Author Topic: Last Dip  (Read 985 times)

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Offline Suck-It

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Re: Last Dip
« Reply #9 on: March 29, 2012, 07:53:00 PM »
Quote from: quittingnow
Hey guys! I found this website six days into my quit and it looks like the perfect place to keep my spirits up while I go through some rough patches. I started chewing when I was 17 and have been on a can or more a day for the last 6 years. I blame starting and keeping the habit going on sports. I played hockey and it seemed unusual if you didn't chew in the locker room with the boys. I played my last game of my college career and decided that it seemed fitting to call it quits. I have made it hard on myself since I chewed during basically everything I did; fishing, hunting, sports, ball games, showers, homework, driving, getting off of work, you name it. I look forward to quitting with all you guys and hopefully learning something about myself in the process. Looking forward to life without dip.  Keep up the hard-work boys, I know you have to be strong willed to keep at it. I look up to all of you that have been on the grind for a long time. Keep on keeping on
Great decision to quit and Go Gophers - Frozen 4 here we come!!!

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Re: Last Dip
« Reply #8 on: March 29, 2012, 03:45:00 PM »
Haha Bean, most of us are not all there. Especially people in my position, goalie. I think you have to have something wrong with you! Thanks for all the support guys!

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Re: Last Dip
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2012, 10:44:00 AM »
Quittingnow...Great Choice, brother!!! And I heard that all hockey players were stupid...HA. Okay, maybe this early isn't the time for jokes? Or maybe I shouldn't taunt a hockey player who is in the funk?

Anyway, you have gotten great advice already...Djr2 hit the nail on the head. Nobody can change the past. And nobody knows what the future may hold. All you can do is control yourself right now.

When you post roll, you're giving your word that no matter what happens today, you will not put any effing nicotine in you body. Then, fight like hell to keep your word. I dipped for over 20 years..."quit" many times over the years...and always failed. The only thing I've done different this time is post roll and keep my word. You take the first step, and everybody on this site is here to help with the rest.

Everybody on this site is, or has been, where you are right now...on the brink of freedom. Post roll, read all you can on this site, and keep your word. That is how it is day at a time.

Offline nv0311

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Re: Last Dip
« Reply #6 on: March 28, 2012, 09:51:00 AM »
welcome to the rest of your life...congrats on your decision to live healthy and kick the poison of tobacco to the curb. Get your self some phone numbers, you will need them. never ever make a decision without talking to your brothers and sisters on this site. what I mean is, if you go to a party or something, call your numbers, they will back your ass up and keep you quit. just send whomever you would like as a contact a email. engage this program with a huge embrace and it will do the same for you. Congrats man.
Is that you John Wayne? Is this me?
Quit Date 1/1/2012, HOF date 4/9/2012.

Offline djr2

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Re: Last Dip
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2012, 08:15:00 PM »
Quote from: quittingnow
Hey guys! I found this website six days into my quit and it looks like the perfect place to keep my spirits up while I go through some rough patches. I started chewing when I was 17 and have been on a can or more a day for the last 6 years. I blame starting and keeping the habit going on sports. I played hockey and it seemed unusual if you didn't chew in the locker room with the boys. I played my last game of my college career and decided that it seemed fitting to call it quits. I have made it hard on myself since I chewed during basically everything I did; fishing, hunting, sports, ball games, showers, homework, driving, getting off of work, you name it. I look forward to quitting with all you guys and hopefully learning something about myself in the process. Looking forward to life without dip. Keep up the hard-work boys, I know you have to be strong willed to keep at it. I look up to all of you that have been on the grind for a long time. Keep on keeping on
Welcome to the site.. I know exactgly where you're coming from with dipping in sports, studying, bus trips/driving and all the rest of the student athlete activities.. I'm in my senior year, playing baseball.. I quit 61 days ago and havent looked back.. The best decision I have ever made..
Its simple, Post roll, keep your promise, and repeat.. Here we preach on quitting one day at a time.. Dont worry about tomorrows quit, we'll help you through tomorrow when it comes.. Focus on one day at a time.. Sounds stupid, but it ensures you focus on your quit right now instead of 6 months away when it may seem impossible to make it that far.. You WILL make it that far and beyond if you post every day, stay accountable, and build a friendship with your quit brothers on here..

