Author Topic: New here (I quit sat dec 29)  (Read 1754 times)

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Offline Wt57

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Re: New here (I quit sat dec 29)
« Reply #16 on: January 13, 2013, 06:32:00 PM »
I bumped this to your intro from where you posted it. I Realize you have just finished that physical withdrawal and it can't seem possible anyone would want to repeat it, but remember to quit for today don't think about the future and Never underestimate the power of your addiction.
Quote from: neverShouldaStarted Posted:
Seriously, Im a newb at quitting, 13 days today. My biggest thing is after the physical withdrawl, I cant fathom what would possibly make me do something that would even potentially make me go through that again.

Believe me I tried to quit before, but I never got through the physical withdrawl, I seriously barely made it 24-48 hrs. Now that I feel the freedom beyond that 72 hour mark? Never again! and fucking FUCK CANCER.

I mean its not even hell at 13 days so I dont understand the "hell a few weeks at a time" its just occational annoyance now. The 3-4 physical withdrawl shit was hell, this shit now is just cumming on the addiction you already fucked. Sorry if that was too crass.
I'm proud to be quit with you and extend my hand to you for any encouragement or help you may need.
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

Offline Skoal Monster

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Re: New here (I quit sat dec 29)
« Reply #15 on: January 10, 2013, 07:19:00 PM »
Quote from: neverShouldaStarted
Quote from: TSNUS
Quote from: neverShouldaStarted
So I am going to guess quitting can make you paranoid as shit.  So I spent alot of yesterday reading/investigating mouth cancer stories.  So I check the inside of my mouth with a light last night, there was a tiny red spot on the inside of my left cheek.  After 8 years of this shit, now I get paranoid about mouth cancer and check the inside of my mouth AFTER I quit? How fucking ironic would that be?

Anyway the spot WAS smaller than the size of a tic tac, and after not falling asleep till 5 am utterly paralyzed with fear planning doctors appointments how im going to live life with half a jaw, etc etc, I check my mouth 2 minutes ago after waking up to go to work (my commute is turning my laptop on) and its not there anymore.

Seriously, i am now so fucking scared of getting mouth cancer that is enough for me to never touch the stuff again.  I wish I would have grown a brain 8 years ago and saw the stories about kids that got it within a few years of use, I swear I would have been quit years ago.

I am going to be an utter nazi about this for the rest of my life because in all honesty, the damage is done, I will always be at higher risk for this now, I was too stupid to put any thought into it before.  I am still kind of a nervous wreck, even though whatever it was I saw in my mouth yesterday isnt there anymore and nothing looks abnormal in there.
Normal, I had sore spots pop up and last a day or two and disappear for the first 2-3 weeks after my quit started. No sense fretting about the past it's done. Quite a wake up call for sure.
To be honest had I not made the decision to quit. I just woulda kept along purposely NOT looking up mouth cancer and avoid the dentist like I have the past 6 years out of embarrassment.

funny thing is I always brush twice a day, but while dipping would almost always draw a bit of blood, if I flossed? It would look like Ivan Drago just jacked me in the mouth.

In the 12 days since quitting, I've been brushing and flossing like 3 times a day, amazing turn around, im down to maybe a dabble of pink after I floss and none when I brush. Got a dentist appt set up for my 30 days nicotine free Monday Jan 28. Get my damn oral health in friggin check.
Hey NeverShoulda,

Aything weird in the beginning (first week or two) seems to be pretty normal. Your formerly abused cake hole is starting to heal. As for Cancer risk I believe that after five years your risk rate goes down to a level on par with somebody that never used. That being said don't hesitate to ask your dentist to check you out. I get a cancer screening every 6 months since I quit. They have some deal called a veloscope (sp) that will light up any spots in your yap that are showing signs of cellular changes, ie cancer. Ask your tooth puller if they have one. A clean check with that ought to help you take off your tin foil hat .

"CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit. After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco."

Offline neverShouldaStarted

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Re: New here (I quit sat dec 29)
« Reply #14 on: January 10, 2013, 02:35:00 PM »
Quote from: TSNUS
Quote from: neverShouldaStarted
So I am going to guess quitting can make you paranoid as shit.  So I spent alot of yesterday reading/investigating mouth cancer stories.  So I check the inside of my mouth with a light last night, there was a tiny red spot on the inside of my left cheek.  After 8 years of this shit, now I get paranoid about mouth cancer and check the inside of my mouth AFTER I quit? How fucking ironic would that be?

