Author Topic: New to the club  (Read 1270 times)

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Re: New to the club
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2014, 12:16:00 PM »
Mike, I am not picking on you but I am picking on your age. You see, a 21 year old young man is out to prove his worth. Generally they think in terms of "never let them see you sweat" or "Fake it until you make it'.

I have a theory that the Pride of a young 20+ year old is why so many can't quit. Too much pride to admit when you are weak.

If you truly want to quit, you can. Post roll 100%, Keep your word, don't sweat tomorrow, only repeat this process every time you wake and it's Today.

If you can post roll every today and be a man of your word, you will be quit.

I'm 43 and enough time has gone by that I don't have to prove anything. I can call for support when I need it and I can follow the lead of people that have a more educated understanding of something I don't.

Will you be humble enough, when the nic bitch begins to seduce you, to call for support? To text, talk it over and not be impulsive? Are you strong enough to admit your weakness? Addicts fail because they aren't honest with themselves and others. Addicts fail when pride is more valuable than humility.

This is going to kick your ass at times. When you're getting your ass kicked, are you going to think, "one wont hurt me" or are you going to call and ask for permission to cave from a brother in the same fight?

The cocky young quitter that acts like they have it all figured out loses. The humble quitter that follows the plan, reads and gains knowledge and will confess and ask for help when they are weak will win.

You are with us in a war. US Tobacco companies are legal, worldwide terrorists. They will never be in the hospital visiting patients suffering from lung, throat or mouth cancer. They will avoid photo shoots with any victim of cancer resulting from use of their product.

A can of tobacco is the biggest lie and you invested in it! Now that you quit, you must fight and never go back to being a can humper today. Tomorrow is too far ahead but today, you quit and you are required to keep your word.
Quit And Be Free

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Offline Ginet

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Re: New to the club
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2014, 11:15:00 AM »
Mike you are in the right place. The people in here get it and will help you. Without this site, I would have caved very easily. I am really glad to see that you are being wise at such a young age. I wasn't that wise. Day three? Congrats! I swear it gets better. You gotta do the work but this place will help support your quit. Read everything you can and listen to what others tell you. Are you posting roll? Read it and do it. Make a promise with us every day. Keep checking in, go to chat, get some advice on how to deal with everything you experience. Read what to expect during your quit. Use this site. Its right here for you. So are we....see you in Chat and welcome to "quit'
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Re: New to the club
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2014, 10:58:00 AM »
Congrats on a great choice, Mike!!! Click on the Welcome Center link above and learn how and why we post roll. Then do it. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!

Offline Wt57

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Re: New to the club
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2014, 10:47:00 PM »
Quote from: WikeMhite
My name is Mike and I will be 21 next month. I picked up the habit of chewing when I was 15 years old from sports and teammates. I started out slow the first year probably 3 dips a day and then from the 2nd year up until 3 days ago it's been about 1 can of grizzly wintergreen long cut a day. I've tried to quit 1 other time and caved on the 3rd day so I'm already past my previous record. It's hell and I'm very easily irritated with everyone (most don't deserve the attitude) but I really want to quit this time for me. Ive had very real dreams the past 2 nights about chewing, the addiction sucks. Just working towards a healthy and nicotine free life. Thanks to all for reading
Don't try to do it alone or you will probably cave. Worry about today, post roll early daily and keep your word and you will quit.
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Offline WikeMhite

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New to the club
« on: January 14, 2014, 09:39:00 PM »
My name is Mike and I will be 21 next month. I picked up the habit of chewing when I was 15 years old from sports and teammates. I started out slow the first year probably 3 dips a day and then from the 2nd year up until 3 days ago it's been about 1 can of grizzly wintergreen long cut a day. I've tried to quit 1 other time and caved on the 3rd day so I'm already past my previous record. It's hell and I'm very easily irritated with everyone (most don't deserve the attitude) but I really want to quit this time for me. Ive had very real dreams the past 2 nights about chewing, the addiction sucks. Just working towards a healthy and nicotine free life. Thanks to all for reading