Author Topic: Today is my last can  (Read 991 times)

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Offline djr2

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Re: Today is my last can
« Reply #8 on: February 02, 2012, 06:21:00 PM »
Waiting on you to post roll bro.. So get your ass in the may group and post!!
'Champions are made when there are no bodies looking'
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Offline Bean

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Re: Today is my last can
« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2012, 12:30:00 PM »
"...But its like a tradition, which maybe sound weird but Only dippers can understand it, thats why i got on here."

Doesn't sound "weird" at all...more like "typical." It is ADDICTION. You want to know how the tradition ends? Read the Kern Family story. The tradition is that will put your loved ones, and the ones you love the most, through absolute HELL over your death after unsuccessful disfiguring surgery. That is your future...unless YOU make a new tradition for you.

There are no tricks or short-cuts. Pill and patches are for pussies. You already know what you have to do...quit putting that shit in your face.

But you are in the right place. This site is full of people who either are, or have been, in your place. Every one of us GETS THE OPPORTUNITY to go through withdrawals, rage, anger, etc. It's wonderful. It's life.

What do you think the Kern family would say about having a withdrawals and a headache for a few days or weeks? You're young...22...and have the chance to earn your freedom. You could even set an example for your buddies. But, don't worry about them. YOU need to make the decision for YOU. Make a new tradition for yourself and your loved ones. Do it today!!!

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Re: Today is my last can
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2012, 10:04:00 AM »
Quote from: GodsGift502
I say this will be my last ... [then] the next one will be the last one. its a never ending excuse. Id really appriciate some help and advice. How did you guys quit. what worked for you, how did you deal with it? I just really need help, because i wanna beat this addiction. I say addiction because I feel like its a drug or somethin. PLEASE HELP!
Jake - look at what I've quoted you as saying...the reason I point this out is the first part, the excuses you find to continue dipping, are standard operating procedure for the addict - it's what keeps us getting our fix. That is the first thing you need to realize - you are going to try to lie to yourself and others in order to find a reason to dip. DONT give in to it!

This IS and ADDICTION. And you ARE an addict. And this IS a DRUG. Matter of fact, you take a look at almost any list - medical or otherwise - and nicotine is listed as the #1 addictive drug out there.

You have asked for help and you will get it...and then some on here. You've asked how we have done it. Well, the first thing I want you to know is that, in MY opinion, NONE of us have done it yet. We are DOING it right now. Doing it every day and it is a never-ending process. This is like so many other have to want it, you have to be comitted to it, you have to change your life for it.

Now, how can you join us in doing it every day? Understand the process...we post roll. The posting of roll is your PROMISE to yourself and, sometimes more importantly, to each one of us, that you will not use nicotine for that day. That is why it is important to post roll as early in the morning as you can...that way there is little wiggle room for your addict brain to say, "Well, I haven't promised if I use now I won't have broken my promise..." You get the idea.

Second, stay active on here. A little trick...for you and anyone else who reads this and wants to give it a try...go look for people that have caved - new quitter or vet....look at how many posts they have made. No go look at those "vets" that are considered to really know their stuff and give good advice...look at the number of their posts...notice a difference? It is a fact...the more active on her you are, the more you post, the more likely you are to meet with isn't always the case, but it is a proven fact...

OK...I've rambled on far too long - some would say - as usual. Get numbers, talk with people. Stay Strang, stay active and stay QUIT.
Blah...Blah...Blah...You keep TALKIN....I'll keep QUITTIN

I'm not here to make friends, I'm here to support YOUR quit.

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Offline bigwhitebeast

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Re: Today is my last can
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2012, 04:31:00 AM »
You will be in the May 2012 group, that means you will hit the 100 day mark in May and that group can be found Here

To learn a little about posting roll go Here

It can be a little confusing at first and if you fuck it up people are going to jump your shit so have some thick skin and just worry about getting quit.

Keep asking questions and realize you can't post roll call until you've thrown out your last can and are nicotine free, that means no nicotine gum, patches, cigarettes, etc.

