Author Topic: This is going to suck!!!  (Read 2022 times)

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Offline justkeepdancing

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Re: This is going to suck!!!
« Reply #37 on: October 25, 2009, 06:09:00 PM »
Quote from: LaQuitter
Quote from: Smokeyg
Quote from: greg40
Quote from: natemtb
Quote from: rkymtnman
Quote from: natemtb
sorry about the double post, didn't think the first one went through
No worries - I cleaned it up for you.

Part of the reason I use a hands free headset - aside from the fact that it makes me look like a complete dork and the chicks dig it - is it keeps that transmitter away from my melon :)
Ya know I hadn't ever really thought about it, I thought it felt good when the phone got all hot next to my ear. (He He). I guess I'll be buying a handsfree device now.
Yep....I quit masturbating and started screwing the gap between two cushions on my couch...I don't want hairy palms, dammit!!!
Fearing for my eyesight, I have stopped watching porn on my computer. Now, I just hide behind the shrubbery and watch Greg humping his couch. Life is good.
Um...I'm in the car parked across the street, watching Smokey, watch Greg.

I have no concerns regarding hairy palms.

'crackup' 'crackup' 'crackup' 'crackup' 'crackup' 'crackup'

It amazes me what you can turn a perfectly innocent post into!

I'm getting all turned on just thinking about watching LaQuitter watching smokeyg watching greg do the couch.

This thread is not healthy for my innocence.
[color=ff6666]"Work like you don't need the money.
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Offline LaQuitter

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Re: This is going to suck!!!
« Reply #36 on: October 25, 2009, 04:42:00 PM »
Quote from: Smokeyg
Quote from: greg40
Quote from: natemtb
Quote from: rkymtnman
Quote from: natemtb
sorry about the double post, didn't think the first one went through
No worries - I cleaned it up for you.

Part of the reason I use a hands free headset - aside from the fact that it makes me look like a complete dork and the chicks dig it - is it keeps that transmitter away from my melon :)
Ya know I hadn't ever really thought about it, I thought it felt good when the phone got all hot next to my ear. (He He). I guess I'll be buying a handsfree device now.
Yep....I quit masturbating and started screwing the gap between two cushions on my couch...I don't want hairy palms, dammit!!!
Fearing for my eyesight, I have stopped watching porn on my computer. Now, I just hide behind the shrubbery and watch Greg humping his couch. Life is good.
Um...I'm in the car parked across the street, watching Smokey, watch Greg.

I have no concerns regarding hairy palms.

Quit: Saturday, May 2, 2009
HOF: Monday, August 10, 2009

La's HOF Speech

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Re: This is going to suck!!!
« Reply #35 on: October 25, 2009, 12:43:00 PM »
Quote from: Smokeyg
Quote from: greg40
Quote from: natemtb
Quote from: rkymtnman
Quote from: natemtb
sorry about the double post, didn't think the first one went through
No worries - I cleaned it up for you.

Part of the reason I use a hands free headset - aside from the fact that it makes me look like a complete dork and the chicks dig it - is it keeps that transmitter away from my melon :)
Ya know I hadn't ever really thought about it, I thought it felt good when the phone got all hot next to my ear. (He He). I guess I'll be buying a handsfree device now.
Yep....I quit masturbating and started screwing the gap between two cushions on my couch...I don't want hairy palms, dammit!!!
Fearing for my eyesight, I have stopped watching porn on my computer. Now, I just hide behind the shrubbery and watch Greg humping his couch. Life is good.
A while back I read a DIY on mastabatory devices. This kid cut a hole in a shoe box, placed two ziplockbags filled with warm water in side, then tucked a towel around the baggies to narrow the moat between them. Better than probing for couch pizza the hard way...I mean I think it would be better ;)
Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee. -
Jules Winnfield

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Re: This is going to suck!!!
« Reply #34 on: October 24, 2009, 04:04:00 PM »
Quote from: greg40
Quote from: natemtb
Quote from: rkymtnman
Quote from: natemtb
sorry about the double post, didn't think the first one went through
No worries - I cleaned it up for you.

