Author Topic: day 3  (Read 196966 times)

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Offline traumagnet

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Re: day 3
« Reply #643 on: October 23, 2018, 03:16:57 PM »
10:35 PM - Jan 09, 2016 #647

From: AppleJack

1,000 days.

Damn, man! Can you even remember how unattainable that seemed that first few months? Brother... this journey has been epic and you've gone through more stuff than most to get here. Soak in this accomplishment today! Proud to quit with you, man!

6:42 AM - Jan 10, 2016 #648

From: ChristopherJ

Congrats on the comma trauma! You are a courageous quitter who I am proud to quit with EDD.

7:21 AM - Jan 10, 2016 #649

From: Steakbomb18

Congrats Trauma! You've earned this day like no other. Appreciate how you've shown us what pure badassery quitting looks like.

7:33 AM - Jan 10, 2016 #650

From: worktowin

This guy is the very definition of brotherhood and accountability. Today, you hit a huge achievement. Typing that comma everyday is a feeling that cannot be described. You have fought hard and taught us all a thing or two along the way. Thanks and congrats!

1:26 PM - Jan 10, 2016 #651

From: B-loMatt

Awesome accomplishment Trauma! You have been leading the way for me my whole quit, keep killing it!

5:33 PM - Jan 10, 2016 #652

From: Pab1964

Congratulations to one badass quitter! Thanks for showing me how its done my friend! God bless!

5:35 PM - Jan 10, 2016 #653

From: ChickDip

Trauma, congrats to you on 1,000!
Wow, just Wow...

6:50 PM - Jan 10, 2016 #654

From: Nolaq

Crush it Trauma!!!!!!!
Complacency sucks, one moment of it is the difference between being a user and a quitter....OIB

"Lean into the fall my friends, life can be amazing without nicotine. It's just a matter of choice." sM

"Endeavor to persevere."Chief Dan George "The Outlaw Josey Wales".

MY HOF speech

Offline traumagnet

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Re: day 3
« Reply #642 on: October 23, 2018, 03:15:33 PM »
10:35 PM - Jan 09, 2016 #647

From: AppleJack

1,000 days.

Damn, man! Can you even remember how unattainable that seemed that first few months? Brother... this journey has been epic and you've gone through more stuff than most to get here. Soak in this accomplishment today! Proud to quit with you, man!

6:42 AM - Jan 10, 2016 #648

From: ChristopherJ

Congrats on the comma trauma! You are a courageous quitter who I am proud to quit with EDD.

7:21 AM - Jan 10, 2016 #649

From: Steakbomb18

Congrats Trauma! You've earned this day like no other. Appreciate how you've shown us what pure badassery quitting looks like.

7:33 AM - Jan 10, 2016 #650

From: worktowin

This guy is the very definition of brotherhood and accountability. Today, you hit a huge achievement. Typing that comma everyday is a feeling that cannot be described. You have fought hard and taught us all a thing or two along the way. Thanks and congrats!

1:26 PM - Jan 10, 2016 #651

From: B-loMatt

Awesome accomplishment Trauma! You have been leading the way for me my whole quit, keep killing it!

5:33 PM - Jan 10, 2016 #652

From: Pab1964

Congratulations to one badass quitter! Thanks for showing me how its done my friend! God bless!

5:35 PM - Jan 10, 2016 #653

From: ChickDip

Trauma, congrats to you on 1,000!
Wow, just Wow...
Complacency sucks, one moment of it is the difference between being a user and a quitter....OIB

"Lean into the fall my friends, life can be amazing without nicotine. It's just a matter of choice." sM

"Endeavor to persevere."Chief Dan George "The Outlaw Josey Wales".

MY HOF speech

Offline traumagnet

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Re: day 3
« Reply #641 on: October 23, 2018, 03:12:46 PM »
10:35 PM - Jan 09, 2016 #647

From: AppleJack

1,000 days.

Damn, man! Can you even remember how unattainable that seemed that first few months? Brother... this journey has been epic and you've gone through more stuff than most to get here. Soak in this accomplishment today! Proud to quit with you, man!

