Accountability Forum

Community => Introductions => Topic started by: _oz on May 12, 2011, 07:49:00 PM

Title: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: _oz on May 12, 2011, 07:49:00 PM
A buddy of mine gave me this site - and I am glad he did. My wife and I went through our budget this past weekend, and my habit (and her drinking hot chocolates) have been putting us over our income each month. We have decided we both NEED to stop.

But, I don't want to!

I read the top 100 reasons - and have to say there are about 30 to 35 that hit home. Some are actually kind of funny when you think about how true they are; "Dumping your spit cup out of your car as you are driving and having the spit sauce blow back up on your car" -- so true!

So here I am, hopefully starting something new ==== saving money and bettering my life. I know it will be hard, but I quit smoking a few years ago cold turkey and it wasn't too bad (ya - I had a dip for the nicotine fix 'Crazy' ).

The bad thing, as #20 states "Digging for change all over the house and car to have enough money to buy a can", this just happened at work (change jar, truck and desk drawers). I bought one last can. I was having fits knowing my last would be my last - and I found all my loose change to get the very very very last (I have no more loose change).

So....... I will be here on Saturday or Sunday to begin my new life. You ask why wait and not stop now - because it's no better time than the present time! Well, as I mentioned above - I don't want to stop! My wife doesn't mind - in fact she use to buy my rolls for me (she hated it - but it was cheaper across the state line by 10 bucks per roll). I think it's a good move to introduce myself and say I will be quitting --- and then have to honor that (since I am a man of my word).

I will see you all soon!
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: TCOPE on May 12, 2011, 07:52:00 PM
Quote from: _oz
A buddy of mine gave me this site - and I am glad he did. My wife and I went through our budget this past weekend, and my habit (and her drinking hot chocolates) have been putting us over our income each month. We have decided we both NEED to stop.

But, I don't want to!

I read the top 100 reasons - and have to say there are about 30 to 35 that hit home. Some are actually kind of funny when you think about how true they are; "Dumping your spit cup out of your car as you are driving and having the spit sauce blow back up on your car" -- so true!

So here I am, hopefully starting something new ==== saving money and bettering my life. I know it will be hard, but I quit smoking a few years ago cold turkey and it wasn't too bad (ya - I had a dip for the nicotine fix 'Crazy' ).

The bad thing, as #20 states "Digging for change all over the house and car to have enough money to buy a can", this just happened at work (change jar, truck and desk drawers). I bought one last can. I was having fits knowing my last would be my last - and I found all my loose change to get the very very very last (I have no more loose change).

So....... I will be here on Saturday or Sunday to begin my new life. You ask why wait and not stop now - because it's no better time than the present time! Well, as I mentioned above - I don't want to stop! My wife doesn't mind - in fact she use to buy my rolls for me (she hated it - but it was cheaper across the state line by 10 bucks per roll). I think it's a good move to introduce myself and say I will be quitting --- and then have to honor that (since I am a man of my word).

I will see you all soon!
Bet this lasts a long time....
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: BTM99 on May 12, 2011, 08:15:00 PM
Quote from: TCOPE
Quote from: _oz
A buddy of mine gave me this site - and I am glad he did.  My wife and I went through our budget this past weekend, and my habit (and her drinking hot chocolates) have been putting us over our income each month.  We have decided we both NEED to stop. 

But, I don't want to!

I read the top 100 reasons - and have to say there are about 30 to 35 that hit home.  Some are actually kind of funny when you think about how true they are;  "Dumping your spit cup out of your car as you are driving and having the spit sauce blow back up on your car" -- so true!

So here I am, hopefully starting something new ==== saving money and bettering my life.  I know it will be hard, but I quit smoking a few years ago cold turkey and it wasn't too bad (ya - I had a dip for the nicotine fix  'Crazy'  ). 

The bad thing, as #20 states "Digging for change all over the house and car to have enough money to buy a can", this just happened at work (change jar, truck and desk drawers).  I bought one last can.  I was having fits knowing my last would be my last - and I found all my loose change to get the very very very last (I have no more loose change). 

So.......  I will be here on Saturday or Sunday to begin my new life.  You ask why wait and not stop now - because it's no better time than the present time!  Well, as I mentioned above - I don't want to stop!  My wife doesn't mind - in fact she use to buy my rolls for me (she hated it - but it was cheaper across the state line by 10 bucks per roll).  I think it's a good move to introduce myself and say I will be quitting --- and then have to honor that (since I am a man of my word). 

I will see you all soon!
Bet this lasts a long time....
Let's set the over/under at 5 days. I'll take the under.
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: Parputt on May 12, 2011, 08:44:00 PM
Quote from: _oz
But, I don't want to!
Then don't waste our time or yours. Come back when you are ready.
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: 30yraddict on May 12, 2011, 09:34:00 PM
Quote from: Parputt
Quote from: _oz
But, I don't want to!
Then don't waste our time or yours. Come back when you are ready.
Go visit someone with stage 4 mouth/throat/brain cancer. Maybe you'll want to then. I know that they would give anything to go back 10 years and choose to quit.
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: redtrain14 on May 12, 2011, 09:39:00 PM
If you're quitting to save money, you're screwed.

You don't want to quit? This takes commitment, effort, accountibility and to be honest....blood, guts and nuts.

Come back when you have the later.
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: Jeeper on May 12, 2011, 09:58:00 PM
Your title tells us everything we need to know. We are all here because we WANTED/WANT to quit.
We are here to stay quit and help others quit if they really want to quit.

Hopefully you will decide to quit for real before it is too late.
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: bigbamadan on May 13, 2011, 12:30:00 AM
If she is getting the hot coco from starbucks....those are really just as much as a can of grizz...or whatever skoal is the special of the week. Perhaps from a budget standpoint those drinks should be eliminated first.

Really oz, you need to reevaluate here. The way this post came across the only reason you want to quit is because it's draining your budget. Addicts have a funny way of adjusting priorites. I did. If it's just about the money...well then you will find something else to do without. Hell, there were points in my life I would have chosen dip over food and shelter if it would have come down to it.

You want to quit for real. Quit for you. Quit to better your life all together...well then you drop me a pm and I will be glad o help.

**edit, somehow I missed that "I will be back on Saturday or Sunday" whenever I fnish up this can bull shit. really??? I bet you blow a midget tranny for the $3.50 on Sunday...get serious or get the fuck out of here.
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: syndrome on May 13, 2011, 07:49:00 AM
tomorow... tomorow... i love ya tomorow... your only a day away!

for all you guys just considerin a quit i done all reddy rote a shit ton bout tomorow.

bottom line - it never comes. nows the time. today.
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: CopeFiend on May 13, 2011, 08:17:00 AM
Quote from: _oz
So....... I will be here on Saturday or Sunday to begin my new life. You ask why wait and not stop now - because it's no better time than the present time! ...
What's wrong with these sentences, oz?

1) I'll be quitting on the weekend.
2) This will be my last can - I'll make it last until the weekend.
3) Quitting on the weekend is easier.
4) I don't want to quit.

They each set you up for the same failure you've experienced before. The failure to quit.

Here's what happens in each case:

1) You dip your head off until just before the weekend, but since you hit it a bit too hard, you need to buy one final "so long" can to get through Friday night. Then, you have some left on Saturday, and you say... "hmmm...can't waste it...and I really don't want to quit." 20 years pass
2) You try your hardest to stretch out your dips. But you are really jones'ing for your normal fatty frequency. In fact, the stress of it is making you want more than your usual. You succumb and buy a fresh can on Friday afternoon and dip it hard! And I mean hard! It's Sunday morning and you just can't imagine going to work quit, so you delay your quit until next weekend. 20 years pass
3) See #1 and #2 above. (and oh, by the way, 20 years pass)
4) 20 years pass.

And, if you're lucky enough for those 20 years to pass, what do you think your future self would have done differently? I don't need to iterate through the consequences of inaction on your part. You know what they are.

Take that fuckin' can and throw it in a dumpster TODAY.
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: Radman on May 13, 2011, 08:40:00 AM
There are a lot of us here that want to support you, but you have made it damn hard with this attitude. This battle is not about "want to" or "don't want to". It's about "have to", because we all have to quit; our lives depend on it. Can you really go look at the cancer pics and not want to quit? I wanted to for years, but failed until I found this site. It is tough, and you are setting yourself (and therefore, everyone trying to help you) up for failure before you even start. Make the decision, face the demon head-on, toss that can, and make us a promise. We're waiting.
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: jaygib on May 13, 2011, 10:19:00 AM
Quote from: _oz
A buddy of mine gave me this site - and I am glad he did. My wife and I went through our budget this past weekend, and my habit (and her drinking hot chocolates) have been putting us over our income each month. We have decided we both NEED to stop.

But, I don't want to!

I read the top 100 reasons - and have to say there are about 30 to 35 that hit home. Some are actually kind of funny when you think about how true they are; "Dumping your spit cup out of your car as you are driving and having the spit sauce blow back up on your car" -- so true!

So here I am, hopefully starting something new ==== saving money and bettering my life. I know it will be hard, but I quit smoking a few years ago cold turkey and it wasn't too bad (ya - I had a dip for the nicotine fix 'Crazy' ).

The bad thing, as #20 states "Digging for change all over the house and car to have enough money to buy a can", this just happened at work (change jar, truck and desk drawers). I bought one last can. I was having fits knowing my last would be my last - and I found all my loose change to get the very very very last (I have no more loose change).

