Author Topic: The Quit.  (Read 36606 times)

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Offline Thefranks5

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Re: The Quit.
« Reply #105 on: April 08, 2021, 03:54:40 PM »
Congrats Nick. You sure have been a breath of fresh air to the site. Here is to many many more and I am honored to be part of your quit.

Offline 69franx

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Re: The Quit.
« Reply #104 on: April 08, 2021, 03:38:21 PM »
Congrats sir on that sexy new third digit of yours. Keep up that badass quittin!
ABQ= Always Be Quitting

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Re: The Quit.
« Reply #103 on: April 08, 2021, 02:25:27 PM »
Congratulations HoF brother! Expect great things from you. Mozzle. Great things! 'dance'
"I hope you find a thousand reasons to quit today" Rawls
"I can't quit for you. I will quit with you" Ready
"There are two dogs in the fight, which one are you feeding?" SuperDave9000
"In the Navy we had morning muster. You never miss muster. You better be dead if you miss. If you are dying, you should have started crawling earlier, no excuse." Olcpo

The Science of Addiction
The Law of Addiction
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outdoortexan cancer

Offline nick-Otine Free

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Re: The Quit.
« Reply #102 on: April 08, 2021, 09:01:48 AM »
“But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.”2 Chronicles 15:7

     Thank you everyone for the support you guys/gals have given me and the April 21 thunderbirds as a whole, its a price we can never repay and will be engraved in our quit for eternity. Im not sure when i will write my HOF speech but as for now i will use this analogy.

     I find it easer to understand things if you make it relatable so intertwine alot of Quitting with my backpacking hobby. These First 100 days have been like prepping your back pack. Making sure you have proper amount of food, water, and shelter to survive is very important and just like if you pack to much weight your quit can get bogged down with "stuff". You are all packed up and now driving to your trail head, At times they can be hard to find and you have to turn around or go slow to locate them. much like quitting because although you put your foot on the Gas the Fog and chemical changes of your brain make you want to turn around and go back. Lots of stress and Excitement getting to that trail head or (100 days). But Every packer knows the true test is when you walk in on that uncertain trail leading to your path. That's when the true walk begins. You made it there! now all you have to do is walk your walk!

~Nick-Otine Free- 100 days of finding my trail! now im prepared to start my journey~ I know along that actual trail my HOF speech will come~ Cant thank each and everyone of you enough! 
« Last Edit: April 08, 2021, 09:04:12 AM by nick-Otine Free »
I may not be a smart man, but I know what quit is! -Quitest Gump-
     -Don't plan for the future, Quit for today!-
"The way to get started is to (quit) talking and begin doing." Walt Disney
~you cant plan your quit you just have to do it, both feet free fall.~
"Cowards die many times before their deaths, the Valiant never taste of death but once"
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Offline Keith0617

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Re: The Quit.
« Reply #101 on: April 08, 2021, 08:55:19 AM »
Congrats on reaching the HOF. Stay loyal to your routine. We are always addicts and never cured.

Offline nick-Otine Free

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Re: The Quit.
« Reply #100 on: April 07, 2021, 10:25:21 AM »

1.,2.,3.,4.,5.,6.,7.,8., *taking steps as you hit milestones*

9.) A thunderbird is not a dipping man, he is a Quiting Man.

10) If a Brother is lost, we find him! If he is late, we call him out! If he is craving we pull him out of it!

11) If were Lucky will die of old age, As KTC was the only chance we had at a Nicotine Free life!
         -Hell, i dont know why any one would wanna dip again-

12) At Ease quitter, you made it to 100! now rinse and repeat here on roll with your brothers and breath in that successful Quitten with us
         24/7 - 365 for as long as your quit!

