Author Topic: * You're Not Alone  (Read 2629 times)

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Offline mds1207

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* You're Not Alone
« on: December 05, 2009, 09:17:00 AM »
I found KTC through the American Cancer Society website and frankly I was pretty much at the end of my rope trying to quit yet again. After reviewing some of the information on KTC I figured "why not" and the journey began.

Soon after registering, I found that by posting EVERY DAY, jumping in the chat room, and being open to giving of myself...I received a valuable gift...a kinship with several people in the BADASS NOVEMBER QUITTERS. Enough, SamCat, SCM, Roger65 and others became a part of my "team", a part of my quit, and most importantly a part of my life. The value of these relationships cause me to WANT to be accountable to my quit group. From just a few days of posting I realized that I couldn't use Nic again if I wanted to because I couldn't stand to let the "team" down.

While I didn't create personal relationships with the Supporters, it was amazing to see the folks cheering us on and genuinely want to see us succeed. A great resource for the quitter, especially in the early going. Further, their advice to remain diligent in days 70 - 80 really helped me as I began to have faux-withdrawal symptom exactly during those days! Thank you Supporters.

In summary, when I chose to give freely, I received richly. Congratulations to all of the Badass November Quitters. A special thanks to SamCat who took a leadership role in our quit group and to Enough who reached out to me.

One last note, after 100 days the secret is out...Just don't chew, smoke or rub EVER again.

God bless you all in a MIGHTY way!
"What would happen if Christians devoted the same discipline and self-sacrifice to nonviolent peacemaking that armies devote to war?"