So....... I will be here on Saturday or Sunday to begin my new life. You ask why wait and not stop now - because it's no better time than the present time! Well, as I mentioned above - I don't want to stop! My wife doesn't mind - in fact she use to buy my rolls for me (she hated it - but it was cheaper across the state line by 10 bucks per roll). I think it's a good move to introduce myself and say I will be quitting --- and then have to honor that (since I am a man of my word).

I will see you all soon!
I hear you. Quitting ain't easy. It takes commitment and courage. It's!

You know who else doesn't want you to quit, your nicotine pushers--the gas station, the wholesaler, the giant tobacco firm that hopes you don't die early so they can get your money for another 20 or 30 years. All those folks are counting on you too keep paying bills for them for many years to come. Don't quit and don't die on them.

Sometimes I don't want to quit either. Like I could easily throw a dip in now and trade in 115 days of freedome. But then I remember that the next dip kills me. That's the one that'll give me cancer. That is the time nicotine will sink her talons of death in me for good and painfully bleed out my last days on this earth.

I didn't love dip 100% of the time as a user and I don't hate it 100% of the time as a quit addict. I chose not to use today, a year ago I chose to use. Rational thoughts (for better or worse) dictated my choice in both cases and I quit fully knowing that my quit could never be based just on want alone. Sometimes my emotion fails me and if it fails me today I am confident I've given my fellow quitters my word that I am chosing not to use today regardless of my wants. Same for every other man and woman here.

Hope you come back ready to quit regardless of your wants at the moment. Maybe it'll be this weekend, maybe next weekend, maybe a year from now. We'll still be here as quitters willing to walk the quit path with you.
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: _oz on May 13, 2011, 10:39:00 AM
You know, I was going to post a reply last night after reading the first few responses - but glad I waited. If this were a suicide hot line, I would have killed myself from the first 6 or so responses. I was thinking those guys were on days 1-3 with the great responses of support (sarcasm).

I read the "come back when you serious" bullshit replies, and the "we are here because we chose to" and thought how hypocritical after reading some of the introductions. There are guys on here who 'HAD TO' because the dentist informed them they had no choice. There are guys on here who were going to lose their spouse / girlfriend. Not all guys on here 'chose to quit, just to quit' --- so please quit trying to push that shit.

After reading the responses from yesterday, I was not going to come back. Ya, who cares? I'm just another person that you will never meet, so who gives a crap. There are a few of you who really should not be posting on here, as your words are not doing what this site is designed for. Think about why you are here, and why others come here -- it's the same thing. If people post in the introduction section (like I did), it's for a reason. It's the same reason everyone else posted in it --- to QUIT. Ya, it might be for different reasons, but in the end it's the same. Do you really think I (or anyone else) would post in there that didn't realize they had an addiction --- and needed to quit? I could have lied and said I woke up and realized I needed to quit for my daughter and my wife, but I have 1 can left --- what to do, what to do? No! I don't play games and I will be honest about my life no matter what the outcome!

I am glad I waited til this morning to do anything about posting in here --- those that took the under win.

To the past few guys who "get it" --- THANKS! I just threw my can and spitter away (yes - 3/4 of a can). I needed the encouragement, the words of wisdom, the right thing to see --- and you guys showed me what I needed to do.

So --- as of 15 minutes ago on Friday the 13th 2011 --- I am a quitter.

Now to the rest of you at the beginning - Seriously? Think about what you could have said that would have done a better job at helping me quit than what you did say. You want to help people? Then help people!
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: jaygib on May 13, 2011, 10:48:00 AM
I used to think that some of the people on this forum were a-holes. Then I decided that most of the people on this forum were a-holes. Then I figured that most of the other folks on this site probably think I'm an a-hole. But we all want to see ourselves and others quit using forever so it does have a place.

Great choice oz. Let me know if I can help in any way. Jason
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: BTM99 on May 13, 2011, 10:52:00 AM
Quote from: _oz
You know, I was going to post a reply last night after reading the first few responses - but glad I waited. If this were a suicide hot line, I would have killed myself from the first 6 or so responses. I was thinking those guys were on days 1-3 with the great responses of support (sarcasm).

I read the "come back when you serious" bullshit replies, and the "we are here because we chose to" and thought how hypocritical after reading some of the introductions. There are guys on here who 'HAD TO' because the dentist informed them they had no choice. There are guys on here who were going to lose their spouse / girlfriend. Not all guys on here 'chose to quit, just to quit' --- so please quit trying to push that shit.

After reading the responses from yesterday, I was not going to come back. Ya, who cares? I'm just another person that you will never meet, so who gives a crap. There are a few of you who really should not be posting on here, as your words are not doing what this site is designed for. Think about why you are here, and why others come here -- it's the same thing. If people post in the introduction section (like I did), it's for a reason. It's the same reason everyone else posted in it --- to QUIT. Ya, it might be for different reasons, but in the end it's the same. Do you really think I (or anyone else) would post in there that didn't realize they had an addiction --- and needed to quit? I could have lied and said I woke up and realized I needed to quit for my daughter and my wife, but I have 1 can left --- what to do, what to do? No! I don't play games and I will be honest about my life no matter what the outcome!

I am glad I waited til this morning to do anything about posting in here --- those that took the under win.

To the past few guys who "get it" --- THANKS! I just threw my can and spitter away (yes - 3/4 of a can). I needed the encouragement, the words of wisdom, the right thing to see --- and you guys showed me what I needed to do.

So --- as of 15 minutes ago on Friday the 13th 2011 --- I am a quitter.

Now to the rest of you at the beginning - Seriously? Think about what you could have said that would have done a better job at helping me quit than what you did say. You want to help people? Then help people!
Has Grumpy assumed a new identity? A lot of similarities here (lack of accountability, shifting the blame from onesself). However, the sentence structure and grammar used here throws that theory out the window.
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: bigbamadan on May 13, 2011, 11:11:00 AM
Great choice Oz....quitting today is 1000x better than "planning to quit tomorrow." Read 1-4 below and then head on over to August and post roll.

index.php?showforum=13 (
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: per034 on May 13, 2011, 11:37:00 AM
You know Oz, on Day One I thought the same EXACT thing you did. I thought some people here think they've earned the right to be complete assholes because they've been here for years. That thier quit was the toughest and all us newbies need to grow a pair and man up.

I quit 18 days ago. Reading all the bullshit people wrote on this site made me think there were too many pricks to keep me sticking around. But then I kept reading and found the voices that mattered to ME.

You gotta realize, there are over 8,000 members on this site. There are going to be people who are complete douchebags. And usually the ones who are the douchebags are the loudest. But sometimes those douchebags can provide those one or two words that make you say "yep, today's another day of quit." The words of wisdom that will make you stick with the quit are not the same words of wisdom that will work for someone else, and vice versa. That's why they make Chocalate and vanilla.

Today's going to be tough - don't kid yourself. And tomorrow's going to be MUCH tougher. The best thing I learned in my quit - and I've been dipping since I was 12 - is that you can never think about quitting "forever." Quit for today. Tomorrow will take care of itself.

I know this post won't be a popular post. I know some of the vets will think I'm a douchebag. But I also know for a FACT that some people who caved refuse to come back becuase of the vitriol they would receive by posting a new "Day 1." And that's pretty fucking sad, if you ask me. This isn't a fraternity where new people should be getting hazed. This is - like it or not - a support group.

I don't care what your reason is. Out of Money? Kids? Vishnu told you to quit? Whatever - you're here to quit. Granted, "want to quit" will be infinitely more successful than "have to quit" - but a quit is a quit. Let me know if you need anything.

Go post roll.

Now I'll stop being a dick (for today, anyway)
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: Parputt on May 13, 2011, 11:38:00 AM
Welcome to the team, (pat on the back, slap on the ass, high 5's all around). Good now everyone feel all warm and fuzzy inside? Great, now let's get to quittin'!!!!!!
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: Skoal Monster on May 13, 2011, 11:58:00 AM
Goo luck..........I HOPE your successful........Give it a good TRY oz !!

Frankly if a guy caves he can go kill himself somewhere besides this board. Caves fuck with all of us and are not welcome here. This IS a support group, but it is support for quitters, not for half assed wanna be attempts, and certainly not for cavers. If you want a hug after you fall off the wagon your in the wrong place.

I really do wish you succeed Oz ,but the simple fact is that just wanting to be quit isnt going to do it. You have to decide that your going to be quit.

Its a choice, and you have made it clear you don't WANT to make that choice. By that statment alone you have already failed before you even start. Get your mind right and the addiction will follow.Skoal Monster
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: _oz on May 13, 2011, 12:10:00 PM
Its a choice, and you have made it clear you don't WANT to make that choice. By that statment alone you have already failed before you even start. Get your mind right and the addiction will follow.

Skoal Monster
Really? Because it's an addiction and I admitted it --- I have failed? Whatever. I'm on day 1 --- I'm a quitter.
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: Parputt on May 13, 2011, 12:37:00 PM
Quote from: _oz
Its a choice, and you have made it clear you don't WANT to make that choice. By that statment alone you have already failed before you even start. Get your mind right and the addiction will follow.

Skoal Monster
Really? Because it's an addiction and I admitted it --- I have failed? Whatever. I'm on day 1 --- I'm a quitter.
Look man, you have to understand something here. We have seen "you" come and go. You- the guy that is on the fence about quitting- is a constant source of amusement and anger for those of us that are 1000% committed to our quit.

Maybe you did not fully express your commitment in your first post, maybe you will be the best quitter to ever log into this site, but until then you are being judged by your first post. Keep in mind that this is the internet so we can not see your facial expression etc. when we read your words.

