Author Topic: CTF - new to the group today  (Read 13762 times)

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Offline CTF

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Re: CTF - new to the group today
« Reply #45 on: April 29, 2021, 10:53:19 PM »
Day 336

Something I haven't seen to much on in the group is weight gain as a result of your quit. I too experienced the post quit 15 but I couples that with Covid which turned into 25. I have sense been in the gym 3-5 times per week since early February when things started opening up in my state.

Here is my advice to you:

1) Quit but workout. It is a great distraction when your mind wonders to places where you don't want it to go (e.g. the quit is making you think about the can)

2) Watch what you eat. Seems simple but you will look for that oral fix. I use a hard candy when times are tough.

3) Set the goal to move your ass multiple times per week, whatever it is. I have an electronic calendar that I use to track workouts and it is satisfying to look back and see how much I have done. Also it is an aid to tell me to get back in the gym

4) Last one weight and cardio are great but best when they are together. I am getting older and can't lift like I used to, which was a lot. I go medium now 15-20 reps and check the ego at the door. I don't care anymore and need my shoulders to be functional tomorrow. I also try to get some "High Intensity" cardio twice a week.

Result: I am down 15 lbs and put on a shit load of muscle in 3 months.  I am more fit and not poisoning my body. The wife digs the improvements too.

Get off your ass and do something and stay quit.



Offline CTF

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Re: CTF - new to the group today
« Reply #44 on: April 29, 2021, 10:52:24 PM »
Day 336

Something I haven't seen to much on in the group is weight gain as a result of your quit. I too experienced the post quit 15 but I couples that with Covid which turned into 25. I have sense been in the gym 3-5 times per week since early February when things started opening up in my state.

Here is my advice to you:

1) Quit but workout. It is a great distraction when your mind wonders to places where you don't want it to go (e.g. the quit is making you think about the can)

2) Watch what you eat. Seems simple but you will look for that oral fix. I use a hard candy when times are tough.

3) Set the goal to move your ass multiple times per week, whatever it is. I have an electronic calendar that I use to track workouts and it is satisfying to look back and see how much I have done. Also it is an aid to tell me to get back in the gym

4) Last one weight and cardio are great but best when they are together. I am getting older and can't lift like I used to, which was a lot. I go medium now 15-20 reps and check the ego at the door. I don't care anymore and need my shoulders to be functional tomorrow. I also try to get some "High Intensity" cardio twice a week.

Result: I am down 15 lbs and put on a shit load of muscle in 3 months.  I am more fit and not poisoning my body. The wife digs the improvements too.

Get off your ass and do something and stay quit.



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Re: CTF - new to the group today
« Reply #43 on: April 29, 2021, 01:23:35 PM »
Day 336

Something I haven't seen to much on in the group is weight gain as a result of your quit. I too experienced the post quit 15 but I couples that with Covid which turned into 25. I have sense been in the gym 3-5 times per week since early February when things started opening up in my state.

Here is my advice to you:

1) Quit but workout. It is a great distraction when your mind wonders to places where you don't want it to go (e.g. this making about the can)

2) Watch what you eat. Seems simple but you will look for that oral fix. I use a hard candy when times are tough.

3) Set the goal to move your ass multiple times per week, whatever it is. I have an electronic calendar that I use to track workouts and it is satisfying to look back and see how much I have done. Also it is an aid to tell me to get back in the gym

4)Last one weight and cardio are great but best when they are together. I am getting older and can't lift like I used to, which was a lot. I got medium now 15-20 reps and check the who at the door. I don't care anymore and need my shoulders to be functional tomorrow. I also try to get some "High Intensity" cardio twice a week.

Result: I am down 15 lbs and out a shit load of muscle bon in 3 months. So I am more fit and not poisoning my body. The wife digs the improvements too.

Get off your ass and do something and stay quit.



Offline CTF

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Re: CTF - new to the group today
« Reply #42 on: April 26, 2021, 12:56:17 AM »
CTF 333

It amazes me to see so many guests online right now. The power of a Google search engine brought you here as it did me nearly a year ago. If I could pass on some truth to you this might make your choice to quit easier:

1) It is fantastic to be a quitter, it just is
2) I was thinking today how healthy my mouth feels
3) It is liberating not sneaking off to get a fix, no shame here
4) Being honest with yourself and loved ones is wonderful and rewarding
5) Seeing others/friends chew is sad and you feel bad for them

I could go on but you get it.