If you need a number to text/call when you're struggling, holler at me bro..

'Champions are made when there are no bodies looking'
Quit Date: 1-26-2012
HOF Date: 5-4-2012
HOF Speech -Once an addict, always an addict..

Offline Tsmith17

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Re: Last Dip
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2012, 04:05:00 AM »
Quote from: quittingnow
Yea I noticed I did that wrong. Thanks for fixing that. It was my first roll post so I appreciate you pointing that out. Thanks for the support
It's all good brother. You will get used to it. So many people screw up their first roll post way worse than you did. Stay quit man.

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Re: Last Dip
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2012, 03:55:00 AM »
Yea I noticed I did that wrong. Thanks for fixing that. It was my first roll post so I appreciate you pointing that out. Thanks for the support

Offline Tsmith17

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Re: Last Dip
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2012, 03:44:00 AM »
Quote from: quittingnow
Hey guys! I found this website six days into my quit and it looks like the perfect place to keep my spirits up while I go through some rough patches. I started chewing when I was 17 and have been on a can or more a day for the last 6 years.  I blame starting and keeping the habit going on sports.  I played hockey and it seemed unusual if you didn't chew in the locker room with the boys. I played my last game of my college career and decided that it seemed fitting to call it quits.  I have made it hard on myself since I chewed during basically everything I did; fishing, hunting, sports, ball games, showers, homework, driving, getting off of work, you name it.  I look forward to quitting with all you guys and hopefully learning something about myself in the process.  Looking forward to life without dip.  Keep up the hard-work boys, I know you have to be strong willed to keep at it.  I look up to all of you that have been on the grind for a long time.  Keep on keeping on
Nice first roll post brother. Looks like you found your group alright. There was only one thing wrong with your roll post. You put your name under support and not quitters. I fixed it for you.

All those activities you listed are things that I used to do with a dip in. I used to think that I needed it to fully enjoy myself or get through things that were difficult. How messed up is that?! I am here to tell you that you absolutely don't need that shit to live you life. Actually, all those activities I used to do with nicotine coursing through my veins are more enjoyable now that I am nic-free. I can focus on the difficult tasks I need to do now. It is like nicotine was blinding me from truly seeing how good my life was.

Nice job on one week quit brother! That was a major milestone for me early on in my quit. Get to know your June 2012 quit brothers. That will be going with you on this journey. Do more than just post roll everyday. Get phone numbers and use them if have a difficult moment. That is why we are all here. We couldn't do this on our own and we need help. Be sure to use the tools that are provided here.

Above all else stay quit. Using nicotine is something we used to do. You need to shut the door completely on nicotine. Never again for any reason! Be sure to post your roll EVERYDAY, honor your word, and then do it all again the next day. We quit one day at a time around here. That is why you will see so many people saying that they quit for today. We don't think about forever, we just need to make it through today. Lots and lots of "todays" will help us to stay quit forever. That is how it is done.

Get yourself some sunflower seeds, sugar-free gum, smokey mountain fake chew, candies or anything that will help you stay quit. Again, Post roll EVERYDAY! I posted my Day 1 230 days ago and I have not missed a day's roll in my November 2011 quit group and I don't intend to ever miss a single day. Adopt that attitude. Never miss a day. You can do this man, but you have to want it more than anything.
Stay quit brother.

Offline quittingnow

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Last Dip
« on: March 27, 2012, 02:34:00 AM »
Hey guys! I found this website six days into my quit and it looks like the perfect place to keep my spirits up while I go through some rough patches. I started chewing when I was 17 and have been on a can or more a day for the last 6 years. I blame starting and keeping the habit going on sports. I played hockey and it seemed unusual if you didn't chew in the locker room with the boys. I played my last game of my college career and decided that it seemed fitting to call it quits. I have made it hard on myself since I chewed during basically everything I did; fishing, hunting, sports, ball games, showers, homework, driving, getting off of work, you name it. I look forward to quitting with all you guys and hopefully learning something about myself in the process. Looking forward to life without dip. Keep up the hard-work boys, I know you have to be strong willed to keep at it. I look up to all of you that have been on the grind for a long time. Keep on keeping on