6:42 AM - Jan 10, 2016 #648

From: ChristopherJ

Congrats on the comma trauma! You are a courageous quitter who I am proud to quit with EDD.

7:21 AM - Jan 10, 2016 #649

From: Steakbomb18

Congrats Trauma! You've earned this day like no other. Appreciate how you've shown us what pure badassery quitting looks like.

7:33 AM - Jan 10, 2016 #650

From: worktowin

This guy is the very definition of brotherhood and accountability. Today, you hit a huge achievement. Typing that comma everyday is a feeling that cannot be described. You have fought hard and taught us all a thing or two along the way. Thanks and congrats!

1:26 PM - Jan 10, 2016 #651

From: B-loMatt

Awesome accomplishment Trauma! You have been leading the way for me my whole quit, keep killing it!

5:33 PM - Jan 10, 2016 #652

From: Pab1964

Congratulations to one badass quitter! Thanks for showing me how its done my friend! God bless!
Complacency sucks, one moment of it is the difference between being a user and a quitter....OIB

"Lean into the fall my friends, life can be amazing without nicotine. It's just a matter of choice." sM

"Endeavor to persevere."Chief Dan George "The Outlaw Josey Wales".

MY HOF speech

Offline traumagnet

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Re: day 3
« Reply #640 on: October 23, 2018, 03:12:12 PM »
10:35 PM - Jan 09, 2016 #647

From: AppleJack

1,000 days.

Damn, man! Can you even remember how unattainable that seemed that first few months? Brother... this journey has been epic and you've gone through more stuff than most to get here. Soak in this accomplishment today! Proud to quit with you, man!

6:42 AM - Jan 10, 2016 #648

From: ChristopherJ

Congrats on the comma trauma! You are a courageous quitter who I am proud to quit with EDD.

7:21 AM - Jan 10, 2016 #649

From: Steakbomb18

Congrats Trauma! You've earned this day like no other. Appreciate how you've shown us what pure badassery quitting looks like.

7:33 AM - Jan 10, 2016 #650

From: worktowin

This guy is the very definition of brotherhood and accountability. Today, you hit a huge achievement. Typing that comma everyday is a feeling that cannot be described. You have fought hard and taught us all a thing or two along the way. Thanks and congrats!

1:26 PM - Jan 10, 2016 #651

From: B-loMatt

Awesome accomplishment Trauma! You have been leading the way for me my whole quit, keep killing it!
Complacency sucks, one moment of it is the difference between being a user and a quitter....OIB

"Lean into the fall my friends, life can be amazing without nicotine. It's just a matter of choice." sM

"Endeavor to persevere."Chief Dan George "The Outlaw Josey Wales".

MY HOF speech

Offline traumagnet

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Re: day 3
« Reply #639 on: October 23, 2018, 03:11:25 PM »
10:35 PM - Jan 09, 2016 #647

From: AppleJack

1,000 days.

Damn, man! Can you even remember how unattainable that seemed that first few months? Brother... this journey has been epic and you've gone through more stuff than most to get here. Soak in this accomplishment today! Proud to quit with you, man!

6:42 AM - Jan 10, 2016 #648

From: ChristopherJ

Congrats on the comma trauma! You are a courageous quitter who I am proud to quit with EDD.

7:21 AM - Jan 10, 2016 #649

From: Steakbomb18

Congrats Trauma! You've earned this day like no other. Appreciate how you've shown us what pure badassery quitting looks like.

7:33 AM - Jan 10, 2016 #650

From: worktowin

This guy is the very definition of brotherhood and accountability. Today, you hit a huge achievement. Typing that comma everyday is a feeling that cannot be described. You have fought hard and taught us all a thing or two along the way. Thanks and congrats!
Complacency sucks, one moment of it is the difference between being a user and a quitter....OIB

"Lean into the fall my friends, life can be amazing without nicotine. It's just a matter of choice." sM

"Endeavor to persevere."Chief Dan George "The Outlaw Josey Wales".

