Author Topic: This is the last time...  (Read 1392 times)

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E&C's Dad

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Re: This is the last time...
« Reply #11 on: April 28, 2014, 09:02:00 AM »
Great job on reaching the HOF! 100 Down Life to Go!

Offline Thumblewort

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Re: This is the last time...
« Reply #10 on: April 28, 2014, 08:56:00 AM »
Gratz on the 100.
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

Offline SAM83

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Re: This is the last time...
« Reply #9 on: April 28, 2014, 05:59:00 AM »
Congrats on the Hundy!

Offline Dave1903

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Re: This is the last time...
« Reply #8 on: January 21, 2014, 09:34:00 AM »
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: Radman
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: Byoung1003
Hey all, im bob from upstate new york.  Ive been a chewer since i was 16 years old and will be 40 in march. Chewing has always been like a priority for me. For years i was a can to a can and a half a day user or more.  I used skoal straight long cut up until 2 years ago and switched over to pouches. My addiction was so bad that there was very few times i didnt have one packed in my lip. Having a high stress job (firefighter) it always helped me relax. Ive been tobacco/nicotine free since noon on saturday january 18, 2014.  I have quit a few times in the past and hope i can do it this time.  My son is soon to be 5 and the last thing i want to do is end up sick from chewing and potentially leave him without a father.  I have a great support system at home to help get me through this (and ALOT of gum).

welcome brother Yankee (ok Philly here, started at 18, quit at 41 (last year))

glad you see and use the word addiction. as let that sink in as that is what we have, and that is the fight that we need to put up to keep it in check.

We all went through life with it in just about 24, 7 so you were not alone.

And think of this....all nicotine ever did was to feed its own and keep you from withdraw. It did NOT help you relax, you did that yourself. It did NOT ease any stress, you did that yourself.

It did NOT make your life better, only you will do that yourself. And if you want help make sure you reach out (not around) to your brothers here. It is a smart person that asks for help when one needs it, not a weak one.

so read up, drink the water and kool aid. learn what this site has to offer and follow it, so that you can and will be there for your wife, your son and your whole family.

Yell if you need anything. I quit with you today and only today as that is my decision and should be yours. I will answer you about tomorrow when tomorrow arrives.
Welcome and since Saturday on your own is impressive. Now you have joined a team that will be so valuable to your goal.

Have you posted roll in the April group. That is your home and you must post roll every today you wake. Every one. 100%. If you aren't at a computer, text one of your quit brothers your promise to be quit that day and ask them to put you on roll.

Then for that day, be a man of your word. You quit today and you will stay quit today. Tomorrow, next week or next year. Never think about it. You only quit and stay quit today.

When you wake and tomorrow turns into today...Repeat. Post roll, keep your word and Repeat.

It's hard but you are earning your freedom from vice and the more consecutive days quit, the easier it gets.

Stay close and read, vent, rage and discover what its like to be a real quitter.
Saw your post over in the Fire Station. Welcomce, sir.

I'll be 40 this year too. I wasted 20 years of my life on nicotine before I got good and mad about it. I guarantee the murdering folks at Big Tobacco will never get another dime from me.

These guys have laid down the gospel, so I don't need to add much there. If the fire service in your area is anything like it is down here, then nicotine use is rampant. Quitting in that environment is tougher than most. Coworkers are gonna give you trouble about it. SOme will see you doing something that they can't accomplish, and that will cause friction. Be ready for it. Be the stronger guy. Set an example and stay the course. The ones that are truly your brothers will respect you for trying to save your own life.

Happy to be quit with you. Reach out via PM if you need anything at all.
Quit one day at a time. Post roll every morning. It works. Welcome to quitting.
Get on here drink the kool aid reach out and make you some friends on here that also will help you beat this nic bitch every damn day
The nic is a bitch, but it's gone one day at a time.

