Author Topic: "Dad you eat Dirt" (4 year old daughter)  (Read 4777 times)

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Re: "Dad you eat Dirt" (4 year old daughter)
« Reply #34 on: September 05, 2013, 05:59:00 PM »
Quote from: Evil_Won
Quote from: moka2620
I apologize for disparaging my former group.  It was not intended to0 insult that group and the effort they have put in.  It was poorly worded and again I apologize.  This is about me wanting to quit tobacco.  I am an addict and I am fully aware of that now.  If protocol is I go back to my original group and ask for forgiveness i will surely do that.  If I move forward with a new group I am ready to embrace them and let them know of my struggles.  In the end what I am going to do different which has been asked my others in this thread and inbox is committment.  While actions speak louder then words and it really comes down to being accountable for my actions, to my group, to my family and to myself.  Not looking for instant forgiveness but I am committed to doing this and I need KTC's help...
1) Post roll everyday in Dec 13.
2) Take a leadership role there. ENGAGE with all of them and in KTC.
3) Post roll in Jan 13 again, every day.

Show us you want this by actions, not hollow words.
i agree come post with us daily after you post with December dont worry we will be there. post today i think we have some room. pm if you want a contact

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Re: "Dad you eat Dirt" (4 year old daughter)
« Reply #33 on: September 05, 2013, 05:58:00 PM »
Part of drinking the Kool-Aid is going all in. Print three copies of this; put one in your wallet, give one to your wife, and then address one to your daughter  keep on your nightstand.

103 days quit and then caving? That just scared the shit out of me. I will admit that I didn't have the contract in my wallet until five minutes ago.

I give up my quit. Quitting is impossible and I cannot do it. I love dipping more than I love myself. I care about dipping more than I care about my personal health. I love dipping more than I love my family. I know this addiction will kill me, and I ACCEPT that fact. I enjoy spending time alone with my can more than I enjoy spending time with anyone else on the planet. I look forward to losing my jaw, my tongue, my throat, my life – it’s worth it. When I am lying in my hospital bed fighting a losing battle against cancer I will feel a sense of satisfaction knowing that this is the path I CHOSE. My only regret will be that I didn’t start dipping earlier in life. I will feel sorrow for my family’s heartbreak and suffer untold pain, but I know you must sacrifice for the things you truly love.

I know ALL the consequences of my actions and I accept them fully and without regret. I hereby choose to give my life to this addiction – I do so with a smile on face.

Signature: ____________________
Date: ____________________
Quit Date 7/12/13
HOF Date 10/19/13

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Offline Minny

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Re: "Dad you eat Dirt" (4 year old daughter)
« Reply #32 on: September 05, 2013, 05:39:00 PM »
Quote from: moka2620
Hi my name is Brad. I have made the decision the nic bitch can no longer run my life. I am 35 and I have been dipping for 15 years, Kodiak. It actually surprises me to think how long it has been and apart of my life. And I sit here and ask why? What benefit am I getting from having a dip? I really couldn't tell you but some bogus replies. The reality is I decided to quit yesterday because I had a sore throat and had a dentist appt. yesterday. For me when i get a sore throat I fear cancer and you see the pictures and it scares the hell out of me. The impact it could have on my life and my families. I don't want to tell my girls that I was too selfish and couldn't find the will power to quit. Losing your jaw, teeth. etc. Yesterday I told the Dentist to give it to me straight and the effects I am having on my gums. As fyi in past years I told him I don't want to know and if he did I wouldn't come back. The reason was just shame knowing I was being controlled by my nicotine addiction. Well he told me of my severe erosion of my gum line, significant gum disease, and gingivitis. That continued use will lead to continual worst conditions that I don't even want to know about. I am not immune to the effects to dipping, none of us are.

I am going to stand up to the nic bitch! I am ready to move forward with my brothers and sisters. I look forward to saving $40 a week, $2000 a year, a clean car, to kissing my wife without the fear she knows, not having dip in my teeth, finding a spitter, improving my dental hygiene, reducing the risk of cancer, dip on my clothes, smell of dip in my car, the reputation from my friends waiting for me to throw in a big fatty, daily trips to the gas station, tasting food, and a life of freedom!

I look forward to joining the group and hearing feedback, reading the stories, blogs and supporting everyone's quit. We can do this one day at a time.
Awwww, come ON, bro. That was low... Also, I wasn't even in the Jackwaggins and I hear their name all the time.

You had me hook line and sinker. Re-reading your first post... ugh.

Take it from a guy who came crawling back himself: There's only one thing to do now: post roll EVERY day, chug the kool-aid, keep your head down and get busy quittin' (again).