Anyway the spot WAS smaller than the size of a tic tac, and after not falling asleep till 5 am utterly paralyzed with fear planning doctors appointments how im going to live life with half a jaw, etc etc, I check my mouth 2 minutes ago after waking up to go to work (my commute is turning my laptop on) and its not there anymore.

Seriously, i am now so fucking scared of getting mouth cancer that is enough for me to never touch the stuff again.  I wish I would have grown a brain 8 years ago and saw the stories about kids that got it within a few years of use, I swear I would have been quit years ago.

I am going to be an utter nazi about this for the rest of my life because in all honesty, the damage is done, I will always be at higher risk for this now, I was too stupid to put any thought into it before.  I am still kind of a nervous wreck, even though whatever it was I saw in my mouth yesterday isnt there anymore and nothing looks abnormal in there.
Normal, I had sore spots pop up and last a day or two and disappear for the first 2-3 weeks after my quit started. No sense fretting about the past it's done. Quite a wake up call for sure.
To be honest had I not made the decision to quit. I just woulda kept along purposely NOT looking up mouth cancer and avoid the dentist like I have the past 6 years out of embarrassment.

funny thing is I always brush twice a day, but while dipping would almost always draw a bit of blood, if I flossed? It would look like Ivan Drago just jacked me in the mouth.

In the 12 days since quitting, I've been brushing and flossing like 3 times a day, amazing turn around, im down to maybe a dabble of pink after I floss and none when I brush. Got a dentist appt set up for my 30 days nicotine free Monday Jan 28. Get my damn oral health in friggin check.

Offline kana

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Re: New here (I quit sat dec 29)
« Reply #13 on: January 10, 2013, 10:44:00 AM »
Quote from: TSNUS
Quote from: neverShouldaStarted
So I am going to guess quitting can make you paranoid as shit.  So I spent alot of yesterday reading/investigating mouth cancer stories.  So I check the inside of my mouth with a light last night, there was a tiny red spot on the inside of my left cheek.  After 8 years of this shit, now I get paranoid about mouth cancer and check the inside of my mouth AFTER I quit? How fucking ironic would that be?

Anyway the spot WAS smaller than the size of a tic tac, and after not falling asleep till 5 am utterly paralyzed with fear planning doctors appointments how im going to live life with half a jaw, etc etc, I check my mouth 2 minutes ago after waking up to go to work (my commute is turning my laptop on) and its not there anymore.

Seriously, i am now so fucking scared of getting mouth cancer that is enough for me to never touch the stuff again.  I wish I would have grown a brain 8 years ago and saw the stories about kids that got it within a few years of use, I swear I would have been quit years ago.

I am going to be an utter nazi about this for the rest of my life because in all honesty, the damage is done, I will always be at higher risk for this now, I was too stupid to put any thought into it before.  I am still kind of a nervous wreck, even though whatever it was I saw in my mouth yesterday isnt there anymore and nothing looks abnormal in there.
Normal, I had sore spots pop up and last a day or two and disappear for the first 2-3 weeks after my quit started. No sense fretting about the past it's done. Quite a wake up call for sure.
99.9 it's in your head. yes you're paranoid, but this is a tool for your box. be an utter nazi TODAY. don't worry about the rest of your life. Just have a great day, TODAY. B) peace
we choose our battles.. the battles we do fight, be aware that they have to be, but passion rules? James Hetfield

Offline TSNUS

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Re: New here (I quit sat dec 29)
« Reply #12 on: January 10, 2013, 10:15:00 AM »
Quote from: neverShouldaStarted
So I am going to guess quitting can make you paranoid as shit. So I spent alot of yesterday reading/investigating mouth cancer stories. So I check the inside of my mouth with a light last night, there was a tiny red spot on the inside of my left cheek. After 8 years of this shit, now I get paranoid about mouth cancer and check the inside of my mouth AFTER I quit? How fucking ironic would that be?

Anyway the spot WAS smaller than the size of a tic tac, and after not falling asleep till 5 am utterly paralyzed with fear planning doctors appointments how im going to live life with half a jaw, etc etc, I check my mouth 2 minutes ago after waking up to go to work (my commute is turning my laptop on) and its not there anymore.