Just do yourself a favor and give it a shot. Give yourself an honest chance to be free from tobacco and be a recovering addict rather than part of an addiction. I promise you that if you can find enough strength and seriously quit that you won't regret it. It is impossible to feel better being actively addicted to nicotine than it is to be a recovering addict.

Just join the group that aligns with you quit day and though it will suck for awhile once you get past the fog I promise you will understand what I am saying.

« Last Edit: April 26, 2021, 12:59:17 AM by CTF »

Offline CTF

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Re: CTF - new to the group today
« Reply #41 on: April 20, 2021, 01:10:01 AM »
Day 326

Tonight on the way to my daughter's softball practice, for the first time in nearly a year, I stopped at a C- store. It was strange being in one. I wasn't there to buy a can but rather a bag of dill pickle sunflower seeds. Spits to be exact. It was very liberating to walk out of there with my $1.99 bag of seeds and not a can.

Fuck off big tobacco. I am happy not being a customer any longer.


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Re: CTF - new to the group today
« Reply #40 on: February 03, 2021, 07:08:36 PM »
11 guests viewing..

I have 5 little questions if you can give me 2 minutes of your time. Just 120 seconds might change your life.

If you are reading this and you aren't part of this site ask yourself:

1) Why are you here?
2) Why do you keep chewing/using tobacco when you know you want to quit?
3) Why don't you take a serious step this time and quit for good?
4) Why do you keep promising yourself you will quit only to cave into nicotine?
5) Why don't you be accountable to yourself and quit?

Addiction sucks. It's expensive and it can take more from you than your money. You know what I am talking about but that can't happen to you. That always happens to someone else never you. That's what I used to think too back when I chewed. I used to freak out over any little bump on a gum or cheek or any sore on my tongue or in my mouth. I would make deals with God that I'd quit this time if it didn't turn out to be cancer only to fall back into addiction. Yeah I know where you are. You want to quit or you wouldn't be reading this.

Bottom line:
It will suck for awhile until it doesn't but the payout is so worth it if you take this seriously and quit for good. What do you have to lose?

Stop lurking and start doing. This is your golden opportunity to get serious about helping yourself be better. Gather some courage and make it happen and I promise in time you will look back on your accomplishment and think why didn't you do this sooner.


Wish all the guests would read this. Well said CTF!
It ain't dying I'm talking about, it's living!

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Re: CTF - new to the group today
« Reply #39 on: February 03, 2021, 11:18:36 AM »
4 guests in intros right now. I hope they are all reading this quit gold up above me here ^^^. Thanx for sharing and caring CTF!
ABQ= Always Be Quitting

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Re: CTF - new to the group today
« Reply #38 on: February 03, 2021, 12:05:22 AM »
11 guests viewing..

I have 5 little questions if you can give me 2 minutes of your time. Just 120 seconds might change your life.

If you are reading this and you aren't part of this site ask yourself:

1) Why are you here?
2) Why do you keep chewing/using tobacco when you know you want to quit?
3) Why don't you take a serious step this time and quit for good?
4) Why do you keep promising yourself you will quit only to cave into nicotine?
5) Why don't you be accountable to yourself and quit?

Addiction sucks. It's expensive and it can take more from you than your money. You know what I am talking about but that can't happen to you. That always happens to someone else never you. That's what I used to think too back when I chewed. I used to freak out over any little bump on a gum or cheek or any sore on my tongue or in my mouth. I would make deals with God that I'd quit this time if it didn't turn out to be cancer only to fall back into addiction. Yeah I know where you are. You want to quit or you wouldn't be reading this.

Bottom line:
It will suck for awhile until it doesn't but the payout is so worth it if you take this seriously and quit for good. What do you have to lose?

Stop lurking and start doing. This is your golden opportunity to get serious about helping yourself be better. Gather some courage and make it happen and I promise in time you will look back on your accomplishment and think why didn't you do this sooner.