Quitting dip is not something to be taken lightly. I went through hell my first three days and someone like you comes in and basically spits on my quit it pisses me the fuck off. I went through hell to show you the fucking way.

As the monster said, this is not a touchy feely place. This place is about quitting an addiction that most of us have had for 20-30 years. If you do not go into it with everything you have you WILL FAIL!

So, you wanna quit, prove us wrong. You wanna try to change us and how we deal with our quits, ain't gonna happen.
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: The Lone Dipper on May 13, 2011, 12:38:00 PM
Quote from: _oz
Its a choice, and you have made it clear you don't WANT to make that choice. By that statment alone you have already failed before you even start. Get your mind right and the addiction will follow.

Skoal Monster
Really? Because it's an addiction and I admitted it --- I have failed? Whatever. I'm on day 1 --- I'm a quitter.
Welcome aboard this crazy fuckin train of ours. We are here to help, just keep your word and we will keep ours...that simple!
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: magnum9 on May 13, 2011, 12:47:00 PM
Quote from: _oz
Its a choice, and you have made it clear you don't WANT to make that choice. By that statment alone you have already failed before you even start. Get your mind right and the addiction will follow.

Skoal Monster
Really? Because it's an addiction and I admitted it --- I have failed? Whatever. I'm on day 1 --- I'm a quitter.

If you make it to day 30 or so, you will then know what it is to be quit. Your attitude will completely change and you will look back at your posts here and get embarrassed by them. It does happen to a lot of folks who had the same mentality as you.

Notice I said "If" you make it to day 30 or so... with many of the people posting their introductions I would say "when" you make it to day 30 or so.

Some quitters have the right attitude and you know they will succeed from the start. Some, like yourself, sound completely uncommitted.

Answer me these two simple questions. Since you just want to quit to save money, what will you do if you get a big raise or win the lottery? Will you go back to dipping since you have money?

If your answer is "yes, I will go back to dipping", I can promise you that you are not serious and will not make it. You will go to drastic lengths in other areas just to feed your addiction.
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: _oz on May 13, 2011, 01:00:00 PM
Quote from: magnum9
Answer me these two simple questions. Since you just want to quit to save money, what will you do if you get a big raise or win the lottery? Will you go back to dipping since you have money?

If your answer is "yes, I will go back to dipping", I can promise you that you are not serious and will not make it. You will go to drastic lengths in other areas just to feed your addiction.
If I get money - I won't go back. It was something I enjoyed and something that I have known for a while I needed to stop. Money was the push, but it was something that I have actually wanted to do in the past year or so.

I understand and see where a lot of you are coming from - but go back to when you were at day 1 or a few days before. If you came to a site where the people are there to help you, and you get shit spewed at you, what does that say? There's not much support. I'm sure there are those that have come and gone, there always will. If you continue to shit on people when they get here - why would they change? They don't want to end the way you are coming across. Hell, Joe Blow stops in, posts he wants to quit, and you treat him like he's a failure -- guess what.... he's gonna fail because he doesn't want to be a dick like some of you.

Personally, I don't give two shits about 99.9% of you. I will never meet you, never talk to you, have no interaction with you. But for the other .1%, it will be a hard time, but we will get through it together. Ya, it's gonna be difficult. Ya, it's gonna be painful - especially at the poker games each month where 75% of the guys dip (but I won't) - but roll call will have my name on it - and each day will have 1 extra number. You don't know me, so feel free to judge me. I'm just gonna go through each day - 1 at a time - and stay strong.
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: Parputt on May 13, 2011, 01:10:00 PM
Quote from: _oz
Personally, I don't give two shits about 99.9% of you.
Well, there is the nail in the coffin. You don't fucking get it smart ass. We ARE all in this together, that is what makes it work.

I was just about to jump in your corner until I got to that line. Have a good life.
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: _oz on May 13, 2011, 01:17:00 PM
You are right --- that was wrong. It came out from anger and I apologize. I am sorry!
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: miles on May 13, 2011, 01:20:00 PM
Congratulations on choosing to quit. Take it one day at a time. These guys are trying to help you but frankly, you're not making it easy with your attitude. It's a long row to hoe and I'll be working on it the rest of my days, will you?

Don't talk about it, be about it.

Stay strong. These first few days are a mofo.
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: Radman on May 13, 2011, 01:45:00 PM
Quote from: _oz
So --- as of 15 minutes ago on Friday the 13th 2011 --- I am a quitter.
There was a lot said here in the last few hours, but IMO this is the only thing that makes any difference right now. Throw up a similar declaration tomorrow, and it will take front row once again. Everything else is just details. Congrats on making the decision to stare down the addiction.

I'm not sure which side of the helpful/unhelpful line my comments fell on, but here's one thing I've learned from this site: take what you need and leave the rest. Use the things that anger you to your advantage. Prove the critics wrong.
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: magnum9 on May 13, 2011, 02:26:00 PM
Quote from: _oz

I understand and see where a lot of you are coming from - but go back to when you were at day 1 or a few days before.  If you came to a site where the people are there to help you, and you get shit spewed at you, what does that say?  There's not much support.  I'm sure there are those that have come and gone, there always will.  If you continue to shit on people when they get here - why would they change?  They don't want to end the way you are coming across.  Hell, Joe Blow stops in, posts he wants to quit, and you treat him like he's a failure -- guess what.... he's gonna fail because he doesn't want to be a dick like some of you.
Here is the point though. I was somewhat similar to you at day one.

Right now you have the mentality that these guys are not helping you and are not supportive. You are completely wrong there. What they are doing and have said is EXACTLY what support should be for an addict.

Seriously, listen to everything they are saying and if someone chews your ass out, take what they are saying very seriously. Right now you are in the grips of the nic bitch and you really don't know what it is going to be like when the fog lifts. You will literally look back and say "OMG, these guys were completely right, they were supporting me by making me get my ass in line. Without them I may have never made it!"

You might think that is impossible but keep your word and in a month or so you will find out.

Also, keep in mind. Are you more likely to cave when people are going to rip you a new ass hole or when they hold your hand and tell you how brave you were for "trying" to quit. If you want pansy support you won't get it here. If you actually want to quit, this is the support you need.
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: Smokeyg on May 13, 2011, 03:04:00 PM
This guy's either going to be a leader on this site someday, or he'll cave off into the sunset unnoticed. Get through day one. That's all that matters now.

And shut the fuck up and concentrate on being quit. Do not try to outphilosophize the combined quit knowledge of this community. It won't work. Post your roll and take it one craving at a time. Ask for help if you need it. That's it.
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: Cancrusher on May 13, 2011, 05:24:00 PM

Wow! A lot of ruckus on your first day! Welcome to our world. Day 1 sucks. It is hell. And if there is ever a time where words do not come out is on Day 1.

Congrats on the decision to Quit and I look forward to seeing that Day 2 posted up there Bright and Early tomorrow!
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: 30yraddict on May 13, 2011, 06:49:00 PM
Quote from: _oz
Now to the rest of you at the beginning - Seriously?  Think about what you could have said that would have done a better job at helping me quit than what you did say.  You want to help people?  Then help people!
Sorry we were too rough on you...Let me try again.

I'll translate the first six replies: YOU DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT ATTITUDE TO BE SUCCESSFUL! Skoal monster echoed that in his post as well. Every one of us was trying to wake you up. This isn't a site where we let anyone stay comfortable with addiction. You might be offended by the style of some of us here, but you would do well to follow the lead of TCOPE, Redtrain, Skoal Monster, and the other vets. They have all been at day 1. They also all know how to stay quit.

Lets do some critical analysis on what went wrong, shall we? Sometimes the best way is simply to repeat what happened:

1. You came into an extreme quitting site
2. You post that you don't want to quit.
3. You received a less than warm reception.

I would submit that your results were the logical outcome of your actions.
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: _oz on May 13, 2011, 07:14:00 PM
To all --- THANKS!

I am a quitter --- and will need you to help me through this. It will be difficult, as I am an addict.

Today has been rough, but work is almost done and I am 2/3rds the way through my day 1!
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: 30yraddict on May 13, 2011, 07:20:00 PM
Quote from: _oz
To all --- THANKS!

I am a quitter --- and will need you to help me through this. It will be difficult, as I am an addict.

Today has been rough, but work is almost done and I am 2/3rds the way through my day 1!
The first 2-3 days are very intense, as nicotine leaves your body. Remember day 1 is like and know that you never have to go through it again. The freedom you will gain will be well worth this, I promise.

I am glad you are quit,

Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: CopeFiend on May 13, 2011, 11:58:00 PM
Quote from: _oz
To all --- THANKS!

I am a quitter --- and will need you to help me through this. It will be difficult, as I am an addict.

Today has been rough, but work is almost done and I am 2/3rds the way through my day 1!
Congratulations, oz! Dumping that can today speaks loud and clear.
You're serious. And, you're quit.

You're going to be doing battle in three main areas as a quitter:

1. Physical

Craves, oral aspects, fog. You're not dipping today. Your body wants
you to know that. Some folks use seeds, gum, candy, water, food,
exercise, naps, sex, or whatever works. Just no nicotine. The craves
and their urgency will lessen, as well their frequency. You may discover
that you can't concentrate on things. That's what we call: fog. The
duration varies...heck, it took me a good two months to de-fog.

