Community > Introductions

Day 1... I quit

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I got an auto-warning when I opened up my intro that’s it’s dusty af, likely forgotten, and maybe I should consider starting a new one! lol

It’s 7:30am and I’m sitting in the living room of a VRBO in Florence, Italy. It’s still the previous day for most folk. 10+ years ago… I seriously don’t know if I could have done this trip with my wife and, soon to be graduated from college, daughter. I really don’t think the level of my addiction would have allowed for that. Where the hell could I get that much dip hidden in my backpack or carry-on?! It sounds asinine to even say that but it’s true. I would likely have stayed up nights worrying about it or deep diving into Google until I was zombied out, trying to find ANY place that sold it.

That shit ruined my life on so many levels… there really are no words to describe it but… you all know.

No more, man.
No more.
I don’t think about it anymore.
I don’t care about it anymore.
I don’t worry about it anymore.
It doesn’t run the show anymore.

Freedom is SO damn cool.
Cheers, Quitters!

AJ… 3,900


--- Quote from: Athan on August 04, 2022, 01:53:21 AM ---
--- Quote from: Stranger999 on August 01, 2022, 11:07:08 PM ---
--- Quote from: Grandpa on August 01, 2022, 06:20:26 PM ---I’m not sure how you add a “like”, but I have to agree the old site was much preferred to Discord.

--- End quote ---

I'm posting both here and on Discord.  I remember when I quit that some folks had trouble posting in a forum.  They just weren't that into computers.  I'm sure these days younger quitters just want to use apps on their phones.  For me this whole thing became real around day 19 when someone I shared my digits with actually called me - I picked up and we talked for over an hour.  Hiding behind a screen is ok I guess but talking to people and getting out to meet them will multiply your quit mojo 1000 times.    8)

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Amen brother - the forums are just a medium. Talking to a brother has helped me navigate a lot more than just overcoming addiction. IQWYT

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So true. The brother/sisterhood has been huge in my quit. I don’t want to let anyone down. It is also a hell of a lot easier to quit as part of a group than as an individual. Probably why we all failed on our own.


--- Quote from: Stranger999 on August 01, 2022, 11:07:08 PM ---
--- Quote from: Grandpa on August 01, 2022, 06:20:26 PM ---I’m not sure how you add a “like”, but I have to agree the old site was much preferred to Discord.

--- End quote ---

I'm posting both here and on Discord.  I remember when I quit that some folks had trouble posting in a forum.  They just weren't that into computers.  I'm sure these days younger quitters just want to use apps on their phones.  For me this whole thing became real around day 19 when someone I shared my digits with actually called me - I picked up and we talked for over an hour.  Hiding behind a screen is ok I guess but talking to people and getting out to meet them will multiply your quit mojo 1000 times.    8)

--- End quote ---
Amen brother - the forums are just a medium. Talking to a brother has helped me navigate a lot more than just overcoming addiction. IQWYT


--- Quote from: Grandpa on August 01, 2022, 06:20:26 PM ---I’m not sure how you add a “like”, but I have to agree the old site was much preferred to Discord.

--- End quote ---

I'm posting both here and on Discord.  I remember when I quit that some folks had trouble posting in a forum.  They just weren't that into computers.  I'm sure these days younger quitters just want to use apps on their phones.  For me this whole thing became real around day 19 when someone I shared my digits with actually called me - I picked up and we talked for over an hour.  Hiding behind a screen is ok I guess but talking to people and getting out to meet them will multiply your quit mojo 1000 times.    8)

I’m not sure how you add a “like”, but I have to agree the old site was much preferred to Discord.


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