Author Topic: * 100 Days is Just the Beginning  (Read 2566 times)

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Offline Chris231

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* 100 Days is Just the Beginning
« on: February 07, 2012, 03:31:00 PM »
I can't begin to express my thanks to all of my quit brothers in the FU Feb 2012 quit group. This group of bad asses has to be one of the finest quit groups in the history of KTC and I'm extremely grateful to my quit buddies from day one, BigSky  CharlieHotel. I knew that if I ever had a bad crave, needed roll posted, or just wanted to bitch about quitting, these guys would be there.

I started chewing RedMan back at the end of High School, circa 1993. I was a casual chewer for a couple years until I tried some Cope Long Cut and that was it for me. I dipped like a fiend until the late 1990's, until I met my wife who couldn't stand my shitty habit. So then I began my ninja dipping career switching between Cope LC and Skoal LC with an occasional RedMan thrown in for good measure. I'd find any excuse I could to run an errand so I could dip. I'd dip at night after she went to bed. In the morning before she was awake, and every other time I could sneak 5 minutes to throw in a chew. I was cheating on my wife...with Skoal. How fucked up is that?

The times I tried to stop chewing previously would last from a week to a little over a year on my best try, but there was no accountability, so I always caved. I hadn't put myself out there to my wife, friends, family or a forum of complete strangers who I knew would bust my ass if I fucked up and caved.

One day, at the end of November last year, I finally came to the realization that I needed to be done with chewing tobacco for the rest of my life. I already knew about KTC, but wasn't 100% on board with the whole posting roll everyday thing, but I signed up anyway and after about a week of posting I realized that KTC was going to be the only way I would stay off chewing tobacco. I came clean to my wife and apologized for deceiving her for so long and while she was pissed for a bit, she was 110% on my side and understanding of my addiction and what I was going to go through in my quit.

Over the past 100 days I've gone through the cravings  temptations like everyone else who's ever quit. But what kept me strong and unwilling to cave was the fact that I posted my morning roll call promise not to dip that day, so I didn't. I've done that every day since and I'm happy to say that I don't think about having a dip very often anymore, but my guard is still up and I'm going to kick the nicotine bitch down anytime she rears her ugly head. I have a plan on how not do chew anymore, and I stick to it. Seeds, fake chew, gum. Do whatever you have to do to not put tobacco in your face.

So if you're thinking of quitting chew once and for all and you're not sure if KTC is right for you, let me tell you that it will be the best opportunity you have to kick your habit FOR GOOD! Sign your ass up now, find your quit group and post roll. Get some emails and phone numbers from guys in your quit group and make yourself accountable. It's the only way. What do you have to look forward to;

Not worrying about oral cancer and losing half your face because of it
Not having to hide your shitty habit from friends and family
All the money you'll save
The great friends and support group you'll have here at KTC
Peace of mind that you're free from some stupid plant that you felt you had to shove in your pie hole every hour, looking like a complete dip shit while doing it.

For you new quitters, take it one day at a time. It's hell at first, but it does get better. Go to the dentist / doctor and get checked out. You'll feel better with a clean bill of health. After that just keep your resolve.

For me 100 days is just the beginning. I'll be posting a new HOF speech when I hit 10,000 days. I'd like to see all you guys there as well.
- Chris

Quit 10-29-11

My HOF Pearls of Wisdom.