Author Topic: Anxiety Help  (Read 3988 times)

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Re: Anxiety Help
« Reply #13 on: December 30, 2020, 05:19:56 PM »
Well here I am at day 130. Good days, bad days, days that were some of the worst in my life. What I had everyday though was my faith, family, and brothers at KTC.

I’ve noticed in the last few days, that there is some new faces here at KTC. I suspect that there will be more to come in the near future with “new year” resolutions. If you are new here welcome to a place that if used properly will most definitely help you. I’ve said it before, someone here has or is going through what you are experiencing and knowing you’re not alone is a giant ease on the O’l’ shoulders. Reach out when you’re in need to me or one of the true vets on here. One day at a time is how I was coached when first learning the ways here, and I can sure say that one is soon where I’m at today 130 free of nicotine. It gets easier and better as you go. Be strong fight on and prolong your life, grow you’re wallet and learn what you can accomplish!
Well said brother, PTBQWYT!!!!!!!!!!

Offline FullCurl

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Re: Anxiety Help
« Reply #12 on: December 30, 2020, 05:13:23 PM »
Well here I am at day 130. Good days, bad days, days that were some of the worst in my life. What I had everyday though was my faith, family, and brothers at KTC.

I’ve noticed in the last few days, that there is some new faces here at KTC. I suspect that there will be more to come in the near future with “new year” resolutions. If you are new here welcome to a place that if used properly will most definitely help you. I’ve said it before, someone here has or is going through what you are experiencing and knowing you’re not alone is a giant ease on the O’l’ shoulders. Reach out when you’re in need to me or one of the true vets on here. One day at a time is how I was coached when first learning the ways here, and I can sure say that one is soon where I’m at today 130 free of nicotine. It gets easier and better as you go. Be strong fight on and prolong your life, grow you’re wallet and learn what you can accomplish!

Offline JeffH4257

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Re: Anxiety Help
« Reply #11 on: November 26, 2020, 05:43:14 PM »
Well as I near my 100th day I wanted to share a link to a song that speaks some real truth. We all are going through some shitty times these lyrics help me focus on what’s truly important. Here’s a link I know most of not all will be quite familiar with it already. Thanks again to all who have helped me.

Thanks for posting!! Bad ass song for bad ass quitters!

Offline FullCurl

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Re: Anxiety Help
« Reply #10 on: November 26, 2020, 05:23:30 PM »
Well as I near my 100th day I wanted to share a link to a song that speaks some real truth. We all are going through some shitty times these lyrics help me focus on what’s truly important. Here’s a link I know most of not all will be quite familiar with it already. Thanks again to all who have helped me.

Offline FullCurl

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Re: Anxiety Help
« Reply #9 on: November 11, 2020, 10:39:40 AM »
Good morning,

Well I have made it over 80 days into my quit. This morning I have thoughts of my grand father “papa” as I called him. He fought in the Second World War and today especially he will be on my mind. He was just a young man when he made the choice to sacrifice his well being and go and fight. We are all fighting, although it is a different battle we are prolonging the life many fought for us to have. Thank you to all the brothers who have helped me and may we all remember the men and women who have lost their lives.

In Flanders Fields

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
    That mark our place; and in the sky
    The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
    Loved and were loved, and now we lie,
        In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
    The torch; be yours to hold it high.
    If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
        In Flanders fields.

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Re: Anxiety Help
« Reply #8 on: November 02, 2020, 10:10:38 AM »

I figure I should have maybe titled it as more of an intro but given the feedback and support I was given, I’m thinking it was alright. Thanks for the tips on the post roll I should be able to get that done properly now. You have a great day and thanks again for your work on here your really helping a lot of people.
Holler if you need help. As we say around here, the only wrong way to post roll is to not be on it. Start posting with your new group and if you screw something up, we can fix it. You will catch on quick.

