Author Topic: 106 days in...first post  (Read 1809 times)

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Offline Skoal Monster

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Re: 106 days in...first post
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2010, 02:31:00 AM »
sup heretostay,

your in good company here, this place is full of high anxiety . Nicotine is one of the most addictive substances on earth, anything you can do to beat it is fair game. Long term nic use hijacks your bodys ability to produce the "feel good" chemicals like a normal person. Instead we needed a dip to get that chemical release. So you are correct in getting a bit of help from the doc. I did the same thing and I can name a dozen others. Anything you can do to stay quit is fair game. For example;

Deanthecunt- has a habit of feeding children to billy goats- his last two avatar pics display this bizarre ritual. He also is known to pee in front of his female neighbors as part of his morning

Ready- occupies his time with pet monkeys- ask him to tell you about it

Mule- is an exceptionally astute student of the haiku- although all of them talk about his tool.... perhaps overcompensating or maybe just proud to be here?

Volp/ flashman- every other friday volp pushes flashman around in a shopping cart while flash hits trannys with a wiffle ball bat. They usually sing Dianna Ross songs during this but recently have switched to Wham...because its funnier.

SmokeyG- took up bike riding and peddled his way across the ocean to scotland where he was subsequently run over by a scottish mum. He is also into geocaching and I am convinced has inserted an anal cache that he is hoping for Loot to find

Loot- Loot lost his mind somewhere around day 180 and now speaks in the third person. The Sienfield Character Jimmy is based on Loot. Of course so is Chuck Norris ... Dont fuck with loot. I got him a birthday cake last year and he ate the whole thing before I had a chance to tell him it had a stripper in it.

Kd4jet occupies his spare time staring at anything that bounces. Initially he was satisfied with a tennis ball but he has moved on to silicone.

Samcat- occupies herself.....and often

Of course you could take up a hobby like Rickymartinman- he is building a fleet of R.V.'s in his garage, and doing it well. I invoked his name to fix some leaky plumbing in my house today but oddly he didn't appear. I figure if that ham handed bastard can build a motor home I could fix a busted hose bib....wrong.......Rocky? Rocky? where art thou.

JpCrew- stay clear of this guy, he is a total pig
Niwot- out of his tree
Trapper- likes bald chicks
Greg40- Likes Bald dudes, you have hair right heretostay? if not just steer clear of ole g40, he'll tell you he loves you and in the morning you'll wake up chained to the basement floor with a red rubber ball in your mouth.

There are some other old timers around- like Remshot- he used to be in porn and he can't spell for shit. It's RIM SHOT ,you gotta help him out alot.

Can't forget 11x4- but I forget why
Corn- - This dude is all ears if you need help
Hydro- pretty good guy, but when I was new I thought he was all wet.

I could do this all night but I'll get off your page. Thing is there are a million personalities here. The common thread is we all carry the scars of nicotine addiction. They are mental, physical and emotional. It takes awhile to get yourself right. In the meantime as Ready and Mule say why don't you pull up a chair and quit a spell. but seriously... keep your kids away from Dean. The goat thing is just plain weird.

skoal monster 446
"CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit. After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco."

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Re: 106 days in...first post
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2010, 12:14:00 AM »
Welcome to the site brotha!! We can all do this together!!
Quit Date - 4/12/2010

Get Quit!!!

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Re: 106 days in...first post
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2010, 04:35:00 PM »
Quote from: HereToStay
A little about me: 40 years old male, copenhagen for the last 25 years, can a day prior to the quit. Father of 4 lovely children (oldest 11, youngest 5) and a lovely wife. Over the last 25 years of this addiction, I had quit twice and started chewing again at roughly 3 months (last quit was roughly 10 years ago).

Why the quit? Because it was time, plain and simple. My kids have been saying stuff over the last couple years, but it was still not enough for me to quit. It wasn't time yet. As of December of last year, I woke up one morning and decided my quit date was going to be 1/1/2010. I notified the family and put together my plan. The day came, and I quit. First day with no Cope wasn't bad. Day two was kicking my tail so I tried some Smokey Mountain. Worked for me. Thought I had everything I needed to kick this things butt. I was so wrong. As of roughly 3 or 4 weeks ago, I started having some issues with anxiety and depression. Would wake up in the morning and feel horrible for no reason. This would last all day...every day (some days better then others). After doing some research and realizing that this is probably due to my quit, I headed for the Dr. yesterday. She prescribed me Bupropion. The way I see it, nicotine doesn't play fair so the med is just for short term to level the playing field.

At the end of the day, I have made it past my previous 3 months worth of quitting and am committed to never taking another dip. Ever.

The thing that blew me away was just how powerful that crap is. After 30 days, I thought this was going to be a breeze. Man was I wrong.

Good luck to all that quit, stay strong, and never put your gaurd down.
That's a great accomplishment to do on your own. You will find all the support your need here.

You should head over to the April group and introduce yourself. That will be your home to post roll call everyday.

There is no way you will stay depressed in there, there's way to many funny fuckers in that group.


Offline HereToStay

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106 days in...first post
« on: April 16, 2010, 04:24:00 PM »
A little about me: 40 years old male, copenhagen for the last 25 years, can a day prior to the quit. Father of 4 lovely children (oldest 11, youngest 5) and a lovely wife. Over the last 25 years of this addiction, I had quit twice and started chewing again at roughly 3 months (last quit was roughly 10 years ago).

Why the quit? Because it was time, plain and simple. My kids have been saying stuff over the last couple years, but it was still not enough for me to quit. It wasn't time yet. As of December of last year, I woke up one morning and decided my quit date was going to be 1/1/2010. I notified the family and put together my plan. The day came, and I quit. First day with no Cope wasn't bad. Day two was kicking my tail so I tried some Smokey Mountain. Worked for me. Thought I had everything I needed to kick this things butt. I was so wrong. As of roughly 3 or 4 weeks ago, I started having some issues with anxiety and depression. Would wake up in the morning and feel horrible for no reason. This would last all day...every day (some days better then others). After doing some research and realizing that this is probably due to my quit, I headed for the Dr. yesterday. She prescribed me Bupropion. The way I see it, nicotine doesn't play fair so the med is just for short term to level the playing field.

At the end of the day, I have made it past my previous 3 months worth of quitting and am committed to never taking another dip. Ever.

The thing that blew me away was just how powerful that crap is. After 30 days, I thought this was going to be a breeze. Man was I wrong.

Good luck to all that quit, stay strong, and never put your gaurd down.