     As our group hits that 100 HOF keep this in mind brothers! its a honor quitting with everyone of you! we all are better for it, people in your life might not think its a big deal, they may even think were being dramatic and that quitting nicotine is easy. But from one addict to another that struggled alongside you, A big Bad Ass congratulations on a hard earned accomplishment. @macattack , @Jaltman14 , @WrestlingAddiction , @All1n , @railpilot , @USMC_Ham , @Treewalker , @Ampete , @78craft , @Wiks , @SouthernSaint , @Dlbrown80 , @Jeepmoxie , @Wolfe68 , @3-P , @Bsarno

I may not be a smart man, but I know what quit is! -Quitest Gump-
     -Don't plan for the future, Quit for today!-
"The way to get started is to (quit) talking and begin doing." Walt Disney
~you cant plan your quit you just have to do it, both feet free fall.~
"Cowards die many times before their deaths, the Valiant never taste of death but once"
Daily Devotional


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Re: The Quit.
« Reply #99 on: April 01, 2021, 09:50:06 AM »

     So as my April 21 group jumps aboard our HOF train i want you guest to know it was not easy. Alot of people make up reasons why they cant quit right now, even quitters here make up reasons why they cant make roll or WUPP. Some feel like they have other things more important going on in their lives and get pissed when a group of random Addicts start yelling at them for not giving there promise to stay clean and be held accountable for the day. We have 17 Badass Thunderbirds locked and loaded to jump into the cooler waters of 100 day/3 month sobriety. Tougher than it sound best believe me, and we lost a Total of 6 brothers along the way ( i pray they come back ) for the nicotine death is not a ending you want.

     So I heard this phrase on my morning motivation and wanted to share it because its how i feel about those 6 that didn't make it, or those who say they cant make roll or commit to being hear anymore.
    "The Great thing about Excuses, and the really dangerous thing about them, is that no matter what happens Excuses are always there waiting to be used. But the downside of Excuses, even good ones, is that nobody really believes them. If you make Excuses there going to know it, and they are going to think less of you. But if you REFUSE to rely on Excuses, people are going to know that to, and there going to admire you for it"

~Nick-LTBE-we can be better than where we were~

I love the message Nick.  Keep pounding away my friend and stacking days.  Unfortunately, the TBIRDS will lose more members and excuses will abound.  Continue to the lead the way but know you can only do you in the end.  Your commitment and level of engagement here is already paying dividends for your quit and will continue to reinforce your resolve as you add days.  Keep it up brother.

PTBQWYT my friend


Offline nick-Otine Free

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Re: The Quit.
« Reply #98 on: April 01, 2021, 07:50:38 AM »

     So as my April 21 group jumps aboard our HOF train i want you guest to know it was not easy. Alot of people make up reasons why they cant quit right now, even quitters here make up reasons why they cant make roll or WUPP. Some feel like they have other things more important going on in their lives and get pissed when a group of random Addicts start yelling at them for not giving there promise to stay clean and be held accountable for the day. We have 17 Badass Thunderbirds locked and loaded to jump into the cooler waters of 100 day/3 month sobriety. Tougher than it sound best believe me, and we lost a Total of 6 brothers along the way ( i pray they come back ) for the nicotine death is not a ending you want.

     So I heard this phrase on my morning motivation and wanted to share it because its how i feel about those 6 that didn't make it, or those who say they cant make roll or commit to being hear anymore.
    "The Great thing about Excuses, and the really dangerous thing about them, is that no matter what happens Excuses are always there waiting to be used. But the downside of Excuses, even good ones, is that nobody really believes them. If you make Excuses there going to know it, and they are going to think less of you. But if you REFUSE to rely on Excuses, people are going to know that to, and there going to admire you for it"

~Nick-LTBE-we can be better than where we were~
« Last Edit: April 01, 2021, 07:54:20 AM by nick-Otine Free »
I may not be a smart man, but I know what quit is! -Quitest Gump-
     -Don't plan for the future, Quit for today!-
"The way to get started is to (quit) talking and begin doing." Walt Disney
~you cant plan your quit you just have to do it, both feet free fall.~
"Cowards die many times before their deaths, the Valiant never taste of death but once"
Daily Devotional

