Sorry guys yes I'm still tobacco free! My cravings are real bad and I have a terrible headace thank you all for the support I am fighting the cravings the best I can. Also getting so hot lately just sweating so much
My friend, listen I promise you this is all about the suck! We've all been there. It gets better! The olé nic whore can make you think you're gonna die if you don't finger her! Look it sucks horribly for a while but not near as bad as doctor telling you that you have cancer and let's decide which path you want to go down. So suck it up! I'm by golly standing side by side with you supporting you with all I got! Together we can defeat this bitch! Want it! Take it! It's yours! Damn proud to be quit with you today! Pm me if you need me! Just an addict trying to help another addict!
It does suck lol but this all normal systems correct?
Yes my friend you will be fine!
Hey Brett..glad you engaged..
Get in here and learn. There's alot of resources that will help you emotionally.
After 72 hours the nic is gone.
Then it's mind games.
Bunch of lies your desperate brain thinks it needs.
Drink more water and get some exercise.
We retrain our system by giving it the truth about addictions. It Will begin to thank you for it very soon.
Quitting is more than a decision...Its work.... but worth the reward of FREEDOM.
So get in here and learn to quit EDD ODAAT.
I quit with you today.
Also... track your intro page. Bottom right corner.