Author Topic: WTF?!?  (Read 1247 times)

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Offline Take2

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Re: WTF?!?
« Reply #12 on: August 11, 2009, 08:59:00 PM »
Quote from: cdforecheck
Quote from: comingbackdown
Quote from: flashman
You will be told a lot of lies, most of them coming from the nic bitch.  She will pull her panties down and entice you and convince you that she is the right choice,
Forgive me for being an incredibly twisted asshole, but...
I'm not advocating any crime of any sort... Figuratively, the nic bitch needs special treatment...

When she pulls those panties down, don't give in. Make the nic bitch yell "rape" at the top of her lungs and go diving back into oblivion.

Yes, at times, I am indeed 'Crazy'

Not a lot of sleep, a lot, lot, lot, lot, looooooot of stimulants...
Tends to make a guy a bit nutty, if not turn a guy into a giant walnut...
Wouldn't it suck to be a walnut and get baked into a cookie?

Keep up the fight, brother!
We're around for you.

I dunno if this will help, but...
It does for me...
Imagine the nic bitch is a real person, but with a can for a head...
I am the dip ninja... I creep up silently behind the nic bitch... the katana slices the air... The can falls to the ground, and desintegrates in a burst of the blackest flame... It kind of works... Like, battling the nic bitch in the deepest recesses of your conscious mind.
scary dude...chill out :blink:
Scary yes... but hell if it works... right! Thanks for the.... suggestion?!? stay quit fellas!
Live each day like its the last day you have... you never know!

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Re: WTF?!?
« Reply #11 on: August 11, 2009, 10:06:00 AM »
Quote from: comingbackdown
Quote from: flashman
You will be told a lot of lies, most of them coming from the nic bitch.  She will pull her panties down and entice you and convince you that she is the right choice,
Forgive me for being an incredibly twisted asshole, but...
I'm not advocating any crime of any sort... Figuratively, the nic bitch needs special treatment...

When she pulls those panties down, don't give in. Make the nic bitch yell "rape" at the top of her lungs and go diving back into oblivion.

Yes, at times, I am indeed 'Crazy'

Not a lot of sleep, a lot, lot, lot, lot, looooooot of stimulants...
Tends to make a guy a bit nutty, if not turn a guy into a giant walnut...
Wouldn't it suck to be a walnut and get baked into a cookie?

Keep up the fight, brother!
We're around for you.

I dunno if this will help, but...
It does for me...
Imagine the nic bitch is a real person, but with a can for a head...
I am the dip ninja... I creep up silently behind the nic bitch... the katana slices the air... The can falls to the ground, and desintegrates in a burst of the blackest flame... It kind of works... Like, battling the nic bitch in the deepest recesses of your conscious mind.
scary dude...chill out :blink:
Go Bucks! Quit Date: 12-23-2011

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Re: WTF?!?
« Reply #10 on: August 11, 2009, 10:00:00 AM »
Quote from: comingbackdown
Quote from: flashman
You will be told a lot of lies, most of them coming from the nic bitch.  She will pull her panties down and entice you and convince you that she is the right choice,
Forgive me for being an incredibly twisted asshole, but...
I'm not advocating any crime of any sort... Figuratively, the nic bitch needs special treatment...

When she pulls those panties down, don't give in. Make the nic bitch yell "rape" at the top of her lungs and go diving back into oblivion.

Yes, at times, I am indeed 'Crazy'

Not a lot of sleep, a lot, lot, lot, lot, looooooot of stimulants...
Tends to make a guy a bit nutty, if not turn a guy into a giant walnut...
Wouldn't it suck to be a walnut and get baked into a cookie?

Keep up the fight, brother!
We're around for you.

I dunno if this will help, but...
It does for me...
Imagine the nic bitch is a real person, but with a can for a head...
I am the dip ninja... I creep up silently behind the nic bitch... the katana slices the air... The can falls to the ground, and desintegrates in a burst of the blackest flame... It kind of works... Like, battling the nic bitch in the deepest recesses of your conscious mind.
WTF mate? I'm thinking maybe you should just take a break from the whole "talking" thing, CBD. Seriously, your speaking priveleges are hereby revoked until further notice. Maybe once you get off those "stimulants" as you call them, we can try this whole communication thing again.
Misery loves company, as does mediocrity, lethargy, and indifference.

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Re: WTF?!?
« Reply #9 on: August 11, 2009, 07:10:00 AM »
Quote from: flashman
You will be told a lot of lies, most of them coming from the nic bitch.  She will pull her panties down and entice you and convince you that she is the right choice,
Forgive me for being an incredibly twisted asshole, but...
I'm not advocating any crime of any sort... Figuratively, the nic bitch needs special treatment...

When she pulls those panties down, don't give in. Make the nic bitch yell "rape" at the top of her lungs and go diving back into oblivion.

Yes, at times, I am indeed 'Crazy'

Not a lot of sleep, a lot, lot, lot, lot, looooooot of stimulants...
Tends to make a guy a bit nutty, if not turn a guy into a giant walnut...
Wouldn't it suck to be a walnut and get baked into a cookie?

Keep up the fight, brother!
We're around for you.

I dunno if this will help, but...
It does for me...
Imagine the nic bitch is a real person, but with a can for a head...
I am the dip ninja... I creep up silently behind the nic bitch... the katana slices the air... The can falls to the ground, and desintegrates in a burst of the blackest flame... It kind of works... Like, battling the nic bitch in the deepest recesses of your conscious mind.
Never falter, never fail, never give up, always succeed.
-The mantra of my quit.
Ricko-287- Comingbackdown has not come down very far yet. Wow What a rant, I really enjoyed it. Can I be your #1 fan? Kick ass quit.