Seriously, i am now so fucking scared of getting mouth cancer that is enough for me to never touch the stuff again. I wish I would have grown a brain 8 years ago and saw the stories about kids that got it within a few years of use, I swear I would have been quit years ago.

I am going to be an utter nazi about this for the rest of my life because in all honesty, the damage is done, I will always be at higher risk for this now, I was too stupid to put any thought into it before. I am still kind of a nervous wreck, even though whatever it was I saw in my mouth yesterday isnt there anymore and nothing looks abnormal in there.
Normal, I had sore spots pop up and last a day or two and disappear for the first 2-3 weeks after my quit started. No sense fretting about the past it's done. Quite a wake up call for sure.
Quit 8/14/12 and taking my life back one day at a time.

If you don?t control what you have access to, what you have access to will control you.

I?m trying to remind myself daily it?s not the absence of conflict that determines whether or not my relationships are healthy. It?s knowing how to handle the conflicts that will arise.

Character is who we are, not who we pretend to be. It's better to be shaped than to be fake.

Offline neverShouldaStarted

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Re: New here (I quit sat dec 29)
« Reply #11 on: January 10, 2013, 10:09:00 AM »
So I am going to guess quitting can make you paranoid as shit. So I spent alot of yesterday reading/investigating mouth cancer stories. So I check the inside of my mouth with a light last night, there was a tiny red spot on the inside of my left cheek. After 8 years of this shit, now I get paranoid about mouth cancer and check the inside of my mouth AFTER I quit? How fucking ironic would that be?

Anyway the spot WAS smaller than the size of a tic tac, and after not falling asleep till 5 am utterly paralyzed with fear planning doctors appointments how im going to live life with half a jaw, etc etc, I check my mouth 2 minutes ago after waking up to go to work (my commute is turning my laptop on) and its not there anymore.

Seriously, i am now so fucking scared of getting mouth cancer that is enough for me to never touch the stuff again. I wish I would have grown a brain 8 years ago and saw the stories about kids that got it within a few years of use, I swear I would have been quit years ago.

I am going to be an utter nazi about this for the rest of my life because in all honesty, the damage is done, I will always be at higher risk for this now, I was too stupid to put any thought into it before. I am still kind of a nervous wreck, even though whatever it was I saw in my mouth yesterday isnt there anymore and nothing looks abnormal in there.

Offline kana

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Re: New here (I quit sat dec 29)
« Reply #10 on: January 09, 2013, 10:12:00 PM »
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: boomtho
Quote from: neverShouldaStarted
Day 11 and screw stupid people.  This past saturday, having a few beers at my best friends house (who was honestly my inspiration to quit, hes quit smoking for about 6 months now cold turkey as well).  We have alot of friends/acquaintances that smoke, this one girl told me, before going out into 20 degree weather to suck on a cancer stick "its about time you quit that gross shit".  I just said yeah and laughed it off, but really wanted to say you are right, but pot meet kettle you stupid bitch, your breath smells like shit and you smell like shit, how about you quit your disgusting shit too, out there huddled in the cold like birds on a wire feeding your damn addiction, stinking your asses up even worse.
Rage on brother. I about punched my best friend of 14 years in the face for packing a lip next to me during the Vikes game on Saturday. Screw stupid people indeed. PM me if you need some digits, I know texting a few guys from here during that game kept me sane.
lovin it when I hear that. Just that first time when a new quitter sees the disgusting habit that someone else it doing, and then not only gets angry but makes that realization of what we used to be.

A BIG emphasis on used to be. You all are on your way well deep into quitsville today.

Keep on quitting my friends.
ditto with derek.. nice to see your on the right path.. be prepared to see people doing dumb things... when I see tobacco using people I just feel weird now. no physical craving whatsoever. just feel bad for them still caught in the web. keep it up and your physical cravings will slowly disappear ..peace
we choose our battles.. the battles we do fight, be aware that they have to be, but passion rules? James Hetfield

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Re: New here (I quit sat dec 29)
« Reply #9 on: January 09, 2013, 01:32:00 PM »
Quote from: boomtho
Quote from: neverShouldaStarted
Day 11 and screw stupid people.  This past saturday, having a few beers at my best friends house (who was honestly my inspiration to quit, hes quit smoking for about 6 months now cold turkey as well).  We have alot of friends/acquaintances that smoke, this one girl told me, before going out into 20 degree weather to suck on a cancer stick "its about time you quit that gross shit".  I just said yeah and laughed it off, but really wanted to say you are right, but pot meet kettle you stupid bitch, your breath smells like shit and you smell like shit, how about you quit your disgusting shit too, out there huddled in the cold like birds on a wire feeding your damn addiction, stinking your asses up even worse.
Rage on brother. I about punched my best friend of 14 years in the face for packing a lip next to me during the Vikes game on Saturday. Screw stupid people indeed. PM me if you need some digits, I know texting a few guys from here during that game kept me sane.
lovin it when I hear that. Just that first time when a new quitter sees the disgusting habit that someone else it doing, and then not only gets angry but makes that realization of what we used to be.

