentist at all for decades, even after every cancer scare. So it is usually imperative that quitters sit in the dentist's chair and get a thorough examination ASAP. Now, I'm not saying you shouldn't do that if your dentist didn't know you dipped. A cancer screen could give you peace of mind going forward. Or, maybe you could call up the office and ask them what they thought. Let them know your situation and they'll do you right.
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Re: Dentist day!
« Reply #6 on: August 04, 2019, 09:08:16 AM »
Is seeing the dentist after quitting important? I just went like a month ago so I won't be seeing him again for another year unless I make an appointment specifically cause of this. How long into quitting should the appointment be?

Offline Quit for Good!!!

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Re: Dentist day!
« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2019, 12:31:15 AM »
I feel you brothers. Dipped for 15 years and went to dentist last month. I was so freaked out on what they were going to tell me, like Rick I couldn't sleep. Turns out, it helped me with my quit. They told me I had two damaged teeth and one cracked. I told them where I liked to keep the dip in my mouth and had them check for any sores or signs of cancer. They said everything looked good & recommended two fillings and a crown. I feel like I got off easy and got a great chance to start over and Quit tobacco for good!!! Hence the name Quit For Good!!! Anyway, thanks for sharing your stories and I to would encourage anyone starting a quit to go get checked out!

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Re: Dentist day!
« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2019, 06:02:48 PM »
Dentist day 2.
Got my results back today, day 115. The trepidation was still there and i had a hard time sleeping but i made it to my appt. Turns out im gonna lose a couple teeth. #19, 16,and two more that could be root canal or extraction. Hopefully i can keep those. 16 or 19 is my main molar, bottom left. I think im gonna miss him. But i swear now, if you told me 116 days ago, "i'll trade you 4 teeth and 15 to 20 extra pounds for a quit" i would have taken that deal quick. I feel truly blessed. Someone has a quote going around to the effect that: just one dip and you will wish you where where u are now. Sage stuff that, what? I know i was freekin out, some call it "a scare" but i had found a lump on my jaw, had perpetual sore mouth and those white patches all the freakin time. Fortunatly i didnt need a biopsy as my mouth had healed itself pretty good. The lump is a small tori, bone overgrowth, and is not something to worry about. Thank you baby Jesus. Now i wont profess to knowing your quit, but if you got this kind of heavy shit comming down, hit me up.
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Re: Dentist day!
« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2019, 10:22:18 PM »
Ok. Let me start with, im 113 days free and today was my hardest yet. Chewed minimum 1 can a day for 20yrs. Hadn't seen a dentist in longer then that. I called to make an appt and had to wait 60 days 'non emergency'. Needless to say the last 2 months been double F***** Proper F*****. Anxiety and Hours in front of the mirror with flashlight in hand. Well, this morning i wrote a shity note for my group and went in. I cannot express the relief i feel. Im embarrassed by my trepidation and fear. No sleep last night, and that treasonous little voice in my head that tells me 'one dip wont hurt' went into overdrive. A thousand reasons why i didn't realy need to see a dentist. I held firm to my resolve and just freakin went. To all my new Brothers and Sisters, please go. Man up, we can do this. The dentists these days have seen everything, they deal with tweekers and meth mouth on a daily basis. Believe me, it will b ok. I swear i would have rather been kicked in the nuts repeatedly then go to the dentist. Today we have a plan to restore my oral health. I could cry for joy and relief. Do not underestimate the importance of this step. Please, please call on me, call on your friends, do whatever it takes. So, So freakin PROUD TO HAVE QUIT WITH U TODAY. I love u guys!

Nice Win Brother
A win it is. I as a dipped didn't want to hear anything bad, and didn't want to be told I needed to quit.. I was an asshole! Well now at 120 Days quit, I have been to the dentist 3 times, lost 10 teeth, and getting the rest taken care of! Keep up the awesome work!

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Re: Dentist day!
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2019, 07:50:28 PM »
Ok. Let me start with, im 113 days free and today was my hardest yet. Chewed minimum 1 can a day for 20yrs. Hadn't seen a dentist in longer then that. I called to make an appt and had to wait 60 days 'non emergency'. Needless to say the last 2 months been double F***** Proper F*****. Anxiety and Hours in front of the mirror with flashlight in hand. Well, this morning i wrote a shity note for my group and went in. I cannot express the relief i feel. Im embarrassed by my trepidation and fear. No sleep last night, and that treasonous little voice in my head that tells me 'one dip wont hurt' went into overdrive. A thousand reasons why i didn't realy need to see a dentist. I held firm to my resolve and just freakin went. To all my new Brothers and Sisters, please go. Man up, we can do this. The dentists these days have seen everything, they deal with tweekers and meth mouth on a daily basis. Believe me, it will b ok. I swear i would have rather been kicked in the nuts repeatedly then go to the dentist. Today we have a plan to restore my oral health. I could cry for joy and relief. Do not underestimate the importance of this step. Please, please call on me, call on your friends, do whatever it takes. So, So freakin PROUD TO HAVE QUIT WITH U TODAY. I love u guys!

Nice Win Brother
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Offline Sexmachine

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Dentist day!
« on: May 21, 2019, 10:58:40 PM »
Ok. Let me start with, im 113 days free and today was my hardest yet. Chewed minimum 1 can a day for 20yrs. Hadn't seen a dentist in longer then that. I called to make an appt and had to wait 60 days 'non emergency'. Needless to say the last 2 months been double F***** Proper F*****. Anxiety and Hours in front of the mirror with flashlight in hand. Well, this morning i wrote a shity note for my group and went in. I cannot express the relief i feel. Im embarrassed by my trepidation and fear. No sleep last night, and that treasonous little voice in my head that tells me 'one dip wont hurt' went into overdrive. A thousand reasons why i didn't realy need to see a dentist. I held firm to my resolve and just freakin went. To all my new Brothers and Sisters, please go. Man up, we can do this. The dentists these days have seen everything, they deal with tweekers and meth mouth on a daily basis. Believe me, it will b ok. I swear i would have rather been kicked in the nuts repeatedly then go to the dentist. Today we have a plan to restore my oral health. I could cry for joy and relief. Do not underestimate the importance of this step. Please, please call on me, call on your friends, do whatever it takes. So, So freakin PROUD TO HAVE QUIT WITH U TODAY. I love u guys!
To crush your enemy, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women.     Conan the Barbarian