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Re: WTF?!?
« Reply #8 on: August 01, 2009, 12:23:00 AM »
Take2, I really am glad to see you here. While I don't know you, I know your story. I've lived it and you've lived mine. You are not the only person this happened to. There is strength in numbers. Buddy up and get to know people in your group. Get there numbers. Stay in touch especially when you feel like shit. Use the people who've been here a while by having them available when it gets tough. Some of them may be a little rough at times, but embrace it.

While symptoms vary, they are a lot alike. I had days I felt my head or heart would explode from pressure and anxiety. Some days I had the screaming shits. Some days I wanted to strangle someone. No matter how I felt or how bad things were, my buddies were always there to share in my pain, hold me accountable, listen to me bitch and whine, whatever it took to get me through that day because all I got to do is promise for that day and survive that day. One day at a time, my friend.

You will be told a lot of lies, most of them coming from the nic bitch. She will pull her panties down and entice you and convince you that she is the right choice, but remember this, dip will never be the right choice for anything. The rest of the lies will come from some of the weak people. These people can and should piss you off. Help and encourage all who you can, but only go so far with the losers and the weak. Focus at first on your quit and screw the weak. You are strong and will go far.

As of right now, I am on day 46 of my journey. While I don't have near the days as some of our senior people here, I certainly have the passion. If you have the passion to quit and kick this nic habit to the curb and tell her to get the f**k out of your life, you will be very successful and will be proud of yourself.

Keep your head high, post roll every day, keep your promise to us every day and you will get all the support you can ask for. This brotherhood shit is way bigger than words can describe. I am with you brother, let's roll.
"The second you stop and believe your own hype, you've lost."
   - Mark Owen, Navy Seal & Author: No Easy Day

Offline Take2

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Re: WTF?!?
« Reply #7 on: July 31, 2009, 12:08:00 PM »
Quote from: DanTheMan
Pretty good reasons there Take2. Now that you gave a couple reasons for everyone to see here, if you decide to give up the quit and cave: 1. Deep down you will continue identifying yourself as a liar to your family (that sucks for the self-esteem) 2. You will be considered a liar to the hundreds that will read this.

A couple additional reasons to quit which should be on the top of your list:
1. You care about your life / you do not want to die from cancer, heart attack, etc....
2. You care about having a face not butchered up from cancer.

You can do this bro'!!!!! You don't have to be an expert of anything to quit. You just have to fucking do it. Will power!!!!!
Your reason number one there about caving is way to true, and one of my motivating factors to not cave! I am tired of my mind lying to me telling me that I NEED the nic bitch! I dont need it, what I do need is my face! The mind games are rough right now, but I have made it three full days now and KNOW I can do without! Gotta get my mind and my wallet in the same pocket and keep it there... had a dream last night that I got nic outlawed... hmmm... interesting... mybe my mind will come around sooner than i think!
Live each day like its the last day you have... you never know!

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Re: WTF?!?
« Reply #6 on: July 31, 2009, 10:51:00 AM »
Pretty good reasons there Take2. Now that you gave a couple reasons for everyone to see here, if you decide to give up the quit and cave: 1. Deep down you will continue identifying yourself as a liar to your family (that sucks for the self-esteem) 2. You will be considered a liar to the hundreds that will read this.

A couple additional reasons to quit which should be on the top of your list:
1. You care about your life / you do not want to die from cancer, heart attack, etc....
2. You care about having a face not butchered up from cancer.

You can do this bro'!!!!! You don't have to be an expert of anything to quit. You just have to fucking do it. Will power!!!!!
"Making and keeping promises to yourself is the foundation for developing character and integrity"

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Offline Take2

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Re: WTF?!?
« Reply #5 on: July 31, 2009, 10:19:00 AM »
I quit because I was tired of lying to my family. My wife never knew I dipped until I told her... I started dipping because I wanted to stop smokeing! REAL SMART! Stupid me thought it would be easier. I am tired of trying to find spit cups... and becuase of the lying I am tired of worrying about if I cleaned everything up and hid everything well enough! Its my time to quit!
Live each day like its the last day you have... you never know!

Offline flash

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Re: WTF?!?
« Reply #4 on: July 31, 2009, 10:07:00 AM »
Welcome to the site T2. You've made a very wise decision to be here. We are here to support you in every way we can. I'm looking for you to post up roll today.

If you need any help, PM for numbers, use the chat room, read, read, read.
"The second you stop and believe your own hype, you've lost."
   - Mark Owen, Navy Seal & Author: No Easy Day

Offline DanTheMan

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Re: WTF?!?
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2009, 08:53:00 PM »

So I'm curious, why did you decide to quit?
"Making and keeping promises to yourself is the foundation for developing character and integrity"

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Re: WTF?!?
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2009, 07:22:00 PM »
"CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit. After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco."

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« on: July 30, 2009, 05:08:00 PM »
I know I am no expert here, except for on when to spit! This quit stuff sucks the first few days... I am still in day 3 and feelin the crave to cave... I cannot not give in... i must stay strong... this site has helped me get to day three when all my other "tries to quit" stopped in a few hours! Thanks to all those HOFamers who stick around to support! That is what sets this site appart! I can handle and need to be held accountable... so feel free to check on me! Thanks in advance to helpin me get to day four... and five... and six... one day at a time!
Live each day like its the last day you have... you never know!