Offline Grizzlyhasclaws

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Re: This is the last time...
« Reply #7 on: January 21, 2014, 08:38:00 AM »
Quote from: Radman
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: Byoung1003
Hey all, im bob from upstate new york.  Ive been a chewer since i was 16 years old and will be 40 in march. Chewing has always been like a priority for me. For years i was a can to a can and a half a day user or more.  I used skoal straight long cut up until 2 years ago and switched over to pouches. My addiction was so bad that there was very few times i didnt have one packed in my lip. Having a high stress job (firefighter) it always helped me relax. Ive been tobacco/nicotine free since noon on saturday january 18, 2014.  I have quit a few times in the past and hope i can do it this time.  My son is soon to be 5 and the last thing i want to do is end up sick from chewing and potentially leave him without a father.  I have a great support system at home to help get me through this (and ALOT of gum).

welcome brother Yankee (ok Philly here, started at 18, quit at 41 (last year))

glad you see and use the word addiction. as let that sink in as that is what we have, and that is the fight that we need to put up to keep it in check.

We all went through life with it in just about 24, 7 so you were not alone.

And think of this....all nicotine ever did was to feed its own and keep you from withdraw. It did NOT help you relax, you did that yourself. It did NOT ease any stress, you did that yourself.

It did NOT make your life better, only you will do that yourself. And if you want help make sure you reach out (not around) to your brothers here. It is a smart person that asks for help when one needs it, not a weak one.

so read up, drink the water and kool aid. learn what this site has to offer and follow it, so that you can and will be there for your wife, your son and your whole family.

Yell if you need anything. I quit with you today and only today as that is my decision and should be yours. I will answer you about tomorrow when tomorrow arrives.
Welcome and since Saturday on your own is impressive. Now you have joined a team that will be so valuable to your goal.

Have you posted roll in the April group. That is your home and you must post roll every today you wake. Every one. 100%. If you aren't at a computer, text one of your quit brothers your promise to be quit that day and ask them to put you on roll.

Then for that day, be a man of your word. You quit today and you will stay quit today. Tomorrow, next week or next year. Never think about it. You only quit and stay quit today.

When you wake and tomorrow turns into today...Repeat. Post roll, keep your word and Repeat.

It's hard but you are earning your freedom from vice and the more consecutive days quit, the easier it gets.

Stay close and read, vent, rage and discover what its like to be a real quitter.
Saw your post over in the Fire Station. Welcomce, sir.

I'll be 40 this year too. I wasted 20 years of my life on nicotine before I got good and mad about it. I guarantee the murdering folks at Big Tobacco will never get another dime from me.

These guys have laid down the gospel, so I don't need to add much there. If the fire service in your area is anything like it is down here, then nicotine use is rampant. Quitting in that environment is tougher than most. Coworkers are gonna give you trouble about it. SOme will see you doing something that they can't accomplish, and that will cause friction. Be ready for it. Be the stronger guy. Set an example and stay the course. The ones that are truly your brothers will respect you for trying to save your own life.

Happy to be quit with you. Reach out via PM if you need anything at all.
Quit one day at a time. Post roll every morning. It works. Welcome to quitting.
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
Exercise Start Date: 6/29/2018

Offline Radman

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Re: This is the last time...
« Reply #6 on: January 21, 2014, 08:20:00 AM »
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: Byoung1003
Hey all, im bob from upstate new york.  Ive been a chewer since i was 16 years old and will be 40 in march. Chewing has always been like a priority for me. For years i was a can to a can and a half a day user or more.  I used skoal straight long cut up until 2 years ago and switched over to pouches. My addiction was so bad that there was very few times i didnt have one packed in my lip. Having a high stress job (firefighter) it always helped me relax. Ive been tobacco/nicotine free since noon on saturday january 18, 2014.  I have quit a few times in the past and hope i can do it this time.  My son is soon to be 5 and the last thing i want to do is end up sick from chewing and potentially leave him without a father.  I have a great support system at home to help get me through this (and ALOT of gum).

welcome brother Yankee (ok Philly here, started at 18, quit at 41 (last year))

glad you see and use the word addiction. as let that sink in as that is what we have, and that is the fight that we need to put up to keep it in check.

We all went through life with it in just about 24, 7 so you were not alone.

And think of this....all nicotine ever did was to feed its own and keep you from withdraw. It did NOT help you relax, you did that yourself. It did NOT ease any stress, you did that yourself.

It did NOT make your life better, only you will do that yourself. And if you want help make sure you reach out (not around) to your brothers here. It is a smart person that asks for help when one needs it, not a weak one.

so read up, drink the water and kool aid. learn what this site has to offer and follow it, so that you can and will be there for your wife, your son and your whole family.