Good luck.
Quit Date 7/12/13
HOF Date 10/19/13

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Offline Jlud007

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Re: "Dad you eat Dirt" (4 year old daughter)
« Reply #31 on: September 05, 2013, 05:35:00 PM »
Quote from: moka2620
I apologize for disparaging my former group.  It was not intended to0 insult that group and the effort they have put in.  It was poorly worded and again I apologize.  This is about me wanting to quit tobacco.  I am an addict and I am fully aware of that now.  If protocol is I go back to my original group and ask for forgiveness i will surely do that.  If I move forward with a new group I am ready to embrace them and let them know of my struggles.  In the end what I am going to do different which has been asked my others in this thread and inbox is committment.  While actions speak louder then words and it really comes down to being accountable for my actions, to my group, to my family and to myself.  Not looking for instant forgiveness but I am committed to doing this and I need KTC's help...
Your sounding like a quitter now Moka, but actions are the real test. Post roll and keep your word, every day, first thing. I'll be sending you my digits as well so you have some contacts.

Offline Evil_Won

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Re: "Dad you eat Dirt" (4 year old daughter)
« Reply #30 on: September 05, 2013, 05:28:00 PM »
Quote from: moka2620
I apologize for disparaging my former group. It was not intended to0 insult that group and the effort they have put in. It was poorly worded and again I apologize. This is about me wanting to quit tobacco. I am an addict and I am fully aware of that now. If protocol is I go back to my original group and ask for forgiveness i will surely do that. If I move forward with a new group I am ready to embrace them and let them know of my struggles. In the end what I am going to do different which has been asked my others in this thread and inbox is committment. While actions speak louder then words and it really comes down to being accountable for my actions, to my group, to my family and to myself. Not looking for instant forgiveness but I am committed to doing this and I need KTC's help...
1) Post roll everyday in Dec 13.
2) Take a leadership role there. ENGAGE with all of them and in KTC.
3) Post roll in Jan 13 again, every day.

Show us you want this by actions, not hollow words.
"Dunno about you HP, but LOOT doesn't like getting assfucked, by anyone....and certainly won't chalk it up to 'shit happens'."

Offline moka2620

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Re: "Dad you eat Dirt" (4 year old daughter)
« Reply #29 on: September 05, 2013, 05:06:00 PM »
I apologize for disparaging my former group. It was not intended to0 insult that group and the effort they have put in. It was poorly worded and again I apologize. This is about me wanting to quit tobacco. I am an addict and I am fully aware of that now. If protocol is I go back to my original group and ask for forgiveness i will surely do that. If I move forward with a new group I am ready to embrace them and let them know of my struggles. In the end what I am going to do different which has been asked my others in this thread and inbox is committment. While actions speak louder then words and it really comes down to being accountable for my actions, to my group, to my family and to myself. Not looking for instant forgiveness but I am committed to doing this and I need KTC's help...

Offline Sportsfan231

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Re: "Dad you eat Dirt" (4 year old daughter)
« Reply #28 on: September 05, 2013, 04:40:00 PM »
Quote from: Evil_Won
Quote from: moka2620
1. What happened?  Having a drink with friends and the urge got the best of me. 

2. Why did it happen?  I honestly thought I was not as addicted as the others.  I was feeling pretty good about myself being nic free and was a bit arrogant.  Didn't need to do roll call even though it was my group that kept me going during the first 21 days.  The urges had gone away, enjoying my new life nic free.  What I failed to remember was being consisten with roll call or to give a call to my wife telling me not to do it. 

3. What are you going to do differently this time?  Keep my support system in place, have an action plan in the event the "urge" comes back, and i am humbled by my experience of failure.
Blah Blah Blah. Lip service. Weak answers. I would ask you to try again, but I don't think you engaged enough to know why you failed or how success is achieved. I suggest going back to day 1 of Jackwagin Roll and reading backwards towards the present day to learn. Then tell me again how the Jackwagins, and/or the supporters, failed you.

I hope December 13 meets your expectations for what a "tight knit bunch" ought to be.
he must not have gave me his number.

were did he come up that were not a tight knit bunch. 'bang head' i welcome you to come post with us show us what we can do better for you.

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Re: "Dad you eat Dirt" (4 year old daughter)
« Reply #27 on: September 05, 2013, 04:40:00 PM »
You have officially incurred the wrath of Evil and Sportsfan......better man up and get some quit going or pack it up, welcome back to KTC


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Re: "Dad you eat Dirt" (4 year old daughter)
« Reply #26 on: September 05, 2013, 04:32:00 PM »
Quote from: Syndrome
Quote from: Nolaq
Anyone gonna pick this guy up?!?!?!?!

