Author Topic: Meet Minuteofangle  (Read 2989 times)

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Offline Nolaq

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Re: Meet Minuteofangle
« Reply #50 on: September 26, 2012, 10:39:00 PM »
Quote from: Skoal
Quote from: minuteofangle
I encourage all of you "old time" quitters that havent looked at your Intro in a while to sort through all of the pages and reread all the stuff in your Intro.  You will re-invigorate your quit...
What's that sonny? I couldn't hear ya I had my record player on.
You kids get OFF my lawn!
What is your major malfunction?!?!?!?!

Offline Skoal Monster

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Re: Meet Minuteofangle
« Reply #49 on: September 26, 2012, 10:29:00 PM »
Quote from: minuteofangle
I encourage all of you "old time" quitters that havent looked at your Intro in a while to sort through all of the pages and reread all the stuff in your Intro. You will re-invigorate your quit...
What's that sonny? I couldn't hear ya I had my record player on.
"CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit. After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco."

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Re: Meet Minuteofangle
« Reply #48 on: September 25, 2012, 04:09:00 PM »
I encourage all of you "old time" quitters that havent looked at your Intro in a while to sort through all of the pages and reread all the stuff in your Intro. You will re-invigorate your quit...

Offline Nolaq

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Re: Meet Minuteofangle
« Reply #47 on: October 12, 2011, 09:55:00 PM »
Quote from: Souliman
Quote from: Greg5280
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: theo3wood
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: Aglawyer
Quote from: kdip
Quote from: Notdeadyet
Quote from: minuteofangle
500 days ago today, I quit dipping after 24 straight years of daily dipping.  Down deep, I really doubted that I could make it, but I thought “What the hell!”  I would give it a try anyway.  I had never really tried to quit before.  After a few days, I was dying for a dip.  I'm embarrassed to confess that I dipped coffee grounds, and tore tea bags open and dipped dry tea.  I ate EVERYTHING!  After about a week, I found this sight while surfing for quit dipping resources.  It took a few days but I figured out the whole roll call thing.  I stayed on the sight almost constantly for the next 100 days.  I was on the site at work, after work, on the weekends, in chat, giving advice to the real newbie’s, 16 hours a day damn near.  Then one day, I was a Hall of Famer.  I wrote my speech and vowed to continue to post roll because I feared what might happen if I didn’t.  Most of the HOFers in my group disappeared never to be heard from again.  But me and a few others vowed to post to “200”.  I admit that I have missed a few days here and there but I still post roll most days with some hard corp quitting fuckers in September 2010.  I still crave nicotine, but I use fake dip to satisfy the cravings.  I use much less fake than I did real dip, but I still use it daily.  I know that fake is a crutch and I know that I will have to quit that too soon, but for now it keeps me tobacco free.  So if that’s what it takes…fine.  Over the last 500 days I have reached out to numerous quitters and I would like to think that I have helped a few of them in some small way.  So whats next for Minuteofangle?  Im not sure.  But I believe that I will post “501” tomorrow and see what happens next.

Pure inspiration. Thanks for sharing MOA!
Nice work MOA!!! Congrats on half a comma!!! Now let's get to work on the rest of that comma!!! You can DO this!!!!
Nice!!! Congrats!
Good stuff, MOA. Congrats.
MOA: don't sweat the fake. Absolutely nothing wrong with it. Some day you'll just get tired of it, and that'll be that. Until then dip that fake as much as you like. ...oh...and hearty grats on the half comma. I for one am glad you're still around.
'clap' 'clap'
Nicely done !! Congrats !
Outstanding brother. Congratulations MOA.
Sorry I missed this brother. Out-fucking-standing!

What is your major malfunction?!?!?!?!

Offline Fletch

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Re: Meet Minuteofangle
« Reply #46 on: October 12, 2011, 09:23:00 PM »
Great news, congrats...hoping to get to 500 one day myself! I can do it!

