Community > Introductions

Been cutting back, finally quit

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--- Quote from: Good_ol_boy --- Hi, I've been dipping Cope wintergreen LC for 8 years, at least a tin a day, some times 2. As of 8 am today (8/27/13) I have officially quit!

I just turned 25, I have been wanting to quit for a good while now. My decision to quit for good happened a little over a week ago, the cashier gave me a tin of pouches instead of LC, I decided to see how long I could make them last. I was almost at 36 hours free Friday until I started drinking, and sure enough dippin away. I still had half a tin of pouches left this morning when I got to work, I sucked on one for roughly 5 mins before realizing I was just rationalizing, if I want to quit, I have to sack up and do it, not just keep crutchin along. So here I am!
--- End quote ---
GOB. Man what a wonderful day it is for you! I am sure today sucked and tomorrow is gonna be worse, but it is an exciting time in your life. YOU ARE TAKING YOUR FREEDOM BACK! There is a ton of support here and this site makes quitting more than possible, KTC makes caving hardly possible, if you drink the cool-aid and use the site the way it is intended. iiiiGo post roll!!!! It is the way we hold one another accountable. Roll is our promise not to dip, exchange numbers and build relationships so others will be looking for your ass if you go MIA or have issues you don't realize. Pay it backward and forward. Read read read read and then read more, start with the welcome center. Pm me if you need anything. Prod you decided to take you life back today and I will go through this with you, I will quit with you as hard as I can quit. Post Roll!

Hello and welcome,

This is (as I'm sure you know) a nicotine free site. This is a great decision you've made. Welcome to the start of getting your life back.

Look on up to the "welcome center" and pay attention to the "post roll" it will be the foundation of your quit. It certainly has been a life saver for me during the tough times.

You CAN do this and we can help.

Wake up post roll (promise to not use nicotine for that day, today would be your day 1) and do it the next day. One day at a time (ODAAT, you will see that on this site a bunch).

I'm quit with you, don't hesitate to PM me or anyone on this site.


Hi, I've been dipping Cope wintergreen LC for 8 years, at least a tin a day, some times 2. As of 8 am today (8/27/13) I have officially quit!

I just turned 25, I have been wanting to quit for a good while now. My decision to quit for good happened a little over a week ago, the cashier gave me a tin of pouches instead of LC, I decided to see how long I could make them last. I was almost at 36 hours free Friday until I started drinking, and sure enough dippin away. I still had half a tin of pouches left this morning when I got to work, I sucked on one for roughly 5 mins before realizing I was just rationalizing, if I want to quit, I have to sack up and do it, not just keep crutchin along. So here I am!


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