A BIG emphasis on used to be. You all are on your way well deep into quitsville today.

Keep on quitting my friends.

Offline Wt57

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Re: New here (I quit sat dec 29)
« Reply #8 on: January 09, 2013, 01:30:00 PM »
Quote from: boomtho
Quote from: neverShouldaStarted
Day 11 and screw stupid people.  This past saturday, having a few beers at my best friends house (who was honestly my inspiration to quit, hes quit smoking for about 6 months now cold turkey as well).  We have alot of friends/acquaintances that smoke, this one girl told me, before going out into 20 degree weather to suck on a cancer stick "its about time you quit that gross shit".  I just said yeah and laughed it off, but really wanted to say you are right, but pot meet kettle you stupid bitch, your breath smells like shit and you smell like shit, how about you quit your disgusting shit too, out there huddled in the cold like birds on a wire feeding your damn addiction, stinking your asses up even worse.
Rage on brother. I about punched my best friend of 14 years in the face for packing a lip next to me during the Vikes game on Saturday. Screw stupid people indeed. PM me if you need some digits, I know texting a few guys from here during that game kept me sane.
I love rage! What is the purpose? Quitting is painful and we need to vent as a release for the pain. Your family and friends don't need to experience your rage, first they don't deserve the abuse, second they don't understand your pain but releasing here will be appreciated and accepted. You may get some back, you may get laughted at or you may get a big group hug. So rage on!!!
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

Offline boomtho

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Re: New here (I quit sat dec 29)
« Reply #7 on: January 09, 2013, 01:01:00 PM »
Quote from: neverShouldaStarted
Day 11 and screw stupid people. This past saturday, having a few beers at my best friends house (who was honestly my inspiration to quit, hes quit smoking for about 6 months now cold turkey as well). We have alot of friends/acquaintances that smoke, this one girl told me, before going out into 20 degree weather to suck on a cancer stick "its about time you quit that gross shit". I just said yeah and laughed it off, but really wanted to say you are right, but pot meet kettle you stupid bitch, your breath smells like shit and you smell like shit, how about you quit your disgusting shit too, out there huddled in the cold like birds on a wire feeding your damn addiction, stinking your asses up even worse.
Rage on brother. I about punched my best friend of 14 years in the face for packing a lip next to me during the Vikes game on Saturday. Screw stupid people indeed. PM me if you need some digits, I know texting a few guys from here during that game kept me sane.

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Re: New here (I quit sat dec 29)
« Reply #6 on: January 09, 2013, 12:47:00 PM »
Quote from: TSNUS
Quote from: jhodge
Quote from: loot
Quote from: neverShouldaStarted
I was just curious if there was anything like this online and I found it.  It definitely reinforces your conviction.

I started dipping when I was 23 (I am now 30), its weird, because that is generally an age where people wouldn't "start" doing something like this.  I joined the Army at that time and like everyone in my unit dipped, and I eventually tried it.  Stupid, stupid stupid.  

so as of saturday jan 12, I will have quit for 2 weeks.
I would say right now the biggest issue for me is, unconsciously reaching for the can, and developing that anticipation in that moment then the let down from your brain when it realizes it isn't gonna get anything.  Other than that the physical cravings are gone.  I quit on a weekend, there was to be drinking and partying for a cousins wedding, I figured if I could get through that, I am golden.  Keeping busy that entire weekend helped, as I didn't think about it as much...but that first night out drinking I swear there was a burning desire in my core that felt like my soul trying to jump out of my chest and get a can of dip.  I previously tried to quit twice before but couldnt make it a day...boredom is my killer for getting over the physical addiction.  I've been planning on doing it this long weekend since the summer time and I got through the toughest part.  Keeping busy and constantly being around people was huge.