Offline nicofiend

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Re: Meet Minuteofangle
« Reply #45 on: October 12, 2011, 08:51:00 PM »
Quote from: minuteofangle
500 days ago today, I quit dipping after 24 straight years of daily dipping. Down deep, I really doubted that I could make it, but I thought “What the hell!” I would give it a try anyway. I had never really tried to quit before. After a few days, I was dying for a dip. I'm embarrassed to confess that I dipped coffee grounds, and tore tea bags open and dipped dry tea. I ate EVERYTHING! After about a week, I found this sight while surfing for quit dipping resources. It took a few days but I figured out the whole roll call thing. I stayed on the sight almost constantly for the next 100 days. I was on the site at work, after work, on the weekends, in chat, giving advice to the real newbie’s, 16 hours a day damn near. Then one day, I was a Hall of Famer. I wrote my speech and vowed to continue to post roll because I feared what might happen if I didn’t. Most of the HOFers in my group disappeared never to be heard from again. But me and a few others vowed to post to “200”. I admit that I have missed a few days here and there but I still post roll most days with some hard corp quitting fuckers in September 2010. I still crave nicotine, but I use fake dip to satisfy the cravings. I use much less fake than I did real dip, but I still use it daily. I know that fake is a crutch and I know that I will have to quit that too soon, but for now it keeps me tobacco free. So if that’s what it takes…fine. Over the last 500 days I have reached out to numerous quitters and I would like to think that I have helped a few of them in some small way. So whats next for Minuteofangle? Im not sure. But I believe that I will post “501” tomorrow and see what happens next.

Congrats on a rock solid quit!! Your quit has built a firmer foundation for mine!! nico

Offline Souliman

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Re: Meet Minuteofangle
« Reply #44 on: October 12, 2011, 08:10:00 PM »
Quote from: Greg5280
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: theo3wood
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: Aglawyer
Quote from: kdip
Quote from: Notdeadyet
Quote from: minuteofangle
500 days ago today, I quit dipping after 24 straight years of daily dipping.  Down deep, I really doubted that I could make it, but I thought “What the hell!”  I would give it a try anyway.  I had never really tried to quit before.  After a few days, I was dying for a dip.  I'm embarrassed to confess that I dipped coffee grounds, and tore tea bags open and dipped dry tea.  I ate EVERYTHING!  After about a week, I found this sight while surfing for quit dipping resources.  It took a few days but I figured out the whole roll call thing.  I stayed on the sight almost constantly for the next 100 days.  I was on the site at work, after work, on the weekends, in chat, giving advice to the real newbie’s, 16 hours a day damn near.  Then one day, I was a Hall of Famer.  I wrote my speech and vowed to continue to post roll because I feared what might happen if I didn’t.  Most of the HOFers in my group disappeared never to be heard from again.  But me and a few others vowed to post to “200”.  I admit that I have missed a few days here and there but I still post roll most days with some hard corp quitting fuckers in September 2010.  I still crave nicotine, but I use fake dip to satisfy the cravings.  I use much less fake than I did real dip, but I still use it daily.  I know that fake is a crutch and I know that I will have to quit that too soon, but for now it keeps me tobacco free.  So if that’s what it takes…fine.  Over the last 500 days I have reached out to numerous quitters and I would like to think that I have helped a few of them in some small way.  So whats next for Minuteofangle?  Im not sure.  But I believe that I will post “501” tomorrow and see what happens next.

Pure inspiration. Thanks for sharing MOA!
Nice work MOA!!! Congrats on half a comma!!! Now let's get to work on the rest of that comma!!! You can DO this!!!!
Nice!!! Congrats!
Good stuff, MOA. Congrats.
MOA: don't sweat the fake. Absolutely nothing wrong with it. Some day you'll just get tired of it, and that'll be that. Until then dip that fake as much as you like. ...oh...and hearty grats on the half comma. I for one am glad you're still around.
'clap' 'clap'
Nicely done !! Congrats !
Outstanding brother. Congratulations MOA.

Offline Greg5280

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Re: Meet Minuteofangle
« Reply #43 on: October 12, 2011, 07:12:00 PM »
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: theo3wood
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: Aglawyer
Quote from: kdip
Quote from: Notdeadyet
Quote from: minuteofangle
500 days ago today, I quit dipping after 24 straight years of daily dipping.  Down deep, I really doubted that I could make it, but I thought “What the hell!”  I would give it a try anyway.  I had never really tried to quit before.  After a few days, I was dying for a dip.  I'm embarrassed to confess that I dipped coffee grounds, and tore tea bags open and dipped dry tea.  I ate EVERYTHING!  After about a week, I found this sight while surfing for quit dipping resources.  It took a few days but I figured out the whole roll call thing.  I stayed on the sight almost constantly for the next 100 days.  I was on the site at work, after work, on the weekends, in chat, giving advice to the real newbie’s, 16 hours a day damn near.  Then one day, I was a Hall of Famer.  I wrote my speech and vowed to continue to post roll because I feared what might happen if I didn’t.  Most of the HOFers in my group disappeared never to be heard from again.  But me and a few others vowed to post to “200”.  I admit that I have missed a few days here and there but I still post roll most days with some hard corp quitting fuckers in September 2010.  I still crave nicotine, but I use fake dip to satisfy the cravings.  I use much less fake than I did real dip, but I still use it daily.  I know that fake is a crutch and I know that I will have to quit that too soon, but for now it keeps me tobacco free.  So if that’s what it takes…fine.  Over the last 500 days I have reached out to numerous quitters and I would like to think that I have helped a few of them in some small way.  So whats next for Minuteofangle?  Im not sure.  But I believe that I will post “501” tomorrow and see what happens next.