Offline nick-Otine Free

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Re: The Quit.
« Reply #97 on: March 30, 2021, 07:56:27 AM »
~A prideful man~

     Little update on my uncle, they have got his heart under control for the most part so have been able to do a couple rounds of Chemo on his Neck. At this point the Radiation has made his skin extremely thin and his skin easily breaks open and bleeds. Also the toll it has taken on his throat meant they had to give him a feeding port last Friday because he can no longer swallow safely. I pray for his recovery and its crazy the pain cancer brings not only to the victims (if you can call them that) but to the family as well.

     If you think KTC is just about "slinging Mantras and sayings around" to get you in as a numbers game you are so very wrong. Nicotine is a deadly substance and it kills. This Team of Brothers and sisters saved my life (hopefully). Its hard to go it alone, God knows i tried a few times. Even quit for a full year one time but still ended up back to the can. It takes the Gander of Brotherhood to Slam Sense into your Chemically confused brains! The Grit to say your Talking like a addict and your ass is slipping and you need to check yourself. IT WORKS! Trust me it does and i wish my uncle would have found the site before the Nic Bitch Got him! There is no one right answer or silver bullet to help you in those First few weeks, Everyone is Different and we all have to bare our sins on our shoulders and take those Withdraw lashes like a man. After all what do expect after years of pinching that horse shit in your lip! Its fucking tough no that right now, but you can overcome it by the help of this Site and its "Mantras and sayings" help push you Forward out of the pits of Suck!

    Maybe i am more passionate because i am close to it, my Aunt Died of Lung Cancer at the age of 42 from smoking about 10 years ago, Now my Uncle in his 50s is Clawing for his life because of dipping. Its not all Mantras and sayings, its a way of hopefully getting you to see the reality of what is at stake. Were not here to pat you on the butt and give you a gold star. Were hear to inform, Educate, and if need be bring the hammer down when the nicotine brain starts swinging you the wrong way! Its a cruel way to die and its the side of death i dont want to be on. I pray i saved my life in time and it was the Help of this Brotherhood that has got me this far.

     I know it sucks quitting, But we all been there, your not special we all climbed that suck mountain Many of us have made it the top, Others have Failed and rested to long and for that i have sorrow for them and pure hate for big tobacco companys. Where at war and KTC is the frontline. Im here if ya need me

~Nick~ 91 LTBE~
« Last Edit: March 30, 2021, 07:59:58 AM by nick-Otine Free »
I may not be a smart man, but I know what quit is! -Quitest Gump-
     -Don't plan for the future, Quit for today!-
"The way to get started is to (quit) talking and begin doing." Walt Disney
~you cant plan your quit you just have to do it, both feet free fall.~
"Cowards die many times before their deaths, the Valiant never taste of death but once"
Daily Devotional

Offline Thefranks5

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Re: The Quit.
« Reply #96 on: March 24, 2021, 05:59:16 PM »
Day 85

     I have been trying to reflect on how difficulty the last 10 days have been, but its really hard to put into words. I am finally out of that funk and feeling better for sure. Here is my best explanation of what Fog is. around day 78 or so we had some spring air come into our Ohio valley. this in turn created a deep fog. I usually drive into work in the dark so with this heavy fog it was impossible to see even the hood on my car. Note I myself am foggy brained as I'm driving, but i found it interesting how I take the same path to work every morning and no my route so much that even with this fog i could still go about the same speed. Even though i could not see i new where every pot hole was.  i would make my turns even if i couldn't see the signs telling me to do said turn. I pulled into my parking spot and sat and pondered. That is exactly what its like having a Nicotine Foggy Brain. We Try to see things out and beyond but the fog is so heavy on our eyes we can barley see each step were taking through the day. But we still know how to operate, Drive a car, make coffee, work, make dinner, and most importantly POST ROLL. I  WUPPED 75 Early morning days that when i came into my fog it didnt matter Because posting roll is routine, i could not see or concentrate but i still make it roll. now clear minded its funny i was in a zombie like state and was still Gettin er done! Programming-KTC- Digits Saved me for sure on some of those extra funky days. We pushed through that tough spot as a team and now im in a foot race to the HOF. Hope this helps people relate to what fog brain is when they ask. if not just call me a ramblin fool lol.