Yell if you need anything. I quit with you today and only today as that is my decision and should be yours. I will answer you about tomorrow when tomorrow arrives.
Welcome and since Saturday on your own is impressive. Now you have joined a team that will be so valuable to your goal.

Have you posted roll in the April group. That is your home and you must post roll every today you wake. Every one. 100%. If you aren't at a computer, text one of your quit brothers your promise to be quit that day and ask them to put you on roll.

Then for that day, be a man of your word. You quit today and you will stay quit today. Tomorrow, next week or next year. Never think about it. You only quit and stay quit today.

When you wake and tomorrow turns into today...Repeat. Post roll, keep your word and Repeat.

It's hard but you are earning your freedom from vice and the more consecutive days quit, the easier it gets.

Stay close and read, vent, rage and discover what its like to be a real quitter.
Saw your post over in the Fire Station. Welcomce, sir.

I'll be 40 this year too. I wasted 20 years of my life on nicotine before I got good and mad about it. I guarantee the murdering folks at Big Tobacco will never get another dime from me.

These guys have laid down the gospel, so I don't need to add much there. If the fire service in your area is anything like it is down here, then nicotine use is rampant. Quitting in that environment is tougher than most. Coworkers are gonna give you trouble about it. SOme will see you doing something that they can't accomplish, and that will cause friction. Be ready for it. Be the stronger guy. Set an example and stay the course. The ones that are truly your brothers will respect you for trying to save your own life.

Happy to be quit with you. Reach out via PM if you need anything at all.

Offline Gernjer

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Re: This is the last time...
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2014, 07:05:00 PM »
Hi Bob (there's a drinking game where you watch a Bob Newhart episode and everyone has to take a sip whenever the work "Bob" occurs and a shot whenever someone says "Hi Bob" can't make it through 2 episodes),

Anyway, Hi Bob, and welcome to the team. I'm on Day 16 and a loyal member of the "scared straight" program. My lymph nodes became swollen and painful and it wouldn't go away. As a 30 year Copenhagen straight veteran, I was convinced it was cancer and already making plans for it. Then I learned it was a muscular injury. I have an 11 year old daughter. I dipped for 24 years in the military. So you're a firefighter. That's probably 90% boredom and 10% terror/rush. The military is like that, and dipping is totally accepted in the culture, so it's easy to start, hard as hell to stop.

This may help you. As Phyllis Diller would say, quitting is easy, I've done it a thousand times. And I have probably quit 20 or 30 times, but I never really believed it when I did it. This time, however, I absolutely believed I was going to be that guy with no tongue or lower jaw or neck or whatever. So after more than 10-thousand cans of chew, I'm on day 16 and barely feeling it. Here's the trick: I know without a shadow of doubt that I'll never use nicotine again. I can't stress how much that helps. In the past, I always knew it was an option I could fall back on. the big lie in that was that accepting that I could quit my quit, restarting was inevitable.

So here's the thing, Bob. Restarting is no longer on the table for you. Stay busy, don't go into an establishment that sells the shit. Get someone to go for you if necessary. Get your fellow firefighters on board with you and demand they hold you accountable. It's not just for you, it's for them and it's for your son. Don't ever forget that nicotine is physically out of your system after 3 days. The next 97 days is your brain rewiring itself to live without it. I do get cravings. Each time a craving becomes the foremost thought in my head, and I start pressing my tongue down between my lower lip and gum (yep, we all do that) because my brain misses a lump of dirt in there, I bring up this site and I read the testimonials. These guys will talk you off the tallest ledge every time.

Welcome to your new life.

Offline Mthomas3824

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Re: This is the last time...
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2014, 06:25:00 PM »
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: Byoung1003
Hey all, im bob from upstate new york.  Ive been a chewer since i was 16 years old and will be 40 in march. Chewing has always been like a priority for me. For years i was a can to a can and a half a day user or more.  I used skoal straight long cut up until 2 years ago and switched over to pouches. My addiction was so bad that there was very few times i didnt have one packed in my lip. Having a high stress job (firefighter) it always helped me relax. Ive been tobacco/nicotine free since noon on saturday january 18, 2014.  I have quit a few times in the past and hope i can do it this time.  My son is soon to be 5 and the last thing i want to do is end up sick from chewing and potentially leave him without a father.  I have a great support system at home to help get me through this (and ALOT of gum).

welcome brother Yankee (ok Philly here, started at 18, quit at 41 (last year))

glad you see and use the word addiction. as let that sink in as that is what we have, and that is the fight that we need to put up to keep it in check.