How about - anyone gonna challenge a guy who doesn't post roll correctly, Throws out a Day 1 and 2, joined in Sept of '12, and has 23 posts?

Does that sound just a bit fishy to anyone else here?


Nah, fuck it dude.  You're right.  Nothing to see here.
well man i wood think that may be some a the jan 13 guys wood have some intrist. but then agin may be haff them what mite rememember aint postin up roll any more.
guess you haven't been to jan 13 to see how we post

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Re: "Dad you eat Dirt" (4 year old daughter)
« Reply #25 on: September 05, 2013, 04:30:00 PM »
Quote from: Sharsky
Quote from: moka2620
Hey I don't deny it.  I actually quit for 103 days.  Unfortunately I felt like I hit my goal and had a dip after a night out with friends.  Just "one dip right" obviously led to being addicted again.  This time its big picture and a realization that I can do it and need to stay with roll call.  That is what keeps you going, honestly.  You quit roll call you will probably not quit dipping.  My group wasn't the tightest knit bunch like I saw on other groups but I did feel a sense of loyalty to my group/KTC community.  That I was fighting the battle with them.  But as many who fail you runaway in shame when you fail.  I didn't face my demons.  So if you want to rag on me go ahead.  Its deserving.  It is not like I didn't know I used the same user name.  I have nothing to hide.  I failed.  But I am here again and hope you will accept my apologies and accept me back into KTC.  I need your support and I am willing to offer mine. 

Moka2620 ~ Day 2
Moka....23 posts with 103 days quit? You never actually even got going with daily roll call, much less stay with it. But gotta do that. It's the backbone here....

Did i read that correctly? Did I just read that you said the Jackwagins were NOT "the tightest knit bunch"???????

You obviously did NOT make much of an effort to get involved

Take a peek around. Check in and post roll with the group you had initially been part of....go see how many folks are posting with the Jackwagins. I havent a clue where you came up with that statement. That is all on you if you feel that way........

Do yourself a favor Moka, don't make excuses just get on with the 3 questions and get to quitting the KTC way if that's really what you want. Your starting on the wrong foot by not being forthcoming about your prior KTC stoppage. Expect some blowback and get roughed up a bit, but if your show up every day and post roll it doesn't take long to gain the support on the site.

I'll be glad to quit with you the KTC way!

Offline Evil_Won

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Re: "Dad you eat Dirt" (4 year old daughter)
« Reply #24 on: September 05, 2013, 04:15:00 PM »
Quote from: moka2620
1. What happened?  Having a drink with friends and the urge got the best of me. 

2. Why did it happen?  I honestly thought I was not as addicted as the others.  I was feeling pretty good about myself being nic free and was a bit arrogant.  Didn't need to do roll call even though it was my group that kept me going during the first 21 days.  The urges had gone away, enjoying my new life nic free.  What I failed to remember was being consisten with roll call or to give a call to my wife telling me not to do it. 

3. What are you going to do differently this time?  Keep my support system in place, have an action plan in the event the "urge" comes back, and i am humbled by my experience of failure.
Blah Blah Blah. Lip service. Weak answers. I would ask you to try again, but I don't think you engaged enough to know why you failed or how success is achieved. I suggest going back to day 1 of Jackwagin Roll and reading backwards towards the present day to learn. Then tell me again how the Jackwagins, and/or the supporters, failed you.

I hope December 13 meets your expectations for what a "tight knit bunch" ought to be.
"Dunno about you HP, but LOOT doesn't like getting assfucked, by anyone....and certainly won't chalk it up to 'shit happens'."

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Re: "Dad you eat Dirt" (4 year old daughter)
« Reply #23 on: September 05, 2013, 04:12:00 PM »
Quote from: moka2620
Hey I don't deny it. I actually quit for 103 days. Unfortunately I felt like I hit my goal and had a dip after a night out with friends. Just "one dip right" obviously led to being addicted again. This time its big picture and a realization that I can do it and need to stay with roll call. That is what keeps you going, honestly. You quit roll call you will probably not quit dipping. My group wasn't the tightest knit bunch like I saw on other groups but I did feel a sense of loyalty to my group/KTC community. That I was fighting the battle with them. But as many who fail you runaway in shame when you fail. I didn't face my demons. So if you want to rag on me go ahead. Its deserving. It is not like I didn't know I used the same user name. I have nothing to hide. I failed. But I am here again and hope you will accept my apologies and accept me back into KTC. I need your support and I am willing to offer mine.

Moka2620 ~ Day 2

You're lack of understanding of what's going on here is sickening. You don't understand your addiction. You don't have the mindset to succeed. You don't have the fortitude for the fight.

You don't deny it? You didn't exactly offer it up, either, did you? It was sneaky at best, and if I wasn't so fucking bored at work, probably would have gone unnoticed and unchecked.