Pure inspiration. Thanks for sharing MOA!
Nice work MOA!!! Congrats on half a comma!!! Now let's get to work on the rest of that comma!!! You can DO this!!!!
Nice!!! Congrats!
Good stuff, MOA. Congrats.
MOA: don't sweat the fake. Absolutely nothing wrong with it. Some day you'll just get tired of it, and that'll be that. Until then dip that fake as much as you like. ...oh...and hearty grats on the half comma. I for one am glad you're still around.
'clap' 'clap'
Nicely done !! Congrats !

Offline RAZD611

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Re: Meet Minuteofangle
« Reply #42 on: October 12, 2011, 06:52:00 PM »
Quote from: theo3wood
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: Aglawyer
Quote from: kdip
Quote from: Notdeadyet
Quote from: minuteofangle
500 days ago today, I quit dipping after 24 straight years of daily dipping.  Down deep, I really doubted that I could make it, but I thought “What the hell!”  I would give it a try anyway.  I had never really tried to quit before.  After a few days, I was dying for a dip.  I'm embarrassed to confess that I dipped coffee grounds, and tore tea bags open and dipped dry tea.  I ate EVERYTHING!  After about a week, I found this sight while surfing for quit dipping resources.  It took a few days but I figured out the whole roll call thing.  I stayed on the sight almost constantly for the next 100 days.  I was on the site at work, after work, on the weekends, in chat, giving advice to the real newbie’s, 16 hours a day damn near.  Then one day, I was a Hall of Famer.  I wrote my speech and vowed to continue to post roll because I feared what might happen if I didn’t.  Most of the HOFers in my group disappeared never to be heard from again.  But me and a few others vowed to post to “200”.  I admit that I have missed a few days here and there but I still post roll most days with some hard corp quitting fuckers in September 2010.  I still crave nicotine, but I use fake dip to satisfy the cravings.  I use much less fake than I did real dip, but I still use it daily.  I know that fake is a crutch and I know that I will have to quit that too soon, but for now it keeps me tobacco free.  So if that’s what it takes…fine.  Over the last 500 days I have reached out to numerous quitters and I would like to think that I have helped a few of them in some small way.  So whats next for Minuteofangle?  Im not sure.  But I believe that I will post “501” tomorrow and see what happens next.

Pure inspiration. Thanks for sharing MOA!
Nice work MOA!!! Congrats on half a comma!!! Now let's get to work on the rest of that comma!!! You can DO this!!!!
Nice!!! Congrats!
Good stuff, MOA. Congrats.
MOA: don't sweat the fake. Absolutely nothing wrong with it. Some day you'll just get tired of it, and that'll be that. Until then dip that fake as much as you like. ...oh...and hearty grats on the half comma. I for one am glad you're still around.
'clap' 'clap'
Never Again For Any Reason

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Offline theo3wood

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Re: Meet Minuteofangle
« Reply #41 on: October 12, 2011, 12:26:00 PM »
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: Aglawyer
Quote from: kdip
Quote from: Notdeadyet
Quote from: minuteofangle
500 days ago today, I quit dipping after 24 straight years of daily dipping.  Down deep, I really doubted that I could make it, but I thought “What the hell!”  I would give it a try anyway.  I had never really tried to quit before.  After a few days, I was dying for a dip.  I'm embarrassed to confess that I dipped coffee grounds, and tore tea bags open and dipped dry tea.  I ate EVERYTHING!  After about a week, I found this sight while surfing for quit dipping resources.  It took a few days but I figured out the whole roll call thing.  I stayed on the sight almost constantly for the next 100 days.  I was on the site at work, after work, on the weekends, in chat, giving advice to the real newbie’s, 16 hours a day damn near.  Then one day, I was a Hall of Famer.  I wrote my speech and vowed to continue to post roll because I feared what might happen if I didn’t.  Most of the HOFers in my group disappeared never to be heard from again.  But me and a few others vowed to post to “200”.  I admit that I have missed a few days here and there but I still post roll most days with some hard corp quitting fuckers in September 2010.  I still crave nicotine, but I use fake dip to satisfy the cravings.  I use much less fake than I did real dip, but I still use it daily.  I know that fake is a crutch and I know that I will have to quit that too soon, but for now it keeps me tobacco free.  So if that’s what it takes…fine.  Over the last 500 days I have reached out to numerous quitters and I would like to think that I have helped a few of them in some small way.  So whats next for Minuteofangle?  Im not sure.  But I believe that I will post “501” tomorrow and see what happens next.