MY HOF speech

Offline traumagnet

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Re: day 3
« Reply #638 on: October 23, 2018, 03:10:41 PM »
10:35 PM - Jan 09, 2016 #647

From: AppleJack

1,000 days.

Damn, man! Can you even remember how unattainable that seemed that first few months? Brother... this journey has been epic and you've gone through more stuff than most to get here. Soak in this accomplishment today! Proud to quit with you, man!

6:42 AM - Jan 10, 2016 #648

From: ChristopherJ

Congrats on the comma trauma! You are a courageous quitter who I am proud to quit with EDD.

7:21 AM - Jan 10, 2016 #649

From: Steakbomb18

Congrats Trauma! You've earned this day like no other. Appreciate how you've shown us what pure badassery quitting looks like.
Complacency sucks, one moment of it is the difference between being a user and a quitter....OIB

"Lean into the fall my friends, life can be amazing without nicotine. It's just a matter of choice." sM

"Endeavor to persevere."Chief Dan George "The Outlaw Josey Wales".

MY HOF speech

Offline traumagnet

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Re: day 3
« Reply #637 on: October 23, 2018, 03:09:41 PM »
10:35 PM - Jan 09, 2016 #647

From: AppleJack

1,000 days.

Damn, man! Can you even remember how unattainable that seemed that first few months? Brother... this journey has been epic and you've gone through more stuff than most to get here. Soak in this accomplishment today! Proud to quit with you, man!

6:42 AM - Jan 10, 2016 #648

From: ChristopherJ

Congrats on the comma trauma! You are a courageous quitter who I am proud to quit with EDD.
Complacency sucks, one moment of it is the difference between being a user and a quitter....OIB

"Lean into the fall my friends, life can be amazing without nicotine. It's just a matter of choice." sM

"Endeavor to persevere."Chief Dan George "The Outlaw Josey Wales".

MY HOF speech

Offline traumagnet

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Re: day 3
« Reply #636 on: October 23, 2018, 03:08:59 PM »
10:35 PM - Jan 09, 2016 #647

From: AppleJack

1,000 days.

Damn, man! Can you even remember how unattainable that seemed that first few months? Brother... this journey has been epic and you've gone through more stuff than most to get here. Soak in this accomplishment today! Proud to quit with you, man!
Complacency sucks, one moment of it is the difference between being a user and a quitter....OIB

"Lean into the fall my friends, life can be amazing without nicotine. It's just a matter of choice." sM

"Endeavor to persevere."Chief Dan George "The Outlaw Josey Wales".

MY HOF speech

Offline traumagnet

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Re: day 3
« Reply #635 on: October 23, 2018, 03:02:51 PM »
4:35 PM - Nov 08, 2015 #635

My oncologist said my CT looked beautiful and is going to stretch them out further than 2.5 months. All of my labs were great also my tumor marker lab is dropping even further than last time. We had no discussion of more chemo so we left it like that. I see a rheumatologist this week because apparently I have experienced a rheumatoid arthritis type reaction to chemo....numb painful feet and locking fingers on my hands. I have been running and working out I am up to two miles a few more and I will be good for the 10k at the Fargo marathon. Pinched is coming to run it with me or carry me what ever comes first.... Went goose hunting this am we got a few jobs going great other than the feet and hands lifes been great.... Most excited about not being dead once again would just like to express my appreciation to each and everyone one of yall for your tireless prayers and support.
Trauma out 937

5:16 PM - Nov 08, 2015 #636

From: worktowin

Wonderful news for you and for us. Not great news for the geese and deer up there in the arctic circle!

Prayers continue for further healing and great health! You are the man!

6:43 PM - Nov 08, 2015 #637

From: Pab1964

Great to hear from you trauma. Was thinking about you this morning. Sounds like great news all the way around , hopefully they will take care of you on your arthritis. Keep looking forward my friend and continue with your faith it definitely matters. Love the positive attitude. Thanks again for the post ,prayers to you and yours.

9:31 PM - Nov 08, 2015 #638

From: KingNothing

Good news Trauma, glad to hear it. Keep fighting and prayers continue to be with you my man.

