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Offline leafjerky

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Re: Quitting tomorrow
« Reply #25 on: September 02, 2014, 01:08:00 AM »
Hey guys, wow it's been a while. I'm sorry I never came back on and no I did not want to get my jaw sawed off haha! I am still clean to this day. The only nicotine I had was about two weeks after I quit when I hit my friends vape once and almost blacked out from the nicotine rushing in (32mg). My last day to dip was July 1, 2014. So it has been 2 months and I'm great. I don't ever have urges any more except for after I get a good meal in me then sometimes I'll chew herbal (smokey mountain). The first week or so was the worst, but I told myself if I could make it a week, I could make it a month, now that I've made it two months, let's go for a year! I think I was supposed to post roll or something? I'm not fluent with how the server works but I just wanted to give you guys an update and you newer guys some hope. Good luck to everyone. -David

Offline Landdon

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Re: Quitting tomorrow
« Reply #24 on: July 05, 2014, 08:03:00 AM »
I guess he wants to get his freaking jaw sawed off. Can't say I blame him. Have fun!

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Re: Quitting tomorrow
« Reply #23 on: July 05, 2014, 07:39:00 AM »
Where you at?
Hof date may 25, 2013
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The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

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Re: Quitting tomorrow
« Reply #22 on: July 05, 2014, 03:11:00 AM »
Actions speak louder than words! Keep posting roll everyday and by the time you know of, you'll be 100 says free of that nic bitch. Happy fourth by the way !

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Re: Quitting tomorrow
« Reply #21 on: July 04, 2014, 11:26:00 AM »

Welcome....I noticed you haven't posted roll yet....can I ask why that is? You need to understand that posting roll, making a promise to yourself and to your quit brothers/sisters that you will abstain from using nicotine in ANY form for that day, is the BEDROCK upon which this community of quitters is built.

The process is quite simple.

1. Post roll, EARLY, EVERY DAMN DAY (EDD)...posting early removes the possibility of use (assuming you have integrity).
2. Honor your word...don't use...
3. Build a close circle of quitters around you; pick some that are further along and can help you through the SUCK your life will become, as well as those in the same approximate timeframe so you can have others to commiserate with. Trade emails/cell numbers.... get to know them. Bond with them and promise one another that before caving, you have to get other's permission.

REPEAT, is a proven method and it works. You'll read on this site if you haven't already, about those that started "not posting" and drifted away from the site, only to eventually cave. Nicotine addiction is powerful, but knowledge is even more powerful. Read as much as you can about your addiction, because that will give you tools needed to deal with it.

PM me your number if you want additional info...more than happy to help. You'll be in the October Quit Group...under community -- quit groups. Pay attention to your quit brothers (jeeptruck, Oxman, redhawk)....they know what you're going through.

God bless your decision,'s up to you to follow up on it.

Offline Landdon

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Re: Quitting tomorrow
« Reply #20 on: July 04, 2014, 10:10:00 AM »
Stay quit! You aren't going to get anything good from putting crap in your mouth. Nothing positive will come of it. You will basically be killing yourself quicker. You have to want it, you have to want it and hate nicotine. I do. If you ware getting close to falling you need to call someone. Do you have anybody's number?

Offline srans

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Re: Quitting tomorrow
« Reply #19 on: July 04, 2014, 09:57:00 AM »
So I'm sticking clean so far.
Start believing in this quit. Putting some knowledge in that skull will help. Begin reading everything you can on nicotine/addiction. Knowledge will build hate and hate breads quit.

So far it sounds like your tossing a coin and if it lands on heads you'll be quit, tails your done.

Today i'm quit and I don't care how bad I feel and how long it takes, i'll post roll and keep my word.

^^^^^^This mind set will get you through. Determination, drive and accountability. It's all here for you. Take this quit. The poison don't give it out freely. YOU GOTTA TAKE IT!!!!
Hof date may 25, 2013
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The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

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Re: Quitting tomorrow
« Reply #18 on: July 03, 2014, 10:33:00 PM »
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: leafjerky
So I'm sticking clean so far. I woke up last night freaking out sweating but other than that everything is a ok. I really don't even have the desire to dip, I can feel my body wanting the nicotine. Thanks for everyones help so far.
Keep pushing forward. Man when I quit I would have to change the sheets some nights I sweat so much, so its totally normal as your body is fighting, but it does subside and get so much better.
Don't forget, you need to drink TONS of water. That will help.

If the stress gets to you......exercise.