~Nick-Otine Free~LTBE~

Keep killing it Nick!!  You have made posting roll a morning routine, and by doing so, the fog ain't got shit on you.

Proud to be quit with you!

Keep blogging it out and helping others Nick. Stay strong as that funk can show up at any time and cause many problems. Proud to be quit with ya my friend.


Offline JeffH4257

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Re: The Quit.
« Reply #95 on: March 24, 2021, 07:55:02 AM »
Day 85

     I have been trying to reflect on how difficulty the last 10 days have been, but its really hard to put into words. I am finally out of that funk and feeling better for sure. Here is my best explanation of what Fog is. around day 78 or so we had some spring air come into our Ohio valley. this in turn created a deep fog. I usually drive into work in the dark so with this heavy fog it was impossible to see even the hood on my car. Note I myself am foggy brained as I'm driving, but i found it interesting how I take the same path to work every morning and no my route so much that even with this fog i could still go about the same speed. Even though i could not see i new where every pot hole was.  i would make my turns even if i couldn't see the signs telling me to do said turn. I pulled into my parking spot and sat and pondered. That is exactly what its like having a Nicotine Foggy Brain. We Try to see things out and beyond but the fog is so heavy on our eyes we can barley see each step were taking through the day. But we still know how to operate, Drive a car, make coffee, work, make dinner, and most importantly POST ROLL. I  WUPPED 75 Early morning days that when i came into my fog it didnt matter Because posting roll is routine, i could not see or concentrate but i still make it roll. now clear minded its funny i was in a zombie like state and was still Gettin er done! Programming-KTC- Digits Saved me for sure on some of those extra funky days. We pushed through that tough spot as a team and now im in a foot race to the HOF. Hope this helps people relate to what fog brain is when they ask. if not just call me a ramblin fool lol.

~Nick-Otine Free~LTBE~

Keep killing it Nick!!  You have made posting roll a morning routine, and by doing so, the fog ain't got shit on you.

Proud to be quit with you!


Offline nick-Otine Free

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Re: The Quit.
« Reply #94 on: March 24, 2021, 07:25:39 AM »
Day 85

     I have been trying to reflect on how difficulty the last 10 days have been, but its really hard to put into words. I am finally out of that funk and feeling better for sure. Here is my best explanation of what Fog is. around day 78 or so we had some spring air come into our Ohio valley. this in turn created a deep fog. I usually drive into work in the dark so with this heavy fog it was impossible to see even the hood on my car. Note I myself am foggy brained as I'm driving, but i found it interesting how I take the same path to work every morning and no my route so much that even with this fog i could still go about the same speed. Even though i could not see i new where every pot hole was.  i would make my turns even if i couldn't see the signs telling me to do said turn. I pulled into my parking spot and sat and pondered. That is exactly what its like having a Nicotine Foggy Brain. We Try to see things out and beyond but the fog is so heavy on our eyes we can barley see each step were taking through the day. But we still know how to operate, Drive a car, make coffee, work, make dinner, and most importantly POST ROLL. I  WUPPED 75 Early morning days that when i came into my fog it didnt matter Because posting roll is routine, i could not see or concentrate but i still make it roll. now clear minded its funny i was in a zombie like state and was still Gettin er done! Programming-KTC- Digits Saved me for sure on some of those extra funky days. We pushed through that tough spot as a team and now im in a foot race to the HOF. Hope this helps people relate to what fog brain is when they ask. if not just call me a ramblin fool lol.