6:55 AM - Nov 09, 2015 #639

From: Nolaq

Awesome news Trauma! I was just thinking about you this morning, as it's been a while since I checked in. What a great way to start the week, keep crushing it!

6:58 AM - Nov 09, 2015 #640

From: invader

Very good! Wishing you continued success in your fight, sir!

10:35 AM - Nov 09, 2015 #641

From: rdad

That's is such good news Trauma! So happy to hear it.

1:40 PM - Nov 09, 2015 #642

From: Pinched

I am so fucking proud of you, you sir are a badass!

8:52 PM - Nov 09, 2015 #643

From: ChristopherJ

That's great news Trauma! Fargo 10 k would be amazing! Proud to quit with you brother.

3:59 AM - Nov 10, 2015 #644

From: D2maine

this made my day, such good news

8:08 AM - Nov 10, 2015 #645

From: ChickDip

Great news. Praying for you still.

6:29 AM - Nov 11, 2015 #646

From: B-loMatt

Awesomness !!! So glad to hear the good news :)
Complacency sucks, one moment of it is the difference between being a user and a quitter....OIB

"Lean into the fall my friends, life can be amazing without nicotine. It's just a matter of choice." sM

"Endeavor to persevere."Chief Dan George "The Outlaw Josey Wales".

MY HOF speech

Offline traumagnet

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Re: day 3
« Reply #634 on: October 23, 2018, 03:02:01 PM »
4:35 PM - Nov 08, 2015 #635

My oncologist said my CT looked beautiful and is going to stretch them out further than 2.5 months. All of my labs were great also my tumor marker lab is dropping even further than last time. We had no discussion of more chemo so we left it like that. I see a rheumatologist this week because apparently I have experienced a rheumatoid arthritis type reaction to chemo....numb painful feet and locking fingers on my hands. I have been running and working out I am up to two miles a few more and I will be good for the 10k at the Fargo marathon. Pinched is coming to run it with me or carry me what ever comes first.... Went goose hunting this am we got a few jobs going great other than the feet and hands lifes been great.... Most excited about not being dead once again would just like to express my appreciation to each and everyone one of yall for your tireless prayers and support.
Trauma out 937

5:16 PM - Nov 08, 2015 #636

From: worktowin

Wonderful news for you and for us. Not great news for the geese and deer up there in the arctic circle!

Prayers continue for further healing and great health! You are the man!

6:43 PM - Nov 08, 2015 #637

From: Pab1964

Great to hear from you trauma. Was thinking about you this morning. Sounds like great news all the way around , hopefully they will take care of you on your arthritis. Keep looking forward my friend and continue with your faith it definitely matters. Love the positive attitude. Thanks again for the post ,prayers to you and yours.

9:31 PM - Nov 08, 2015 #638

From: KingNothing

Good news Trauma, glad to hear it. Keep fighting and prayers continue to be with you my man.

6:55 AM - Nov 09, 2015 #639

From: Nolaq

Awesome news Trauma! I was just thinking about you this morning, as it's been a while since I checked in. What a great way to start the week, keep crushing it!

6:58 AM - Nov 09, 2015 #640

From: invader

Very good! Wishing you continued success in your fight, sir!

10:35 AM - Nov 09, 2015 #641

From: rdad

That's is such good news Trauma! So happy to hear it.

1:40 PM - Nov 09, 2015 #642

From: Pinched

I am so fucking proud of you, you sir are a badass!

8:52 PM - Nov 09, 2015 #643

From: ChristopherJ

That's great news Trauma! Fargo 10 k would be amazing! Proud to quit with you brother.

3:59 AM - Nov 10, 2015 #644

From: D2maine

this made my day, such good news

8:08 AM - Nov 10, 2015 #645

From: ChickDip

Great news. Praying for you still.
Complacency sucks, one moment of it is the difference between being a user and a quitter....OIB

"Lean into the fall my friends, life can be amazing without nicotine. It's just a matter of choice." sM

"Endeavor to persevere."Chief Dan George "The Outlaw Josey Wales".