You got this! One day at a time (ODAAT)
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Offline SirDerek

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Re: Quitting tomorrow
« Reply #17 on: July 03, 2014, 10:22:00 PM »
Quote from: leafjerky
So I'm sticking clean so far. I woke up last night freaking out sweating but other than that everything is a ok. I really don't even have the desire to dip, I can feel my body wanting the nicotine. Thanks for everyones help so far.
Keep pushing forward. Man when I quit I would have to change the sheets some nights I sweat so much, so its totally normal as your body is fighting, but it does subside and get so much better.

Offline leafjerky

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Re: Quitting tomorrow
« Reply #16 on: July 03, 2014, 08:49:00 PM »
So I'm sticking clean so far. I woke up last night freaking out sweating but other than that everything is a ok. I really don't even have the desire to dip, I can feel my body wanting the nicotine. Thanks for everyones help so far.

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Re: Quitting tomorrow
« Reply #15 on: July 02, 2014, 03:23:00 PM »
A couple of things...

This "friend" you've got an excuse to give up, aint' your friend by any stretch of the imagination. She's a stone cold killer and she'll whisper sweet crap in your ear while she's putting plans in place to eat your face off.

Dip isn't keeping you sane. Dipping is keeping you from going through the symptoms of withdrawal from nicotine. Sack up and quit. 3 days and the nicotine is out of your body. It will suck, but you'll come out the other side a better person.

ALL your friends dip... Tough one. If they are really your friends, they should respect your decision and try to help. If they don't, they aren't your friends. If they try to lure you back in so they don't feel bad about what they are doing to themselves, then get some new friends. There are a bunch here on KTC that will do everything they can to help you.

Tomorrow never comes.. quit today. right now.

You need a number, just PM me.

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Re: Quitting tomorrow
« Reply #14 on: July 02, 2014, 09:11:00 AM »
Quote from: Thumblewort
Leafjerky, can you post in the October roll group please. It's your promise to us that you are nicotine free all day today. I made mine to you and the KTC already, it's our way of being accountable to each other.

Here's a freebie though........yes, cold sweats, insomnia, screaming shit splats, hiding in a corner and weeping, that was my Day 3. Guess my body and brain were a bit pissed I'd been poisoning it for 17 years. 87 days later I am free without that shit, come on and join me.
^^^The KTC Way.^^^

Raw, uncut truth. No sense sugar coating it. Its going to SUCK. At times you will feel like you done lost your mind, developed the worst case of ADHD on record, and drank a handle of whiskey in one gulp.

But you WILL live through it. I checked, and cannot find one death directly related to nicotine withdrawal (at least from the person withdrawing - there are reports of people being killed by quitters in a quit rage, but they are unconfirmed). Literally thousands of us here went through it and we are still here telling the tale.

The key is to remember how much is sucked and never forget it. You forget it and you are close to dooming yourself to repeat it. Never forget day 1 (or 2, or 3 for that matter).

The first week always reminds me of this line (bonus points if you name the movie):
Andy Dufresne - who crawled through a river of shit and came out clean on the other side.
The problem is not the problem.  The problem is your attitude about the problem.  Do you understand?

Draw Fire

If its too much trouble to post roll call, you could always fuck off.

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Re: Quitting tomorrow
« Reply #13 on: July 02, 2014, 09:10:00 AM »
You need to want your freedom bad! No one else can quit for you. Read everything on KTC. There is so much knowledge here... The plan is simple (not easy), and the plan works! Learn the KTC plan. Live the plan.
Will it suck hardcore? Yes for some time it will suck, but then at some point it will not suck... Are you strong enough to push through?
PM me if there is anything I can do.

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Re: Quitting tomorrow
« Reply #12 on: July 02, 2014, 09:01:00 AM »
Leafjerky, can you post in the October roll group please. It's your promise to us that you are nicotine free all day today. I made mine to you and the KTC already, it's our way of being accountable to each other.

Here's a freebie though........yes, cold sweats, insomnia, screaming shit splats, hiding in a corner and weeping, that was my Day 3. Guess my body and brain were a bit pissed I'd been poisoning it for 17 years. 87 days later I am free without that shit, come on and join me.
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

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Re: Quitting tomorrow
« Reply #11 on: July 02, 2014, 05:49:00 AM »
Quote from: leafjerky
I'm not going to start having cold sweats am I?
Yes. You probably will have some cold sweats. Do you know the difference between DO  TRY?
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
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