Okay Mike. First I want to say you've made a tremendous decision. There is no greater feeling then making the first step towards freedom. Hats off. Second there is no better place or methodology to get this done. I do have a few pointers I would like to mention:
1. Hit that alluring, pink-salmon colored 'Welcome Center' link in the upper left. That will give you an overview of the asylum and how the patients operate around this place.
2. One of those little nuggets of knowledge is posting roll. This is our approach to quitting daily. We get up, we put our word down that we are strong enough to not use nicotine for 24 hours. Are you a man of your word? If so, do this. And do it early to set the table right for the day. Don't fuck with the program. We post roll everyday. Can't get to a computer? Text a quit brother or sister. Don't have numbers? Get some.
3. You are part of November 2012 quit group here:
November 2012. Get to know these them. Good folks in there doing there best to stay free each day. They'll be there for you when shit hits the fan and you need a strong back and stern word to get you through.
You post roll via this:
How to Post Roll.
4. Read all you can. Be proactive about this. Don't expect quit to just roll over in the morning and start servicing your needs. It does not work that way. You have to fight. Prepare yourself for that fight by reading everything you can. Read that shit twice. Intros, HOF Speeches, wisdom, all of it.
5. Get involved. There is an endless supply of steel balled fuckers around here to help you. Anyone of us will rise to the challenge day or night. But that support has got to be warranted. You give it your best and you'll get the best in return. Stay involved.
Welcome aboard. We'll get this done.