2. Mental

You need to own your quit. Feed it. Educate it. Stand up for it. Share it.
And especially on this site, swear in the fucking name of it if the occasion
demands. Stay close to the site. Read read read. Post post post. Make
friends, get phone numbers. Post your promise each day to not use nicotine.
The earlier the better. Visit other quit groups and do the same. Another part
of the mental battle you'll find is that you won't realize your own mental
condition. You're raging. Irritable as all hell. That leads to the next area...

3. Social

Your family, friends, and coworkers are going to notice you're not yourself.
I found that telling everyone about my decision to quit helped. Even your
fellow quitters will notice from your posts that something just ain't right with you.
That's okay. You're raging. Tell them why you're frustrated, e.g.
that you are tired of watching those damned Dancing With the Stars DVDs
your wife bought for "you" for Valentine's Day.

A nicotine addiction often comes with buddies. Family, friends, or coworkers
that you practiced your addiction with, e.g. fishing or hunting trips, card
games, smoke and/or dip breaks. They'll still be there doing their thing.
However, you're going to need to channel most of your social energy into
your quit. The site helps here too. Chat, read quit groups, send PMs, post in
Wildcard (e.g. one word, two word, or three word post). Get involved.
Support others' quits. Attend quitter get togethers. And, if you drink, it
would probably be wise to avoid or severely limit your alcohol for the
first month or two, specially around those buddies.

Remember this: This site and all of the fine quitters here cannot help you if
you don't let them know what's going on with you. Be accountable to them
and demand the same in return. That's how we roll around here.
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: Ready on May 14, 2011, 12:00:00 AM
Quote from: Radman
Quote from: _oz
So --- as of 15 minutes ago on Friday the 13th 2011 --- I am a quitter.
There was a lot said here in the last few hours, but IMO this is the only thing that makes any difference right now. Throw up a similar declaration tomorrow, and it will take front row once again. Everything else is just details. Congrats on making the decision to stare down the addiction.

I'm not sure which side of the helpful/unhelpful line my comments fell on, but here's one thing I've learned from this site: take what you need and leave the rest. Use the things that anger you to your advantage. Prove the critics wrong.
Very wise words Radman.

Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: sts on May 14, 2011, 09:29:00 AM
OZ - when i first joined this site i was a little surprised by the tough attitude that prevailed. but you know what? every single one of us who was a slave to the bitch had our heads so far wrapped around these excuses we made to ourselves that you almost need someone to be a dick to start that attitude change in your head.

like another person said, if you make it to a month or two i bet you go back to your first posts and realize why you got the response you did.
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: _oz on May 14, 2011, 10:52:00 AM
Roll call posted! Today is another day and together we will make it through.

Good morning, I am an addict!

Sleeping sucked last night, and this morning I am not a happy camper. I will not be upset with my wife, or my daughter. At the end of the day I will be 1 day closer.

Anyone have any bacon? I'm hungry!
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: 30yraddict on May 14, 2011, 10:53:00 AM
30 with some cyber bacon! As I am sure you are aware, dip rage is part of the quit. This too shall pass. These symptoms that you are feeling will become less frequent very shortly. Keep up the good work, oz!
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: jaygib on May 14, 2011, 10:55:00 AM
atta boy oz, and crawl til your ready to walk
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: _oz on May 14, 2011, 01:09:00 PM
This morning I was talking to the wife, and she realized I was having some "issues". I informed her it was the lack of nicotine from dipping that my body was craving. She asked how long this new attitude would last, and I said it would be anywhere from now to 7 days, could be a little longer.

Magnum - you asked me yesterday if I had the money to buy it, would I go back?

Well, the wife looked at me and said "if it's going to give you problems - you don't have to stop ---- we can afford to get you what you want"....... I stopped, looked at her and smiled when I said "No..... I quit - and I don't want anymore".

I am a quitter!
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: Scowick65 on May 14, 2011, 01:20:00 PM
Quote from: _oz
This morning I was talking to the wife, and she realized I was having some "issues".  I informed her it was the lack of nicotine from dipping that my body was craving.  She asked how long this new attitude would last, and I said it would be anywhere from now to 7 days, could be a little longer.

Magnum - you asked me yesterday if I had the money to buy it, would I go back?

Well, the wife looked at me and said "if it's going to give you problems - you don't have to stop ---- we can afford to get you what you want".......  I stopped, looked at her and smiled when I said "No..... I quit - and I don't want anymore". 

I am a quitter!
Now that is a great ending to a post. :rolleyes: There is much work ahead of you but your head is now in the right place. Proud to quit with you brother.
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: CopeFiend on May 14, 2011, 01:25:00 PM
Quote from: _oz
This morning I was talking to the wife, and she realized I was having some "issues". I informed her it was the lack of nicotine from dipping that my body was craving. She asked how long this new attitude would last, and I said it would be anywhere from now to 7 days, could be a little longer.

Magnum - you asked me yesterday if I had the money to buy it, would I go back?

Well, the wife looked at me and said "if it's going to give you problems - you don't have to stop ---- we can afford to get you what you want"....... I stopped, looked at her and smiled when I said "No..... I quit - and I don't want anymore".

I am a quitter!
Just show your wife some pictures like this and tell her that could be your face if you ever had just one more.

Cancer Pics (

She'll never say that again.
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: Radman on May 14, 2011, 03:05:00 PM
Quote from: CopeFiend
Quote from: _oz
This morning I was talking to the wife, and she realized I was having some "issues".  I informed her it was the lack of nicotine from dipping that my body was craving.  She asked how long this new attitude would last, and I said it would be anywhere from now to 7 days, could be a little longer.

Magnum - you asked me yesterday if I had the money to buy it, would I go back?

Well, the wife looked at me and said "if it's going to give you problems - you don't have to stop ---- we can afford to get you what you want".......  I stopped, looked at her and smiled when I said "No..... I quit - and I don't want anymore". 

I am a quitter!
Just show your wife some pictures like this and tell her that could be your face if you ever had just one more.

Cancer Pics (

She'll never say that again.
Congrats on your decision to quit, OZ. Send your wife over to the spouses section and it will help a lot. My one regret in my quit was taht I ddin't get my wife involved earlier. Hopefully yours will get on the page to support you.
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: CopeFiend on May 14, 2011, 04:14:00 PM
Quote from: Radman
Quote from: CopeFiend
Quote from: _oz
This morning I was talking to the wife, and she realized I was having some "issues".  I informed her it was the lack of nicotine from dipping that my body was craving.  She asked how long this new attitude would last, and I said it would be anywhere from now to 7 days, could be a little longer.

Magnum - you asked me yesterday if I had the money to buy it, would I go back?

Well, the wife looked at me and said "if it's going to give you problems - you don't have to stop ---- we can afford to get you what you want".......  I stopped, looked at her and smiled when I said "No..... I quit - and I don't want anymore". 

I am a quitter!
Just show your wife some pictures like this and tell her that could be your face if you ever had just one more.

Cancer Pics (

She'll never say that again.
Congrats on your decision to quit, OZ. Send your wife over to the spouses section and it will help a lot. My one regret in my quit was taht I ddin't get my wife involved earlier. Hopefully yours will get on the page to support you.
In my case my wife is who found and suggested this site. Seriously, the more your wife knows about what you and other quitters are going through the better. She will never truly understand your addiction, but will hopefully get that it's important to let you do what you need to do each day to keep that shit out of your face.
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: RAZD611 on May 14, 2011, 04:54:00 PM
Quote from: CopeFiend
Quote from: Radman
Quote from: CopeFiend
Quote from: _oz
This morning I was talking to the wife, and she realized I was having some "issues".  I informed her it was the lack of nicotine from dipping that my body was craving.  She asked how long this new attitude would last, and I said it would be anywhere from now to 7 days, could be a little longer.

Magnum - you asked me yesterday if I had the money to buy it, would I go back?

Well, the wife looked at me and said "if it's going to give you problems - you don't have to stop ---- we can afford to get you what you want".......  I stopped, looked at her and smiled when I said "No..... I quit - and I don't want anymore". 

I am a quitter!
Just show your wife some pictures like this and tell her that could be your face if you ever had just one more.

Cancer Pics (

She'll never say that again.
Congrats on your decision to quit, OZ. Send your wife over to the spouses section and it will help a lot. My one regret in my quit was taht I ddin't get my wife involved earlier. Hopefully yours will get on the page to support you.
In my case my wife is who found and suggested this site. Seriously, the more your wife knows about what you and other quitters are going through the better. She will never truly understand your addiction, but will hopefully get that it's important to let you do what you need to do each day to keep that shit out of your face.
try asking her this, would you:

A. Short term say it is ok for me to have the dip I am craving


B. long term live without me as I will be six feet under


C. Please let me educate you on what I am going though, and I can accomplish this with your support, so I my be here to experience this life we are building together!
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: TheMissingPeace on May 14, 2011, 06:39:00 PM
Quote from: _oz
This morning I was talking to the wife, and she realized I was having some "issues".  I informed her it was the lack of nicotine from dipping that my body was craving.  She asked how long this new attitude would last, and I said it would be anywhere from now to 7 days, could be a little longer.

Magnum - you asked me yesterday if I had the money to buy it, would I go back?

Well, the wife looked at me and said "if it's going to give you problems - you don't have to stop ---- we can afford to get you what you want".......  I stopped, looked at her and smiled when I said "No..... I quit - and I don't want anymore". 