Offline CTF

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Re: CTF - new to the group today
« Reply #37 on: January 04, 2021, 06:45:53 PM »
CTF day 219

For some time now, maybe a month, I have been fighting the urge to chew.  I am saying this not trying to alarm anyone but I am being truthful about my journey and it is happening. I mitigate these moments of temptation/stupidity with the realization that I don't want to go back to chewing, dealing with mouth sores, having my jaw hurt, my gums bleed, stinky breath, yellow teeth, dealing with a bottle of chew spit that will eventually be spilled, the possibility of cancer or dying from this shit, etc.

These moments are just that but I have been experiencing them multiple times a day. Usually they last 15-30 seconds and I am past it. I have enough willpower/resolve to get through this. Strange though how I am past physical addiction but my mind keeps playing with me from time to time.

What helped me tonight was reading the drama going on in April 21. There were some epic posts by: @Batdad @69franx @EXBEARHAG @FH @Athan  and I am sure I missed someone but those names come to mind. All of their words spoke to me basically saying don't be stupid and you are 219 days down the road and going back to day 1 is a fools choice.

These moments of craving makes me ask myself:
Why is this happening?
Will this continue and if so for how long?

I expect no one person has a good answer for me because all of our journeies are unique to oneself. Still I am trying to understand more aboutme. Stupid ass nicotine how I hate you.

Stay Strong my friends.

Honored that I could help you quit just one more day.

You're at a weird stage in your quit. It's lost its luster.... you question if you'll ever be free from its clutches. You start looking off to the horizon, wondering if you can do this forever.... wondering if you can do this by yourself....

We've all been there in some form or fashion. All I know is, it gets better. You've been hearing those words for the last 200+ days. And you know they are true. I promise you the best is still to come. If you're here long enough you start to see some of the patterns. You'll see people leave, only to com e back and post a day 1..... and some of those people end up not making it... and there's people that just silently become slaves again.

Keep posting roll every day. One of the best ways to fight craves is find a fresh new quitter and take them under your wing. When you have someone looking up to you, it will strengthen your own quit. And when you see someone struggling through that first week, it's a great reminder that you NEVER want to be there again. 

Sorry for being king winded....

Proud to be quit with you today.

Hang in there brother!  Days 200-300 for me had some horrible f*ucked up days with cravings, funk, and fog.  I felt like that this shit should be long behind me.  Then a short time after day 300 it was like the sun shining after a nasty storm...everything changed.  I still have cravings now but my head is clear and zero effects that I used to have.
Just remember we are all there for you and each other... if it take one min at a time then do it.... message me if you need me...
What you are experiencing is incredibly common and something I experienced as well. It is the reason we really try to drive home the fact that the HOF is merely the end of the beginning. Slumps and periods of urges happen at various stages throughout the first couple years. The best advice I can give is to stay close to the site, post early EDD and keep those digits handy. Drink water, exercise and find some candies or seeds or fake to curb the intense cravings.

There will always be peaks and valleys in this journey. I've always said to enjoy the periods of smooth sailing and fight like hell during the tough times. Remember, what you are experiencing will pass. Keep fighting brother and proud to be quit with you today.

Hey CTF.  I may be the wrong person to respond to this one.  I feel like a little bitch whenever I think about how often I crave and how much mental energy I use to fight them off.  I feel somewhat unique in this as I do not see too many posts like yours out there...especially from folks past the HOF. 

That being said, the difference in these craves from day 100 to present (539) is not even comparable.  The more time and space I put between myself and the can, the brighter the light at the end of the tunnel becomes. 

Unfortunately, as you know, there is no silver bullet.  We are addicts...always will be.  As a result, we will ALWAYS have to fight this battle in one way or another.  Bright side:  you will never have to do it alone!!!

Shoulder to shoulder with you my friend.

Thanks buddy! No wiser words will I read today.