Pure inspiration. Thanks for sharing MOA!
Nice work MOA!!! Congrats on half a comma!!! Now let's get to work on the rest of that comma!!! You can DO this!!!!
Nice!!! Congrats!
Good stuff, MOA. Congrats.
MOA: don't sweat the fake. Absolutely nothing wrong with it. Some day you'll just get tired of it, and that'll be that. Until then dip that fake as much as you like. ...oh...and hearty grats on the half comma. I for one am glad you're still around.
"the cycle is over. we are clean. we are shining beacons to the masses that think it can't be done." ...LooT

"We have the right to watch our children grow and have earned the right to participate in their lives. We will not be denied. Success can be our only option now. We can never tire, give up, fail, or falter. We are worth more than this addiction and will stop at nothing to beat it." ...Sweenz

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Re: Meet Minuteofangle
« Reply #40 on: October 12, 2011, 10:17:00 AM »
Congrats MOA on the 1/2 comma!!! Thanks for leading the way.

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Re: Meet Minuteofangle
« Reply #39 on: October 12, 2011, 10:17:00 AM »
Quote from: Aglawyer
Quote from: kdip
Quote from: Notdeadyet
Quote from: minuteofangle
500 days ago today, I quit dipping after 24 straight years of daily dipping.  Down deep, I really doubted that I could make it, but I thought “What the hell!”  I would give it a try anyway.  I had never really tried to quit before.  After a few days, I was dying for a dip.  I'm embarrassed to confess that I dipped coffee grounds, and tore tea bags open and dipped dry tea.  I ate EVERYTHING!  After about a week, I found this sight while surfing for quit dipping resources.  It took a few days but I figured out the whole roll call thing.  I stayed on the sight almost constantly for the next 100 days.  I was on the site at work, after work, on the weekends, in chat, giving advice to the real newbie’s, 16 hours a day damn near.  Then one day, I was a Hall of Famer.  I wrote my speech and vowed to continue to post roll because I feared what might happen if I didn’t.  Most of the HOFers in my group disappeared never to be heard from again.  But me and a few others vowed to post to “200”.  I admit that I have missed a few days here and there but I still post roll most days with some hard corp quitting fuckers in September 2010.  I still crave nicotine, but I use fake dip to satisfy the cravings.  I use much less fake than I did real dip, but I still use it daily.  I know that fake is a crutch and I know that I will have to quit that too soon, but for now it keeps me tobacco free.  So if that’s what it takes…fine.  Over the last 500 days I have reached out to numerous quitters and I would like to think that I have helped a few of them in some small way.  So whats next for Minuteofangle?  Im not sure.  But I believe that I will post “501” tomorrow and see what happens next.

Pure inspiration. Thanks for sharing MOA!
Nice work MOA!!! Congrats on half a comma!!! Now let's get to work on the rest of that comma!!! You can DO this!!!!
Nice!!! Congrats!
Good stuff, MOA. Congrats.

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Re: Meet Minuteofangle
« Reply #38 on: October 12, 2011, 10:11:00 AM »
Quote from: kdip
Quote from: Notdeadyet
Quote from: minuteofangle
500 days ago today, I quit dipping after 24 straight years of daily dipping.  Down deep, I really doubted that I could make it, but I thought “What the hell!”  I would give it a try anyway.  I had never really tried to quit before.  After a few days, I was dying for a dip.  I'm embarrassed to confess that I dipped coffee grounds, and tore tea bags open and dipped dry tea.  I ate EVERYTHING!  After about a week, I found this sight while surfing for quit dipping resources.  It took a few days but I figured out the whole roll call thing.  I stayed on the sight almost constantly for the next 100 days.  I was on the site at work, after work, on the weekends, in chat, giving advice to the real newbie’s, 16 hours a day damn near.  Then one day, I was a Hall of Famer.  I wrote my speech and vowed to continue to post roll because I feared what might happen if I didn’t.  Most of the HOFers in my group disappeared never to be heard from again.  But me and a few others vowed to post to “200”.  I admit that I have missed a few days here and there but I still post roll most days with some hard corp quitting fuckers in September 2010.  I still crave nicotine, but I use fake dip to satisfy the cravings.  I use much less fake than I did real dip, but I still use it daily.  I know that fake is a crutch and I know that I will have to quit that too soon, but for now it keeps me tobacco free.  So if that’s what it takes…fine.  Over the last 500 days I have reached out to numerous quitters and I would like to think that I have helped a few of them in some small way.  So whats next for Minuteofangle?  Im not sure.  But I believe that I will post “501” tomorrow and see what happens next.

