Accountability Forum
Community => General Discussion => Topic started by: chewie on December 31, 2023, 09:17:43 AM
Happy New Year Quitters! Welcome to 2024!
If you’ve made a New Year’s Resolution to quit dipping know that you’re NOT alone! will provide you with the resources, support and answers that you need to get and stay quit. Accountability is KEY.
Quitting is NOT easy… but it’s simple. Let us show you the way.
Here’s to a new DIP FREE year! Cheers!
Happy New Year quitters! Welcome to 2024!!!
New Year – New Quitters – Kill The Can Podcast Episode 23
Celebrate Your Milestones – Kill The Can Podcast Episode 24
Quit Quotes
Three Weeks In… Struggling With Stress – Kill The Can Podcast Episode 25
First Quitter Meet of 2024 – Hydro and Cbird!
Well, pretty shitty ending to 2023 and a shitty start to 24. My Father In Law passed away the day before Xmas and Xmas night a lady that I have been calling mama for closer to 30 years passed away. Shortly prior to that, my cousin felt life wasn't worth it no more and went out on her own terms.
Ring in 2024 for me with a trip to another oncologist! Good times for all eh?
Looking back, Years ago I would have had a big ass stoagie in one hand, maybe a cigarette in the other and a big old fat ass lipper on stand by. I gave up all the smoking and stuck with the lippers of dippers and kept my lips packed all damn day. Situations like this called for big fat lips, double shots all around and chased them shots with multiple beers. I will say this much though, a bunch of people have came and went here and called many of folks a fucking asshole on the way out the door for the tough love when it came to holding each other accountable and helping each other stay quit. I did split once and came back and never left ever again. I took my lumps and there were many. Today, thanks to them assholes that I no longer consider to be assholes but BIQ (Brothers In Quit) I can deal with these situations as they arise without the need to pack my lips full of cat shit ... err uhh dip or load big ass plugs of leaf in my mouth. As well, I don't need cigarettes or stoagies either. And through it all I have had but a few beers and a shot or 2 of some good old fashioned Moon .. Uhhh we will call it Creek ;-)
Everyone from the Eternal QUitters to the Old timers to the Newbies and especially my Decembros in Dec 15. You assholes are all a bunch of awesome M'Fers!!! I quit with you all EDD! 3046
I look forward to many more 24 hours of quit together the KTC way!
@DjPorkchop (;u=933) - sorry 23 went out like a fart in church... here's hoping 24 is far better. Honored to be quit with you!
Well, pretty shitty ending to 2023 and a shitty start to 24. My Father In Law passed away the day before Xmas and Xmas night a lady that I have been calling mama for closer to 30 years passed away. Shortly prior to that, my cousin felt life wasn't worth it no more and went out on her own terms.
Ring in 2024 for me with a trip to another oncologist! Good times for all eh?
Looking back, Years ago I would have had a big ass stoagie in one hand, maybe a cigarette in the other and a big old fat ass lipper on stand by. I gave up all the smoking and stuck with the lippers of dippers and kept my lips packed all damn day. Situations like this called for big fat lips, double shots all around and chased them shots with multiple beers. I will say this much though, a bunch of people have came and went here and called many of folks a fucking asshole on the way out the door for the tough love when it came to holding each other accountable and helping each other stay quit. I did split once and came back and never left ever again. I took my lumps and there were many. Today, thanks to them assholes that I no longer consider to be assholes but BIQ (Brothers In Quit) I can deal with these situations as they arise without the need to pack my lips full of cat shit ... err uhh dip or load big ass plugs of leaf in my mouth. As well, I don't need cigarettes or stoagies either. And through it all I have had but a few beers and a shot or 2 of some good old fashioned Moon .. Uhhh we will call it Creek ;-)
Everyone from the Eternal QUitters to the Old timers to the Newbies and especially my Decembros in Dec 15. You assholes are all a bunch of awesome M'Fers!!! I quit with you all EDD! 3046
I look forward to many more 24 hours of quit together the KTC way!
