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Offline davwilli

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Re: The last time
« Reply #12 on: May 08, 2013, 01:35:00 PM »
Just a update,

Today I set her still an addict, but I am a free addict. I have 633 days under my belt and feel good about my quit and life. I don't have the daily battles of fighting off craves anymore. Don't get me wrong, she still whispers occasionally but is easily ignored. Most of the time the whisper says, why don't you get a can of "fake" chew. My response is I don't even need that crutch anymore. I still post my daily roll call, though I do suck at posting on weekends.
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Offline davwilli

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Re: The last time
« Reply #11 on: October 10, 2011, 09:53:00 AM »
Day 57,

Starting to have multiple hours where I dont think about dipping or the job of quitting dipping. This is nice. I actuallly went all day sunday without craving much and forget to post roll until late in the night. I cant let myself get lazy on the roll call. Thanks to 8up for calling me out on that...
Quit Date -Aug 15, 2011
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Offline davwilli

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Re: The last time
« Reply #10 on: September 29, 2011, 03:24:00 PM »
Day 46,

I am still and always will be an addict. Though this time I have a addition for this site. I spend way to much time on here when I should be working. I feel that it helps my quit to help the new guys learn the site.

At this point in my quit I am feeling a lot better. I have had several weekends dip free at this point. That means no more taking long showers, or looking for excuses to get out of the house to go dip.

I even have a 3 day car trip under my belt which used to suck because could not dip. Talking about angry, irritable, and in the fog. I would not dip on family trips or vacations. This is just more time I stole from the family. Yes I was there, but my mind was not. It was in the fog, and thinking about how to get a dip...

It is taking time but I'm realizing I can live with out dipping. Dipping has not brought one positive thing to my life...

Good bye you lying stinking life stealing nicotine bitch.
Quit Date -Aug 15, 2011
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Offline LLCope

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Re: The last time
« Reply #9 on: September 05, 2011, 07:13:00 AM »
Quote from: davwilli
Quote from: Souliman
And another swing and a miss.
I am still here, and I am still posting roll daily. Even during the weekends which is something I did not do in the past. This is my last quit, or shall I say this is my first and only quit. Not just a hiatus in dipping. In the past I would make it a couple weeks and get lazy on posting and feel like I dont need the site. What am I doing different this time.

I am posting roll daily, I am participating in chat, I am helping the ones I feel a connection with, and I have exchanged numbers and even contacted some of those to check in when they where having problems.

Great! I see that you posted Day 22 in the November group. You got this---stay invovled--Stay QUIT.

If you need anything PM me
"A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can do without" HD Thoreau

Offline davwilli

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Re: The last time
« Reply #8 on: September 05, 2011, 12:14:00 AM »
Quote from: Souliman
And another swing and a miss.
I am still here, and I am still posting roll daily. Even during the weekends which is something I did not do in the past. This is my last quit, or shall I say this is my first and only quit. Not just a hiatus in dipping. In the past I would make it a couple weeks and get lazy on posting and feel like I dont need the site. What am I doing different this time.

I am posting roll daily, I am participating in chat, I am helping the ones I feel a connection with, and I have exchanged numbers and even contacted some of those to check in when they where having problems.
Quit Date -Aug 15, 2011
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Offline Souliman

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Re: The last time
« Reply #7 on: September 03, 2011, 06:23:00 AM »
And another swing and a miss.

Offline LLCope

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Re: The last time
« Reply #6 on: September 03, 2011, 06:15:00 AM »
Quote from: Gump
Quote from: magnum9
Quote from: LLCope

I am 128 days Quit.  Please give me and those who are even newer to this site advice on how to avoid your fate.


Well lets see LLCope.

I might even be able to help you there.

Did he post roll the day he caved? Sounds like a negative to me.

Did he stick around the site after HoF? That is a negative.

Looks like a candidate for the Scowick's special snowflake award. I am sure he didn't need the site after HoF because he was cured. 'bang head'

A member for 3 years with 198 posts tells you a lot about their quit.

Stick around, post roll, it might just keep you alive.
Great point, Magnum. 3 years and 198 posts total. What else can you say, this guy doesn't actually want to quit.
Damn--198 posts!

Ok, dav

We are waiting for your reply of why you should suck the goodness out of this site again and not give anything back?!!!! This site is not here to serve you---it is a two-way street!

Will you post more than once per week?

Will you help other quitters out?

Will you build a strong foundation for your quit by giving a damn?

Will you exchange numbers?

Will you have plans in place to avoid caves?

There are givers and there are takers---why don't you start being a giver (198 posts--hell Souliman averages that in a week---of course Souliman will never CAVE).

Pm me if you need are my Brother if you want to quit again!
"A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can do without" HD Thoreau

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Re: The last time
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2011, 10:08:00 PM »
Quote from: magnum9
Quote from: LLCope

I am 128 days Quit.  Please give me and those who are even newer to this site advice on how to avoid your fate.