You have explaining to do.

First, to your so-called 'not so tight' former group. You owe them more fucking respect. They're still grinding it out while you chose to go stuff your face.

Second, with your new group. You need to let them know who you are and what you're about.

1. What happened?

2. Why did it happen?

3. What is going to be DIFFERENT this time?

I don't think you got it in you champ.
What is your major malfunction?!?!?!?!

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Re: "Dad you eat Dirt" (4 year old daughter)
« Reply #22 on: September 05, 2013, 04:10:00 PM »
Quote from: Sharsky
Quote from: moka2620
Hey I don't deny it.  I actually quit for 103 days.  Unfortunately I felt like I hit my goal and had a dip after a night out with friends.  Just "one dip right" obviously led to being addicted again.  This time its big picture and a realization that I can do it and need to stay with roll call.  That is what keeps you going, honestly.  You quit roll call you will probably not quit dipping.  My group wasn't the tightest knit bunch like I saw on other groups but I did feel a sense of loyalty to my group/KTC community.  That I was fighting the battle with them.  But as many who fail you runaway in shame when you fail.  I didn't face my demons.  So if you want to rag on me go ahead.  Its deserving.  It is not like I didn't know I used the same user name.  I have nothing to hide.  I failed.  But I am here again and hope you will accept my apologies and accept me back into KTC.  I need your support and I am willing to offer mine. 

Moka2620 ~ Day 2
Moka....23 posts with 103 days quit? You never actually even got going with daily roll call, much less stay with it. But gotta do that. It's the backbone here....

Did i read that correctly? Did I just read that you said the Jackwagins were NOT "the tightest knit bunch"???????

You obviously did NOT make much of an effort to get involved

Take a peek around. Check in and post roll with the group you had initially been part of....go see how many folks are posting with the Jackwagins. I havent a clue where you came up with that statement. That is all on you if you feel that way........
Sharsky, we aren't a tight knit bunch in Jan 13'? News to me. What a fool I have been.

Last time I checked Roll we still have 29ish active posters, around 8 that are still 100% posters, and when I checked there were 85 people on the Almighty Jackwagin Roll yesterday. What are we doing wrong? Maybe Moka can point out the error of our ways. Better gets Sportsfan on the Secret-Quitphone he'll need to hear this shit first-hand.

Oh, Moka... 'Finger'
"Dunno about you HP, but LOOT doesn't like getting assfucked, by anyone....and certainly won't chalk it up to 'shit happens'."

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Re: "Dad you eat Dirt" (4 year old daughter)
« Reply #21 on: September 05, 2013, 04:10:00 PM »
1. What happened? Having a drink with friends and the urge got the best of me.

2. Why did it happen? I honestly thought I was not as addicted as the others. I was feeling pretty good about myself being nic free and was a bit arrogant. Didn't need to do roll call even though it was my group that kept me going during the first 21 days. The urges had gone away, enjoying my new life nic free. What I failed to remember was being consisten with roll call or to give a call to my wife telling me not to do it.

3. What are you going to do differently this time? Keep my support system in place, have an action plan in the event the "urge" comes back, and i am humbled by my experience of failure.

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Re: "Dad you eat Dirt" (4 year old daughter)
« Reply #20 on: September 05, 2013, 03:54:00 PM »
Quote from: moka2620
Hey I don't deny it.  I actually quit for 103 days.  Unfortunately I felt like I hit my goal and had a dip after a night out with friends.  Just "one dip right" obviously led to being addicted again.  This time its big picture and a realization that I can do it and need to stay with roll call.  That is what keeps you going, honestly.  You quit roll call you will probably not quit dipping.  My group wasn't the tightest knit bunch like I saw on other groups but I did feel a sense of loyalty to my group/KTC community.  That I was fighting the battle with them.  But as many who fail you runaway in shame when you fail.  I didn't face my demons.  So if you want to rag on me go ahead.  Its deserving.  It is not like I didn't know I used the same user name.  I have nothing to hide.  I failed.  But I am here again and hope you will accept my apologies and accept me back into KTC.  I need your support and I am willing to offer mine. 

Moka2620 ~ Day 2
Moka....23 posts with 103 days quit? You never actually even got going with daily roll call, much less stay with it. But gotta do that. It's the backbone here....

Did i read that correctly? Did I just read that you said the Jackwagins were NOT "the tightest knit bunch"???????

You obviously did NOT make much of an effort to get involved

Take a peek around. Check in and post roll with the group you had initially been part of....go see how many folks are posting with the Jackwagins. I havent a clue where you came up with that statement. That is all on you if you feel that way........
January '13 Jackwagins
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