Part of the reason I use a hands free headset - aside from the fact that it makes me look like a complete dork and the chicks dig it - is it keeps that transmitter away from my melon :)
Ya know I hadn't ever really thought about it, I thought it felt good when the phone got all hot next to my ear. (He He). I guess I'll be buying a handsfree device now.
Yep....I quit masturbating and started screwing the gap between two cushions on my couch...I don't want hairy palms, dammit!!!
Fearing for my eyesight, I have stopped watching porn on my computer. Now, I just hide behind the shrubbery and watch Greg humping his couch. Life is good.

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Re: This is going to suck!!!
« Reply #33 on: October 23, 2009, 10:55:00 PM »
Quote from: natemtb
Quote from: rkymtnman
Quote from: natemtb
sorry about the double post, didn't think the first one went through
No worries - I cleaned it up for you.

Part of the reason I use a hands free headset - aside from the fact that it makes me look like a complete dork and the chicks dig it - is it keeps that transmitter away from my melon :)
Ya know I hadn't ever really thought about it, I thought it felt good when the phone got all hot next to my ear. (He He). I guess I'll be buying a handsfree device now.
Yep....I quit masturbating and started screwing the gap between two cushions on my couch...I don't want hairy palms, dammit!!!

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Re: This is going to suck!!!
« Reply #32 on: October 23, 2009, 10:53:00 PM »
Quote from: rkymtnman
Quote from: natemtb
sorry about the double post, didn't think the first one went through
No worries - I cleaned it up for you.

Part of the reason I use a hands free headset - aside from the fact that it makes me look like a complete dork and the chicks dig it - is it keeps that transmitter away from my melon :)
Ya know I hadn't ever really thought about it, I thought it felt good when the phone got all hot next to my ear. (He He). I guess I'll be buying a handsfree device now.

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Re: This is going to suck!!!
« Reply #31 on: October 23, 2009, 10:47:00 PM »
Quote from: natemtb
sorry about the double post, didn't think the first one went through
No worries - I cleaned it up for you.

Part of the reason I use a hands free headset - aside from the fact that it makes me look like a complete dork and the chicks dig it - is it keeps that transmitter away from my melon :)

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Re: This is going to suck!!!
« Reply #30 on: October 23, 2009, 10:09:00 PM »
sorry about the double post, didn't think the first one went through

Offline natemtb

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Re: This is going to suck!!!
« Reply #29 on: October 23, 2009, 10:07:00 PM »
I didn't really know where to put this, I guess this as good as any. One of the Big reasons we all decided to quit chewing was the fear of cancer. We all do things we know we shoulden't do. Here is another one, Cell Phone's. They are finding high rates of brain and salivary gland cancer in heavy cell phone users. Here is the link- ... in-tumours . Just thought some of you would find it interesting. Evil Cell phone company's getting us hooked on phones. LOL Just kidding, but anyway check it out.

Offline Snoopy

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Re: This is going to suck!!!
« Reply #28 on: September 04, 2009, 01:17:00 PM »
Have to agree with the others. Find what works as an alternative and move on. My personal favorite has been Mint Snuff Pouches. I found that none of the fake mint chew really tasted like or had the consistency that my Kodiak did, and to be honest, probalby better it didn't. But the pouches at least were similar to Bandits which I used every once in a while. Also helps keep down how much of that crap is stuck in your teeth.

I'm 29 days out now and I've plowed through probably 10-15 cans of these. (only 25 pouches to a can.) Still much less than when I was really chewing and nice and discrete. Just got back from my 2nd business trip and never once had to worry about if someone saw me chewing and with the pouches, you can just tuck them up in your lip and they're never seen.

Anywho, just one more perspective. Just do what you need to do to keep the Quit on.

Stick with it!

