Community > Introductions

Day 15


Post roll daily, it has worked for me for 3+ years.

Hey Uncle Ron! You're in the right place, brotha! Sounds like you're ready to make this stick. There's gonna be a bunch of great quitters who chime in soon but know that if you're truely ready, this is the place... your quit group.

Click on that, bookmark the page and make your promise everyday. Read, listen and chime in. This is the quit secret... Don't miss a day. Try not to be a dick to your family. There are plenty of morons here, much more deserving, who get it.

5 years ago, five hrs felt like five months. Now, 5yrs feels like 5 mins. It gets better, daily. Yugely.

Welcome aboard!

Well, here I am the start of day 15 dip free after 40 years of at least one can per day. Up to this point day 5 was the hardest. Woke up and reached for the old reliable can and it wasn't there. I instantly got pissed off and stayed that way all day. However, now I'm on day 13 with insomnia and anxiety issues which are physically exhausting to say the least. I must say this was the first morning I considered buying can but I didn't. Not going to go through this hell just to go back to what got me here.


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