~Nick-Otine Free~LTBE~
« Last Edit: March 24, 2021, 07:27:53 AM by nick-Otine Free »
I may not be a smart man, but I know what quit is! -Quitest Gump-
     -Don't plan for the future, Quit for today!-
"The way to get started is to (quit) talking and begin doing." Walt Disney
~you cant plan your quit you just have to do it, both feet free fall.~
"Cowards die many times before their deaths, the Valiant never taste of death but once"
Daily Devotional

Offline nick-Otine Free

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Re: The Quit.
« Reply #93 on: March 23, 2021, 07:18:40 AM »
13 Blessed are those who find wisdom,
    those who gain understanding,
14 for she is more profitable than silver
    and yields better returns than gold.
15 She is more precious than rubies;
    nothing you desire can compare with her.
16 Long life is in her right hand;
    in her left hand are riches and honor.
17 Her ways are pleasant ways,
    and all her paths are peace.
18 She is a tree of life to those who take hold of her;
    those who hold her fast will be blessed.
Proverbs 3:13-18

      This resonated with me today, It takes a strong person to jump off their prideful train and stop and listen. To not take the wisdom that KTC offers you would idiotic. I hope all the guest reading this today find the wisdom and strength in these words and in this site to Quit today. For Quitting Nicotine will yield you far better rich's than gold. like this verse says not only God but KTC as well Offers not only a Right Hand of longer life but a left hand of Brotherhood  and tools to help you on such a difficult task that we undertake everyday. KTC could literally be your life line, it could be the one thing or place that makes you toss that can and save you from the clutch's of cancer. If you have not realized by now what chewing can do to your life please google or ask around. its a painful way to the grave, your family watch's you in torment. All these years your loved ones have begged you and like me they fell on deaf ears. Don't go another Second planning a quit. Do it now, be the change, watch as your loved ones admire you during your quit with hope and pride. You must start this journey for yourself though and be truly ready to save your life. I always extend a Olive branch, if you need help message on here or in my PM. We all deserve better Lifes and i hope you choose KTCs Blessings today.

~Nick-Otine Free- 84~ LTBE- Yesterday is long Gone, Tomorrow May never come, But Today! Today is Enough
« Last Edit: March 23, 2021, 07:20:46 AM by nick-Otine Free »
I may not be a smart man, but I know what quit is! -Quitest Gump-
     -Don't plan for the future, Quit for today!-
"The way to get started is to (quit) talking and begin doing." Walt Disney
~you cant plan your quit you just have to do it, both feet free fall.~
"Cowards die many times before their deaths, the Valiant never taste of death but once"
Daily Devotional

Offline stillbrewing

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Re: The Quit.
« Reply #92 on: March 16, 2021, 08:22:05 AM »

     This is a great message for not only guest to get off their ass and quit but for people like myself that are in the funk. listen to it, watch it, and apply it to your quit. some snip-its are: Courage, most people go through life not allowing themselves to step out because they don't want to let go(toss that fucking can). they dont wanna be blown around! they dont want to be moved!(dipping is just to damn important to them). The courage to face lies, whirling, wind of contradictions! The courage to love your self more than addiction! Courage is not for somebody else, for metals, or applauses. it what feels most right to you.(cant plan your quit you just have to do it, both feet free fall). "Cowards die many times before their deaths, the Valiant never taste of death but once" does that mean valiant people are not afraid ? No, Just means us hear at KTC have experienced that fear but still moved forward. Do or Die, Sink or Swim What you will find out is you Develop incredible swimming skills. Put yourself in a position where you cant Retreat! JUNE 21 ROLL throw your whole self into it! most people go at it tentatively. they dont go all in, they dont pick up all the tools.