Well lets see LLCope.

I might even be able to help you there.

Did he post roll the day he caved? Sounds like a negative to me.

Did he stick around the site after HoF? That is a negative.

Looks like a candidate for the Scowick's special snowflake award. I am sure he didn't need the site after HoF because he was cured. 'bang head'

A member for 3 years with 198 posts tells you a lot about their quit.

Stick around, post roll, it might just keep you alive.
Great point, Magnum. 3 years and 198 posts total. What else can you say, this guy doesn't actually want to quit.
"Stupid is as stupid does"

Quit nicotine 9/1/09

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Re: The last time
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2011, 05:51:00 PM »
Quote from: LLCope

I am 128 days Quit.  Please give me and those who are even newer to this site advice on how to avoid your fate.


Well lets see LLCope.

I might even be able to help you there.

Did he post roll the day he caved? Sounds like a negative to me.

Did he stick around the site after HoF? That is a negative.

Looks like a candidate for the Scowick's special snowflake award. I am sure he didn't need the site after HoF because he was cured. 'bang head'

A member for 3 years with 198 posts tells you a lot about their quit.

Stick around, post roll, it might just keep you alive.

Offline LLCope

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Re: The last time
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2011, 04:25:00 PM »

I am 128 days Quit. Please give me and those who are even newer to this site advice on how to avoid your fate.


"A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can do without" HD Thoreau

Offline Souliman

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Re: The last time
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2011, 04:00:00 PM »

First, you never quit before. Your prior periods of abstinence were just that.

Second, do you want to live? Seriously friend. You have a battle in front of you. How many times do you think a human being escapes cancer? As much as family and friends are motivators, if you can't look at yourself in the mirror and say "I want to live for me", you don't have your mind right.

Third, the HOF speech means as much as a can full of spit - I don't want to see it, I don't want to smell it, throw it away. You didn't quit. You caved. You tapped out. Your spine turned to a pair of pink, ruffled wet panties.

What will you do differently this time? Please tell me how you will use the tools of this site to fight, plan and protect your quit this time. I will fight with you. I'm not being an asshole here. I want you to be successful. I want you to see the path. I will support you day and night but I got to know you are going to give it your best to succeed.


Offline davwilli

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The last time
« on: September 02, 2011, 02:16:00 PM »
I have quit about 3 major times, once for almost two years and then again for about 3 months. This is my last quit. I can not fail this time. Below I am posting my HoF speech for a couple reasons. First this is my old speech from first time on the site to prove you can never have just one. I am not trying to post a speech before it is time. I have not earned that right...YET. Second I am posting this as a way to find it easier for me so it can be a reminder that failure is not a option...

HOF speech, before my cave.

My love affair with smokeless tobacco begins at the age of 17, which just happens to be 13 years ago. I went on a camping trip with some high school friends and one of the guys just happened to have a can of Skoal with him. Everyone took a dip that night, but for me that was my first time. Looking back I wished I would have gotten sick and puked my guts out for three days so my dipping career would have lasted only one day. Unfortunately I did not get sick and instantly fell in love with tobacco. I started off dipping occasionally on the weekends during the rest of my senior year. The summer before I went to college I started dipping on a daily basis. My step dad who was a Levi Garret chewer tried to warn me about the addiction I was getting into. Hell I was 18 and knew everything so I did not listen. When I started college I joined a fraternity which was made up by a group of guys who came from farming and ranching backgrounds. So you guessed it. Dipping was nearly a prerequisite for fitting into the crowd. I dipped for nearly 3 years until my wife, who I hid dipping from, caught me. I promised her I would quit and I did for nearly two years. I gave up my first quit when a business trip took me out of town for a week. I bought a can a dipped for a week. When returning home I threw the can away and went another 3 months tobacco free. A second business trip took me out of town again. I bought another can a dipped while on this trip also. But the difference is this time I hid the can when I got home. I slipped around dipping at work, on weekends, and every chance I could for the next 6 years living as a closet dipper. I finally decided enough is enough. I was tired of the lying, stealing, and hiding my addiction. But instead of coming out of the closet and dip openly I decided to quit. I quit with the help of this website and all of the great members of the July Fucktards. The July group made it possible by giving me the support that my family could not. My wife has never even smoked a cigarette so had no idea the effects of withdrawals. My wife did not know I quit because she did not know I started back dipping. I finally confessed my addiction to her when I discovered my mouth was not healing up normally. Three doctor visits later and a trip to an Ear Nose Throat Specialist I discovered I had a patch of Luekoplakia. I am thrilled to report that as I enter the Hall of Fame that my mouth has finally healed, but it has taken nearly three months. The ENT told me another year or two of dipping and it would have been too late to reverse the effects of dipping. I feel like I owe my life to this website and to Matt.

Thanks for all you have done.

Today I am now on day 19 clean. It feels great to be back on the road to a dip free life.
Quit Date -Aug 15, 2011
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