I just looked in Nov and it appears you nailed it! Nice work!
Quit: 04.25.16 | HOF: 08.02.16 | 2nd FL: 11.10.16 | 3rd FL: 02.18.17 | 4th FL: 05.29.17 | 5th FL: 09.06.17 | 6th FL: 12.15.17 | 7th FL: 03.25.18 |
8th FL: 07.03.18 | 9th FL: 10.11.18 | Comma: 01.19.19 | 11th FL: 04.29.19 | 12th FL: 08.07.19 | 13th FL: 11.15.19 | 14th FL: 02.23.20 |
15th FL: 06.02.20 | 16th FL: 09.10.20 | 17th FL: 12.19.20 | 18th FL: 03.29.21 | 19th FL: 07.07.21 | Comma 2x: 10.15.21 | 21st FL: 01.23.22 |
22nd FL: 05.03.22 | 23rd FL: 08.11.22 | 24th FL: 11.19.22 | 25th FL: 02.27.23 | 26th FL: 06.07.23 | 27th FL: 09.15.23 | 28th FL: 12.24.23 |
29th FL: 04.02.24 |

"From Skoal to Skol!" My HOF Speech HERE!
"There is no victory without a battle."
"Cave = losing an argument to a dead plant in a plastic can. You are smarter than a dead plant." - Candoit
"The truth is the truth even if no one believes it, and a lie is a lie, even if everyone believes it." - Bishop Fulton J. Sheen

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Offline FullCurl

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Re: Anxiety Help
« Reply #7 on: November 02, 2020, 10:04:16 AM »

I figure I should have maybe titled it as more of an intro but given the feedback and support I was given, I’m thinking it was alright. Thanks for the tips on the post roll I should be able to get that done properly now. You have a great day and thanks again for your work on here your really helping a lot of people.

Offline MN_Engineer

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Re: Anxiety Help
« Reply #6 on: November 02, 2020, 09:50:20 AM »
Thanks for the replies gents.kinda a wonky intro I’m getting the hang of how to properly do things here at KTC. My intro should have been labeled differently and I’m still kinda unsure how to do the post roll. 71 days now and not planning to go back to dope n Hagen stay strong everyone and thanks for those who have reached out!
@FullCurl what would you like the title of this intro to read? I can change that for you if you would like.

As for posting roll in your November 2020 group (see link in my previous post), hopefully this will help.

1.) Hit F5 (Refresh) and find the most recent roll post.
2.) Hit the "Quote" button on the top right corner of the post you are trying to quote.
3.) Add your day count and promise.
4.) Hit "Post"
Quit: 04.25.16 | HOF: 08.02.16 | 2nd FL: 11.10.16 | 3rd FL: 02.18.17 | 4th FL: 05.29.17 | 5th FL: 09.06.17 | 6th FL: 12.15.17 | 7th FL: 03.25.18 |
8th FL: 07.03.18 | 9th FL: 10.11.18 | Comma: 01.19.19 | 11th FL: 04.29.19 | 12th FL: 08.07.19 | 13th FL: 11.15.19 | 14th FL: 02.23.20 |
15th FL: 06.02.20 | 16th FL: 09.10.20 | 17th FL: 12.19.20 | 18th FL: 03.29.21 | 19th FL: 07.07.21 | Comma 2x: 10.15.21 | 21st FL: 01.23.22 |
22nd FL: 05.03.22 | 23rd FL: 08.11.22 | 24th FL: 11.19.22 | 25th FL: 02.27.23 | 26th FL: 06.07.23 | 27th FL: 09.15.23 | 28th FL: 12.24.23 |
29th FL: 04.02.24 |

"From Skoal to Skol!" My HOF Speech HERE!
"There is no victory without a battle."
"Cave = losing an argument to a dead plant in a plastic can. You are smarter than a dead plant." - Candoit
"The truth is the truth even if no one believes it, and a lie is a lie, even if everyone believes it." - Bishop Fulton J. Sheen

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Offline FullCurl

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Re: Anxiety Help
« Reply #5 on: November 01, 2020, 06:17:39 PM »
Thanks for the replies gents.kinda a wonky intro I’m getting the hang of how to properly do things here at KTC. My intro should have been labeled differently and I’m still kinda unsure how to do the post roll. 71 days now and not planning to go back to dope n Hagen stay strong everyone and thanks for those who have reached out!