I am a quitter!
Way to get your head on straight right in the middle of the Suck! Proud to be Quit with you. Let me know if I can help. Peace
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: magnum9 on May 14, 2011, 09:27:00 PM
Quote from: _oz
This morning I was talking to the wife, and she realized I was having some "issues".  I informed her it was the lack of nicotine from dipping that my body was craving.  She asked how long this new attitude would last, and I said it would be anywhere from now to 7 days, could be a little longer.

Magnum - you asked me yesterday if I had the money to buy it, would I go back?

Well, the wife looked at me and said "if it's going to give you problems - you don't have to stop ---- we can afford to get you what you want".......  I stopped, looked at her and smiled when I said "No..... I quit - and I don't want anymore". 

I am a quitter!
Hey oz... glad you had a chance to use that in your thought process.

Try to use this little story too.

When I decided to quit my wife was against it. She wanted me to quit eventually, but we just had an 8 month old, I am in college still, and life is just fucking chaos for us in general. So when I told her I wanted to quit her reply was "well, I won't support you because I don't want to deal with your shit ass mood". She asked me to please go buy a can of chew and order some more snus.

Would that statement make you think twice about quitting? Your wife saying I WILL NOT SUPPORT YOU and PLEASE GET SOME MORE?

Well guess what... I never thought twice about it. I am quit regardless of what she said. I made that decision and it was final. Not saying the road wasn't tough, it was hell from day one to day 14, but I had made the decision that I was done. Period. DONE

So if you ever, even once, in your quit think about caving because... "oh well, we can afford it now"... you better think about this conversation we have had.

Last, as I have said many times on here, think of everything in this world that you can NOT do without a dip in your lip... (hint, there is only one, and think before you read the next line)

That's right, the only thing you can not do without a dip in your lip is DIP.

When you are dipping it does NOTHING for you other than maintain the fact that you feel normal. It doesn't make you feel good after you are addicted. It simply makes you feel normal. Why would you make yourself a slave to something that doesn't do you any good?

That is where my line was drawn in the sand. Let me tell you, at day 88 I feel just as normal... actually even better than I did when I was a slave. Sure, I still have cravings, but a craving is just that, in 30 seconds it is gone. And I only usually get a couple a day.
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: Parputt on May 15, 2011, 10:19:00 AM
Let's go Oz, get up and go post that day 3. Don't let me down bro!
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: _oz on May 15, 2011, 11:26:00 AM
I will post roll, but it will be shortly. I can't copy and paste from my phone.

Headaches suck.
lack of sleep sucks.
temptation to dip is there
But being strong is better than caving.

I'm a quitter.

Day 3! 1 day at a time.
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: Scowick65 on May 15, 2011, 11:31:00 AM
Quote from: _oz
I will post roll, but it will be shortly. I can't copy and paste from my phone.

Headaches suck.
lack of sleep sucks.
temptation to dip is there
But being strong is better than caving.

I'm a quitter.

Day 3! 1 day at a time.
Good job. PM me if you need personal assistance.
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: Skoal Monster on May 15, 2011, 01:50:00 PM
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: _oz
I will post roll, but it will be shortly.  I can't copy and paste from my phone. 

Headaches suck.
lack of sleep sucks.
temptation to dip is there
But being strong is better than caving. 

I'm a quitter.

Day 3!  1 day at a time.
Good job. PM me if you need personal assistance.
oz, headaches are from your brain getting more oxygen that it is used to. Thats a good thing by the way. They will go away. The sleep thing will clear up too. Now would be a good time to reflect on how much damage that shit has done to you to make you feel SO BAD after stopping it.

you got this
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: Jeeper on May 15, 2011, 09:59:00 PM
Way to go Oz. As said the headaches will go away, the sleep will get better.

I found that drinking water, water, water helped my headaches.
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: Radman on May 15, 2011, 10:29:00 PM
Quote from: Skoal
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: _oz
I will post roll, but it will be shortly.   I can't copy and paste from my phone. 

Headaches suck.
lack of sleep sucks.
temptation to dip is there
But being strong is better than caving. 

I'm a quitter.

Day 3!   1 day at a time.
Good job. PM me if you need personal assistance.
oz, headaches are from your brain getting more oxygen that it is used to. Thats a good thing by the way. They will go away. The sleep thing will clear up too. Now would be a good time to reflect on how much damage that shit has done to you to make you feel SO BAD after stopping it.

you got this
Fog should be lifting a bit in the next couple of days. Hang in there, bro.
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: magnum9 on May 15, 2011, 11:10:00 PM
Quote from: Radman
Quote from: Skoal
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: _oz
I will post roll, but it will be shortly.   I can't copy and paste from my phone. 

Headaches suck.
lack of sleep sucks.
temptation to dip is there
But being strong is better than caving. 

I'm a quitter.

Day 3!   1 day at a time.
Good job. PM me if you need personal assistance.
oz, headaches are from your brain getting more oxygen that it is used to. Thats a good thing by the way. They will go away. The sleep thing will clear up too. Now would be a good time to reflect on how much damage that shit has done to you to make you feel SO BAD after stopping it.

you got this
Fog should be lifting a bit in the next couple of days. Hang in there, bro.
Holy shit OZ!!!!

You should be on day 4 by the time you read this. Today is a wonderful day because you will see a difference in your "suck" level by a lot.

Stick it out one day at a time. But at about day 16-17 post back here and let us know how your thought process has changed. You might be shocked.
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: Smokeyg on May 16, 2011, 12:09:00 AM
I feel like this entire thread should be required reading for new quitters who come to this community and feel threatened and unsupported by the quitters who call bullshit on addict talk. Even returning cavers should read this after taking a beating.

Look at the positive support now offered to a quitter who is honoring his word to himself and this community.
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: magnum9 on May 16, 2011, 12:33:00 AM
Quote from: Smokeyg
I feel like this entire thread should be required reading for new quitters who come to this community and feel threatened and unsupported by the quitters who call bullshit on addict talk. Even returning cavers should read this after taking a beating.

Look at the positive support now offered to a quitter who is honoring his word to himself and this community.

Yes SmokeyG,

I would agree except for the fact that we need a couple more days of OZ posting before we get to using his post as a tool. This guy needs our help for his quit ATM. But yes, keep this in mind as a link for others.
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: _oz on May 16, 2011, 02:01:00 AM
Yes you guys have been very helpful!

Now as I hit the sack, I look back on a rough weekend where I would have normally gone through 2 cans. Yes, I want to put that shit in my lip, just from habit.

If I did not have you guys here, and the mere fact that I gave my word, along with posting roll, I would have caved.

Looking forward to putting my name on roll tomorrow.

Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: _oz on May 18, 2011, 02:46:00 PM
So...... 6 days quit -- and getting out of the fog (kind of - not as bad as it was this weekend). I'm slowly adjusting to no shit in my lip, and all is going along sorta good. Still have the few episodes where it just seems pointless and you want to cave, but then start thinking of a few things: Getting email from you guys about being a pussy and not a man of my word, getting shit from my friends who have been supportive, etc., and then I realize it's just the bitch trying to get a free ride again. Once I snap out of the few second haze, life is good. Til about 30 minutes ago......

Stopped at a local gas station to rebuild my sunflower seed stash, and go to the counter to pay. As I throw the seeds on the counter - I look up and see many, many bitch cans staring at me, calling my name. Of course there was 1 row of cans that had a light coming from it - like it was being sent from heaven - and was destined to get in my pocket! I knew I had the cash to purchase a can (or more) and stared hard at the tin.

The cashier rang me up, looked at me and said "2.48 please". I gave him a $5, grabbed my change and left as soon as I could.

I will not let the bitch get me! I am a quitter.
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: 30yraddict on May 18, 2011, 02:52:00 PM

I know those exact thoughts about it being pointless, I assume everyone here does as well. She's a crafty little witch ain't she? You are winning and she is pissed. Soon you will look at those cans and wonder why you chewed in the first place. Keep up the good work!

glad to be quit with you,

Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: jaygib on May 18, 2011, 02:59:00 PM
Another battle won by oz!
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: dchogs on May 18, 2011, 03:01:00 PM
nice work, oz... stay strong, stay quit. let me know if you need to talk.
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: husker06484 on May 18, 2011, 03:37:00 PM
Oz that is awesome. Some day sooner rather than later you will walk in see the nic bitchs weapon of death and laugh at them. I was once there and now I chuckle. Don't get me wrong she still whispers from time to time at the store but I tell her to fuck off then chuckle
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: Parputt on May 18, 2011, 04:38:00 PM
Quote from: _oz
So...... 6 days quit -- and getting out of the fog (kind of - not as bad as it was this weekend). I'm slowly adjusting to no shit in my lip, and all is going along sorta good. Still have the few episodes where it just seems pointless and you want to cave, but then start thinking of a few things: Getting email from you guys about being a pussy and not a man of my word, getting shit from my friends who have been supportive, etc., and then I realize it's just the bitch trying to get a free ride again. Once I snap out of the few second haze, life is good. Til about 30 minutes ago......

Stopped at a local gas station to rebuild my sunflower seed stash, and go to the counter to pay. As I throw the seeds on the counter - I look up and see many, many bitch cans staring at me, calling my name. Of course there was 1 row of cans that had a light coming from it - like it was being sent from heaven - and was destined to get in my pocket! I knew I had the cash to purchase a can (or more) and stared hard at the tin.

The cashier rang me up, looked at me and said "2.48 please". I gave him a $5, grabbed my change and left as soon as I could.

I will not let the bitch get me! I am a quitter.
Dude, you have become a warrior! Guess I pegged you wrong after all. Now keep proving me wrong!

