17 days into the quit now, the longest I have gone without dip since basic training. I started in 2006, with the stupid decision: "I'll try it just to see what it is like." The moment of stupidity had been leaking money from my wallet, time from my family, and possibly years off my life. I went 2 months without chew in basic training, then the day I got out put a dip right back in. I have tried multiple time to quit but didn't have the balls to make it a week. Now 17 days into my quit, I finally feel I can quit this time. I have support from my family, friends, but KILLTHECAN has really made the difference.
KILLTHECAN gives me what I never had before, the knowledge of others going through and have been through what I am experiencing. In church last weekend the pastor spoke about change, to seek out those who aren't where I am now, but are where I want to be. Speaking with those who are deep in the quit not only know what I'm going through, but give me hope that it can be done.
17 days. One day at a time.