Author Topic: My Desire to Quit  (Read 1389 times)

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Re: My Desire to Quit
« Reply #11 on: July 01, 2015, 10:09:00 PM »
Quote from: jmat93
I lied to her for a whole year straight and would dip anytime I could get away from her.

Lying is a form of cancer too. It destroys relationships, it destroys your integrity.

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Re: My Desire to Quit
« Reply #10 on: July 01, 2015, 02:35:00 PM »
It just happened to hit me real hard one day. I had wanted to quit, but I kept going back to the same old idea that I am young and I won't get cancer. Then I started getting paranoid checking my mouth every few hours for white sores. Any time I felt a pain I would get very cautious. I was the true epitome of a hypochondriac.

My fiance had caught me a couple times before. I knew that I had to quit, but I couldn't. I lied to her for a whole year straight and would dip anytime I could get away from her. I would go to work early, and come home late to get overtime when I was really catering to my addiction. I finally came clean to her about the lies and about my routine a couple of days ago. My mother was an alcoholic and my grandparents both died from lung cancer . You could say addiction runs in the family, but it is going to stop with me.

I know the next few weeks are going to be some of the hardest days to endure. It's hard to focus on my job already. I can't take this shit anymore though. The paranoia, the money I spend, faltering relationships, and the possibility of death are just not worth it. I need to stop myself before I lose it. I thought I was invincible, but I know I am not. I need to fix this shit and I won't stop until it's done.

I know I have said it already, but thanks for all the encouragement. I will nip this in the butt. I figure it might be better to get advice from you all who have more experience, because you've been through it. I'm quit for good for the rest of my life.

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Re: My Desire to Quit
« Reply #9 on: July 01, 2015, 11:03:00 AM »
Quote from: Dagranger
I have been saying this to young guys like you for years to no avail. Very few young guys make it here at Kill the Can. To some extent they find it weird or corny to be exchanging their feelings and thoughts with older guys so they don't fully utilize all this site has to offer. Or, to some extent younger guys don't lead a life with routines like older guys so they find it hard to get in a routine of posting roll. But mainly they listen to their addict self tell them to have a dip now, and then get back to quitting. Older guys have learned from experience how that is straight bullshit, while younger guys think they can delay their quit today and quit sometime in the near future. So Jayson, my advice to you is jump in with both feet here. Read as much as you can, accept that you are an addict, and as an addict you can not have even a "little" nicotine from here on out, and above all post roll everyday without fail. Good luck.

i agree completely with Dagranger. If you look under my profile pic you'll see that joined the site almost a year ago! if i would have just dove in headfirst and accepted the guidance this website offers i'd almost be a year clean! Just explore the site and do what it says. Don't fight it! You'd be in the october quit group. Go and post roll this morning if you haven't already. We'll do this together! check your PM and i'll give you my digits if you have anymore questions or not quite sure you want to commit. You've already made it this far don't turn back!
Matthew 6:24 ?No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money (OR TOBACCO)"

Done Date: 6-25-15

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Re: My Desire to Quit
« Reply #8 on: June 30, 2015, 10:15:00 PM »
I have been saying this to young guys like you for years to no avail. Very few young guys make it here at Kill the Can. To some extent they find it weird or corny to be exchanging their feelings and thoughts with older guys so they don't fully utilize all this site has to offer. Or, to some extent younger guys don't lead a life with routines like older guys so they find it hard to get in a routine of posting roll. But mainly they listen to their addict self tell them to have a dip now, and then get back to quitting. Older guys have learned from experience how that is straight bullshit, while younger guys think they can delay their quit today and quit sometime in the near future. So Jayson, my advice to you is jump in with both feet here. Read as much as you can, accept that you are an addict, and as an addict you can not have even a "little" nicotine from here on out, and above all post roll everyday without fail. Good luck.