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Re: This is going to suck!!!
« Reply #27 on: September 03, 2009, 05:27:00 PM »
Quote from: NKT
Quote from: Skoal
Quote from: Ready
Quote from: NKT
Quote from: iuchewie
Quote from: natemtb
Day 7 of my quit.
My tongue hurts so f***** bad, my jaw hurts from chewing gum, I'm like a human garbage disposal. You guys have any options I haven't considered?  Is mint chew and stuff like that a good option, pro's and Con's if anyone has ever used them.
Thanks for your Help
Nate  'dems'
Personally I was a HUGE fan of the fake chews...

Smokey Mountain and Hooch are my two personal favs.

Bottom line is this... whatever keeps the real stuff out of your mouth! Congrats on a week my man... that's HUGE!
I also used the fake chew a lot. It helped tremendously.

I also dipped shredded coconut and green tea leaves. These were both a lot less expensive than the cans of fake chew, and seemed to work about as well for me. Even holding an apricot pit in my cheek after eating the fruit got me past several cravings.
I ate the hell out of seeds for the first 120 days or so. Havn't touched them in over a year now. Whatever it takes for now. Soon, you won't need it any longer.
just like you the seeds tore me up sumtin fierce, I started in on Smokey Mtn at around day 40. Smokey Mtn hurt my lip as well it wasn't as bad as dip but enough to bug me. I finally settled into the Oregon Mint Cinnamin. It had a bit of burn to it and helped with th oral fixation.

I think the oral thing is vastly different than the addiction, so I chose to deal with them separate. I still use the Oregon mint, when I'm in a trigger situation, buddies dipping, yardwork, hunting, etc. Im at 220 days .There is actually some data that suggests that using a substitute like Oregon mint or Hooch or SM increases the success rate for quitters. I will either dump it when I'm ready or chew it forever, but I will never but tobacco in my mouth again.

I used the placebos pretty consistently up until right around 200 days, then I realized I hadn't used anything in a week. The urge to shovel shit into my lip just disappeared.
Yep... I was about a can/day of the fake stuff for a good 180 days or so. I went on vacation (actually met a few quitters that trip) and forgot a can so went without it for a week. Found that I just didn't need it anymore.

That said, even now after 1,100 days I'll still have a Hooch now and then working in the yard, etc. At this point it's not a trigger thing... just more of something to do.
* shrugs *
"Every man dies... not every man really lives." - William Wallace

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Episode III: The Final Quit | 406 Northlane |

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Re: This is going to suck!!!
« Reply #26 on: September 03, 2009, 04:59:00 PM »
Quote from: Skoal
Quote from: Ready
Quote from: NKT
Quote from: iuchewie
Quote from: natemtb
Day 7 of my quit.
My tongue hurts so f***** bad, my jaw hurts from chewing gum, I'm like a human garbage disposal. You guys have any options I haven't considered?  Is mint chew and stuff like that a good option, pro's and Con's if anyone has ever used them.
Thanks for your Help
Nate  'dems'
Personally I was a HUGE fan of the fake chews...

Smokey Mountain and Hooch are my two personal favs.

Bottom line is this... whatever keeps the real stuff out of your mouth! Congrats on a week my man... that's HUGE!
I also used the fake chew a lot. It helped tremendously.

I also dipped shredded coconut and green tea leaves. These were both a lot less expensive than the cans of fake chew, and seemed to work about as well for me. Even holding an apricot pit in my cheek after eating the fruit got me past several cravings.
I ate the hell out of seeds for the first 120 days or so. Havn't touched them in over a year now. Whatever it takes for now. Soon, you won't need it any longer.
just like you the seeds tore me up sumtin fierce, I started in on Smokey Mtn at around day 40. Smokey Mtn hurt my lip as well it wasn't as bad as dip but enough to bug me. I finally settled into the Oregon Mint Cinnamin. It had a bit of burn to it and helped with th oral fixation.

I think the oral thing is vastly different than the addiction, so I chose to deal with them separate. I still use the Oregon mint, when I'm in a trigger situation, buddies dipping, yardwork, hunting, etc. Im at 220 days .There is actually some data that suggests that using a substitute like Oregon mint or Hooch or SM increases the success rate for quitters. I will either dump it when I'm ready or chew it forever, but I will never but tobacco in my mouth again.