Pure inspiration. Thanks for sharing MOA!
Nice work MOA!!! Congrats on half a comma!!! Now let's get to work on the rest of that comma!!! You can DO this!!!!
Nice!!! Congrats!

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Re: Meet Minuteofangle
« Reply #37 on: October 12, 2011, 10:02:00 AM »
Quote from: Notdeadyet
Quote from: minuteofangle
500 days ago today, I quit dipping after 24 straight years of daily dipping.  Down deep, I really doubted that I could make it, but I thought “What the hell!”  I would give it a try anyway.  I had never really tried to quit before.  After a few days, I was dying for a dip.  I'm embarrassed to confess that I dipped coffee grounds, and tore tea bags open and dipped dry tea.  I ate EVERYTHING!  After about a week, I found this sight while surfing for quit dipping resources.  It took a few days but I figured out the whole roll call thing.  I stayed on the sight almost constantly for the next 100 days.  I was on the site at work, after work, on the weekends, in chat, giving advice to the real newbie’s, 16 hours a day damn near.  Then one day, I was a Hall of Famer.  I wrote my speech and vowed to continue to post roll because I feared what might happen if I didn’t.  Most of the HOFers in my group disappeared never to be heard from again.  But me and a few others vowed to post to “200”.  I admit that I have missed a few days here and there but I still post roll most days with some hard corp quitting fuckers in September 2010.  I still crave nicotine, but I use fake dip to satisfy the cravings.  I use much less fake than I did real dip, but I still use it daily.  I know that fake is a crutch and I know that I will have to quit that too soon, but for now it keeps me tobacco free.  So if that’s what it takes…fine.  Over the last 500 days I have reached out to numerous quitters and I would like to think that I have helped a few of them in some small way.  So whats next for Minuteofangle?  Im not sure.  But I believe that I will post “501” tomorrow and see what happens next.

Pure inspiration. Thanks for sharing MOA!
Nice work MOA!!! Congrats on half a comma!!! Now let's get to work on the rest of that comma!!! You can DO this!!!!

Offline Notdeadyet

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Re: Meet Minuteofangle
« Reply #36 on: October 12, 2011, 09:55:00 AM »
Quote from: minuteofangle
500 days ago today, I quit dipping after 24 straight years of daily dipping. Down deep, I really doubted that I could make it, but I thought “What the hell!” I would give it a try anyway. I had never really tried to quit before. After a few days, I was dying for a dip. I'm embarrassed to confess that I dipped coffee grounds, and tore tea bags open and dipped dry tea. I ate EVERYTHING! After about a week, I found this sight while surfing for quit dipping resources. It took a few days but I figured out the whole roll call thing. I stayed on the sight almost constantly for the next 100 days. I was on the site at work, after work, on the weekends, in chat, giving advice to the real newbie’s, 16 hours a day damn near. Then one day, I was a Hall of Famer. I wrote my speech and vowed to continue to post roll because I feared what might happen if I didn’t. Most of the HOFers in my group disappeared never to be heard from again. But me and a few others vowed to post to “200”. I admit that I have missed a few days here and there but I still post roll most days with some hard corp quitting fuckers in September 2010. I still crave nicotine, but I use fake dip to satisfy the cravings. I use much less fake than I did real dip, but I still use it daily. I know that fake is a crutch and I know that I will have to quit that too soon, but for now it keeps me tobacco free. So if that’s what it takes…fine. Over the last 500 days I have reached out to numerous quitters and I would like to think that I have helped a few of them in some small way. So whats next for Minuteofangle? Im not sure. But I believe that I will post “501” tomorrow and see what happens next.

Pure inspiration. Thanks for sharing MOA!
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Anyone can stop, but can you quit? A "Stopper" versus a "Quitter"

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