Community > Introductions

36 hours deep


You are in the middle of the toughest fight of your life and you are winning! Read all you can and stay close to the site as much as you can. 1000s have quit befor you and can help show you the way.

Great choice, and nice job on those first 36 hours. Damn, those are some tough ones. Listen to the guys that posted before me. Check out the Welcome Center (pink button that is up and to the left) Learn how to post roll. (It seems confusing the first time, but you will figure it out) Everybody here posts roll each day promising themselves, the folks in their group and the whole KTC brotherhood that they will not dip, chew, smoke or otherwise take nicotine for that day. Just one day. You can do that. Then you wake up the next day and post that same promise.
IT is good to get some phone numbers of people here you can call or text if you are in a rough spot. Send me a PM and I will give you my number.

Great choice, Done. Ross is right...head to the Welcome Center, learn how to post roll, and read everything you can on here...then read it again.

Attitude is need to embrace the suck. YOU'RE DOING SOMETHING HEROIC is what's going on here. You're saving your own life, sparing your wife and kids immeasurable pain. You're winning your freedom from the Nic Bitch one day at a time. I'm pumped about your quit and YOU SHOULD BE TOO!!!

YOU CAN DO THIS, BROTHER!!! 36 hours is HUGE. No turning back now. Keep on keeping on one day at a time. YOU GOT THIS!!!

Morning and welcome DWIA,

Being 32, in I can tell you that the first thing that needs to change is the mindset. I suggest changing username to "done with it for good".

Also read up on "post roll" as it is the foundation of this quit website.

There is tons of good motivating information on this site, more than you can read.

Also everyone is full of support all you need to do is send them a PM or hit up the live chat room when things get tough.

Hope this helps,

stay quit,

fellow newbie,


36 hours in, the wife has not left, yet. The kids are wondering what's up. Folks at work a finding I have an edge.


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