MY HOF speech

Offline traumagnet

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Re: day 3
« Reply #633 on: October 23, 2018, 03:00:39 PM »
4:35 PM - Nov 08, 2015 #635

My oncologist said my CT looked beautiful and is going to stretch them out further than 2.5 months. All of my labs were great also my tumor marker lab is dropping even further than last time. We had no discussion of more chemo so we left it like that. I see a rheumatologist this week because apparently I have experienced a rheumatoid arthritis type reaction to chemo....numb painful feet and locking fingers on my hands. I have been running and working out I am up to two miles a few more and I will be good for the 10k at the Fargo marathon. Pinched is coming to run it with me or carry me what ever comes first.... Went goose hunting this am we got a few jobs going great other than the feet and hands lifes been great.... Most excited about not being dead once again would just like to express my appreciation to each and everyone one of yall for your tireless prayers and support.
Trauma out 937

5:16 PM - Nov 08, 2015 #636

From: worktowin

Wonderful news for you and for us. Not great news for the geese and deer up there in the arctic circle!

Prayers continue for further healing and great health! You are the man!

6:43 PM - Nov 08, 2015 #637

From: Pab1964

Great to hear from you trauma. Was thinking about you this morning. Sounds like great news all the way around , hopefully they will take care of you on your arthritis. Keep looking forward my friend and continue with your faith it definitely matters. Love the positive attitude. Thanks again for the post ,prayers to you and yours.

9:31 PM - Nov 08, 2015 #638

From: KingNothing

Good news Trauma, glad to hear it. Keep fighting and prayers continue to be with you my man.

6:55 AM - Nov 09, 2015 #639

From: Nolaq

Awesome news Trauma! I was just thinking about you this morning, as it's been a while since I checked in. What a great way to start the week, keep crushing it!

6:58 AM - Nov 09, 2015 #640

From: invader

Very good! Wishing you continued success in your fight, sir!

10:35 AM - Nov 09, 2015 #641

From: rdad

That's is such good news Trauma! So happy to hear it.

1:40 PM - Nov 09, 2015 #642

From: Pinched

I am so fucking proud of you, you sir are a badass!

8:52 PM - Nov 09, 2015 #643

From: ChristopherJ

That's great news Trauma! Fargo 10 k would be amazing! Proud to quit with you brother.

3:59 AM - Nov 10, 2015 #644

From: D2maine

this made my day, such good news
Complacency sucks, one moment of it is the difference between being a user and a quitter....OIB

"Lean into the fall my friends, life can be amazing without nicotine. It's just a matter of choice." sM

"Endeavor to persevere."Chief Dan George "The Outlaw Josey Wales".

MY HOF speech

Offline traumagnet

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Re: day 3
« Reply #632 on: October 23, 2018, 03:00:05 PM »
4:35 PM - Nov 08, 2015 #635

My oncologist said my CT looked beautiful and is going to stretch them out further than 2.5 months. All of my labs were great also my tumor marker lab is dropping even further than last time. We had no discussion of more chemo so we left it like that. I see a rheumatologist this week because apparently I have experienced a rheumatoid arthritis type reaction to chemo....numb painful feet and locking fingers on my hands. I have been running and working out I am up to two miles a few more and I will be good for the 10k at the Fargo marathon. Pinched is coming to run it with me or carry me what ever comes first.... Went goose hunting this am we got a few jobs going great other than the feet and hands lifes been great.... Most excited about not being dead once again would just like to express my appreciation to each and everyone one of yall for your tireless prayers and support.
Trauma out 937

5:16 PM - Nov 08, 2015 #636

From: worktowin

Wonderful news for you and for us. Not great news for the geese and deer up there in the arctic circle!

Prayers continue for further healing and great health! You are the man!

6:43 PM - Nov 08, 2015 #637

From: Pab1964

Great to hear from you trauma. Was thinking about you this morning. Sounds like great news all the way around , hopefully they will take care of you on your arthritis. Keep looking forward my friend and continue with your faith it definitely matters. Love the positive attitude. Thanks again for the post ,prayers to you and yours.

