Congratulations on making the decision brother. A little advice:
1. DON'T PUT THAT SHIT IN YOUR LIP. You are quit now. You are done. No withdrawal symptoms will compare to eating through a straw when they remove half your face.
2. Drink water like you're in California and they're turning off the taps tomorrow. Seriously, it helps flush your system.
3. Juice, especially citrus, helped me. Recommend orange / cranberry if you like them.
4. Go into your group (Pre-HOF August 2015) and post roll every day when you wake up. That's your promise that you won't use nicotine for the following 24 hours. That's all you need to promise. You can do anything for a day.
These next two days will be hell. My recommendation is keep posting in this thread. Write it down. Write exactly how you feel, even if you feel like you're whining and complaining, whatever. You want to remember these 72 hours so vividly that you never want to experience them again.
It's useless to say "keep your mind off dip" because chances are, it will be on your mind almost constantly. But do anything to keep yourself from giving in. Don't think you can take the crave? Go into the break room and do push-ups until you can't move. Leave your money at your desk (so you can't buy a tin) and go on a walk until you can handle it. Sleep as much as possible without getting fired.
Most importantly, go make your promise to your new brothers in August and then DON'T PUT THAT SHIT IN YOUR LIP. It's that easy.