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Re: CTF - new to the group today
« Reply #36 on: January 04, 2021, 06:05:22 PM »
CTF day 219

For some time now, maybe a month, I have been fighting the urge to chew.  I am saying this not trying to alarm anyone but I am being truthful about my journey and it is happening. I mitigate these moments of temptation/stupidity with the realization that I don't want to go back to chewing, dealing with mouth sores, having my jaw hurt, my gums bleed, stinky breath, yellow teeth, dealing with a bottle of chew spit that will eventually be spilled, the possibility of cancer or dying from this shit, etc.

These moments are just that but I have been experiencing them multiple times a day. Usually they last 15-30 seconds and I am past it. I have enough willpower/resolve to get through this. Strange though how I am past physical addiction but my mind keeps playing with me from time to time.

What helped me tonight was reading the drama going on in April 21. There were some epic posts by: @Batdad @69franx @EXBEARHAG @FH @Athan  and I am sure I missed someone but those names come to mind. All of their words spoke to me basically saying don't be stupid and you are 219 days down the road and going back to day 1 is a fools choice.

These moments of craving makes me ask myself:
Why is this happening?
Will this continue and if so for how long?

I expect no one person has a good answer for me because all of our journeies are unique to oneself. Still I am trying to understand more aboutme. Stupid ass nicotine how I hate you.

Stay Strong my friends.

Honored that I could help you quit just one more day.

You're at a weird stage in your quit. It's lost its luster.... you question if you'll ever be free from its clutches. You start looking off to the horizon, wondering if you can do this forever.... wondering if you can do this by yourself....

We've all been there in some form or fashion. All I know is, it gets better. You've been hearing those words for the last 200+ days. And you know they are true. I promise you the best is still to come. If you're here long enough you start to see some of the patterns. You'll see people leave, only to com e back and post a day 1..... and some of those people end up not making it... and there's people that just silently become slaves again.

Keep posting roll every day. One of the best ways to fight craves is find a fresh new quitter and take them under your wing. When you have someone looking up to you, it will strengthen your own quit. And when you see someone struggling through that first week, it's a great reminder that you NEVER want to be there again. 

Sorry for being king winded....

Proud to be quit with you today.

Hang in there brother!  Days 200-300 for me had some horrible f*ucked up days with cravings, funk, and fog.  I felt like that this shit should be long behind me.  Then a short time after day 300 it was like the sun shining after a nasty storm...everything changed.  I still have cravings now but my head is clear and zero effects that I used to have.
Just remember we are all there for you and each other... if it take one min at a time then do it.... message me if you need me...
What you are experiencing is incredibly common and something I experienced as well. It is the reason we really try to drive home the fact that the HOF is merely the end of the beginning. Slumps and periods of urges happen at various stages throughout the first couple years. The best advice I can give is to stay close to the site, post early EDD and keep those digits handy. Drink water, exercise and find some candies or seeds or fake to curb the intense cravings.

There will always be peaks and valleys in this journey. I've always said to enjoy the periods of smooth sailing and fight like hell during the tough times. Remember, what you are experiencing will pass. Keep fighting brother and proud to be quit with you today.

Hey CTF.  I may be the wrong person to respond to this one.  I feel like a little bitch whenever I think about how often I crave and how much mental energy I use to fight them off.  I feel somewhat unique in this as I do not see too many posts like yours out there...especially from folks past the HOF. 

That being said, the difference in these craves from day 100 to present (539) is not even comparable.  The more time and space I put between myself and the can, the brighter the light at the end of the tunnel becomes. 

Unfortunately, as you know, there is no silver bullet.  We are addicts...always will be.  As a result, we will ALWAYS have to fight this battle in one way or another.  Bright side:  you will never have to do it alone!!!

Shoulder to shoulder with you my friend.


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Re: CTF - new to the group today
« Reply #35 on: January 04, 2021, 11:43:57 AM »
CTF day 219

For some time now, maybe a month, I have been fighting the urge to chew.  I am saying this not trying to alarm anyone but I am being truthful about my journey and it is happening. I mitigate these moments of temptation/stupidity with the realization that I don't want to go back to chewing, dealing with mouth sores, having my jaw hurt, my gums bleed, stinky breath, yellow teeth, dealing with a bottle of chew spit that will eventually be spilled, the possibility of cancer or dying from this shit, etc.

