Author Topic: My first day again.  (Read 1324 times)

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Offline Flannywho

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Re: My first day again.
« Reply #14 on: August 19, 2014, 03:59:00 PM »
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: Dphelps
Thanks everyone for the support.

So far it hasnt been to bad, so that is good. Seems quite a feel people started dipping in the Corps.
Bump, no activity since 3.48PM yesterday, whatcha gonna do Novemeber?
I am new to all of this being it has only been 16 days, but due to him being in the corps, could he be out where he just hasn't had a chance to be around a computer or phone to post today? I am not sure, just a thought. I hope that is the case for his sake! Thumblewort, thanks for looking out for all of us here in November. Your support is awesome.

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Re: My first day again.
« Reply #13 on: August 19, 2014, 03:36:00 PM »
Quote from: Dphelps
Thanks everyone for the support.

So far it hasnt been to bad, so that is good. Seems quite a feel people started dipping in the Corps.
Bump, no activity since 3.48PM yesterday, whatcha gonna do Novemeber?
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

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Re: My first day again.
« Reply #12 on: August 18, 2014, 05:41:00 PM »
Thanks everyone for the support.

So far it hasnt been to bad, so that is good. Seems quite a feel people started dipping in the Corps.

Offline Thumblewort

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Re: My first day again.
« Reply #11 on: August 18, 2014, 08:41:00 AM »
Thank you for your service, and I'm proud to quit with you.
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

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Re: My first day again.
« Reply #10 on: August 18, 2014, 08:36:00 AM »
Great advice given to you so far. As a Marine, you are obviously a bad ass already (thank you for your service) so there is no reason you cannot beat a poison weed today.

Read everything on KTC. All the knowledge you need is here. Learn the plan. Live the plan. The plan works. Own your quit and work it, and you will be quit.

PM me if you need anything.

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Re: My first day again.
« Reply #9 on: August 18, 2014, 08:02:00 AM »
Welcome, Devil Dog! That nic bitch came knockin' at my door 20 years ago when I was in the Corps, but last week I kicked her ass to the curb for good!!! ...and you can too!!

You'll be getting a PM from me with my digits. Don't hesitate to reach out if you need help.

Be sure to check out the Words of Wisdom section! Reading many of those stories was a tremendous help to me. It's not easy, and not fun, but if you really want to stay quit... it sure will help!

Welcome, my fellow November Brother!

"Trying to quit and not using all that KTC has to offer is like jerking off with boxing gloves on. It MIGHT work but why make things more difficult than they have to be." - Greenspidy

"Dipping may be something distant in my rear view, addiction is not." - Boelker62

"If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." - Romans 10:9

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Re: My first day again.
« Reply #8 on: August 17, 2014, 09:29:00 PM »
Oooooorah Devil Dog!! You my brother seem like a bad ass motivated NICOTENE killer!! I quit with u today bud. Post roll, read the welcome center, WOW, intros etc.. I get pumped and only wish i for one second had enough military balls to quit at 22 years young. Id be 10 grand richer. Check your pm Iam QAF with u devil, rah!!

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Re: My first day again.
« Reply #7 on: August 17, 2014, 09:15:00 PM »
As a fellow quitter that dipped for over 30 years I have something to share with you. Initially you have a pure physical battle to endure but as time goes by you will learn more about the addiction side. The addiction has a grip on your mind. It's really like the situation where someone that is taken captive begins to identify with the captor. Instead of hating the captor, the captive defends and even provides support back to the captor. That's freakn sick and messed up isn't it ?!?! Well any time your mind starts to talk to you with reasoning and begging for your return you remember the captor senario. When you are around others at work etc and they start trying to get you to take a dip just remember and see them for what they are, Captives. What kind of man are you???? If you are taken captive will you just comply with the instructions of your enemy or will you seek escape at any means. I've never been a member of the armed services but ill tell you one freakn thing: Nicotine is the last captor that ever laid a hand on me. I am now free and as long as their is breath in my body I will never allow any enemy to ever capture me again. I'm a free man and Ill die a free man.

Welcome to KTC. Read all that you can on KTC. Read folks intros. Read about folks failures. Read HOF speeches. Read. Learn. Let this website by your TV be your spare time. Learn. Get skills and tools. Post roll early EVERY morning. Be a 100% roll poster. Get phone numbers of KTC vets and your fellow Nov quitters. Text folks daily. Build relationships here. Just like inthe Marines, your not in the battle alone. You can chose to battle on your own but here we quit together. These are the methods to defeat the enemy and take back your freedom. When I started I never thought I'd feel this good. I thought that daily struggle would last forever. It doesn't. And freedom my Brotha is so awesome. Share some sweat, blood, and tears here at KTC and you will certainly receive the freedom you seek. PM me. Ill quit with you.

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Re: My first day again.
« Reply #6 on: August 17, 2014, 08:37:00 AM »
Make sure you post roll every day...

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Re: My first day again.
« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2014, 08:36:00 AM »
Welcome to KTC - this program works and I congratulate you on your
Decision to CHOOSE to quit --/ it is all about what you choose to do each day. We are both in the Novemeber group and I wish you the best.