9:31 PM - Nov 08, 2015 #638

From: KingNothing

Good news Trauma, glad to hear it. Keep fighting and prayers continue to be with you my man.

6:55 AM - Nov 09, 2015 #639

From: Nolaq

Awesome news Trauma! I was just thinking about you this morning, as it's been a while since I checked in. What a great way to start the week, keep crushing it!

6:58 AM - Nov 09, 2015 #640

From: invader

Very good! Wishing you continued success in your fight, sir!

10:35 AM - Nov 09, 2015 #641

From: rdad

That's is such good news Trauma! So happy to hear it.

1:40 PM - Nov 09, 2015 #642

From: Pinched

I am so fucking proud of you, you sir are a badass!

8:52 PM - Nov 09, 2015 #643

From: ChristopherJ

That's great news Trauma! Fargo 10 k would be amazing! Proud to quit with you brother.
Complacency sucks, one moment of it is the difference between being a user and a quitter....OIB

"Lean into the fall my friends, life can be amazing without nicotine. It's just a matter of choice." sM

"Endeavor to persevere."Chief Dan George "The Outlaw Josey Wales".

MY HOF speech

Offline traumagnet

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Re: day 3
« Reply #631 on: October 23, 2018, 02:59:31 PM »
4:35 PM - Nov 08, 2015 #635

My oncologist said my CT looked beautiful and is going to stretch them out further than 2.5 months. All of my labs were great also my tumor marker lab is dropping even further than last time. We had no discussion of more chemo so we left it like that. I see a rheumatologist this week because apparently I have experienced a rheumatoid arthritis type reaction to chemo....numb painful feet and locking fingers on my hands. I have been running and working out I am up to two miles a few more and I will be good for the 10k at the Fargo marathon. Pinched is coming to run it with me or carry me what ever comes first.... Went goose hunting this am we got a few jobs going great other than the feet and hands lifes been great.... Most excited about not being dead once again would just like to express my appreciation to each and everyone one of yall for your tireless prayers and support.
Trauma out 937

5:16 PM - Nov 08, 2015 #636

From: worktowin

Wonderful news for you and for us. Not great news for the geese and deer up there in the arctic circle!

Prayers continue for further healing and great health! You are the man!

6:43 PM - Nov 08, 2015 #637

From: Pab1964

Great to hear from you trauma. Was thinking about you this morning. Sounds like great news all the way around , hopefully they will take care of you on your arthritis. Keep looking forward my friend and continue with your faith it definitely matters. Love the positive attitude. Thanks again for the post ,prayers to you and yours.

9:31 PM - Nov 08, 2015 #638

From: KingNothing

Good news Trauma, glad to hear it. Keep fighting and prayers continue to be with you my man.

6:55 AM - Nov 09, 2015 #639

From: Nolaq

Awesome news Trauma! I was just thinking about you this morning, as it's been a while since I checked in. What a great way to start the week, keep crushing it!

6:58 AM - Nov 09, 2015 #640

From: invader

Very good! Wishing you continued success in your fight, sir!

10:35 AM - Nov 09, 2015 #641

From: rdad

That's is such good news Trauma! So happy to hear it.

1:40 PM - Nov 09, 2015 #642

From: Pinched

I am so fucking proud of you, you sir are a badass!
Complacency sucks, one moment of it is the difference between being a user and a quitter....OIB

"Lean into the fall my friends, life can be amazing without nicotine. It's just a matter of choice." sM

"Endeavor to persevere."Chief Dan George "The Outlaw Josey Wales".