Offline Indrek

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Re: Anxiety Help
« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2020, 05:49:14 PM »
You can read my intro... I also suffered alone for some time before joining this site. I had unbelievable and irrational fears about many things aswell. I also thought i am losing my mind and went to the shrink, decided not to take any meds tho. Powered through on willpower and faith that it will be better(that I got from KTC buddies). It sucked, I sometimes cryed, I couldnt controll my thoughts that went around and around in loops on nonsense, woke up anxious as fk, sleep sucked so yeah it was hard. But it will get better, its just suuuuper slow process for the first 200 days I think. I'm clean for a year now and I am feeling way better. I still get anxious sometimes and have depressing days but its like 5% the strength of a clusterfuck feelings from the first 100 days. You could always try antidepressants but after 70 days you might as well go through all the suck and build up that hate for the nicotine. I have no cravings and i dont think i ever forget the suck and that will keep me away from this nicotine shit for life.

Your mind is fucked up because it is trying to balance all the hormones and its also You getting to know your brain without drugs. Studies show that quitting nicotine will eventually make  you less anxious and depressed but it could take up to 2 years. That said I feel pretty darn good after 1 year so hopefully I will shit rainbows by the 2nd year :D

Things that help:
exercise (natural way to get the feel good hormones)
healthy diet (and maybe some mineral/vitamin supplements to speed things up)
social interaction with people you like or who know what you are going through
lowering your caffeine intake for some time

Offline Mike from AB

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Re: Anxiety Help
« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2020, 08:11:27 PM »
Welcome FC!  Let me be the second after MN to congratulate you on 68 awesome days of win!  2,627 today & I quit with you.

I absolutely promise you that anxiety, even to extremes, is incredibly normal with quitting.  I suspect for some that’s because your brain is rewiring itself not having to deal with all the chemicals it was once flooded with.  But for many others, the situation I think is as you describe (and I’ve come to learn was probably the case for me).  Struggled with anxiety/depression your whole life (I didn’t realize how much I’d had anxiety until I quit), but using nicotine to self medicate.  Cope to cope if you will.  I sure did.  Until it didn’t work anymore.  I didn’t realize it until much later, but leading right up to my quit day I was a total mess of anxiety.  So forsaking my quit (especially as far as I’d gotten into it when my anxiety became the worst) would’ve done nothing to relieve anxiety, & everything to continue ruining my physical health.

As odd as it might seem to fear things you once loved, such as hunting, or to have old memories come back around again that you might have long forgotten about or thought you’d long put to bed, that IS anxiety (excruciating worry over things which should otherwise not warrant it) as a health issue.  Pile on rational excruciating worries on top of that, such as job loss or family health issues, and the results are almost unbearable.  I get it.

Story time.  I was 14 days in, & still not really understanding anxiety yet or what it would do.  What it would feel like.  That irrational fear of things you once enjoyed?  Came to me while driving out in the field.  Hours home, normal highways, nothing I hadn’t driven before, behind the wheel of a normal half ton pickup.  Nothing at all to be concerned with.  Instead I was so beset by anxiety halfway home that I could no longer drive.  I’d thought I’d hit a car with bumper damage (what would become a recurring theme throughout as I first feared driving then learned to love it again), which of course I hadn’t.  I kept driving & circling around town before I could even get back on the highway & eventually had to stop & pull over.  Broke down crying.  I spent an hour texting a guy on here who would become the brother I never had (though I do have a great sis).  Cried some more then somehow got back on the highway & made it home.  I still thought this was just all because I’d quit, and if only I’d go buy a can again I could feel normal (which of course wouldn’t have been the case).  But I persevered until about as far in as you’re at now.  When I finally realized that there was something seriously wrong, breaking down crying in the doctor’s office over something else. I got medication.  It fixed it, and though I took it for years, I no longer do.  I am however working through journaling thoughts & feelings to discover the extent of depression I might have as a result of my own job loss.  That’s devastating I think especially for guys who identify so closely with their work & career.  But I digress.

But to make a long story short, yes you absolutely can, and will, come through this!  I don’t need to tell you how difficult it is, but your quit can remain intact.  Honestly please do go see your doc & discuss with him what treatment options there might be.  Reading how anxiety is affecting you, my layman opinion is yes, this is something to seek professional help for.  It’s not just ‘worry’ or ‘normal’ & won’t necessarily go away on its own. 