These moments are just that but I have been experiencing them multiple times a day. Usually they last 15-30 seconds and I am past it. I have enough willpower/resolve to get through this. Strange though how I am past physical addiction but my mind keeps playing with me from time to time.

What helped me tonight was reading the drama going on in April 21. There were some epic posts by: @Batdad @69franx @EXBEARHAG @FH @Athan  and I am sure I missed someone but those names come to mind. All of their words spoke to me basically saying don't be stupid and you are 219 days down the road and going back to day 1 is a fools choice.

These moments of craving makes me ask myself:
Why is this happening?
Will this continue and if so for how long?

I expect no one person has a good answer for me because all of our journeies are unique to oneself. Still I am trying to understand more aboutme. Stupid ass nicotine how I hate you.

Stay Strong my friends.

Honored that I could help you quit just one more day.

You're at a weird stage in your quit. It's lost its luster.... you question if you'll ever be free from its clutches. You start looking off to the horizon, wondering if you can do this forever.... wondering if you can do this by yourself....

We've all been there in some form or fashion. All I know is, it gets better. You've been hearing those words for the last 200+ days. And you know they are true. I promise you the best is still to come. If you're here long enough you start to see some of the patterns. You'll see people leave, only to com e back and post a day 1..... and some of those people end up not making it... and there's people that just silently become slaves again.

Keep posting roll every day. One of the best ways to fight craves is find a fresh new quitter and take them under your wing. When you have someone looking up to you, it will strengthen your own quit. And when you see someone struggling through that first week, it's a great reminder that you NEVER want to be there again. 

Sorry for being king winded....

Proud to be quit with you today.

Hang in there brother!  Days 200-300 for me had some horrible f*ucked up days with cravings, funk, and fog.  I felt like that this shit should be long behind me.  Then a short time after day 300 it was like the sun shining after a nasty storm...everything changed.  I still have cravings now but my head is clear and zero effects that I used to have.
Just remember we are all there for you and each other... if it take one min at a time then do it.... message me if you need me...
What you are experiencing is incredibly common and something I experienced as well. It is the reason we really try to drive home the fact that the HOF is merely the end of the beginning. Slumps and periods of urges happen at various stages throughout the first couple years. The best advice I can give is to stay close to the site, post early EDD and keep those digits handy. Drink water, exercise and find some candies or seeds or fake to curb the intense cravings.

There will always be peaks and valleys in this journey. I've always said to enjoy the periods of smooth sailing and fight like hell during the tough times. Remember, what you are experiencing will pass. Keep fighting brother and proud to be quit with you today.
Quit: 04.25.16 | HOF: 08.02.16 | 2nd FL: 11.10.16 | 3rd FL: 02.18.17 | 4th FL: 05.29.17 | 5th FL: 09.06.17 | 6th FL: 12.15.17 | 7th FL: 03.25.18 |
8th FL: 07.03.18 | 9th FL: 10.11.18 | Comma: 01.19.19 | 11th FL: 04.29.19 | 12th FL: 08.07.19 | 13th FL: 11.15.19 | 14th FL: 02.23.20 |
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29th FL: 04.02.24 |

"From Skoal to Skol!" My HOF Speech HERE!
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"The truth is the truth even if no one believes it, and a lie is a lie, even if everyone believes it." - Bishop Fulton J. Sheen

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Re: CTF - new to the group today
« Reply #34 on: January 04, 2021, 10:59:13 AM »
CTF day 219

For some time now, maybe a month, I have been fighting the urge to chew.  I am saying this not trying to alarm anyone but I am being truthful about my journey and it is happening. I mitigate these moments of temptation/stupidity with the realization that I don't want to go back to chewing, dealing with mouth sores, having my jaw hurt, my gums bleed, stinky breath, yellow teeth, dealing with a bottle of chew spit that will eventually be spilled, the possibility of cancer or dying from this shit, etc.

These moments are just that but I have been experiencing them multiple times a day. Usually they last 15-30 seconds and I am past it. I have enough willpower/resolve to get through this. Strange though how I am past physical addiction but my mind keeps playing with me from time to time.