FranPro… Rest In Peace – The Kill The Can Podcast Episode 26
Forgive the intrusion if if I am in the wrong place for posting this please. I am back but not for the usual reason, I have not caved. I have been completely nic free for 2716 days now pop/soda free for 365 days, and energy drink free 780 days. I am just writing to say thanks to the caretakers and fellow quitters that have helped along the way.
Forgive the intrusion if if I am in the wrong place for posting this please. I am back but not for the usual reason, I have not caved. I have been completely nic free for 2716 days now pop/soda free for 365 days, and energy drink free 780 days. I am just writing to say thanks to the caretakers and fellow quitters that have helped along the way.
Boom! Thanks for stopping by and congrats on 2,700+ days of freedom @R3bauer (;u=59) !!!
Change the Way You Look at Things via @BrianBrianBrian (;u=20674)
pktmkm700 and Bill – Working Their Quit at Work @PKTmkm700 (;u=1253)
Catching Up With Old Friends – The Kill The Can Podcast Episode 27
- The 22nd annual American Lung Association “State of Tobacco Control” report evaluates states and the federal government on the proven-effective tobacco control laws and policies necessary to save lives. The report serves as a blueprint for what state and federal leaders need to do to eliminate the death and disease caused by tobacco use. In the report, the Lung Association assigns letter grades, A through F, to the state and federal policies best proven to prevent and reduce tobacco use.
Podcasting About Podcasting With Duathman – The Kill The Can Podcast Episode 28 @duathman (;u=781)
Ayotkc, Bfo, and Steven.f @bfo (;u=27596)
Cmark – Grateful In Monterey @cmark (;u=878)
How Long Will Symptoms Last – The Kill The Can Podcast Episode 29
TeaZa Creamsicle Chill Pouches Review
Black Buffalo Wintergreen Pouches Review
Black Buffalo Wintergreen Pouches Review
Rarely use fake anymore (if fact it's been years) but based on your review, I may have to give these a try, maybe during summer softball season.
Black Buffalo Wintergreen Pouches Review
Rarely use fake anymore (if fact it's been years) but based on your review, I may have to give these a try, maybe during summer softball season.
Nice - if/when you do let me know your thoughts!
Chewie Visits Health Transformation With Travis – The Kill The Can Podcast Episode 31 @duathman (;u=781)
Big Tobacco’s Alleged Targeting of Children With ZYN
Big Tobacco’s Alleged Targeting of Children With ZYN
Vapers and Zyn Users Too? – The Kill The Can Podcast Episode 32
All In Insanity – The Kill The Can Podcast Episode 33
Feet On The Floor – Chewie at The MAC Tournament
Quit Perspectives With Kramer – The Kill The Can Podcast Episode 34 @kramer (;u=1082)
jefferysavage and Sandman0176 – OKC Thunder Game @jefferysavage (;u=21676)
Chewie on Mount Snow, Vermont
When To Leave KTC? – The Kill The Can Podcast Episode 35
Finish the Story and Start Again – The Kill The Can Podcast Episode 36
Hello All -
I am an "old timers" from the days of, a website started by Matt Van Wyk around the turn of the century. Since that website is no longer functioning, I thought I would come here and just provide some perspective for you, wherever you may be on your quit journey.
By way of background, I was an everyday, all-the-time smokeless tobacco user for approximately 20 years, from early high school through 35 years old. I quit using tobacco on November 3, 2001. I was a "heavy user" of the forum at the time, which was little more than a "bulletin board" style chat forum, probably to a fault, but it was critical to my success in the battle with tobacco addiction. Three things brought me back today.