Way to go!
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: Romandog on May 18, 2011, 04:41:00 PM
Awesome Quit Oz!!!

Keep it going.. We're right here with you!
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: CORNWALLACE on May 18, 2011, 04:51:00 PM
Quote from: Parputt
Quote from: _oz
So...... 6 days quit -- and getting out of the fog (kind of - not as bad as it was this weekend).  I'm slowly adjusting to no shit in my lip, and all is going along sorta good.  Still have the few episodes where it just seems pointless and you want to cave, but then start thinking of a few things:  Getting email from you guys about being a pussy and not a man of my word, getting shit from my friends who have been supportive, etc., and then I realize it's just the bitch trying to get a free ride again.  Once I snap out of the few second haze, life is good.  Til about 30 minutes ago......

Stopped at a local gas station to rebuild my sunflower seed stash, and go to the counter to pay.  As I throw the seeds on the counter - I look up and see many, many bitch cans staring at me, calling my name.  Of course there was 1 row of cans that had a light coming from it - like it was being sent from heaven - and was destined to get in my pocket!  I knew I had the cash to purchase a can (or more) and stared hard at the tin. 

The cashier rang me up, looked at me and said "2.48 please".  I gave him a $5, grabbed my change and left as soon as I could. 

I will not let the bitch get me!  I am a quitter.
Dude, you have become a warrior! Guess I pegged you wrong after all. Now keep proving me wrong!

Way to go!
Putt - This guy is a stud quitter - people pay to have him mate with others to make sure their offspring is quit.

Great job Wizard - stay quit with us today!
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: miles on May 18, 2011, 04:54:00 PM
Quote from: Parputt
Quote from: _oz
So...... 6 days quit -- and getting out of the fog (kind of - not as bad as it was this weekend).  I'm slowly adjusting to no shit in my lip, and all is going along sorta good.  Still have the few episodes where it just seems pointless and you want to cave, but then start thinking of a few things:  Getting email from you guys about being a pussy and not a man of my word, getting shit from my friends who have been supportive, etc., and then I realize it's just the bitch trying to get a free ride again.  Once I snap out of the few second haze, life is good.  Til about 30 minutes ago......

Stopped at a local gas station to rebuild my sunflower seed stash, and go to the counter to pay.  As I throw the seeds on the counter - I look up and see many, many bitch cans staring at me, calling my name.  Of course there was 1 row of cans that had a light coming from it - like it was being sent from heaven - and was destined to get in my pocket!  I knew I had the cash to purchase a can (or more) and stared hard at the tin. 

The cashier rang me up, looked at me and said "2.48 please".  I gave him a $5, grabbed my change and left as soon as I could. 

I will not let the bitch get me!  I am a quitter.
Dude, you have become a warrior! Guess I pegged you wrong after all. Now keep proving me wrong!

Way to go!
Putt - This guy is a stud quitter - people pay to have him mate with others to make sure their offspring is quit.

Great job Wizard - stay quit with us today!
If this were the Derby, I'd put ALL my money on Oz. Way to go brother!

One day at a time.
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: Parputt on May 18, 2011, 04:55:00 PM
Quote from: Parputt
Quote from: _oz
So...... 6 days quit -- and getting out of the fog (kind of - not as bad as it was this weekend).  I'm slowly adjusting to no shit in my lip, and all is going along sorta good.  Still have the few episodes where it just seems pointless and you want to cave, but then start thinking of a few things:  Getting email from you guys about being a pussy and not a man of my word, getting shit from my friends who have been supportive, etc., and then I realize it's just the bitch trying to get a free ride again.  Once I snap out of the few second haze, life is good.  Til about 30 minutes ago......

Stopped at a local gas station to rebuild my sunflower seed stash, and go to the counter to pay.  As I throw the seeds on the counter - I look up and see many, many bitch cans staring at me, calling my name.  Of course there was 1 row of cans that had a light coming from it - like it was being sent from heaven - and was destined to get in my pocket!  I knew I had the cash to purchase a can (or more) and stared hard at the tin. 

The cashier rang me up, looked at me and said "2.48 please".  I gave him a $5, grabbed my change and left as soon as I could. 

I will not let the bitch get me!  I am a quitter.
Dude, you have become a warrior! Guess I pegged you wrong after all. Now keep proving me wrong!

Way to go!
Putt - This guy is a stud quitter - people pay to have him mate with others to make sure their offspring is quit.

Great job Wizard - stay quit with us today!
I ain't giving him that much credit yet. When I see 3 digits he can cum on my shoe, but not until then. :D
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: razz on May 18, 2011, 05:05:00 PM
Quote from: _oz
Yes you guys have been very helpful! 

Now as I hit the sack, I look back on a rough weekend where I would have normally gone through 2 cans.  Yes, I want to put that shit in my lip, just from habit. 

If I did not have you guys here, and the mere fact that I gave my word, along with posting roll, I would have caved. 

Looking forward to putting my name on roll tomorrow. 

I'm checking in late on this topic, and I'm glad I read the whole thread before I replied. Oz go back and read the first page.....and realize that we are all here for you. Stay quit dude.
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: _oz on May 18, 2011, 05:27:00 PM
Quote from: Parputt
Quote from: Parputt
Quote from: _oz
So...... 6 days quit -- and getting out of the fog (kind of - not as bad as it was this weekend).  I'm slowly adjusting to no shit in my lip, and all is going along sorta good.  Still have the few episodes where it just seems pointless and you want to cave, but then start thinking of a few things:  Getting email from you guys about being a pussy and not a man of my word, getting shit from my friends who have been supportive, etc., and then I realize it's just the bitch trying to get a free ride again.  Once I snap out of the few second haze, life is good.  Til about 30 minutes ago......

Stopped at a local gas station to rebuild my sunflower seed stash, and go to the counter to pay.  As I throw the seeds on the counter - I look up and see many, many bitch cans staring at me, calling my name.  Of course there was 1 row of cans that had a light coming from it - like it was being sent from heaven - and was destined to get in my pocket!  I knew I had the cash to purchase a can (or more) and stared hard at the tin. 

The cashier rang me up, looked at me and said "2.48 please".  I gave him a $5, grabbed my change and left as soon as I could. 

I will not let the bitch get me!  I am a quitter.
Dude, you have become a warrior! Guess I pegged you wrong after all. Now keep proving me wrong!

Way to go!
Putt - This guy is a stud quitter - people pay to have him mate with others to make sure their offspring is quit.

Great job Wizard - stay quit with us today!
I ain't giving him that much credit yet. When I see 3 digits he can cum on my shoe, but not until then. :D
Quote from: Parputt
I ain't giving him that much credit yet.  When I see 3 digits he can cum on my shoe, but not until then.  :D
And you shouldn't! 6 days is nothing in the big picture - but like all people it's the beginning that's the hard part.

Just trying to let all the new people know it's not easy and we all have that moment of going back to the darkside.

And don't worry - I won't hit your shoe 'no'
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: Skoal Monster on May 18, 2011, 06:42:00 PM
Quote from: _oz
Quote from: Parputt
Quote from: Parputt
Quote from: _oz
So...... 6 days quit -- and getting out of the fog (kind of - not as bad as it was this weekend).  I'm slowly adjusting to no shit in my lip, and all is going along sorta good.  Still have the few episodes where it just seems pointless and you want to cave, but then start thinking of a few things:  Getting email from you guys about being a pussy and not a man of my word, getting shit from my friends who have been supportive, etc., and then I realize it's just the bitch trying to get a free ride again.  Once I snap out of the few second haze, life is good.  Til about 30 minutes ago......

Stopped at a local gas station to rebuild my sunflower seed stash, and go to the counter to pay.  As I throw the seeds on the counter - I look up and see many, many bitch cans staring at me, calling my name.  Of course there was 1 row of cans that had a light coming from it - like it was being sent from heaven - and was destined to get in my pocket!  I knew I had the cash to purchase a can (or more) and stared hard at the tin. 

The cashier rang me up, looked at me and said "2.48 please".  I gave him a $5, grabbed my change and left as soon as I could. 

I will not let the bitch get me!  I am a quitter.
Dude, you have become a warrior! Guess I pegged you wrong after all. Now keep proving me wrong!

Way to go!
Putt - This guy is a stud quitter - people pay to have him mate with others to make sure their offspring is quit.

Great job Wizard - stay quit with us today!
I ain't giving him that much credit yet. When I see 3 digits he can cum on my shoe, but not until then. :D
Quote from: Parputt
I ain't giving him that much credit yet.  When I see 3 digits he can cum on my shoe, but not until then.   :D
And you shouldn't! 6 days is nothing in the big picture - but like all people it's the beginning that's the hard part.

Just trying to let all the new people know it's not easy and we all have that moment of going back to the darkside.

And don't worry - I won't hit your shoe 'no'
never underestimate the power of a single day of quit
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: bigbamadan on May 18, 2011, 06:51:00 PM
Quote from: _oz
And you shouldn't! 6 days is nothing in the big picture - but like all people it's the beginning that's the hard part.
I wholeheartedly disagree with that. In the big picture, 6 days is HUGE. You are one day shy of a week without shoving quite possibly the most addictive substance known to man in your pie hole.

There were many a years in my past that if someone would have hide my can from me for mere mins I would have gone ape shit and ripped them apart. 6 days free is no small accomplishment.