What helped me tonight was reading the drama going on in April 21. There were some epic posts by: @Batdad @69franx @EXBEARHAG @FH @Athan  and I am sure I missed someone but those names come to mind. All of their words spoke to me basically saying don't be stupid and you are 219 days down the road and going back to day 1 is a fools choice.

These moments of craving makes me ask myself:
Why is this happening?
Will this continue and if so for how long?

I expect no one person has a good answer for me because all of our journeies are unique to oneself. Still I am trying to understand more aboutme. Stupid ass nicotine how I hate you.

Stay Strong my friends.

Honored that I could help you quit just one more day.

You're at a weird stage in your quit. It's lost its luster.... you question if you'll ever be free from its clutches. You start looking off to the horizon, wondering if you can do this forever.... wondering if you can do this by yourself....

We've all been there in some form or fashion. All I know is, it gets better. You've been hearing those words for the last 200+ days. And you know they are true. I promise you the best is still to come. If you're here long enough you start to see some of the patterns. You'll see people leave, only to com e back and post a day 1..... and some of those people end up not making it... and there's people that just silently become slaves again.

Keep posting roll every day. One of the best ways to fight craves is find a fresh new quitter and take them under your wing. When you have someone looking up to you, it will strengthen your own quit. And when you see someone struggling through that first week, it's a great reminder that you NEVER want to be there again. 

Sorry for being king winded....

Proud to be quit with you today.

Hang in there brother!  Days 200-300 for me had some horrible f*ucked up days with cravings, funk, and fog.  I felt like that this shit should be long behind me.  Then a short time after day 300 it was like the sun shining after a nasty storm...everything changed.  I still have cravings now but my head is clear and zero effects that I used to have.
Just remember we are all there for you and each other... if it take one min at a time then do it.... message me if you need me...

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Re: CTF - new to the group today
« Reply #33 on: January 04, 2021, 08:25:15 AM »
CTF day 219

For some time now, maybe a month, I have been fighting the urge to chew.  I am saying this not trying to alarm anyone but I am being truthful about my journey and it is happening. I mitigate these moments of temptation/stupidity with the realization that I don't want to go back to chewing, dealing with mouth sores, having my jaw hurt, my gums bleed, stinky breath, yellow teeth, dealing with a bottle of chew spit that will eventually be spilled, the possibility of cancer or dying from this shit, etc.

These moments are just that but I have been experiencing them multiple times a day. Usually they last 15-30 seconds and I am past it. I have enough willpower/resolve to get through this. Strange though how I am past physical addiction but my mind keeps playing with me from time to time.

What helped me tonight was reading the drama going on in April 21. There were some epic posts by: @Batdad @69franx @EXBEARHAG @FH @Athan  and I am sure I missed someone but those names come to mind. All of their words spoke to me basically saying don't be stupid and you are 219 days down the road and going back to day 1 is a fools choice.

These moments of craving makes me ask myself:
Why is this happening?
Will this continue and if so for how long?

I expect no one person has a good answer for me because all of our journeies are unique to oneself. Still I am trying to understand more aboutme. Stupid ass nicotine how I hate you.

Stay Strong my friends.

Honored that I could help you quit just one more day.

You're at a weird stage in your quit. It's lost its luster.... you question if you'll ever be free from its clutches. You start looking off to the horizon, wondering if you can do this forever.... wondering if you can do this by yourself....

We've all been there in some form or fashion. All I know is, it gets better. You've been hearing those words for the last 200+ days. And you know they are true. I promise you the best is still to come. If you're here long enough you start to see some of the patterns. You'll see people leave, only to com e back and post a day 1..... and some of those people end up not making it... and there's people that just silently become slaves again.

Keep posting roll every day. One of the best ways to fight craves is find a fresh new quitter and take them under your wing. When you have someone looking up to you, it will strengthen your own quit. And when you see someone struggling through that first week, it's a great reminder that you NEVER want to be there again. 

Sorry for being king winded....

Proud to be quit with you today.