I thought about because I had to use the "Count Days Between Dates" website for another purpose (to figure out a deadline) and, just for the heck of it, ran my old quit date through the calculator. Today is Day 8,200. I have not thought about smokeless tobacco is so long that the number blew me away. I still remember how hard it felt, in the moment, to get to Day 4, and Day 30, and so on ... and I just casually strolled up upon Day 8,200 without any awareness or thought of tobacco whatsoever. I often forget that I even used tobacco at all. This is what I mean by perspective. At the beginning of this battle, you scratch and claw and fight to get from one moment in time, to just another moment in time, with your commitment intact. It feels like a Herculean Task, and our mind is often on the "wrong side," trying to convince us to give in, give up, stop suffering, etc., trying to make you believe you will have to fight this addiction like this for the rest of your life ....
And it's just nonsense. It is the addicted mind, the addiction itself, fighting for its own existence. It is the core lie of addiction. While it is true, in the early stages, hours must become days, days must become weeks, and so on, just think how ridiculous, absurd, and pathetic the lie is. Let's say that I actively suffered with tobacco addiction withdraw (mental and physical) for 100 days ... the reality is that some days sucked (whiny, complaining, feeling sorry for myself), some days were awesome (proud of myself, feeling powerful), and some days were in between, but let's just assume that the first 100 days sucked. THAT WAS MORE THAN 22 FUCKING YEARS AGO. I reclaimed my entire life and truly enjoyed the next 8,100 days, because I was willing to suffer and sacrifice 100 days of my life for these long-term benefits. It is an absurd return on investment. If you gave me the choice to invest in Apple on Day 1 or quit smokeless tobacco on Day 1, I would always choose the latter ... money does not mean anything to dead people.
Second, I attended a high school reunion recently, and I was just floored to find out that many of my high school friends still chew, including some who did not originally chew tobacco in high school. They were shocked to learn that I quit chewing tobacco more than 20 years ago, and I was shocked to discover that they were mid-50 year old men, still sticking a wad of chemically-treated, cancer-causing weed in their mouth and spitting into empty beer bottle. In my head, I was like "you're still chewing tobacco, what in the actual fuck???" ... but then it occurred to me again. My perspective. I cannot even imagine what my life would look like, what I would think and feel about myself, what kind of health concerns I would have, if I had not made the decision on November 3, 2001 to just suffer through the quit withdrawal for a few months of time.
Which leads me to my third and perhaps most important point and piece of perspective. If I had caved, if I had kept chewing in 2001, if I had found some excuse or rationalization to buy another tin, my life would have been completely different. I changed the trajectory of my life. My success in the battle with tobacco addiction is what (in my head) I call and refer to as a "Proof of Concept" ... I proved to myself that, with a genuine personal commitment, with resilience and perseverance and patience, and with the support from family, friends, and colleagues, I can do fucking anything. Anything. I possess the power of Self-Determination, meaning I decide who I am, what I am, what I do, what success (and failure) I realized and achieve, and every other facet of my life, through volitional choice. Since quitting tobacco, I have achieved virtually every life goal that I set for myself ... and I continue to do so, knowing that achievement is on the other side of a genuine personal commitment, a little resilience and perseverance and patience, and the love and support of my family, friends, and colleagues.
So if you are reading this, and you are considering whether you are ready to quit, or really need to quit, or whether you can put it off until next week, next month, next year, fill-in-the-blank-quit-deadline, here is the stone cold truth ... you are not merely wasting time, you are not only jeopardizing your long-term health and well-being (and that of your family and people you love), but you are denying yourself of the opportunity to achieve your First Great Accomplishment, your own Proof of Concept. This is the testing ground for the kind of person you are now, and what kind of person you will become. Your decision and success will resonate and reverberate through the years and decades of your life. I think of that moment in Back to the Future, when George McFly changes his life, and the life of his entire family, by one courageous decision (in his case, standing up to the bully). This is the moment when you can change your own life, and perhaps the lives of your family (and perhaps countless other people), by standing up to your own "bully" of addiction. In support of my perspective, I present to you 8,100 Days, as my Proof of Concept, against the 100-Day challenge that stands before you.