You oz are a solid quitter. Keep doing what you are doing and most importantly take pride in every single milestone. You are doing what many are incapable.
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: mule on May 18, 2011, 09:03:00 PM
Quote from: bigbamadan
Quote from: _oz
And you shouldn't!  6 days is nothing in the big picture - but like all people it's the beginning that's the hard part.
I wholeheartedly disagree with that. In the big picture, 6 days is HUGE. You are one day shy of a week without shoving quite possibly the most addictive substance known to man in your pie hole.

There were many a years in my past that if someone would have hide my can from me for mere mins I would have gone ape shit and ripped them apart. 6 days free is no small accomplishment.

You oz are a solid quitter. Keep doing what you are doing and most importantly take pride in every single milestone. You are doing what many are incapable.
Excellent point bama....

every single victory is huge.....celebrate them all....none are insignificant...think of every victory as a single brick that will help make your foundation strong.

you got potential kid.....i got my eye on you.
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: _oz on May 22, 2011, 01:03:00 AM
Drunk and normally.would have. Dip. Have t even craved of the can. . Stay stroong my fellow quitters. State strong!!!!!
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: Smokeyg on May 22, 2011, 01:08:00 AM
As by the strength of their illusion
Shall draw him on to his confusion:
He shall spurn fate, scorn death, and bear
His hopes 'bove wisdom, grace and fear:
And you all know, security
Is mortals' chiefest enemy.

Have fun with that one you drunk fucknutÂ….
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: dchogs on May 22, 2011, 01:29:00 AM
Quote from: Smokeyg
As by the strength of their illusion
Shall draw him on to his confusion:
He shall spurn fate, scorn death, and bear
His hopes 'bove wisdom, grace and fear:
And you all know, security
Is mortals' chiefest enemy.

Have fun with that one you drunk fucknutÂ….
Jesus, what a classic fucking post. Right on the money, a mf'ing poem, and late night. Nice work smokey.

And oz, while it may be too early to thumb our nose at the Nic bitch, great work staying quit. Just don't put yourself in front of too many triggers.

I had a couple tonight, and honestly, if there was a tin in the house, I can't promise I would have been strong. That bitch is relentless and attacks when we least expect it. There are too many HOF posters that later post a day one for me (at day 6/7) to get fucking cocky.

I'm proud to be quit with you, oz (and smokey).

Fortes soli superant
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: KUmarcus01 on May 22, 2011, 02:23:00 AM
Quote from: Dchogs
Quote from: Smokeyg
As by the strength of their illusion
Shall draw him on to his confusion:
He shall spurn fate, scorn death, and bear
His hopes 'bove wisdom, grace and fear:
And you all know, security
Is mortals' chiefest enemy.

Have fun with that one you drunk fucknutÂ….
Jesus, what a classic fucking post. Right on the money, a mf'ing poem, and late night. Nice work smokey.

And oz, while it may be too early to thumb our nose at the Nic bitch, great work staying quit. Just don't put yourself in front of too many triggers.

I had a couple tonight, and honestly, if there was a tin in the house, I can't promise I would have been strong. That bitch is relentless and attacks when we least expect it. There are too many HOF posters that later post a day one for me (at day 6/7) to get fucking cocky.

I'm proud to be quit with you, oz (and smokey).

Fortes soli superant
epic post smokey.

Had more than few on Friday night. Was climbing the walls at about 01:00. Stuffed a ton of seeds in my mouth, probably looked like a freaking hamster, and embraced the suck.

Like you dc I am way to early to think i've got this licked. Last night's crave was like a SOB! WTF is this coming from.

Seems like the post 72-hour head games are worse than the physical stuff. Creepy.

Oh well, enough of my yapping....I hear ya dc, oz et al; Smokey.....kick ass literary flourish.

Stay frosty all!
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: Smokeyg on May 22, 2011, 10:16:00 AM
Quote from: KUmarcus01
Quote from: Dchogs
Quote from: Smokeyg
As by the strength of their illusion
Shall draw him on to his confusion:
He shall spurn fate, scorn death, and bear
His hopes 'bove wisdom, grace and fear:
And you all know, security
Is mortals' chiefest enemy.

Have fun with that one you drunk fucknutÂ….
Jesus, what a classic fucking post. Right on the money, a mf'ing poem, and late night. Nice work smokey.

And oz, while it may be too early to thumb our nose at the Nic bitch, great work staying quit. Just don't put yourself in front of too many triggers.

I had a couple tonight, and honestly, if there was a tin in the house, I can't promise I would have been strong. That bitch is relentless and attacks when we least expect it. There are too many HOF posters that later post a day one for me (at day 6/7) to get fucking cocky.

I'm proud to be quit with you, oz (and smokey).

Fortes soli superant
epic post smokey.

Had more than few on Friday night. Was climbing the walls at about 01:00. Stuffed a ton of seeds in my mouth, probably looked like a freaking hamster, and embraced the suck.

Like you dc I am way to early to think i've got this licked. Last night's crave was like a SOB! WTF is this coming from.

Seems like the post 72-hour head games are worse than the physical stuff. Creepy.

Oh well, enough of my yapping....I hear ya dc, oz et al; Smokey.....kick ass literary flourish.

Stay frosty all!
Shakespeare - Macbeth - Act 3, scene 5, lines 28-33.
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: _oz on July 07, 2011, 04:54:00 PM
Day 56 of my quit and it's the funk worse than the beginning!

Wifey told me last night I was an asshole.
I am not a happy person this week.
I don't want to be at work - I want to quit.
I feel like getting into a fight - I'm just that pissy.
(in fact, I told off the umpire last Friday night - never done that before)
I honestly don't give a fuck right now.

I am in a funk and I need out - this is not me.

I am quit - I am quit - I will not cave!

What are you / what did you guys do to help get out of this? I don't like it.

No - I will not cave.
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: parry8587 on July 07, 2011, 05:05:00 PM
Quote from: _oz
Day 56 of my quit and it's the funk worse than the beginning!

Wifey told me last night I was an asshole.
I am not a happy person this week.
I don't want to be at work - I want to quit.
I feel like getting into a fight - I'm just that pissy.
(in fact, I told off the umpire last Friday night - never done that before)
I honestly don't give a fuck right now.

I am in a funk and I need out - this is not me.

I am quit - I am quit - I will not cave!

What are you / what did you guys do to help get out of this? I don't like it.

No - I will not cave.
Oz, I'm on day 54 and was in a hell of a mood last week. I know exactly what you are talking about, and it is not fun at all. Being on this site almost 24/7, going into chat, getting involved in tons of new quits, etc really helped me get through it. You think it is never going to end, but you will come out of it with a stronger quit.

Stay close to the site and use your resources. We are here to help you.

And don't quit your job!
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: bigbamadan on July 07, 2011, 05:19:00 PM
This is all perfectly normal. I had one hell of a time from approximately 50-75. Some of my worst days by far. For me around 50 the initial quit high wore off and my brain started a..."so, we're really doing this, huh?"

Just settle in...remain focused on one day at a time. Continue to do what has gotten you to this point. Get more involved here. Read, read, and read. There is a wealth of quit knowledge at your fingertips.

I promise it will pass and when it does the better just keeps getting better
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: Souliman on July 07, 2011, 05:20:00 PM
Slow down there gunpowder. No taking giant deuces on boss' desks or anything.

Sounds like you got some extra energy, some anxiety and wee bit of rage. Good stuff. You're getting healthy. You're a human being again. What are you doing for exercise? I say it all the time but a tired body leads to a soul at rest. So get the blood pumping. I exhausted myself during that period and I was just too tired to fight with anyone. I ran, worked out quite a bit. That's not really balance but shit I didn't put cancer candy in my mouth, still married and only told my boss off a couple times but he had it coming. Plus all the health benefits that came with it. BP, weight came down. All good stuff. I think there was a good discussion of that kind of stuff in Leahy16's intro. May be check that out.
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: nicofiend on July 07, 2011, 05:29:00 PM
Stay strong oz, you can overcome it, I just went thru my foggy 50s and seems like I relived my first hell week going into the 60s! But its gonna make my quit a hell of a lot stronger! Just say daily I WILL NOT CAVE!! nico
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: teamgreen on July 07, 2011, 05:45:00 PM
Quote from: nicofiend
Stay strong oz, you can overcome it, I just went thru my foggy 50s and seems like I relived my first hell week going into the 60s! But its gonna make my quit a hell of a lot stronger! Just say daily I WILL NOT CAVE!! nico
This is all great advice. One day at a time, get exercise and hang out on this site as much as you need to. It helps.

I can promise you it does get better as your body continues to rewire itself back to a more normal state, but it does take time, and it's not always a straight line of feeling better. It is SOOOOOOO worth the work you are putting in now.

If you keep grinding out one tough step (day) at a time, one day you'll look back at your path and realize it hasn't been as bad recently, but don't get discouraged along the way. It does get better, and it is worth it.

The last thing you want to do is start over and erase the hard work you've put in. You're not that far away from better times. Just keep it up.
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: jaygib on July 08, 2011, 01:16:00 PM
Stay with it oz. This temper tantrum your mind and heart are throwing will pass and you'll still be free.
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: Radman on July 08, 2011, 02:22:00 PM
Man, I had some daily battles with my anger, even past HOF, and I'm a fairly non-confrontational kind of guy. Damn near quit going to the grocery store with the wife out of fear I would kill somebody. I had a couple of moments when I was ready to punch people in the throat just for lack of etiquette in their buggy driving. I found that physical exertion (work out, chop wood, dig a hole, etc) helped a good bit.