Hang in there brother!  Days 200-300 for me had some horrible f*ucked up days with cravings, funk, and fog.  I felt like that this shit should be long behind me.  Then a short time after day 300 it was like the sun shining after a nasty storm...everything changed.  I still have cravings now but my head is clear and zero effects that I used to have. 
"Beginnings are usually scary and endings are usually sad, but it's everything in between that makes all worth living.  So, love the life you live, live the life you love." - Bob Marley

“La tristesse durera toujours." ~ Vincent van Gogh

"You can fuck off all the way to fuckoff mountain and jump off FUCKOFF point for all i care. Just post and stay quit." ~MikeW2018~

HOF-3/13/20; 2nd floor-6/21/20; 3rd floor-9/29/20; 1 year-12/3/20; 4th floor-1/7/21; 5th floor-4/17/21; 6th floor-7/26/21

HOF Speech Here

Offline Batdad

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Re: CTF - new to the group today
« Reply #32 on: January 04, 2021, 08:19:21 AM »
CTF day 219

For some time now, maybe a month, I have been fighting the urge to chew.  I am saying this not trying to alarm anyone but I am being truthful about my journey and it is happening. I mitigate these moments of temptation/stupidity with the realization that I don't want to go back to chewing, dealing with mouth sores, having my jaw hurt, my gums bleed, stinky breath, yellow teeth, dealing with a bottle of chew spit that will eventually be spilled, the possibility of cancer or dying from this shit, etc.

These moments are just that but I have been experiencing them multiple times a day. Usually they last 15-30 seconds and I am past it. I have enough willpower/resolve to get through this. Strange though how I am past physical addiction but my mind keeps playing with me from time to time.

What helped me tonight was reading the drama going on in April 21. There were some epic posts by: @Batdad @69franx @EXBEARHAG @FH @Athan  and I am sure I missed someone but those names come to mind. All of their words spoke to me basically saying don't be stupid and you are 219 days down the road and going back to day 1 is a fools choice.

These moments of craving makes me ask myself:
Why is this happening?
Will this continue and if so for how long?

I expect no one person has a good answer for me because all of our journeies are unique to oneself. Still I am trying to understand more aboutme. Stupid ass nicotine how I hate you.

Stay Strong my friends.

Honored that I could help you quit just one more day.

You're at a weird stage in your quit. It's lost its luster.... you question if you'll ever be free from its clutches. You start looking off to the horizon, wondering if you can do this forever.... wondering if you can do this by yourself....

We've all been there in some form or fashion. All I know is, it gets better. You've been hearing those words for the last 200+ days. And you know they are true. I promise you the best is still to come. If you're here long enough you start to see some of the patterns. You'll see people leave, only to com e back and post a day 1..... and some of those people end up not making it... and there's people that just silently become slaves again.

Keep posting roll every day. One of the best ways to fight craves is find a fresh new quitter and take them under your wing. When you have someone looking up to you, it will strengthen your own quit. And when you see someone struggling through that first week, it's a great reminder that you NEVER want to be there again. 

Sorry for being king winded....

Proud to be quit with you today.

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Offline CTF

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Re: CTF - new to the group today
« Reply #31 on: January 04, 2021, 02:18:25 AM »
CTF day 219

For some time now, maybe a month, I have been fighting the urge to chew.  I am saying this not trying to alarm anyone but I am being truthful about my journey and it is happening. I mitigate these moments of temptation/stupidity with the realization that I don't want to go back to chewing, dealing with mouth sores, having my jaw hurt, my gums bleed, stinky breath, yellow teeth, dealing with a bottle of chew spit that will eventually be spilled, the possibility of cancer or dying from this shit, etc.

These moments are just that but I have been experiencing them multiple times a day. Usually they last 15-30 seconds and I am past it. I have enough willpower/resolve to get through this. Strange though how I am past physical addiction but my mind keeps playing with me from time to time.

What helped me tonight was reading the drama going on in April 21. There were some epic posts by: @Batdad @69franx @EXBEARHAG @FH @Athan  and I am sure I missed someone but those names come to mind. All of their words spoke to me basically saying don't be stupid and you are 219 days down the road and going back to day 1 is a fools choice.

These moments of craving makes me ask myself:
Why is this happening?
Will this continue and if so for how long?

I expect no one person has a good answer for me because all of our journeys are unique to oneself. Still I am trying to understand more about me. Stupid ass nicotine how I hate you.

Stay Strong my friends.