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Re: My first day again.
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2014, 06:57:00 AM »
Quote from: Dphelps
Hey everyone hows it going.

I have smoked or dipped since the age of 16. I am now 22, in the Marine Corps. I have a wife and a son, and have been trying to quit off and on for the past 2 years. I have always been told that quitting dipping is easier than quitting smoking. I have quit smoking again now for about 3 weeks. I first started dipping when I quit smoking around 3 years ago. I used dipping as a crutch to quit smoking. I would work for a while, but I would always end up going back to smoking and dipping. I was able to keep dipping "under control" if you know what I mean. This has been going on for the past 3 years. In the end it just made my habits for both stronger.

I am now fed up with this and am quiting. I am done. I havenet smoked for 3 weeks and thats going to stay that way. I also just threw away my last can of dip. It's going to be hard very hard. As some of you know the USMC is one of the few places in which tobacco use is still accepted... if not encouraged. I am determined, but as my past quitting attempts have shown me; I will need help.

Thats why I am here.

Nice to meet all of you and lets get going.
Welcome on board from another recent quitter. I wish I had come to my senses back at 22. You've made a good decision by coming here. Stick with it. I can tell you from my own experience that it is tough to quit when surrounded by your fellow troops packin their lips with the shit. They might even try to guilt you into taking a dip with them, even knowing your trying to quit. That's the NicBitch fucking with them, trying to keep them from quitting.

You can do it man. First few days suck. I know, I'm in the middle of them myself. A friggin Jarhead should be able to kick this thing's ass if a crusty old Army rat is. I expect to see you in the HOF with me in November.


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Re: My first day again.
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2014, 06:41:00 AM »
Welcome aboard. Your story is a familiar one, and it speaks volumes about how truly insidious this addiction really is. As both a former smoker and a former dipper, I can say with absolute certainty that the notion of quitting dip being easier than cigarettes is complete and utter horseshit. I believe the average can of dip contains the same amount of nicotine as 3 packs of cigarettes. I'm not sure what your daily dip consumption was like, but I think you can do the math.

You need to prepare yourself for a tough and protracted war against nicotine. As menace said, the first week will be the worst, so you need to prepare yourself mentally and physically to deal with it. First thing you need to do is to go over to the November quit group and post roll. That is your solemn promise to yourself and all of us that you will not, under any circumstances, use nicotine today. You repeat that promise every day. If you're a man of your word, you will be amazed at how effective and simple this approach is. Just bear in mind, that it only works if you are a man of your word and understand that you cannot quit alone. Start reaching out to your felllow November quitters. Get their digits and use them. Believe me, no matter how tough you think you might be, you're going to need them at some point - and at some point they will need you. That's how it works.

Welcome to day 1.

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Re: My first day again.
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2014, 01:13:00 AM »

You have come to the right place sir. At 22 you are making a wise choice and I commend you for that. I wish I would have been that smart at 22 years of age. With that said, you are an addict to Nicotine just like the rest of us here at KTC and as such it doesn't matter how you ingest it, smoke, dip, gum, patches need to get free of the bitch.

We have a simple plan here at KTC that never fails if you follow it. Post roll every damn day making the promise to not use nicotine in any form for 24 hours. Keep you word to us and yourself and then do it again the next day. If you do this, you will never use again because unless your word is shit then you cannot fail. You will be in the November group, so if you quit, post your day 1 and get started.

The first 3-5 days will SUCK and that is what we actually call that period of time. "The SUCK" and you will be in a fog as your body jettisons the poison from your body and the nicotine whore tries to keep you in her bed. Just remember, you do not need her and that period of time you are cleansing your body, she will fight hard to keep you a slave to her ways. Don't let her and remember how much she sucks so you don't go through it again. Stay close to KTC and read everything you can on here, it helps for the first few weeks especially. Also get to know the folks in your quit group, exchange some digits and such, it helps to have accountability.

Welcome aboard Marine and thanks for your service, now lets get to quitting.....Quit with you today.

I'm a Quitter, Are You?

Offline Dphelps

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My first day again.
« on: August 17, 2014, 01:01:00 AM »
Hey everyone hows it going.

I have smoked or dipped since the age of 16. I am now 22, in the Marine Corps. I have a wife and a son, and have been trying to quit off and on for the past 2 years. I have always been told that quitting dipping is easier than quitting smoking. I have quit smoking again now for about 3 weeks. I first started dipping when I quit smoking around 3 years ago. I used dipping as a crutch to quit smoking. I would work for a while, but I would always end up going back to smoking and dipping. I was able to keep dipping "under control" if you know what I mean. This has been going on for the past 3 years. In the end it just made my habits for both stronger.

I am now fed up with this and am quiting. I am done. I havenet smoked for 3 weeks and thats going to stay that way. I also just threw away my last can of dip. It's going to be hard very hard. As some of you know the USMC is one of the few places in which tobacco use is still accepted... if not encouraged. I am determined, but as my past quitting attempts have shown me; I will need help.

Thats why I am here.

Nice to meet all of you and lets get going.