Author Topic: * Just Be Done  (Read 1569 times)

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Offline Afinley26

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* Just Be Done
« on: September 09, 2022, 12:32:05 AM »
For a while I wasn’t sure that I would write or share my HOF speech. The reasoning was quite simple. There is some guilt attached to my quit. For the most part it has been easy except for some sleep issues (always have those), some weird dreams, and the phantom tin packs after the meal. You know, you reach for that can and well it isn’t there. No sunflower seeds really. No fake chew. Just a true actual quit.

Actually quitting is probably the biggest difference though in this quit. I’ve been “quitting” for the 16 or 17 years since I started.  This was a quit without an excuse though. In fact, simply I’m done. So in reality, this is not a quit. This is just me being done. In the end, both excuse and I’m done contain six letters. The difference is if you are done you won’t make an excuse.

When I decided I was done on June 2, I was laying on the couch with my leg up after surgery. I stumbled back across KTC for a good reason this time (The last few times was in relation to cancer or something after a google search) and saw there was a link to discord. I clicked and remember posting in the welcome zone. Got linked up with my group and posted a promise everyday since to stay done.

While mostly quiet in this group, I’ve been amazed and inspired by all that have been with me on this journey of being done. From Our Day 1 mentor Chick to TT and everyone in between that has encouraged us and kept us accountable.

So if you read this and you are asking how to be done. Just tell yourself “I’m done” and really mean that. Once you are done with something you are winning that mental battle. So quit making excuses, be done and make sure to post and stay true to the daily promise to yourself, your fellow KTC members, and your loved ones.

Before KTC I took after the famous Thomas Edison quote and found 10,000 ways to fail and not succeed in quitting. In the end it was simple and I just had to be done.

Lastly, I spoke to TT on the phone a few nights ago  and something he said stuck out to me. He said that he was posting his promise everyday until he has more then the days he wasn’t done. Looks like I’ll be posting at least 6,000 days with him.

Alex Finley September Pricks of 22
« Last Edit: September 09, 2022, 02:17:12 PM by chewie »