I used the placebos pretty consistently up until right around 200 days, then I realized I hadn't used anything in a week. The urge to shovel shit into my lip just disappeared.

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Re: This is going to suck!!!
« Reply #25 on: September 03, 2009, 04:35:00 PM »
Quote from: Ready
Quote from: NKT
Quote from: iuchewie
Quote from: natemtb
Day 7 of my quit.
My tongue hurts so f***** bad, my jaw hurts from chewing gum, I'm like a human garbage disposal. You guys have any options I haven't considered?  Is mint chew and stuff like that a good option, pro's and Con's if anyone has ever used them.
Thanks for your Help
Nate  'dems'
Personally I was a HUGE fan of the fake chews...

Smokey Mountain and Hooch are my two personal favs.

Bottom line is this... whatever keeps the real stuff out of your mouth! Congrats on a week my man... that's HUGE!
I also used the fake chew a lot. It helped tremendously.

I also dipped shredded coconut and green tea leaves. These were both a lot less expensive than the cans of fake chew, and seemed to work about as well for me. Even holding an apricot pit in my cheek after eating the fruit got me past several cravings.
I ate the hell out of seeds for the first 120 days or so. Havn't touched them in over a year now. Whatever it takes for now. Soon, you won't need it any longer.
just like you the seeds tore me up sumtin fierce, I started in on Smokey Mtn at around day 40. Smokey Mtn hurt my lip as well it wasn't as bad as dip but enough to bug me. I finally settled into the Oregon Mint Cinnamin. It had a bit of burn to it and helped with th oral fixation.

I think the oral thing is vastly different than the addiction, so I chose to deal with them separate. I still use the Oregon mint, when I'm in a trigger situation, buddies dipping, yardwork, hunting, etc. Im at 220 days .There is actually some data that suggests that using a substitute like Oregon mint or Hooch or SM increases the success rate for quitters. I will either dump it when I'm ready or chew it forever, but I will never but tobacco in my mouth again.

"CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit. After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco."

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Re: This is going to suck!!!
« Reply #24 on: September 03, 2009, 01:38:00 PM »
Quote from: NKT
Quote from: iuchewie
Quote from: natemtb
Day 7 of my quit.
My tongue hurts so f***** bad, my jaw hurts from chewing gum, I'm like a human garbage disposal. You guys have any options I haven't considered?  Is mint chew and stuff like that a good option, pro's and Con's if anyone has ever used them.
Thanks for your Help
Nate  'dems'
Personally I was a HUGE fan of the fake chews...

Smokey Mountain and Hooch are my two personal favs.

Bottom line is this... whatever keeps the real stuff out of your mouth! Congrats on a week my man... that's HUGE!
I also used the fake chew a lot. It helped tremendously.

I also dipped shredded coconut and green tea leaves. These were both a lot less expensive than the cans of fake chew, and seemed to work about as well for me. Even holding an apricot pit in my cheek after eating the fruit got me past several cravings.
I ate the hell out of seeds for the first 120 days or so. Havn't touched them in over a year now. Whatever it takes for now. Soon, you won't need it any longer.

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Re: This is going to suck!!!
« Reply #23 on: September 03, 2009, 12:37:00 PM »
Quote from: iuchewie
Quote from: natemtb
Day 7 of my quit.
My tongue hurts so f***** bad, my jaw hurts from chewing gum, I'm like a human garbage disposal. You guys have any options I haven't considered?  Is mint chew and stuff like that a good option, pro's and Con's if anyone has ever used them.
Thanks for your Help
Nate  'dems'
Personally I was a HUGE fan of the fake chews...

Smokey Mountain and Hooch are my two personal favs.

Bottom line is this... whatever keeps the real stuff out of your mouth! Congrats on a week my man... that's HUGE!
I also used the fake chew a lot. It helped tremendously.

I also dipped shredded coconut and green tea leaves. These were both a lot less expensive than the cans of fake chew, and seemed to work about as well for me. Even holding an apricot pit in my cheek after eating the fruit got me past several cravings.