MY HOF speech

Offline traumagnet

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Re: day 3
« Reply #630 on: October 23, 2018, 02:58:57 PM »
4:35 PM - Nov 08, 2015 #635

My oncologist said my CT looked beautiful and is going to stretch them out further than 2.5 months. All of my labs were great also my tumor marker lab is dropping even further than last time. We had no discussion of more chemo so we left it like that. I see a rheumatologist this week because apparently I have experienced a rheumatoid arthritis type reaction to chemo....numb painful feet and locking fingers on my hands. I have been running and working out I am up to two miles a few more and I will be good for the 10k at the Fargo marathon. Pinched is coming to run it with me or carry me what ever comes first.... Went goose hunting this am we got a few jobs going great other than the feet and hands lifes been great.... Most excited about not being dead once again would just like to express my appreciation to each and everyone one of yall for your tireless prayers and support.
Trauma out 937

5:16 PM - Nov 08, 2015 #636

From: worktowin

Wonderful news for you and for us. Not great news for the geese and deer up there in the arctic circle!

Prayers continue for further healing and great health! You are the man!

6:43 PM - Nov 08, 2015 #637

From: Pab1964

Great to hear from you trauma. Was thinking about you this morning. Sounds like great news all the way around , hopefully they will take care of you on your arthritis. Keep looking forward my friend and continue with your faith it definitely matters. Love the positive attitude. Thanks again for the post ,prayers to you and yours.

9:31 PM - Nov 08, 2015 #638

From: KingNothing

Good news Trauma, glad to hear it. Keep fighting and prayers continue to be with you my man.

6:55 AM - Nov 09, 2015 #639

From: Nolaq

Awesome news Trauma! I was just thinking about you this morning, as it's been a while since I checked in. What a great way to start the week, keep crushing it!

6:58 AM - Nov 09, 2015 #640

From: invader

Very good! Wishing you continued success in your fight, sir!

10:35 AM - Nov 09, 2015 #641

From: rdad

That's is such good news Trauma! So happy to hear it.
Complacency sucks, one moment of it is the difference between being a user and a quitter....OIB

"Lean into the fall my friends, life can be amazing without nicotine. It's just a matter of choice." sM

"Endeavor to persevere."Chief Dan George "The Outlaw Josey Wales".

MY HOF speech

Offline traumagnet

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Re: day 3
« Reply #629 on: October 23, 2018, 02:58:28 PM »
4:35 PM - Nov 08, 2015 #635

My oncologist said my CT looked beautiful and is going to stretch them out further than 2.5 months. All of my labs were great also my tumor marker lab is dropping even further than last time. We had no discussion of more chemo so we left it like that. I see a rheumatologist this week because apparently I have experienced a rheumatoid arthritis type reaction to chemo....numb painful feet and locking fingers on my hands. I have been running and working out I am up to two miles a few more and I will be good for the 10k at the Fargo marathon. Pinched is coming to run it with me or carry me what ever comes first.... Went goose hunting this am we got a few jobs going great other than the feet and hands lifes been great.... Most excited about not being dead once again would just like to express my appreciation to each and everyone one of yall for your tireless prayers and support.
Trauma out 937

5:16 PM - Nov 08, 2015 #636

From: worktowin

Wonderful news for you and for us. Not great news for the geese and deer up there in the arctic circle!

Prayers continue for further healing and great health! You are the man!

6:43 PM - Nov 08, 2015 #637

From: Pab1964

Great to hear from you trauma. Was thinking about you this morning. Sounds like great news all the way around , hopefully they will take care of you on your arthritis. Keep looking forward my friend and continue with your faith it definitely matters. Love the positive attitude. Thanks again for the post ,prayers to you and yours.

9:31 PM - Nov 08, 2015 #638

From: KingNothing

Good news Trauma, glad to hear it. Keep fighting and prayers continue to be with you my man.

6:55 AM - Nov 09, 2015 #639

From: Nolaq

Awesome news Trauma! I was just thinking about you this morning, as it's been a while since I checked in. What a great way to start the week, keep crushing it!

6:58 AM - Nov 09, 2015 #640

From: invader

Very good! Wishing you continued success in your fight, sir!
Complacency sucks, one moment of it is the difference between being a user and a quitter....OIB

"Lean into the fall my friends, life can be amazing without nicotine. It's just a matter of choice." sM

"Endeavor to persevere."Chief Dan George "The Outlaw Josey Wales".

MY HOF speech