The main thing is that you don't take it out on your family. When I finally got my wife on board and she read the spouse's section here, she at least had some idea what was happening. I occasionaly had to just walk outside and cuss at the shrubs and trees in my yard. Upon my return, the kids would sometimes ask a goofball question like "Did you get the mower fixed?" that made no sense at all. I'd realize my wife had covered for me, and I'd just nod a "thanks" to her and smile greatfully.

Your brain is accustomed to having these emotions numbed by nicotine. The healing process takes a while. If you really NEED to bitch at somebody, call up a KTC brother. We all know the feeling.
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: Romandog on July 08, 2011, 02:31:00 PM
Quote from: _oz
Day 56 of my quit and it's the funk worse than the beginning!

Wifey told me last night I was an asshole.
I am not a happy person this week.
I don't want to be at work - I want to quit.
I feel like getting into a fight - I'm just that pissy.
(in fact, I told off the umpire last Friday night - never done that before)
I honestly don't give a fuck right now.

I am in a funk and I need out - this is not me.

I am quit - I am quit - I will not cave!

What are you / what did you guys do to help get out of this? I don't like it.

No - I will not cave.
Hey OZ,

Right there with you.. Went through that two weeks ago.. Just didn't give a rip about anything.. Was ticked off at the world... And pretty much told anyone around me so.. Whether they cared or not..

Still feeling in a bit of a funk.. But not so much rage..

Been hitting the bike with my two sons every day now since the holiday.. My legs are totally fried, but it's calming me down..

Hang in there bro.. This is all part of the process.. We've done the nic crap for a long time.
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: Scowick65 on July 08, 2011, 02:31:00 PM
I did the same. It is hard once the daily grind of quitting sets in. You are no longer a newby and quitting wears old. This is where you quit one day at a time. After a bit of a grind it gets better and easier. I know exactly what you mean though. Let your quit shine through. On behalf of oz and quitters everywhere. 'Finger' nic.
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: Keddy on July 08, 2011, 02:35:00 PM
One thing that helped me was to turn the rage back onto Nic itself. Learn to really hate the stuff . . . a contemptuous, deep-down-in-your-gut anger at the crap that was ruining your life.

When the craves come, give Nic the finger. When you see the cans at the store, whisper a derisive, "fuck you" (as silently as possible).

Hate the stuff that deserves the hate!!!

Then, get active. I found that riding my bike or taking a strenuous hike was a good way to burn off some of that energy.

Keep going, man. It's working. All you have told us is indicative that your quit is real.
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: tazmed on July 08, 2011, 02:41:00 PM
Quote from: Radman
When I finally got my wife on board and she read the spouse's section here, she at least had some idea what was happening.
Where is this "spouse area"?
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: Radman on July 08, 2011, 03:01:00 PM
Quote from: tazmed
Quote from: Radman
When I finally got my wife on board and she read the spouse's section here, she at least had some idea what was happening.
Where is this "spouse area"?
Spousal Support (

There you go. Keep in mind that they have NO IDEA what we are dealing with. Our society has fooled them into the "nicotine habit" mentality. It is an addiction, not a habit. My better half had no idea what a tough addiction it is to deal with. Dip is tougher to quit than cigs, according to many. Wives should also be prepared for the increased sex drive. :o
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: Radman on July 08, 2011, 03:11:00 PM
I just went back and read this thread. You CAN NOT BUY support like this! All of you have strengthened my quit today, and I was here to GIVE support. Gentlemen, this was just beautiful. Carry on!
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: Parputt on July 08, 2011, 03:24:00 PM
You got this Gregg. One hour at a time for a few days will get you over this hump. Stop and take some deep breaths brother. This too shall pass!
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: Jtricher on July 08, 2011, 03:55:00 PM
Quote from: _oz
I am quit - I am quit - I will not cave!
Oz. That is right. You will not cave. Because caving is not an option. Look, we have all been where you are right now. You have already done the right thing in response. You posted about it. Going forward, know this. You will prevail. Because no one in their right mind caves after 56 separate victories over NIC. Yes, each day you have stayed quit, you beat Nic and won the day. You were victorious over Nic. What you are going through right now is Nic fighting to the bitter end. Embrace it, don't fret about it, because the way you feel right now is normal. It is your body beating Nic. Waging a brutal battle against the demon that even after 56 days still wont take no for an answer and wants to kill you. You' know you are not gonna cave, because then Nic wins, and you want to live as a free man, not a slave to Nic.
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: _oz on July 08, 2011, 06:10:00 PM
Fuck you Nic Bitch --- I am quit and will not cave!

I am so glad it's Friday - and glad to be quit with all of you.

Going through the motions every day after the first week I was thinking to myself: Hmmm, this is no big deal. there are no cravings. there is no issue what so ever of being quit. 100 days will come and go and I will continue on with my quit -- EASY.

WOW. I amaze myself and how stupid I can be at times.

I did apologize to my wife last night - we had a long chat in the car.
I had no idea I was an asshole to her for a couple weeks now.
But there is more to it that just the Nic Bitch - work stress.
That with the Nic Bitch is a fucking monkey on my back - and I hate it.

You guys are awesome -- thanks for the help and support!

Par - thanks for the continual emails.

1 day at a time!

I am quit.
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: nicofiend on July 08, 2011, 08:34:00 PM
Quote from: _oz
Fuck you Nic Bitch --- I am quit and will not cave!

I am so glad it's Friday - and glad to be quit with all of you.

Going through the motions every day after the first week I was thinking to myself: Hmmm, this is no big deal. there are no cravings. there is no issue what so ever of being quit. 100 days will come and go and I will continue on with my quit -- EASY.

WOW. I amaze myself and how stupid I can be at times.

I did apologize to my wife last night - we had a long chat in the car.
I had no idea I was an asshole to her for a couple weeks now.
But there is more to it that just the Nic Bitch - work stress.
That with the Nic Bitch is a fucking monkey on my back - and I hate it.

You guys are awesome -- thanks for the help and support!

Par - thanks for the continual emails.

1 day at a time!

I am quit.
Yeah oz I agree . Overcoming adversities, is the hard part, but every time you turn around some bullshit will come up and then you got to really cowboy up and kick the nic bitch extra hard! Stay strong brother , you can do this , I can do this we ve just got got to pull together. nico
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: CopeFiend on July 09, 2011, 12:30:00 PM
Quote from: _oz

I did apologize to my wife last night - we had a long chat in the car.
I had no idea I was an asshole to her for a couple weeks now.
But there is more to it that just the Nic Bitch - work stress.
That with the Nic Bitch is a fucking monkey on my back - and I hate it.

I was an ass to my wife and coworkers. My wife wanted me quit, so she put up with it. I found that telling everyone at work my quit story helped.

If you're not normally an asshole, it does start to wear off. :P
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: _oz on July 21, 2011, 05:40:00 PM
Small update --- there are no roses to be smelling on, but I have not been the asshole to my wife the past few days. The fog lifted a little bit. I could not believe how much of a FUCK that Nic Bitch threw at me for a few weeks. My life sucked. I wanted to cave. I wanted to dip, smoke, drink and kick the living daylights out of anyone that wanted to cross me. It was pretty ugly. In fact, the past 2 nights I have actually had my first dreams of smoking cigs!

Today is day 70 for me and I won't let it come to an end. I enjoy posting role - giving my word to my brothers (and sisters) that I am quit for today. Kind of unbelievable if you looked at where I was before day 1. I was talking to my brother-in-law last night, about being quit. He was amazed that I was still quit, in fact he was amazed I actually did quit. He reminded me what I use to tell him "Why quit when you enjoy it? I will never quit, there's no reason to." I told him I enjoy being quit, and that I give my word every morning that I will not be a user of nicotine for the day. I also mentioned I could not let you guys down - that it would kill me inside!

Anyhow, there have been a few of you who have sent pm's to keep me straight and I have appreciated it very much, but 1 person has been a huge inspiration -- and for that -- Parputt --- THANKS!

I am glad to be QUIT with all of you!
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: 30yraddict on July 21, 2011, 09:18:00 PM
Quote from: _oz
Small update --- there are no roses to be smelling on, but I have not been the asshole to my wife the past few days. The fog lifted a little bit. I could not believe how much of a FUCK that Nic Bitch threw at me for a few weeks. My life sucked. I wanted to cave. I wanted to dip, smoke, drink and kick the living daylights out of anyone that wanted to cross me. It was pretty ugly. In fact, the past 2 nights I have actually had my first dreams of smoking cigs!

Today is day 70 for me and I won't let it come to an end. I enjoy posting role - giving my word to my brothers (and sisters) that I am quit for today. Kind of unbelievable if you looked at where I was before day 1. I was talking to my brother-in-law last night, about being quit. He was amazed that I was still quit, in fact he was amazed I actually did quit. He reminded me what I use to tell him "Why quit when you enjoy it? I will never quit, there's no reason to." I told him I enjoy being quit, and that I give my word every morning that I will not be a user of nicotine for the day. I also mentioned I could not let you guys down - that it would kill me inside!

Anyhow, there have been a few of you who have sent pm's to keep me straight and I have appreciated it very much, but 1 person has been a huge inspiration -- and for that -- Parputt --- THANKS!

I am glad to be QUIT with all of you!
Nice quit you've got there oz, Proud to be quit with you!
Title: Re: I need to quit, but don't want to
Post by: dchogs on July 21, 2011, 11:23:00 PM

Wanted to bump this in light of your post on your other thread. This was one of the first things I read on the site, and it was fucking eye opening. This intro and the reactions let me know how serious I had to be from the get go.

Thanks for helping me on day 1, day 67, and every day in between.