Author Topic: * 100 Days of Quit  (Read 1545 times)

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Offline lloyd21bdw

  • Quitter
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  • Posts: 544
  • Quit Date: 2015-03-08
  • Interests: Spending time with my wife and kids. Golfing, fishing, NASCAR, KU basketball.
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* 100 Days of Quit
« on: June 22, 2015, 11:19:00 AM »
107 days ago I had my mind made up that this time I was quitting! No I mean REALLY quitting! I had tried multiple times in the past but always because somebody else wanted me to. NOT THIS TIME! This time I wanted it for ME! I was sick and tired of being a slave to a pointless addiction. I was sick and tired of the ass chewings from my wife because either my 3 or 5 year old spilled a spitter on the carpet only to leave a huge stinking nasty stain. I was sick and tired of having to plan on having 2 rolls of chew to go on vacation, why 2 rolls for a week long trip to the beach, because what if I got there and ran out and they didn't sell my brand there! I was sick and tired of going to the casino, chewing to much and then my damn lip hurting for 3 days. Three days of a sore lip you would think that one would not chew during that time but, no just move it around till you find a spot that's not sore, HOW STUPID!!! I knew I couldn't quit on my own. I knew my wife would help me but, I also knew that wouldn't be enough, I had already been there and tried that. So I went searching for a way to quit this ridiculous habit. That's when I found KTC. I read a little bit and thought ok I'll give it a try nothing else has worked. My first week like everyone elses was pure hell although, this time was a little easier than the last times I had quit. I had brothers there to help me out this time even though I wasn't the nicest person to deal with during this time. I went through times of looking at HOF speeches thinkin man im never gonna get there it seemed like it was unreachable. I envied those who had made it to 100 days!! But it is so hard to quit this nasty addiction. KTC is a life saver, I never could have went on this quit journey alone. My Goon brothers were always there to help even if sometime it was tough love which I had to learn the hard way that tough love sometimes is the only way to get it through our nicotine fogged brains!! Then one day it started getting a little better. I didn't miss the nic bitch as much as I used to. Then one day there it was I had made it to 100 days!! Now Im one of the guys that newbies will look at and envy and if I can do it anyone can do it especially with the help of your brothers. My wife, my children, the rest of my friends and family and especially myself thank my June Goon brothers for being there, pushing me and never giving up on me! I am so proud to be a Goon now and forever.

Thank you all again,
lloyd21bdw ( Brent) Quit on!!!!!
Every man.. every man has to go through hell to reach paradise.