     Today is day 77 in my quit and i appreciate you my brothers here and in my test messages. the funk is real , its holding on but im not as shocked any more it hit me Sunday afternoon out of the blue. Lucky i reached out to some guys i was in a deep crave and may have slid off my ledge lucky i was tied down and got a phone call from stillbrewing that good chance saved my quit. KTC pulled me back up to my edge again to resume battle. yes im back to being foggy, craving worse than i remember, no sleep, crazy nauseas in the morning drinking a ass load off water really has helped thanks JEFF for the advice. Mentally checked myself and here we are again, like i am every morning. This shit works folks and if ya sit around planing a quit and using, but whens, i wills, its because of this statements you will be chewing the rest of your life and killing yourself slowly. 

~Nick-Otine Free-7(7)- day 77 or day 7 feels the same but I'm prepared. LTBE- All you can do is all you can do, and all you can do is Enough. seems confusing buts its not read it again and again eventually you will correlate with it.

Keep bloggin it out brother!  Proud of you Nick for fighting through the shit.  It's  a great reminder for all of us to have multiple contacts in our phones when those moments hit us. 

"Can people have courage when they are afraid?"
-Bran Stark
"That is the only time people can have courage"
-Ned Stark
Today is another +1 and we will not be a slave anymore! 
You got this my brother!
"Beginnings are usually scary and endings are usually sad, but it's everything in between that makes all worth living.  So, love the life you live, live the life you love." - Bob Marley

“La tristesse durera toujours." ~ Vincent van Gogh

"You can fuck off all the way to fuckoff mountain and jump off FUCKOFF point for all i care. Just post and stay quit." ~MikeW2018~

HOF-3/13/20; 2nd floor-6/21/20; 3rd floor-9/29/20; 1 year-12/3/20; 4th floor-1/7/21; 5th floor-4/17/21; 6th floor-7/26/21

HOF Speech Here

Offline JeffH4257

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Re: The Quit.
« Reply #91 on: March 16, 2021, 08:15:54 AM »

     This is a great message for not only guest to get off their ass and quit but for people like myself that are in the funk. listen to it, watch it, and apply it to your quit. some snip-its are: Courage, most people go through life not allowing themselves to step out because they don't want to let go(toss that fucking can). they dont wanna be blown around! they dont want to be moved!(dipping is just to damn important to them). The courage to face lies, whirling, wind of contradictions! The courage to love your self more than addiction! Courage is not for somebody else, for metals, or applauses. it what feels most right to you.(cant plan your quit you just have to do it, both feet free fall). "Cowards die many times before their deaths, the Valiant never taste of death but once" does that mean valiant people are not afraid ? No, Just means us hear at KTC have experienced that fear but still moved forward. Do or Die, Sink or Swim What you will find out is you Develop incredible swimming skills. Put yourself in a position where you cant Retreat! JUNE 21 ROLL throw your whole self into it! most people go at it tentatively. they dont go all in, they dont pick up all the tools.

     Today is day 77 in my quit and i appreciate you my brothers here and in my test messages. the funk is real , its holding on but im not as shocked any more it hit me Sunday afternoon out of the blue. Lucky i reached out to some guys i was in a deep crave and may have slid off my ledge lucky i was tied down and got a phone call from stillbrewing that good chance saved my quit. KTC pulled me back up to my edge again to resume battle. yes im back to being foggy, craving worse than i remember, no sleep, crazy nauseas in the morning drinking a ass load off water really has helped thanks JEFF for the advice. Mentally checked myself and here we are again, like i am every morning. This shit works folks and if ya sit around planing a quit and using, but whens, i wills, its because of this statements you will be chewing the rest of your life and killing yourself slowly. 

~Nick-Otine Free-7(7)- day 77 or day 7 feels the same but I'm prepared. LTBE- All you can do is all you can do, and all you can do is Enough. seems confusing buts its not read it again and again eventually you will correlate with it.

Keep bloggin it out brother!  Proud of you Nick for fighting through the shit.  It's  a great reminder for all of us to have multiple contacts in our phones when those moments hit us. 

"Can people have courage when they are afraid?"
-Bran Stark
"That is the only time people can have courage"
-Ned Stark