God bless.  Shoot me a PM if you want to chat.  I’ll PM you my number too if you prefer to text.  If nothing else, please keep us updated here on how it’s going.  The peer group here is invaluable for promising & keeping your word to help develop a strong track record of quit.  You probably have or had peer groups that normalize dipping (I can count probably a half dozen off the top of my head of different groups that could consider dipping as part of a brotherhood or identity).  Here we normalize quit by accepting nothing less than a quitter’s best.  To make your promise for today & keep it.  You got this.

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Re: Anxiety Help
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2020, 04:27:27 PM »
Hello KTC community. I have given up Copenhagen  Cold turkey for 68 days now. I have been through, what in my mind is quite a bit in the last year. Losing my wife’s mother, her father being effected by Alzheimer’s had to be put into a home, losing my job unable to find employment. I have struggled with anxiety and depression for most of my life. Since my quit day in late august the anxiety I’ve felt at times has made me feel as if I’m losing control of my mind. I fear things I once loved such as hunting.I feel bad about things that happened long ago in my childhood. Things I had previously “been at peace with” are excruciating at times. I’m just wondering if anyone in the community has experience with extremely scary anxiety and came through it? Thanks in advance and god bless all
Welcome to KTC @FullCurl. You are in the right place. Others may be able to weigh in on your issue better than I, but in the meantime, maybe check out these links.

What To Expect When You Quit Dipping

Post-Acute Withdrawal Symptoms and Relapse Prevention Strategies

Also, huge congrats for making it 68 days on your own! That's incredible. That would put you in the November 2020 group. I'd encourage you to follow that link and start to get involved here. Start posting roll - a daily promise in your Nov 2020 group that you will not use nicotine in ANY form for 24 hours at a time. We post roll each day right away when we wake up and focus on TODAY. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.

Anxiety when quitting nicotine is incredibly common. Some here have powered through. Others have sought professional help and used medication to help them through the process. Seeking medical help for anxiety while quitting is nothing to be ashamed of. Please use resources available to you as you navigate this part of your quit.

Fear does not stop death. It stops life.
And worrying does not take away tomorrow's troubles. It takes away today's peace.
Quit: 04.25.16 | HOF: 08.02.16 | 2nd FL: 11.10.16 | 3rd FL: 02.18.17 | 4th FL: 05.29.17 | 5th FL: 09.06.17 | 6th FL: 12.15.17 | 7th FL: 03.25.18 |
8th FL: 07.03.18 | 9th FL: 10.11.18 | Comma: 01.19.19 | 11th FL: 04.29.19 | 12th FL: 08.07.19 | 13th FL: 11.15.19 | 14th FL: 02.23.20 |
15th FL: 06.02.20 | 16th FL: 09.10.20 | 17th FL: 12.19.20 | 18th FL: 03.29.21 | 19th FL: 07.07.21 | Comma 2x: 10.15.21 | 21st FL: 01.23.22 |
22nd FL: 05.03.22 | 23rd FL: 08.11.22 | 24th FL: 11.19.22 | 25th FL: 02.27.23 | 26th FL: 06.07.23 | 27th FL: 09.15.23 | 28th FL: 12.24.23 |
29th FL: 04.02.24 |

"From Skoal to Skol!" My HOF Speech HERE!
"There is no victory without a battle."
"Cave = losing an argument to a dead plant in a plastic can. You are smarter than a dead plant." - Candoit
"The truth is the truth even if no one believes it, and a lie is a lie, even if everyone believes it." - Bishop Fulton J. Sheen

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Offline FullCurl

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Anxiety Help
« on: October 29, 2020, 03:41:21 PM »
Hello KTC community. I have given up Copenhagen  Cold turkey for 68 days now. I have been through, what in my mind is quite a bit in the last year. Losing my wife’s mother, her father being effected by Alzheimer’s had to be put into a home, losing my job unable to find employment. I have struggled with anxiety and depression for most of my life. Since my quit day in late august the anxiety I’ve felt at times has made me feel as if I’m losing control of my mind. I fear things I once loved such as hunting.I feel bad about things that happened long ago in my childhood. Things I had previously “been at peace with” are excruciating at times. I’m just wondering if anyone in the community has experience with extremely scary anxiety and came through it? Thanks in advance and god bless all