Accountability Forum

Community => Introductions => Topic started by: tarp21 on June 03, 2017, 10:46:00 PM

Title: Day 1 of many day 1's
Post by: tarp21 on June 03, 2017, 10:46:00 PM
Chewed when I was a teenager and took to smoking at 18 and quit smoking last year with chewing! I want to quit all nicotine for good for myself. I'm 44, a paramedic that lives on stale coffee and nicotine to get by the shifts and the crap I see daily. I have 3 boys and I want them to see that I quit, that if they start up they can quit too. I know I'll always be an addict and this is going to be a day by day challenge and I've tried to quit so many times before I can't even count. I have never joined a quit group before so maybe this is just what I need along with my family to kick this once and for all! I'm tired of carrying around spit cups everywhere, tired of my family telling me there's chew pieces on the carpet. Making sure I don't go anywhere without my dip. Sneaking in dips in the front so my patients cant smell me taking a dip. Getting that last bedtime dip in. I'm ready to be done with all this once and for all!
Title: Re: Day 1 of many day 1's
Post by: PhuctUp on June 04, 2017, 10:21:00 PM
Quote from: tarp21
Chewed when I was a teenager and took to smoking at 18 and quit smoking last year with chewing! I want to quit all nicotine for good for myself. I'm 44, a paramedic that lives on stale coffee and nicotine to get by the shifts and the crap I see daily. I have 3 boys and I want them to see that I quit, that if they start up they can quit too. I know I'll always be an addict and this is going to be a day by day challenge and I've tried to quit so many times before I can't even count. I have never joined a quit group before so maybe this is just what I need along with my family to kick this once and for all! I'm tired of carrying around spit cups everywhere, tired of my family telling me there's chew pieces on the carpet. Making sure I don't go anywhere without my dip. Sneaking in dips in the front so my patients cant smell me taking a dip. Getting that last bedtime dip in. I'm ready to be done with all this once and for all!
I read the following passage today on the signature line of an obviously successful quitter known as Bicycleptic (hope I spelled that right and I hope he doesn't mind me stealing it.) I have no idea if it's his words or if he stole them from somebody, too, but I think I enjoyed reading it as much as I think you NEED to read it. This sums up how freaking serious these guys (and me now included) quit around here. Here's the passage:

"I will come down like a ton of bricks on anyone who caves. Any excuse you come up with I will tear it to pieces. Why? Well, because for one I have not caved. Number two every excuse of others that I rip to shreds will be one less excuse that I can ever use in the case that God forbid I ever did cave myself. So,when one caves and I tear them a new asshole I am not only doing it for them but I am also doing it for my own good. If your mother got hit by a train and you had a car wreck on the way to the morgue to identify the body, stepped out of the car after the wreck and there is a brand new can of chew lying in the street, picking it up and taking a dip as the cop is writing you a ticket is not excusable."

The reason I quoted that, aside from the fact that I just liked the NAFAR mindset behind it, was that whole "Here we go again" thing you put as the subject. That quote just gives me a bad feeling because it pretty much sums up my half-assed quit before I caved 9 days ago. "Here we go again" is not just about quitting for the umpteenth time which is, I'm sure, how you meant it. It's also the same quote that goes through your head when you say, "Here we go again, another quit that I'm going to fail at." Or "Here we go again, I'll never be strong enough to actually succeed at this so I might as well just give up." If you quit with that nonchalance, people around here will NOT tolerate it and they will, as the passage said, "tear you a new asshole." These people fucking QUIT. Like they need it to breathe.

That's just what I hear when I see "here I go again." I hope like hell I'm wrong and you fucking ROCK at quitting. Just know that quitting this awful, nasty, deadly addiction is the most important thing you will do every day probably for the rest of your life. Tell yourself that EVERY morning when you post roll with me over in September '17 (which I saw you did already; good job!!)

I quit with you today, and I'll send you my number on PM should you need anything. Welcome!!