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Re: My Desire to Quit
« Reply #7 on: June 30, 2015, 07:07:00 PM »

I've been in the same boat as you for..11 years now. Started when i was 20, kept it a secret from almost everyone I'am close to with the exception of my close friends (3-4 people) that dip. I dated a girl for 5 years, and in a relationship now going on 5 years, and have kept it a secret. Doing that takes a lot of effort. I cant think of any good reason i kept it up other than it became a habit/addiction. I'd make numerous trips to the bathroom with my phone and just chill in there for like 30mins. Im pretty sure my family/Gf think that I'm either rubbing one out in there, or have some kind of bowel syndrome. Wait until you have to explain yourself when she finds a spitter. I'm amazed that i was only caught once, and more amazed that i was able to pass it off with some kind of stupid excuse. There were days when I enjoyed dipping. But if i had to do it over, i would have never started to begin with.

Im on day 2 now; my advice to you would be to quit while you're motivated to. Don't put it off or take it too lightly because it could easily turn into another few years of a nasty habit that just drains your wallet and saps the life from you. Not to mention the stress and effort of having to keep it a secret. Join the club, theres a group of people here that just within the last few days to quit.
"If you're going through hell, Keep going." Winston Churchill

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Re: My Desire to Quit
« Reply #6 on: June 30, 2015, 06:54:00 PM »
I have only been around this site since this morning. I can honestly say that I do feel accountable and motivated to quit. Thank you guys for all the support! Nothing will get in my path!

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Re: My Desire to Quit
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2015, 05:53:00 PM »
Quote from: worktowin
This is a great intro. Freedom is amazing. You won't believe how good it feels to not have to waste energy, time, money, and most of all integrity. It tastes a lot of work to hide this addiction. It feels good to win.

One day at a time dude. There will be bumps on the road but you can do anything for a day. You are in the right place. You can do this.

Jmat you are correct, you have your whole life ahead of you. Let's get this quit going! Be the man you wanna be. Stop the poison so you can enjoy a wonderful life full of kids and beautiful woman! Remember this shit ain't easy so make sure you man up and get it done! I quit with you today!
Tobacco is so addictive it took me a year after a massive heart attack, in which doctor confirmed caused from dipping to finally put a lid on the bitch! ODAAT EDD

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Re: My Desire to Quit
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2015, 05:27:00 PM »
This is a great intro. Freedom is amazing. You won't believe how good it feels to not have to waste energy, time, money, and most of all integrity. It tastes a lot of work to hide this addiction. It feels good to win.

One day at a time dude. There will be bumps on the road but you can do anything for a day. You are in the right place. You can do this.


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Re: My Desire to Quit
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2015, 12:48:00 PM »
Congrats on a great choice, Jayson. Learn how and why we post roll. Then do it...everyday. You got this, brother!

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Re: My Desire to Quit
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2015, 12:27:00 PM »
Quote from: jmat93
My name is Jayson. I recently started chewing tobacco about two years ago. I started off small and would dip maybe six times from a single can. 2 year later I am at the point where I am only able to dip twice out of one can and have used one can per day. I have always rationalized my decision by saying my chances of getting cancer are very low, but I want to quit. I need to quit. I have been keeping this habit of mine a secret, and I have lied to the people I love about it. Recently, I have become engaged to a beautiful woman, and I know that my whole life is ahead of me. I am 21 years old and I do not want to die because of my addiction. I am glad that I am able to be surrounded by individuals with similar problems as me. I know that I am not alone and I am ready to quit. Today will be my first day without chewing tobacco.
You've come to the right place Jayson. Read everything you can here and post every single day. You'll be amazed how much support you'll find here if you put in the effort. You'll be in the October quit group. PM me whenever you want if you have questions or need to chat.
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My Desire to Quit
« on: June 30, 2015, 11:51:00 AM »
My name is Jayson. I recently started chewing tobacco about two years ago. I started off small and would dip maybe six times from a single can. 2 year later I am at the point where I am only able to dip twice out of one can and have used one can per day. I have always rationalized my decision by saying my chances of getting cancer are very low, but I want to quit. I need to quit. I have been keeping this habit of mine a secret, and I have lied to the people I love about it. Recently, I have become engaged to a beautiful woman, and I know that my whole life is ahead of me. I am 21 years old and I do not want to die because of my addiction. I am glad that I am able to be surrounded by individuals with similar problems as me. I know that I am not alone and I am ready to quit. Today will be my first day without chewing tobacco.