I'm probably the biggest idiot on this site. I quit dipping for a whole year, by myself, and I gradually started back over the past six months. It just messed around with it this time 5-10 dips a week, but I was still dipping. Dipped from 18 to 27. I'm now 28. I've been quit about a week and now my mouth hurts. My teeth and gums hurt from time to time. My mouth feels torn up on the inside, and I hope my face is only hurting from my beard getting longer. Maybe this is all psychosomatic...but I'm scared. Anyone else deal with this??? I guess I need to go get an in depth check up. Anyone else deal with this??? Either way I'm done this time.
ahh... welcome to my world my friend. i'm sorry to say that you're experiencing the same feelings of dread that i did (and still do now and again). i'm not a doctor so i'll just be talking from personal experience here - keep in mind that your mileage may vary.
since i've quit, i've diagnosed myself with lung, throat, brain, stomach, mouth and ovarian cancer. i've also had 2 heart attacks (which i took myself to the ER for both times), had extreme anxiety, had acid reflux, gerd insomnia.
i've even had rare forms of diseases that no one has ever fucking heard of but i developed because i quit dipping after 16 years. oh yeah, almost forgot an inner ear imbalance cause i was so fucking dizzy during my 3 months of fog.
needless to say, i'm still here, alive and kicking. i don't have any of those things (with the exception of acid reflux which i had LONG before i quit dipping).
i still to this day worry when i get a sore throat or a sore in my mouth. i always tell people that a good rule of thumb is if something sticks around for more than 2 weeks then you should go get it checked out. jerry (from december 06) is a dentist and he told me the same thing (during one freak out episode a while back where i was sure that this was the end). i've found that going to the doc/dentist does wonders for peace of mind, but in the end of the day does nothing for you except get you another co-pay.
here's the way i look at things these days - i chewed for over 16 years... and during ALL of that time, i NEVER had anything wrong with me... no sores in my mouth, no cancer, no heart attacks, etc... would it be HIGHLY ironic and coincidental if ALL of this shit happened NOW... AFTER I QUIT?
like i said, there's nothing wrong with getting checked, but chances are you're out thinking yourself.
remember this - you've done the best thing that you can do for your future health... you've quit. we can't go back and undo all of that damage that we've done so i don't bother thinking about it at this point.
move forward day by day... it's worked so far for me