Author Topic: * Live Free or Die  (Read 3692 times)

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Offline Quitter2019

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* Live Free or Die
« on: September 26, 2020, 04:29:38 AM »
Today I start Day 139 of my quit journey. I had planned on writing my HOF speech closer to the 100 day mark but am just now getting out of the fog to think clearly enough to write coherently.
I started dipping at around the age of 13 or 14 years old during welding class. I can still remember sweating profusely and being so sick that I probably turned green after taking that first dip. That brings me to wonder why the hell we ever wanted to take another dip again in the first place. I started chewing Beechnut original chewing tobacco and worked my way up to a 1.5-2 can a day Copenhagen Wintergreen Long Cut addiction over the next 11 years. Many late nights I spent thinking of quitting without ever getting enough ambition to follow through. Then I remembered a site that I had registered on the year before but never had the balls to write the first post and commit to quit.
I never really thought I could stay quit when I posted day one in the August Ajay group but I decided to give it a try. Immediately almost after posting my intro I received a PM from @MuleMan and we exchanged digits. @Redwood and @drums636 introduced themselves to me as well the same day and we have texted our promise to one another to remain quit nearly every day since. I wanted like hell to go buy a can of Cope that first week but I couldn’t bring myself to knowing I would be letting down my fellow quitters who had invested their valuable time in me.
I feel that this is the magic of KTC. Exchanging digits and having conversation with fellow quitters is one of the most important things in remaining quit. They are the ones who will come to mind every time you nearly decide to cave and stuff your face with dip. That’s what has got me to log onto KTC every morning and post roll. After posting roll if you consider yourself to be a man or woman of your word then it is very hard to let your mind trick you into a cave. I know I wouldn’t be quit today if not for the accountability I have been blessed to find on this site.
If you are reading this post today and scanning the many pages of KTC looking for a reason to quit then please take the advice of everyone here at KTC and post your Day one in your appropriate group. You may think that you have no prayer of quitting but you can if you join KTC and let yourself be held accountable. The old “Live Free or Die” slogan came to my mind when getting ready to write this post. Truly that is the only option we have. We can break the bondage that Nicotine has us held under and live free or keep doing the same thing and stand a very good chance of dying because of our habit. I will choose freedom again today and I hope you will as well.
Thank you to all of the quitters who have helped hold me accountable and have built relationships with me during my quit. @Bug Guy steered the August Ajays through our first foggy hellish weeks. Whatever we are today most of us owe a very good chunk of it to him. For me personally, @MuleMan @Redwood @drums636 @Thefranks5 @stillbrewing and my HOF conductors @Mmardis and @GS9502 have been instrumental in me remaining quit. I have been proud to battle nicotine everyday with my fellow Ajays especially @Nate33 @Zombo Funk @SID2020  and @WonPump. I’m sure I have left some out but there are too many people who have helped for me to ever thank in one post. May God Bless you all and I am proud to quit will all of you today!

« Last Edit: September 30, 2020, 11:13:04 AM by chewie »