I just don't want to ruin it.    I've gone nearly 2 weeks, knowing how incredibly difficult the first 3-4 days were, is what is keeping me with it.  I never want to have to experience those first few days again, compared to now, this is a cake walk.  As I think someone mentioned in the words of wisdom I recently has been huge.  Not to recommend replacing one drug with another, but seriously, when really want that nic buzz, A large cup of coffee does the trick, dont know why (other than both being stimulants).

Anywho, just wanted to introduce myself, will keep perusing here to keep me on the path.
Welcome friend. You will fit in well. Yell if you need anything.
Great you have come to the right place. Click the salmon colored welcome tab at the top, should get you started on how to post roll. You will be part of the Pre hof April group so head over there in the quit groups section.Post roll (your promise not to dip that day) and meet your group.
Nevershouldastartedit and Neveragain one day at a time. You found the right place, read up, buddy up, and use the tools to stay quit. Next time a crave hits remember why you are not a slave anymore. It's a choice and it will get better over time. Read the what to expect so there are no surprises and you will be one step ahead of the game. You'll have to learn to do life without a can and once you do you'll find freedom. Quit with you today. Drink lots of water and excersise 30 minutes a day really helps.
I didn't find this site until around that time (I think for me it was day 9.) Trust me, this site will help. Knowing that there are others going through what you're going through changes the degree of difficulty of quitting entirely. I encourage you to look around the site and engage with people.

Post roll, keep your word, repeat.
The product is worth the process.

Offline neverShouldaStarted

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Re: New here (I quit sat dec 29)
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2013, 12:03:00 PM »
Day 11 and screw stupid people. This past saturday, having a few beers at my best friends house (who was honestly my inspiration to quit, hes quit smoking for about 6 months now cold turkey as well). We have alot of friends/acquaintances that smoke, this one girl told me, before going out into 20 degree weather to suck on a cancer stick "its about time you quit that gross shit". I just said yeah and laughed it off, but really wanted to say you are right, but pot meet kettle you stupid bitch, your breath smells like shit and you smell like shit, how about you quit your disgusting shit too, out there huddled in the cold like birds on a wire feeding your damn addiction, stinking your asses up even worse.

Offline TSNUS

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Re: New here (I quit sat dec 29)
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2013, 07:28:00 AM »
Quote from: jhodge
Quote from: loot
Quote from: neverShouldaStarted
I was just curious if there was anything like this online and I found it.  It definitely reinforces your conviction.

I started dipping when I was 23 (I am now 30), its weird, because that is generally an age where people wouldn't "start" doing something like this.  I joined the Army at that time and like everyone in my unit dipped, and I eventually tried it.  Stupid, stupid stupid.  

so as of saturday jan 12, I will have quit for 2 weeks.
I would say right now the biggest issue for me is, unconsciously reaching for the can, and developing that anticipation in that moment then the let down from your brain when it realizes it isn't gonna get anything.  Other than that the physical cravings are gone.  I quit on a weekend, there was to be drinking and partying for a cousins wedding, I figured if I could get through that, I am golden.  Keeping busy that entire weekend helped, as I didn't think about it as much...but that first night out drinking I swear there was a burning desire in my core that felt like my soul trying to jump out of my chest and get a can of dip.  I previously tried to quit twice before but couldnt make it a day...boredom is my killer for getting over the physical addiction.  I've been planning on doing it this long weekend since the summer time and I got through the toughest part.  Keeping busy and constantly being around people was huge.

I just don't want to ruin it.    I've gone nearly 2 weeks, knowing how incredibly difficult the first 3-4 days were, is what is keeping me with it.  I never want to have to experience those first few days again, compared to now, this is a cake walk.  As I think someone mentioned in the words of wisdom I recently has been huge.  Not to recommend replacing one drug with another, but seriously, when really want that nic buzz, A large cup of coffee does the trick, dont know why (other than both being stimulants).

Anywho, just wanted to introduce myself, will keep perusing here to keep me on the path.
Welcome friend. You will fit in well. Yell if you need anything.
Great you have come to the right place. Click the salmon colored welcome tab at the top, should get you started on how to post roll. You will be part of the Pre hof April group so head over there in the quit groups section.Post roll (your promise not to dip that day) and meet your group.
Nevershouldastartedit and Neveragain one day at a time. You found the right place, read up, buddy up, and use the tools to stay quit. Next time a crave hits remember why you are not a slave anymore. It's a choice and it will get better over time. Read the what to expect so there are no surprises and you will be one step ahead of the game. You'll have to learn to do life without a can and once you do you'll find freedom. Quit with you today. Drink lots of water and excersise 30 minutes a day really helps.
Quit 8/14/12 and taking my life back one day at a time.

