Accountability Forum

Community => Introductions => Topic started by: drawliner on September 09, 2007, 10:09:00 PM

Title: wanna quit bad its time
Post by: drawliner on September 09, 2007, 10:09:00 PM
im a 54 year old male thats wants to quit,its time but im having a tuff time,itsnot only hooked me physically but emotionaly and pyscological,i really believe i need this crap,thats where im at
Title: Re: wanna quit bad its time
Post by: chewie on September 09, 2007, 10:17:00 PM
Quote from: drawliner
im a 54 year old male thats wants to quit,its time but im having a tuff time,itsnot only hooked me physically but emotionaly and pyscological,i really believe i need this crap,thats where im at
welcome to the site!

we know exactly where you're coming from... here's a couple of links to get you started...

december 2007 ( - this is your quit group. head on over and introduce yourself. these guys/gals are all in the same stage of their quits so they REALLY understand what you're dealing with.

what to expect ( - an article from killthecan about what to expect when you quit. you may not deal with everything listed here, but it's been put together using input from 100's of quitters - it's pretty accurate.

ask questions, read everything you can - we're here for ya!

Title: Re: wanna quit bad its time
Post by: Nappynabby on September 09, 2007, 10:21:00 PM
Quote from: drawliner
im a 54 year old male thats wants to quit,its time but im having a tuff time,itsnot only hooked me physically but emotionaly and pyscological,i really believe i need this crap,thats where im at
Finish off your can, tomorrow you are not going to have a dip. Go to the December roll call group and make an introduction post. Then tomorrow post roll call. You will see that everyone in your group is going through the same bull shit you are with your addiction. This makes quitting easier knowing that you are not the only one going through hell. The physical withdrawals last a few days. Bitch about how it sucks to us, we understand, this helps a lot when trying to get through those initial cravings. there are tons of people here to help, and lots of good shit to read. Read post roll read and post roll. Take it one day at a time.
Title: Re: wanna quit bad its time
Post by: russjns on September 11, 2007, 02:02:00 AM
Quote from: drawliner
im a 54 year old male thats wants to quit,its time but im having a tuff time,itsnot only hooked me physically but emotionaly and pyscological,i really believe i need this crap,thats where im at
Welcome Drawliner! You are in this site, you registered, that means to me that you are ready to quit. YOU NEED TO QUIT. We all felt the same way. I panicked at the thought of not having my next dip. But I can tell you, at day 34 of my quit, that it gets WAY better, the cravings get smaller and less powerful, the physical crap goes away.

KNUCKLE DOWN, MAKE THE CHOICE, AND POST ROLL! We are all making the same commitment that you will be making. And we are all going through a lot of stress, anxiety, fear.....but we are also helping each other stay quit, and we are feeling proud of ourselves for making it through each day.

TAKE IT ONE DAY AT A TIME! Your are gonna love being quit!


PS-The first few days are the worst, so hang out on this site, go into live chat, pm me, or others and get our phone numbers, and READ READ READ THESE POSTS! I especially recommend reading the HOF SPEECHES (Hall of Fame - When you reach 100 days quit)