If any old-timers still check in, including Matt Van Wyk, I again say thank you. I still think of our success together as the springboard for broad scale success in my life. The "Bleus kids" are now adults and moved out, still happily-married to the same gorgeous woman (approaching 34 years), still practicing law and enjoying it, still running and cycling, still playing guitar and listening to great music, old and new (latest recommendations are Nathaniel Rateliff and the Night Sweat (go see them live) and Will Evans (latest album, love the song "Breathe") ... so life is good.
Take care all and good luck,
The Bluesman
Good to see you @Bluesman (;u=33211) and thanks for stopping by to drop this nugget of wisdom. AMAZING accomplishment with more than 22 YEARS of freedom. MASSIVE!
Thanks for leading the way and showing others it can be done all these years later!
Hello All -
I am an "old timers" from the days of, a website started by Matt Van Wyk around the turn of the century. Since that website is no longer functioning, I thought I would come here and just provide some perspective for you, wherever you may be on your quit journey.
By way of background, I was an everyday, all-the-time smokeless tobacco user for approximately 20 years, from early high school through 35 years old. I quit using tobacco on November 3, 2001. I was a "heavy user" of the forum at the time, which was little more than a "bulletin board" style chat forum, probably to a fault, but it was critical to my success in the battle with tobacco addiction. Three things brought me back today.
I thought about because I had to use the "Count Days Between Dates" website for another purpose (to figure out a deadline) and, just for the heck of it, ran my old quit date through the calculator. Today is Day 8,200. I have not thought about smokeless tobacco is so long that the number blew me away. I still remember how hard it felt, in the moment, to get to Day 4, and Day 30, and so on ... and I just casually strolled up upon Day 8,200 without any awareness or thought of tobacco whatsoever. I often forget that I even used tobacco at all. This is what I mean by perspective. At the beginning of this battle, you scratch and claw and fight to get from one moment in time, to just another moment in time, with your commitment intact. It feels like a Herculean Task, and our mind is often on the "wrong side," trying to convince us to give in, give up, stop suffering, etc., trying to make you believe you will have to fight this addiction like this for the rest of your life ....
And it's just nonsense. It is the addicted mind, the addiction itself, fighting for its own existence. It is the core lie of addiction. While it is true, in the early stages, hours must become days, days must become weeks, and so on, just think how ridiculous, absurd, and pathetic the lie is. Let's say that I actively suffered with tobacco addiction withdraw (mental and physical) for 100 days ... the reality is that some days sucked (whiny, complaining, feeling sorry for myself), some days were awesome (proud of myself, feeling powerful), and some days were in between, but let's just assume that the first 100 days sucked. THAT WAS MORE THAN 22 FUCKING YEARS AGO. I reclaimed my entire life and truly enjoyed the next 8,100 days, because I was willing to suffer and sacrifice 100 days of my life for these long-term benefits. It is an absurd return on investment. If you gave me the choice to invest in Apple on Day 1 or quit smokeless tobacco on Day 1, I would always choose the latter ... money does not mean anything to dead people.
Second, I attended a high school reunion recently, and I was just floored to find out that many of my high school friends still chew, including some who did not originally chew tobacco in high school. They were shocked to learn that I quit chewing tobacco more than 20 years ago, and I was shocked to discover that they were mid-50 year old men, still sticking a wad of chemically-treated, cancer-causing weed in their mouth and spitting into empty beer bottle. In my head, I was like "you're still chewing tobacco, what in the actual fuck???" ... but then it occurred to me again. My perspective. I cannot even imagine what my life would look like, what I would think and feel about myself, what kind of health concerns I would have, if I had not made the decision on November 3, 2001 to just suffer through the quit withdrawal for a few months of time.