If you don?t control what you have access to, what you have access to will control you.

I?m trying to remind myself daily it?s not the absence of conflict that determines whether or not my relationships are healthy. It?s knowing how to handle the conflicts that will arise.

Character is who we are, not who we pretend to be. It's better to be shaped than to be fake.

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Re: New here (I quit sat dec 29)
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2013, 09:05:00 PM »
Quote from: loot
Quote from: neverShouldaStarted
I was just curious if there was anything like this online and I found it.  It definitely reinforces your conviction.

I started dipping when I was 23 (I am now 30), its weird, because that is generally an age where people wouldn't "start" doing something like this.  I joined the Army at that time and like everyone in my unit dipped, and I eventually tried it.  Stupid, stupid stupid.  

so as of saturday jan 12, I will have quit for 2 weeks.
I would say right now the biggest issue for me is, unconsciously reaching for the can, and developing that anticipation in that moment then the let down from your brain when it realizes it isn't gonna get anything.  Other than that the physical cravings are gone.  I quit on a weekend, there was to be drinking and partying for a cousins wedding, I figured if I could get through that, I am golden.  Keeping busy that entire weekend helped, as I didn't think about it as much...but that first night out drinking I swear there was a burning desire in my core that felt like my soul trying to jump out of my chest and get a can of dip.  I previously tried to quit twice before but couldnt make it a day...boredom is my killer for getting over the physical addiction.  I've been planning on doing it this long weekend since the summer time and I got through the toughest part.  Keeping busy and constantly being around people was huge.

I just don't want to ruin it.    I've gone nearly 2 weeks, knowing how incredibly difficult the first 3-4 days were, is what is keeping me with it.  I never want to have to experience those first few days again, compared to now, this is a cake walk.  As I think someone mentioned in the words of wisdom I recently has been huge.  Not to recommend replacing one drug with another, but seriously, when really want that nic buzz, A large cup of coffee does the trick, dont know why (other than both being stimulants).

Anywho, just wanted to introduce myself, will keep perusing here to keep me on the path.
Welcome friend. You will fit in well. Yell if you need anything.
Great you have come to the right place. Click the salmon colored welcome tab at the top, should get you started on how to post roll. You will be part of the Pre hof April group so head over there in the quit groups section.Post roll (your promise not to dip that day) and meet your group.
Quit: 11/27/2012
HOF 03/06/2013

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Re: New here (I quit sat dec 29)
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2013, 08:56:00 PM »
Quote from: neverShouldaStarted
I was just curious if there was anything like this online and I found it. It definitely reinforces your conviction.

I started dipping when I was 23 (I am now 30), its weird, because that is generally an age where people wouldn't "start" doing something like this. I joined the Army at that time and like everyone in my unit dipped, and I eventually tried it. Stupid, stupid stupid.

so as of saturday jan 12, I will have quit for 2 weeks.
I would say right now the biggest issue for me is, unconsciously reaching for the can, and developing that anticipation in that moment then the let down from your brain when it realizes it isn't gonna get anything. Other than that the physical cravings are gone. I quit on a weekend, there was to be drinking and partying for a cousins wedding, I figured if I could get through that, I am golden. Keeping busy that entire weekend helped, as I didn't think about it as much...but that first night out drinking I swear there was a burning desire in my core that felt like my soul trying to jump out of my chest and get a can of dip. I previously tried to quit twice before but couldnt make it a day...boredom is my killer for getting over the physical addiction. I've been planning on doing it this long weekend since the summer time and I got through the toughest part. Keeping busy and constantly being around people was huge.

I just don't want to ruin it. I've gone nearly 2 weeks, knowing how incredibly difficult the first 3-4 days were, is what is keeping me with it. I never want to have to experience those first few days again, compared to now, this is a cake walk. As I think someone mentioned in the words of wisdom I recently has been huge. Not to recommend replacing one drug with another, but seriously, when really want that nic buzz, A large cup of coffee does the trick, dont know why (other than both being stimulants).

Anywho, just wanted to introduce myself, will keep perusing here to keep me on the path.
Welcome friend. You will fit in well. Yell if you need anything.