Keep looking around and keep reading the info you find, if you need help posting roll still let me know, if you screw it up I can help you out.

Offline Tsmith17

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Re: Today is my last can
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2012, 04:29:00 AM »
Quote from: GodsGift502
where do i find roll call? ive been seein alot of people talking about it but i cant find it
^^^^^^This is your quit group if today is your day one. You should not post your day one until after you throw that last can away. I suggest you do that right now. It will never get any easier. Look at this link to learn how to post roll when you are ready to take your life back : index.php?showtopic=50

We all understand what you are going through because we have all gone through it. I used to chew everyday with my buddies. College football games, road trips, after football practice, playing video games, you name it, they all "required" me to have a dip in. I am 24 and I dipped for 10 years, that is almost half my life. It makes me sad to think about all the money I've spent on a drug that was killing me, not to mention the moments I will never get back because I had to sneak away to have a chew.

My advice to you is to throw that "last" can of your away right now and go post your day one in May 2012. Post roll every day and keep your word to all of us that you will not use nicotine in any form for the whole day. Stay close to this site, trade numbers with your fellow May brothers, and stay accountable.

The first week is going to suck, that is why we call it "the suck". You are not going to have fun. It will be hard but it WILL get easier. Drink lots of water and get yourself something to satisfy your oral fixation. I used sugar-free gum and sunflower seeds. Stay busy and literally do anything but put nicotine back in your body. Start your new nicotine free life today. Also, let us know if you have ANY questions. All the support in the world is right here, you just have to ask for it.

Offline GodsGift502

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Re: Today is my last can
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2012, 03:51:00 AM »
where do i find roll call? ive been seein alot of people talking about it but i cant find it

Offline bigwhitebeast

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Re: Today is my last can
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2012, 03:29:00 AM »
It is a drug and you sir are an addict, we are all addicts here. I did the same thing as you over the last 6 months, each can I would say that's the last one, then it would get low and I'd go buy another.

Now is the time for you to do it, don't wait until you have 30 years of it, quit now, it probably won't make it any easier but it will be better for you to quit now.

Look around the site, review how to post roll call, it is your promise to your fellow quitters that you will remain quit for that day. It's going to take will power and your desire to beat this bitch.

I quit on January 1st after nearly 30 years, I just decided it was time and I haven't looked back and I am here ever since I found this place posting roll each day promising to the others to stay quit.

Offline GodsGift502

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Today is my last can
« on: January 31, 2012, 03:11:00 AM »
Im Jake. Im 22 from Louisville Kentucky and Ive been dipping since i was about 16. I dip Grizzly Wintergreen and I really wanna quit. Ive tried a million times and the most ive gone is about 3 days and then i break down and buy more. I dip about a log and a half a week, or about a can a day. I wanna quit really badly. My gums are sore constantly, but that doesnt stop me. I dont wanna get cancer either but for some reason that doesnt scare me enough to just quit. Its hard because my best friend dips to and were constantly hangin out and hes always dipping to so its hard to not have a pinch when the person right next to you is.
Its kinda weird because for the last year or so i havent really WANTED to dip. But its like a tradition, which maybe sound weird but Only dippers can understand it, thats why i got on here. I love sports, and dipping and sports goes hand in hand with me. If i watch a football game It doesnt feel right unless i have a pinch in, or if im watchin a UFC pay per view I have to have one in. I guess it just doesnt feel right without a pinch in my lip.
But ive really noticed my gums gettin messed up this last year, and my mom worries about me and wants me to quit also. I just dont know how. quittin cold turkey is kinda extreme but I dont know what else to do. I say this will be my last log, and then when i dip the final can i decided the next one will be the last one. its a never ending excuse. Id really appriciate some help and advice. How did you guys quit. what worked for you, how did you deal with it? I just really need help, because i wanna beat this addiction. I say addiction because I feel like its a drug or somethin. PLEASE HELP!