Which leads me to my third and perhaps most important point and piece of perspective. If I had caved, if I had kept chewing in 2001, if I had found some excuse or rationalization to buy another tin, my life would have been completely different. I changed the trajectory of my life. My success in the battle with tobacco addiction is what (in my head) I call and refer to as a "Proof of Concept" ... I proved to myself that, with a genuine personal commitment, with resilience and perseverance and patience, and with the support from family, friends, and colleagues, I can do fucking anything. Anything. I possess the power of Self-Determination, meaning I decide who I am, what I am, what I do, what success (and failure) I realized and achieve, and every other facet of my life, through volitional choice. Since quitting tobacco, I have achieved virtually every life goal that I set for myself ... and I continue to do so, knowing that achievement is on the other side of a genuine personal commitment, a little resilience and perseverance and patience, and the love and support of my family, friends, and colleagues.
So if you are reading this, and you are considering whether you are ready to quit, or really need to quit, or whether you can put it off until next week, next month, next year, fill-in-the-blank-quit-deadline, here is the stone cold truth ... you are not merely wasting time, you are not only jeopardizing your long-term health and well-being (and that of your family and people you love), but you are denying yourself of the opportunity to achieve your First Great Accomplishment, your own Proof of Concept. This is the testing ground for the kind of person you are now, and what kind of person you will become. Your decision and success will resonate and reverberate through the years and decades of your life. I think of that moment in Back to the Future, when George McFly changes his life, and the life of his entire family, by one courageous decision (in his case, standing up to the bully). This is the moment when you can change your own life, and perhaps the lives of your family (and perhaps countless other people), by standing up to your own "bully" of addiction. In support of my perspective, I present to you 8,100 Days, as my Proof of Concept, against the 100-Day challenge that stands before you.
If any old-timers still check in, including Matt Van Wyk, I again say thank you. I still think of our success together as the springboard for broad scale success in my life. The "Bleus kids" are now adults and moved out, still happily-married to the same gorgeous woman (approaching 34 years), still practicing law and enjoying it, still running and cycling, still playing guitar and listening to great music, old and new (latest recommendations are Nathaniel Rateliff and the Night Sweat (go see them live) and Will Evans (latest album, love the song "Breathe") ... so life is good.
Take care all and good luck,
The Bluesman
Thanks Chewie -
And thanks for "keeping the lights on" here. I know that it takes your time, effort, and money to keep doing this, and it is an awesome, selfless undertaking.
I just donated to and encourage/challenge other quit alumni to do likewise.
@Bluesman (;u=33211) - You're too kind sir... thank you.
Would you be OK if I shared your post below on the main site as a 'words of wisdom' from a long time quitter?
No pressure either way, but it's super inspiring IMO to see it can be done!
Thanks Chewie -
And thanks for "keeping the lights on" here. I know that it takes your time, effort, and money to keep doing this, and it is an awesome, selfless undertaking.
I just donated to and encourage/challenge other quit alumni to do likewise.
Weight Gain When Quitting Dip – The Kill The Can Podcast Episode 37
Cold Turkey, NRT or Fake Dip? – The Kill The Can Podcast Episode 38
You and I Will Never Be Fully Free
Canker Sores – Kill The Can Podcast Episode 39
Would I Ever Dip Again? – Kill The Can Podcast Episode 40
New Study: Vaping Raises Heart Failure Risk 19%
Little Reminders – Kill The Can Podcast Episode 41
Jeromy From Dip Free Dad – Kill The Can Podcast Episode 42
Harry – Good Morning From Nassau!
Got the Big D From Smokeless Tobacco
KTC Member #1 Aquaman – Kill The Can Podcast Episode 43 @Aquaman43 (;u=2330)
Bird’s Top Ten @cbird65 (;u=105)
The Importance of Quitter Meets – Kill The Can Podcast Episode 44
Don’t Isolate Yourself by @ChickDip (;u=164)
Core Memories – Kill The Can Podcast Episode 45
A super valid question...