We all went through life with it in just about 24, 7 so you were not alone.

And think of this....all nicotine ever did was to feed its own and keep you from withdraw. It did NOT help you relax, you did that yourself. It did NOT ease any stress, you did that yourself.

It did NOT make your life better, only you will do that yourself. And if you want help make sure you reach out (not around) to your brothers here. It is a smart person that asks for help when one needs it, not a weak one.

so read up, drink the water and kool aid. learn what this site has to offer and follow it, so that you can and will be there for your wife, your son and your whole family.

Yell if you need anything. I quit with you today and only today as that is my decision and should be yours. I will answer you about tomorrow when tomorrow arrives.
Welcome and since Saturday on your own is impressive. Now you have joined a team that will be so valuable to your goal.

Have you posted roll in the April group. That is your home and you must post roll every today you wake. Every one. 100%. If you aren't at a computer, text one of your quit brothers your promise to be quit that day and ask them to put you on roll.

Then for that day, be a man of your word. You quit today and you will stay quit today. Tomorrow, next week or next year. Never think about it. You only quit and stay quit today.

When you wake and tomorrow turns into today...Repeat. Post roll, keep your word and Repeat.

It's hard but you are earning your freedom from vice and the more consecutive days quit, the easier it gets.

Stay close and read, vent, rage and discover what its like to be a real quitter.
Quit And Be Free

HOF Speech

Offline SirDerek

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Re: This is the last time...
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2014, 05:47:00 PM »
Quote from: Byoung1003
Hey all, im bob from upstate new york. Ive been a chewer since i was 16 years old and will be 40 in march. Chewing has always been like a priority for me. For years i was a can to a can and a half a day user or more. I used skoal straight long cut up until 2 years ago and switched over to pouches. My addiction was so bad that there was very few times i didnt have one packed in my lip. Having a high stress job (firefighter) it always helped me relax. Ive been tobacco/nicotine free since noon on saturday january 18, 2014. I have quit a few times in the past and hope i can do it this time. My son is soon to be 5 and the last thing i want to do is end up sick from chewing and potentially leave him without a father. I have a great support system at home to help get me through this (and ALOT of gum).

welcome brother Yankee (ok Philly here, started at 18, quit at 41 (last year))

glad you see and use the word addiction. as let that sink in as that is what we have, and that is the fight that we need to put up to keep it in check.

We all went through life with it in just about 24, 7 so you were not alone.

And think of this....all nicotine ever did was to feed its own and keep you from withdraw. It did NOT help you relax, you did that yourself. It did NOT ease any stress, you did that yourself.

It did NOT make your life better, only you will do that yourself. And if you want help make sure you reach out (not around) to your brothers here. It is a smart person that asks for help when one needs it, not a weak one.

so read up, drink the water and kool aid. learn what this site has to offer and follow it, so that you can and will be there for your wife, your son and your whole family.

Yell if you need anything. I quit with you today and only today as that is my decision and should be yours. I will answer you about tomorrow when tomorrow arrives.

Offline ppolcyn

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Re: This is the last time...
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2014, 05:35:00 PM »
Don't hope this is your last time. Make it your last time.
You may not necessarily need the support, but others most definitely do. Be a shining beacon for others. Blaze the path for them to follow!!!

Offline Byoung1003

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This is the last time...
« on: January 20, 2014, 04:46:00 PM »
Hey all, im bob from upstate new york. Ive been a chewer since i was 16 years old and will be 40 in march. Chewing has always been like a priority for me. For years i was a can to a can and a half a day user or more. I used skoal straight long cut up until 2 years ago and switched over to pouches. My addiction was so bad that there was very few times i didnt have one packed in my lip. Having a high stress job (firefighter) it always helped me relax. Ive been tobacco/nicotine free since noon on saturday january 18, 2014. I have quit a few times in the past and hope i can do it this time. My son is soon to be 5 and the last thing i want to do is end up sick from chewing and potentially leave him without a father. I have a great support system at home to help get me through this (and ALOT of gum).