What Would You Do With An Extra $500,000?
Answering YouTube Comments and Questions – Kill The Can Podcast – Episode 46
wh271 and Harry – Conducting at Epcot @wh271 (;u=34447) @Harry (;u=17742)
EdT3329 and Chewie – Mission BBQ Louisville @EdT3329 (;u=21085) @chewie (;u=1)
Questions About Quitting Dip – Kill The Can Podcast – Episode 47
Sleep Issues When Quitting Dip via @killthecanorg
Why Roll and WUPP Is So Important
How Long Should I Stay On KTC? When To Leave?
This Quit Is Different – I Can See a Trend
Mr_OrG Celebrates 100 Days
I’m Back Baby! – Kill The Can Podcast – Episode 49 via @killthecanorg
Just wanted to say thank you @chewie (;u=1) for this site and all you do to keep us running.
We know who you are.
We stand by you and believe in this site and discord to stay quit and help others.
Just wanted to say thank you @chewie (;u=1) for this site and all you do to keep us running.
We know who you are.
We stand by you and believe in this site and discord to stay quit and help others.
Thanks Lady - appreciate the kind words.
Thefranks5 (June 2020) with a road trip to Unadilla Motocross to celebrate 1,620 days nicotine free! @Thefranks5 (;u=17642)
JWid and Boelker62 – CrossFit Games in Kalamazoo
Chuck1387 and Harry – Quick Port of Call Meet
Rest in Peace Musicluvah
Hall of Fame in 2024 – You’re Almost Out of Time
An Open Letter To Non-Regular Roll Posters
Anxiety and Stress When You Quit Dipping
Souliman and Scowick – Internet Men Next To the Fountain @Souliman (;u=279) @Scowick65 (;u=787)
Dexter T HOF Speech – Tools To Do The Job Right
EdT3329 and Peloncito – Disney Springs @EdT3329 (;u=21085) @peloncito (;u=7638)
I’m Done – CurtC HOF Speech
How Not To Cave by @Roadblock (;u=8128)
Dip Free Hunting Season 2024 – Share Your Hunt!
Rest in Peace Braves360
I Found My Eureka Moment by @ole7431 (;u=31463)
Hostility Towards Our Addiction and Tobacco
Scowick and Roy Savannah Rails to Trails @Scowick65 (;u=787) @Roy (;u=246)
Hard Eight BBQ Quit For Hydro and CBird @hydro (;u=174) @cbird65 (;u=105)
BluManChew and CDA-rj Celebrating 20 Floors @BluManChew (;u=34) @CDA-rj (;u=14675)
Killing The Can For 18 Years
Site Wide Forum Roll Call
Any Project Require Tools, Including Quitting Dip
Lies Addicts Tell
Ignorance and Naivete by @Coach Steve (;u=3482)
Tell Your Damned Story
Dsmitty addressing cavers who come back and try to avoid telling their cave story….
Dear Potential Quitter by @mylilsecret (;u=7176)
The Pride of Just One Dip via @QuittinTime (;u=1859)
Schmitty’s – Herbal Snuff and Herbal Pouches
Wise Words From Joe Garagiola
I’m here to tell you folks… Hope is not a strategy when quitting dip. Remove the words “hope”, “try” and “if” from your vocabulary. Replace them with “will”, “can” and “when”.
Hope Is Not a Strategy
Would I Dip Again? by @Greg5280 (;u=797)
Quit Caroling With Flash @flash (;u=4)
Quitting Around The Holidays
Twas The Night Before Quitmas
My Favorite Emotion – Relief via @jimmykeeper (;u=5734)
Reaching Out – You Are Not Alone via @aaronep (;u=2119)
Why I Post Every Day @Njohns23 (;u=17)
Are you making a New Year's Resolution to quit dipping or quit nicotine pouches? We're here to help!
A New Year’s Resolution To Quit Dipping